As the Ozark season 4 finale came to a close, many fans were left wondering what happened. Some believe that the showrunners may have killed off one of the main characters in order to make a more dramatic and suspenseful ending. Others are just as curious as to what will happen next in the season. Whatever the case may be, it seems that Ozark has come to an end. But what exactly happened? Here is everything you need to know about the finale: What Happened? The Ozark season 4 finale ended with a bang, as one of the main characters was killed off. This led to much speculation as to what could have happened next in the season. Some believe that this was done in order to make a more dramatic and suspenseful ending, while others are just as curious as to what will happen next in the season. It is safe to say that Ozark has come to an end, but there is still much mystery left unanswered.

Ozark comenzó en 2017. Marty Byrde, un contador de Chicago (Jason Bateman), hizo un trato por su seguridad. Marty y Wendy Linney, su esposa, estaban involucrados en el cartel cuando llegamos a la segunda parte de la cuarta temporada. Screen Rant

Habían establecido un casino para lavar millones de dólares, tenían mucha sangre en sus manos y estaban tratando de trabajar con el FBI y el cártel para llegar a un acuerdo que les permitiera abandonar la ciudad y comenzar de nuevo.

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La pareja se encontró en situaciones difíciles a lo largo de las cuatro temporadas de Ozark. Pudieron escapar en el último momento. Cuando comenzó la segunda parte de la cuarta temporada, las paredes se estaban acercando a ellos. ¿Podrían lograr un truco final de Houdini?

Puede ser difícil complacer a los fanáticos devotos, como lo muestra la petición para rehacer la última temporada de Game of Thrones. Los fanáticos están divididos por algunos de los eventos en el episodio final. Aquí está el final. ¡Advertencia!


Before we move on to the next big moment, let’s briefly touch upon the car accident that opened season 4 part 1. The scene shows the entire Byrde family in their family car, talking about their move to Chicago after they have finished with the Ozarks. Marty loses track of time in the euphoria and turns off the road, causing the car to flip over and tumble off the road.

It turned out that it was not a dream. The crash occurs in the middle episode. However, it is unlikely that anyone is injured. This happens after the second season’s most important subplot, Wendy’s dad Nathan Davis trying get custody of Jonah and Charlotte. He plays the role of worried grandpa and Wendy suffers a panic attack that leads her to a mental hospital.

Ruth Langmore interrogates Nathan and reveals that he is nothing but a vindictive dad who took Jonah, Charlotte away in order to spite Wendy. After Nathan Davis is held by Ruth at gunpoint, Jonah and Charlotte decide to reunite to Wendy and Marty.

The dramatic, but not insignificant crash that ends their happy car ride home is what makes them smile.


Camila claims to be an expert on cartel politics, but she orders Omar to be killed in prison. Omar survived the assassination attempt. He suspects that one of the cartel ranks was responsible. Further treachery: Camila and the Byrdes plot to overthrow Omar. They organize yet another hit, and Camila agrees to the FBI deal that will see Omar wipe out the entire cartel.

Camila is forced to leave Omar behind when her plan goes wrong. Realizing something was wrong, Omar tells Camila that Javi wasn’t killed and that he doesn’t know who did. He only knows what Wendy Byrde told Omar. Camila accepts him, but she continues with the assassination. Omar Navarro is finally taken out after four years of pulling strings.

Final scenes of the episode focus on the Byrde Family Foundation gala. Here, big donors come through to make the Byrdes’ dreams come true. This gala attracts big-ticket donors so that they can return to Chicago as charitable owners of a large non-profit. They did it. Until Camila joins the party.

Clare Shaw is confronted by Camila about Javi’s death. Camila tells Shaw that she will forgive her for keeping the information secret if she discloses it now. However, Shaw would be exposed to all manner of unpublishable issues if she discovered Shaw had been lying. Shaw cries and tells Camila Ruth Langmore that she did it. Shaw lies though and tells Camila that Ruth Langmore did it.

Camila calls one of her henchmen and orders him to kill Marty and Wendy and their children if Wendy or Marty fail to notify Ruth in advance. Camila is coming for Camila. We see Wendy and Marty discussing their options, and they realize that none of them have any. After four seasons of struggling to get out of difficult situations, they are now completely powerless. They are safe but cannot save Ruth, which is both painful and frustrating for them.

Ruth Langmore, a member of the Byrde family, takes to the stage at the gala. Camila confronts her outside her home. She is aware of what’s ahead, but she refuses to give up until the end. Camila is told by her, “I’m not sorry.” “Your son was a murdering tyrant. I now know from where he got it.” Camila shoots Ruth in the heart.

Chris Mundy, the showrunner of Ozark, explained to Vanity Fair that Ruth would have been too far removed from Ozark if she survived. Mundy stated to the publication that she wanted everyone to be able to make choices in the seven last episodes. “Ruth can take revenge or not. She knows that if she does, it will unleash things that could end up with her being hurt.”


