Allison Hargreeves is a powerful woman. She has the ability to make any man she wants her husband, and she’s not afraid to use it. Allison is also a successful businesswoman, and she knows how to get what she wants. .. geek marcus

Cinq n’ont pas réussi à arrêter l’apocalypse de Viktor, et elle s’est retrouvée à Dallas, en 1961, au plus fort du mouvement américain des droits civiques. Allison a été séparée de ses frères et sœurs et elle a dû faire face à la perte de sa voix. Elle vivait dans une société du Sud raciste et ségrégationniste.


Allison est une femme forte, déterminée et avec des valeurs fortes. Sa gentillesse a été évidente à de nombreuses reprises, en particulier avec Viktor. Malgré le fait que Viktor ait écrit un livre, elle l’a accueilli chez lui et a déclaré que Viktor était une bénédiction pour elle.

Allison est réfléchie et réfléchie, d’autant plus qu’elle a perdu la garde de sa fille. Après avoir été prise avec sa fille en train d’utiliser ses pouvoirs, elle a semblé jurer de ne pas les utiliser, refusant même de les utiliser lors d’une confrontation contre Cha Cha, un assassin extrêmement habile. Bien qu’elle investisse beaucoup dans sa croissance personnelle et ses relations avec sa famille, elle peut parfois revenir à de vieux schémas.

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Allison seemed to abuse her power to suggest in her childhood and young adulthood, manipulating others and forcing someone to love and support her. She seems to be haunted by this insecurity. Even when her life is at risk, she is determined to resist using her power. She was seen crying when Viktor lost control of her, begging him to not let her use her power.

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Allison Hargreeves was one of the forty-three children born simultaneously by mothers who had no signs of pregnancy before October 1, 1989. She was adopted by Sir Reginald Hargreeves, and named his “Number 3″. ” [1] Her father considered her more of an experiment than a person. Once she was able to walk, she began training. Her father used her powers as a child to make her feel normal.

She was forced to use her power to make Viktor forget that he had powers. This psychological block made Viktor believe he was normal. Viktor was ill and isolated, according to the other students. Sir Reginald took Allison with him to see him. He told her that he had heard a rumor that Viktor was just an ordinary person.

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About five years after their encounter with Viktor, Allison, and the other made the first public appearance at a local branch bank. Allison walked into the bank without much thought, while the thieves set up hostages. However, one robber noticed Allison’s demeanor, and ordered her to join the rest of the robbers. He shouted at her and she whispered to him, “I heard a legend that you shot your friend in his foot.” The robber was able to obey her order because of her ability .

After most of the robbers had been subdued she and her friends watched as Ben destroyed the remaining robbers. Sir Reginald introduced the world the inaugural class at the Umbrella Academy. However, he only said that he had adopted six children rather than seven. Allison walked out of her house in a limousine later in the week. He was followed by Harold Jenkins who cosplayed his outfits. Leonard tried to console Reginald by revealing that he was born the same day as Allison and would like to be an ally with Umbrella Academy.

As Reginald was mortified, Allison watched and then dragged Harold out in front of a crowd. She and the others ignored the incident and went back to their normal lives. Sir Reginald, who was also a member of the Academy, monitored their sleep every night. Except for Viktor, all the children received umbrella tattoos on both their wrists. Luther and Allison met in an isolated section of the Academy shortly after. They shared snacks and Luther gave Allison an A+L locket. Allison wanted Luther to dance with Allison, but Sir Reginald caught them and forbade them from coming back to the same room.

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The academy split almost ten years later and its members, including Allison went on to pursue their separate paths. She married Patrick before the series. It is believed she used her powers to start their relationship. With Patrick, she had a daughter called Claire. After Patrick saw Allison use her powers on Claire, their marriage fell apart. Claire was granted full custody by Patrick. Allison was hired to make several movies after the divorce. Allison also acquired Viktor’s Autobiography Extra Ordinary: My Life As Number Seven.


One reporter asked Allison about her father’s passing while she was in the spotlight at a Red-Carpet Event. Allison was shocked by the comment and was informed by a security guard about his death. Allison, shocked and devastated, left the event. In the wake of their father’s death, the remaining members of Hargreeves’ family gathered at the Academy. Tensions arose at the reunion.

Although Pogo and Allison were happy to see Viktor again, Diego was not. Viktor had written a telling-all autobiography of their childhood. Luther set up some music in his childhood bedroom at the Academy. Each member of the Hargreeves families began to dance privately as the music played. This showed that even though they were very different, there was a common ground. A lightning storm interrupted the dancing. They watched as Number 5 returned through a temporal anomaly.

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Pogo reached out to Allison to ensure her safety after being alerted by Viktor to check on her. Allison admitted that she had said some very rude things to Viktor. Pogo showed Allison old security footage from when they were kids, and admitted that he used to spend a lot of time there. Pogo gave Allison the keys to view the videos on her own. Allison chose one from the shelf and watched the tape. She discovered something surprising on it.

Allison showed Luther at the Academy the surveillance tape showing Grace being the one responsible for Sir Reginald’s death. Grace took Grace out of the room and gave him tea. They were confused by the sight and decided to confront Grace. They confronted Grace in the kitchen. She deflected their questions and said that she didn’t recall certain events that occurred the night Sir Reginald died.


Allison uses her powers to influence people’s thoughts, feelings, and actions. She chooses, unlike the comics, to become an actor. She can alter the reality of things. When she goes to a store and sees a product she wants, she uses her powers to make it appear. She is still learning her full potential, just like her siblings on the show. While the show portrays Allison’s long-standing relationship with Luther as a legitimate attraction, the comic suggests that she uses her powers to manipulate Luther to deal with her divorce. She is shown in the show to be more compassionate than she appears in comics. Allison’s appearance is also different from her comic-book counterpart. Allison is African-American and has brown hair and eyes. In comics, however, her appearance is lighter and she has shoulder-length purple hair and blue eyes.

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De nombreux fans conviendront peut-être qu’Allison est un mélange de Scarlet Witch et de Black Canary des comics Marvel. Les similitudes entre Allison et Black CanaryLes deux peuvent utiliser leurs voix comme source de pouvoir. Les deux sont les voix les plus puissantes de leurs équipes. Différences entre Black Canary et Allison:Black Canary utilise son son sonorité pour détruire et éliminer ses ennemis. Allison peut communiquer avec les gens pour obtenir les choses dont elle a besoin. Les similitudes entre Scarlet Witch et Allison:Les deux possèdent le pouvoir de contrôler leur esprit. Tous deux sont dans d’étranges relations amoureuses. Quelles sont les différences entre Scarlet Witch et Allison ?Wanda a des pouvoirs indéfinis et vastes. Wanda est amoureuse de l’androïde Vision. Allison est toujours amoureuse de son frère Luther et a un intérêt romantique pour lui.