The two anime series, One Piece and Naruto, have been around for years now. They are both popular and have a lot of fans. However, there are some things that people may not know about One Piece and Naruto. One Piece is a manga series written by Eiichiro Oda. It follows the story of Luffy, a young pirate who is trying to find his way in the world. Naruto is an anime series created by Masashi Kishimoto and it follows the story of Sasuke Uchiha, a Jounin who is trying to find his place in the world. Both One Piece and Naruto are very popular and have been watched by millions of people around the world. However, there are some things that people may not know about them. For example, One Piece has been compared to The Lord of the Rings by many people. This is because both series follow similar stories with strong characters that you can connect with.

A comparison between Naruto and One Piece

1) The plot and the theme

One Piece is lighter in plot than Naruto. The story of the first is more like the adventure shonen stereotype than that of the second, whose plot is similar to the ‘hero’s adventure’. Both series feature distinct protagonists but the way they are treated by their creators is very different.

Naruto creates a serious atmosphere as it deals with mature themes than One Piece. Naruto, while still entertaining, is more appealing emotionally and philosophically to most viewers than One Piece.

2) Characters

One Piece is easily ahead of Naruto when it comes to both quantity and quality. Naruto features many beloved, compelling characters. However, the cast of One Piece are much larger and more diverse. This is also true for the characters’ designs. Although villains and heroes have their own distinctive looks, they are all very similar. There are uniforms for the various shinobi nations as well as villain organizations such the Akatsuki. Characters in One Piece anime (Image via HeroCollector16,DeviantArt)

One Piece is a sharp contrast. It doesn’t shy away from bizarre and unusual character designs. Many of the teens who watch it love fan service. However, One Piece character design are striking and appropriate bold.

3) Worldbuilding

Eiichiro Oda excels in worldbuilding, another area where Masashi Kishimoto is far behind. The political adventures of Kishimoto’s Shinobi nations are too restricted in comparison to the One Piece world with its many oceans and continents.

Furthermore, Oda’s worldbuilding extends beyond the setting of the story to include various races and species of humans and anthropomorphic creatures.

4) Animation and voice acting

Naruto is a master at animation. The series’ fluid execution of fight scenes, and meticulous attention to detail make it a delight for fans of anime battles and smooth animation. Studio Pierrot also worked on Bleach, the third member of The Big Three.

One Piece @OnePieceAnime This is the end of our adventure to 1000 episodes!

Tune into @Funimation Celebrate’s One Piece 1000 with @RogersBase On November 20, catch up on episodes 998-999, and learn how Luffy makes his favorite food.

One Piece is a television series that has been running since 1999. Its animation suffers from its age. Although animation has improved tremendously in recent seasons, Toei Animation does a great job. Naruto still shines among its peers.

Also Read:What is the Clan of Jiraiya in Naruto? : Everything You Need To Know

5) Runtime

OROJAPAN@Orojapan1 One Piece will become the 17th anime to surpass the 1,000-episode mark. It is the seventh anime (in the anime category with 24 minutes per episode), to reach the 1,000-episode mark.

One Piece is a nightmare in terms of running time. Even veteran anime watchers find it difficult to believe. The manga has aired 996 episodes. It is still going strong. However, the anime is not yet finished. It is difficult for those who haven’t been following the series closely to dive in to it, despite its huge fanbase.

sonii @sonii I am 6 episodes into Naruto’s original series and I am being reminded how great the pacing is.

Animation studios make more money by creating filler and drawn-out episodes.

Despite being frequently criticized for its ridiculous and pointless fillers, Naruto’s runtime is much more manageable. The total episodes of Naruto combined with Naruto Shippuden make the series 721. This makes it more accessible for those who are just starting to learn shonen.

6) Critical acclaim

One Piece is, critically speaking, a step above Naruto. Oda is an expert at connecting plot points and weaving together dense narratives with detailed arcs of all his main characters. With 490 million copies sold worldwide, the manga broke the Guinness World Record. Its balanced story, which combines comedy and action, has been highly praised.

Naruto vs One Piece: Which Anime is Better?

Which anime is better between the legendary One Piece and the iconic Naruto?