Instead of the Byrde family, Ruth Langmore is the main news story from the Ozark final. Ruth Langmore is not happy, while the Byrdes might get a happy ending. Camila Navarro was the new boss of the cartel and shot Ruth to death.

Julia Garner plays Ruth. Her turbulent relationship with Marty is particularly compelling in Ozark’s initial three seasons. Season four, part one concluded with Ruth running down a highway to find Javier, Omar Navarro’s nephew. Remember that much of the story of season four revolved around Omar’s fear of Javier, his ambitious, hotheaded nephew. Omar makes a deal with FBI to stop Javi from taking control of the situation. Javi had just killed Darlene Snell, Wyatt Langmore. Wyatt was Ruth’s closest relative, and the one she hoped would end her “Langmore curse” that saw her die prematurely or get in jail.

Ruth wanted to exact revenge on her cousin’s murder. She got her revenge.

Season four, part 2, episode 2. Ruth traps Javi and kills him. It happened in Shaw Medical’s offices. Ruth steals the dinner between Clare Shaw, Shaw Medical CEO, and the Byrdes. (The cartel via Wendy made a deal in season four with Shaw to supply cheap heroin, which is a key ingredient of many pharmaceutical products. Shaw would then make a substantial donation to Wendy’s foundation. She demands Shaw bring Javi to the office and sign a contract giving stock to Javi’s mom. Ruth shoots Javi down when he shows up.

Ruth is fortunate that Omar Navarro took credit for Javi’s murder. Navarro plots with the Byrdes while he is in prison to regain control over his cartel. Marty is sent to Mexico by Navarro to inform the cartel about his involvement in the killing of Javi, an over-ambitious teenager. Marty also meets Camila, the sister of Omar, and mother to Javi.


The Byrde family arrives at their house moments after Ruth is killed during the gala. Marty and Wendy run in, while the kids are horrified at Ruth’s fate and their inability of doing anything about it.

Marty is seated at the family table with his head in his hands. The camera pans out to show that the glass door has been broken. Someone has been in there.

It turned out to be Mel Sattem who is a disgraced excop and private investigator. In season four, part one, he made his Ozark debut as a private investigator investigating the disappearance Helen Pierce. In an attempt to find Ben Davis, he returns to Ozark and works for Nathan Davis. Because Ben’s antics could have literally caused the family to be murdered, Wendy ordered Ben’s death in season 3. Ruth and the Byrdes know this, of course.

Sattem finds out that Wendy had been lying about her last encounter with Ben. He also gets photo evidence that Wendy took Ben to the diner where he last appeared. Marty and Wendy take him out as a key asset to Nathan Davis’ effort to have a court separate Jonah from Charlotte. He is not violent, but sweet diplomacy.

Sattem has been seeking vindication since his arrival on the show. Sattem was fired by the Chicago PD after stealing cocaine from evidence, but he appeared to be a legitimate, well-intentioned officer. He is now drug-free and wants to return to the force. Marty and Wendy, who are well-connected with Midwest officials, help him get reinstated. There’s one catch. Sattem must leave immediately if he wants to be reinstated. He cannot testify in court against the Byrdes.

He leaves when he wants. Sattem was at Ruth Langmore’s Lazy-O Motel. He checks out and heads back to Chicago. He notices the large goat cookie container he found in Langmore’s trailer at the Lazy O. Although he doesn’t realize it, Ruth had been keeping Ben’s ashes there.

He can’t get back to Chicago when he returns. He thinks about the Byrdes and that cookie jar. It clicked: Ben wanted to purchase a farm and raise goats. Ruth was keeping Ben’s ashes in a cookie jar with a goat theme. The Byrdes were coldly beaten by the ashes of Wendy’s brother. The Byrdes attempt to buy Sattem off, but he refuses.

«No puedes ganar. Dice que no tienes la oportunidad de ser los Kennedy o los Koch. «El mundo no funciona de esa manera». Wendy responde: «¿Desde cuándo?»

Escuchamos un gallo de pistola. Jonah Byrde es el que ha estado distanciado para la primera y segunda parte. Los actos inmorales de sus padres siguen siendo un misterio para él, y está particularmente frustrado por el comportamiento inexplicable de su madre. Todavía está allí, disparando un arma contra un investigador que quiere hacer lo correcto. Marty y Wendy observan con orgullo cómo Jonás acepta a su familia y todo lo que han hecho.

Escuchamos un disparo mientras la pantalla se desvanece en negro. ¿Jonás disparó a quién o qué? ¿Es posible que disparara a Sattem o al frasco de galletas en un intento de borrar toda evidencia contra su familia? Muchos especulan que Jonás no habría matado a Sattem si hubiera tenido el sentido más agudo de la justicia.

Según Chris Mundy, Jonás fue quien disparó a Sattem. Mundy explicó a Vanity Fair, que el embrollo de Sattem de Jonás era «la familia que se está restaurando unida a través de este acto de violencia». La pantalla no muestra el asesinato, por lo que se deja abierto. ¿Qué disparó Jonás, si es que alguien lo hizo?