When the end came for La Princesa, it was a shocking and unexpected event. Many expected the show to end with a cliffhanger, but instead, the show ended with a reveal that left many fans of the show in shock. The final episode of La Princesa featured a major twist that left many viewers scratching their heads. The show’s main character, Donatella Versace, was revealed to be alive and well after years of being missing. In addition, her husband, Gianni Versace, was also revealed to be alive and well. Many people were surprised by this twist because they had been expecting Donatella to die in the finale. However, it turns out that she faked her own death in order to stay safe from Gianni Versace’s wrath. He had been threatening her ever since she resurfaced on the show. Although this twist was unexpected, it still managed to make for an interesting finale that left many viewers on edge.

Se centra en los esfuerzos desesperados del personaje principal para derrotar a un ejército para salvar a su familia. Dominic Cooper interpreta al villano, el príncipe Julius que quiere que la princesa sea la gobernante del reino.

https://www.youtube.com/embed/Y56S6FgOtHU?feature=oembedPor PonPex

La Princesa es una excelente opción si quieres ver violencia y entretenimiento de palomitas de maíz. Hay muchos puntos de trama confusos, al igual que la construcción laberíntica de la torre. ¿Cuál es el secreto de dónde terminó la princesa? ¿Cuál es la relación entre Julio César y el Rey? Irrumpe con su ejército para retomar el reino en un golpe de Estado.

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Para preservar un sentido de universalidad, los guionistas optaron por no dar nombres a sus personajes. Este es un gran toque, pero puede ser frustrante cuando se trata de decodificar películas. Este artículo abordará cualquier problema que fuera evidente en la historia pero que te dejó inseguro.


The film provides very little background information, but here’s what it does. The King wanted an heir to the throne when she reached adulthood. A female was not considered legitimate in those days. Particularly in the royal hierarchy, women were not treated in the same way as those in lower levels.

This is also shown in the scene in which Moira battles Linh, Princess and in the kitchen. Both the King and Julius suffer the same fate. The men were quick to dismiss the other gender, regardless of their ability or worthiness for the job. We see the King preparing to give the Princess away in a flashback at his altar.

She goes up to Julius, but she ultimately refuses the ring. She feels that she is the right person to assume the throne. She is not only a skilled combatant, but she has the education and experience to govern sensibly.

The King cannot foresee this because of the times and traditions. He makes her marry Julius. She is forced to be taken prisoner and held captive in the tower. She will be kept “pure” so that she is ready for the wedding night. She has other ideas.


Julius is a Hobbesian character. This tradition holds that taking something by force is a brave act. Prospective rulers should have the ability to conquer and loot. Julius is a man of this mentality, and views the King as weak. He believes the security of the Kingdom would be at great risk if it were to remain the status quo.

A possible relationship between Julius’ father and the King is also suggested. Although it isn’t clear, the history between the men suggests that they knew each other well. Julius believed that his savage army would easily defeat the King and allow him to take the throne.


Linh is the courageous warrior who risked her life to save the Princess. She is the daughter Khai and is seen in chains throughout the movie. They were both part of the royal army, and taught the soldiers combat skills without using weapons.

The Princess finds Linh in her bedroom and is informed how the coup occurred. Julius attacked the Princess in the middle of the night, without warning. His army and royal guard were overwhelmed by the strength of his mercenary band. Julius took hostages most of the royal family members and townsfolk, and they were quickly overpowered. Linh escaped through the palace’s secret doors and did not kill them all to gain legitimacy.

The Princess and she have a deep understanding of the routes and where they lead. The film shows how the Princess and the Princess use these passages to get from one place to another, while the savages go about their daily lives.

Linh pudo esconderse cuando el palacio cayó. Esto fue crucial porque la Princesa no habría podido soportar la presión si no lo hubiera hecho.


El final de «La Princesa» es muy corto. El tercer acto, al igual que el resto de la película, comienza con la acción y termina en la acción. Linh, Violet y la princesa Grace logran llegar a la armería de la torre, donde se guardan todos los escudos y armas.

Planean derrotar a Julius. Violet se dirigirá furtivamente a Khai, liberando a todos los rehenes con un pequeño cuchillo. Ella entra en los pasajes secretos, y comienza su trabajo. Linh y la princesa comienzan su larga y difícil tarea de enfrentarse a los hombres de Julius. Vencieron a casi todos con las nuevas armas y combinación.

Julius encuentra a Violet y ella completa silenciosamente su tarea. Está harto del tiempo que le lleva y decide llevar a Violet al altar para casarse con él para ser Rey. La historia continúa mostrando lo loco que estaba Julius. No quería que el trono sirviera a la causa del pueblo, sino que satisficiera su deseo de poder.

Khai logra liberar a todos los rehenes y despegan. Moira y Princess están de nuevo en un enfrentamiento. Esta vez, sin embargo, la protagonista es capaz de vencerla y matarla de la misma manera que intentó matar a Princess en la escena de lucha de la cocina anterior.

Linh se enfrenta a Julius, pero Linh sale victorioso. Es sorprendentemente hábil en el combate. La princesa irrumpe para tener un duelo contra Julius, pero es sometida. Luego camina hacia la multitud que se ha reunido para ver los golpes finales. Entonces, algo asombroso sucede. Ella recuerda las lecciones que aprendió de Linh, y luego usa su calma, paciencia y concentración para aturdir a Julius golpeándole la cabeza de un solo golpe.

Su cabeza está cortada, al igual que Ed en «The Office». Todos ellos viven felices para siempre, ya que el Rey la declara la próxima heredera a su trono.