In the latest episode of Peaky Blinders, the Shelby family are back in action and things are going pretty well. However, there is one small issue that has been bothering them for a while. The money they were supposed to be getting from the sale of their old house is not coming in. The Shelby family have tried every possible way to get their money back, but they just can’t seem to get it done. They know that something must be wrong with the money, but they don’t know what it is. Eventually, they come up with a plan and it works perfectly. They go to a bank and ask for their money back in full. The bank was very surprised by this and said that they had never heard of such a thing happening before. The Shelby family now have all of their money back and they are finally able to move on with their lives. This was an interesting episode that answered many questions about the situation with the money and also gave us some new insights into the characters’ mindsets.

Should Lizzie and Tommy split up?

Episode 6 of Peaky Blinders Season 6 begins at Norfolk Prison. Michael is released and guided by one mission: to exact revenge on Thomas Shelby.

After Diana’s shocking revelation about her affair with Tommy, Tommy travels up to Lizzie, who is distraught and shocked at her husband’s actions. She calls Tommy “cursed” and bitterly responds that it isn’t going to be lifted soon.

Tommy is leaving, but Lizzie is also going. After saying farewell to Ruby, Charlie decides that he will leave for Lizzie and not stay, pointing out how his father had never been there for him.

What happens to Shelby Ltd.

After Lizzie and Charles are gone, Tommy tells Arthur about Tommy’s business. He’s currently on his way to Canada for a business transaction. Tommy ignores his brother’s concerns and shares the money with the Shelby family.

Tommy is also working with the housing minister on securing contracts worth PS10 millions so that the Shelby company can make more money “in order to a fairer tomorrow.” Arthur is also requested to keep Tommy’s condition secret. Tommy continues, hurrying to go over the details of his funeral.

Arthur is angry but soon that anger turns to grief. He hugs his brother and shakes off his head. Tommy reminds Arthur that he isn’t dead yet, and they move forward with their mission of completing any loose ends.

Tommy invites all of the Shelby families together and encourages them to have a good time. Arthur will be eating dinner at the bar.

Michael is released and heads to Boston. He doesn’t drink, but he wants to be a good person. Gina is cold and decides to kill Arthur simultaneously, as Tommy’s death will ignite a rebellion. There will be a bloodbath in 3 days, and Gina has made all arrangements to ensure that it happens.

What happens to Tommy and Oswald?

Tommy is invited to Diana and Oswald’s wedding by the parliamentarian. Tommy refuses to accept the invitation, as he will be in Canada at that time. Tommy is warned by Oswald not to do anything with Diana. Tommy shakes Tommy’s hands when he leaves.

Will Michael get his revenge?

Tommy takes off for Canada where Michael starts to put his plan into practice. He is lying in wait on Miquelon Island with a bomb. Tommy arrives at the pub, the same one where he and Michael met in episode 1. Michael demands Tommy tell them where he has stored the opium. Only then can he get his 5,000,000 dollars.

It’s simple. With the bomb in the trunk, Tommy waits for Michael to come along. Polly’s son is in the pub, but as the music intensifies, the cars outside explode into a fiery inferno. Michael breathes deeply. “Mum, it’s done. It’s over. “May god forgive me.” Thomas Shelby has died… Or is he?

Tommy was still alive, it turned out. He ordered Charlie to switch cars, and the car behind Michael’s was blown to pieces. Charlie decides to look at the fog. Tommy and Michael meet in his absence. Tommy finally shoots Michael through the eye. He points out that he doesn’t have any limitations, ending Michael’s revenge mission for good.

Tommy leaves Michael behind and heads to the bar, where Alfie Solomons appears. Tommy has just been married to Edna, but he isn’t feeling the need to celebrate. He leaves behind a trail of bodies, but Alfie encourages him checks notes to see someone who cares. Tommy finishes his drink and prepares for the final act.

Does Captain Swing die?

Duke returns to London and takes control of Shelby’s family. He shoots Billy in cold blood, promising Finn that he won’t be allowed back into the Shelby family “by order from the Peaky F*cking Blinders.”

Gina’s goons arrive at Garrison Tavern but it isn’t Arthur waiting. Arthur blindsides Captain Swing’s assassins and takes them outside. After a very intense game of cat-and-mouse ensues, Arthur finally gasses them all out. He then puts on his gas mask and follows the trail of coughs until he reaches Captain Swing, who is choking. Arthur finally shoots Polly in the chest.

The Final Supper

Tommy returns to London where he explodes charges and knocks down his house. He is back at his beginning, riding horses and wagons. He’s done something positive, which allows the housing plans to proceed. He toasts his family and encourages Ada, if there is a chance to be elected to parliament.

Arthur isn’t there, refusing to say goodbye. Linda, however, promises that Arthur will be joining him soon via a letter. Tommy hugged Curly and whispered something to Duke as he walked away. Ada is not told what’s happening or where he’s headed.

Tommy is a victim of his illness.

Then, we skip ahead a month later. Tommy is alone in the country, and he’s a mess. He prepares to kill himself with a single bullet, inscribed with “Tommy”, on the side. Just as he is about to do so, Ruby appears and encourages Tommy to live.

A newspaper clipping containing a photo of the wedding of Oswald & Diana is found in the vicinity. Who else is there? His doctor.

Tommy wasn’t actually sick at all. Tommy believed that death was on the horizon, but it was all a ruse. Although he doesn’t have TB, his doctor tells him he is sick. He’s sick from death at his hands and who he is. Tommy says to his doctor, “The gun doesn’t belong in your hand anymore.”

Tommy does not shoot him, but instead turns and walks away. Tommy soon sees the wagon burning and decides to ride away.

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Episode Review

The season’s end is rounded out by a tense and dramatic finale. The episode’s conclusion is Michael’s storyline, which is undoubtedly the best. Arthur redeemed himself and took revenge for Polly’s murder, shooting Captain Swing outside as Polly chokes on gas.

It’s quite shocking to learn that Tommy isn’t really sick. However, it does make the final meal less meaningful.

Even though the ending with Mosley wasn’t going to be resolved completely, even for those who know their history well, the last scene in parliament felt more like a set-up for the aforementioned movie than it did as a way to give Tommy closure. While there’s nothing wrong in that, it was nice to have something to eat as the final episode of Peaky Blinders.

The Jack Nelson story doesn’t resolve well. Finn is given a non-ending ending while Duke is promoted to head-honcho (presumably anyway). This feels like set-up for the movie. The whispering at the very end, which is never explained in detail, is another example. Tommy whispered to him what was it?

Season 6 was a slow burn, but it has been an excellent season. The series has had a few dips in recent seasons, particularly when it comes narrative structure and closing all the story beats correctly.

The upcoming movie will presumably address this issue, but it is a Catch-22 situation. How do you make a movie with a large budget and still please fans? We’ll just have to wait and watch.

Peaky Blinders is currently on a relative high. It has a nice subversion to expectations and lots of promise for the future.