Cette question a été posée à plusieurs reprises durant la saison 3 de The Umbrella Academy, et personne n’a répondu. Pourquoi ? Peut-être parce qu’aucun des acteurs principaux de la saison n’a confirmé l’existence d’une femme mystérieuse aux côtés de Reginald Hargreeves. Cependant, les rumeurs ont continué à circuler et il est possible que cette personne soit en effet la Femme Mystérieuse. Le personnage principale du show, Reginald Hargreeves, a déclaré qu’il ne pouvait pas confirmer ou démentir l’existence d’une femme mystérieuse aux côtés de lui. Il a juste souligné que ce serait une bonne chose pour tout le monde si elle existait et qu’il souhaiterait voir les acteurs principaux de la saison se donner une chance de confirmer ou démentir l’existence d’elle.

https://www.youtube.com/embed/_BHUdQuFJQs?feature=oembedPetits détails que vous avez manqués dans la saison 3 de The Umbrella Academy par Looper

Ces questions s’ajoutent aux mystères de longue date de la série. Certains d’entre eux sont répondus dans la saison 3, d’autres sont enrichis par de nouveaux détails intrigants. Reginald est une question éternelle dans « The Umbrella Academy ». Les saisons précédentes ont confirmé qu’il est un extraterrestre déguisé. La série contient encore un autre mystère dans sa fin. Reginald, le Reginald de l’univers redémarré, a tout un empire commercial qui domine l’horizon. Nous le voyons également contempler le paysage urbain, avec une femme tout aussi mystérieuse à côté de lui. Mais qui sont-ils et qu’est-ce qui la rend si importante ?

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We first saw Abigail in The Umbrella Academy in season 1. It was in a bizarre flashback scene that takes places ‘Long Ago …’.

The season 1 finale sees Sir Reginald Hargreeves visiting Abigail at her final resting place. He presents her with a white violin and tells her to find someone who will love it as much. Reginald, distraught that she is going to die, says, “I can’t let you go, there must be another way.”

Reginald tells Abigail to go after Reginald releases a container of golden particles into the air. Rockets fly past Abigail’s bedroom in the background.

We don’t get to see, hear or even make a mention of Abigail until season 3, episode 9, when Luther’s mission on the moon becomes clear.

Do you remember Reginald’s obsession for the dark side the moon? We now know the truth about Reginald’s obsession with the dark side of the moon, which Luther was assigned to protect…

Luther finds a barrier that stops him from traveling further across the moon’s surface during one of his roaming missions. The camera zooms in and out across the landscape until we see a large crater that is home to another ‘Hargreeves Enterprises base.

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The deceased Abigail Hargreeves’ body is kept inside the base.

Abigail appears again at the end of season 3. She’s alive this time as she stands next to Sir Reginald, who looks out at the Hargreeves-ruled city that has been rebuilt.

We’ll likely get more information about Abigail’s fate in the new universe in season 4. However, one thing we can be certain of is that Hargreeves actually put his Oblivion plan into motion long, , ago.

In the flashback to season 1, he released golden particles into the air. These are the same particles that were used to enter the unaware mothers who gave birth in 1989 to the Sparrow Academy and Umbrella children. These particles are also what gave siblings their powers.

These particles are then used to power Hargreeves’ Oblivion machine. Hargreeves uses it to reset the universe. Talk about the long game.


Reginald’s wife Abigail Hargreeves (Lisa Repo Martell) is standing beside him. Her presence could have big implications for Season 4 of “The Umbrella Academy”. Think back to Season 1 Episode 10 “The White Violin”. A flashback shows that Abigail died many years before Reginald arrived on Earth. It is not known what caused her death, but it is clear that she was suffering from some type of illness. Although she tells her partner that they need him, it is annoying that the show has not yet revealed why he was so important.

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The opening flashback to Season 3, Episode 9, “Seven Bells,” shows Luther struggling with his loneliness while on his lunar mission for Reginald. This episode shows Abigail’s cryogenically preserved body on a limited area of the moon that Luther cannot reach. Reginald doesn’t reveal why he kept Abigail’s body. Perhaps he wanted to resurrect her. Because that happened in a different timeline, it’s possible we won’t know.

Nous devons nous demander si Reginald sera affecté par la présence d’Abigail dans l’univers redémarré. Elle peut être la raison pour laquelle aucun des Parapluies ne possède de pouvoirs. Il est possible que Reginald ait fait grandir l’empire Hargreeves pour en faire le géant de l’entreprise qui domine les derniers moments de la ville.

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