Naruto, and One Piece have been two of the most beloved anime series in the past 20 years. Both are long-running shonen anime that have compelling stories and characters that viewers want to follow. Both have very different take on shonen tropes. One Piece is about a pirate and his crew, and their quest to capture the One Piece treasure. Naruto is about a young boy determined to prove himself to the village that disregarded him by becoming a great ninja.

While there are many reasons why viewers may think one anime is better than another, it is hard to pick. These are five reasons One Piece is a better anime, and five reasons Naruto reigns supreme.

10 Pieces: Mystical Powers

SA lot of characters have magical powers so they aren’t just fighting with their fists and swords. This creates a lot more exciting and original fight sequences. The Devil Fruits’ abilities give each battle sequence an entirely different feel. Luffy can stretch his body like rubber which allows him to gain momentum and makes it difficult for him to injure himself.

9 Naruto: The Use of Jutsu

Naruto is a series about ninjas so fighting is the main focus. The characters aren’t content to fight with punches and fists, as in One Piece. Each character has their own speciality in battle. Usually, jutsu are almost magical powers that ninjas can use to concentrate their chakra. Naruto, for example, is one of few characters that can create Shadow Clones. These are physical replicas of himself that he can use to trick people or give him extra hands.

8 One Piece Animation

One Piece is a fun show. However, it’s important to keep the series looking professional. The animation serves its purpose well here.

The series has a unique look thanks to Luffy’s unusual anatomy, ability to stretch out, and how people move during fights. While recent anime may have more smooth animation, One Piece maintains a classic style of animation that is almost LupinIII.

7 Naruto: The Music

Naruto is home to some of the most famous anime music. The most memorable aspects of anime are the opening and ending themes. Naruto has many themes to choose from, which is a good thing since it’s a long-running series. “Fighting Dreamers”, by Flow, is perhaps the most famous of the Naruto closing themes. However, there are many that stand out and people can’t help but to think about them.

6 One-Piece: The Pirate’s Life

The world-building in One Piece can be very fun and complex. It creates an environment that is enjoyable to experience and live in. There are many things to love about this world of pirates. There’s also a lot of mythology around One Piece, the treasure left behind in Gol D. Roger’s hands, and every character has their own backstories as to why they are interested.

5 Naruto: The Land Of Ninjas

Naruto was built on the belief that there are many fictional lands around the world with a hidden village where ninjas can be trained and put to work performing missions such as assassinations and bodyguarding.

Beyond the interconnectedness of these villages, such as exams and their roles as allies or foes, there are other magical elements like demons that must be kept away from people and jutsu which give them powers. Naruto is a fascinating watch because of the intricate world-building required to make all these elements work together to create one series.

4 One Piece: Fun Characters

One Piece is home to many unique characters. There are many personalities in the Straw Hat Crew. Each member is trying to achieve something unique and each person brings their own skills. Even those with dark backstories, they are all funny and fun. The Straw Hat Pirates doctor is a literal reindeer. Usopp, on the other hand, is a cowardly pirate who is afraid of battle despite his desire to be a legendary warrior.

The characters of Naruto are very diverse. They have many different skills and backgrounds. One Piece features bizarre characters who find themselves in crazy situations. Naruto is a younger series. Their issues are made even more relatable by being ninjas. Naruto wants to be recognized for his talents and accepted.

Sakura must overcome her boy-focused lifestyle in order to be serious about her kunoichi training. Hinata feels overwhelmed by her family’s expectations and isn’t sure she wants the responsibility of leading them.

2 Pieces: Many Materials

One Piece has been around for a long time and is still in production. The anime series is currently on hiatus but has been on air for over 20 years. It was only recently taken off-air after 929 episodes. There are many new adventures for Monkey D. Luffy, his crew, and the rest of the Monkey D. Luffy cast. There’s also new manga material, which means there is actual anime material to be followed, except for filler episodes.

1 Naruto: The Complete Story

Naruto is, however, a complete story. It is a long-running anime that was actually split into two animes Naruto shippuden. However, the story is complete so anyone can watch it all and get to the end with the satisfaction of knowing what happens next to Naruto and his friends.

Naruto vs One Piece The Ultimate Comparison


Naruto’s plot focused on Naruto Umaki and his overall development. This was where the various problems surrounding the Shinobi were shown. Naruto has a more similarity to Bleach to One Piece. The plot has a focus and a goal. Naruto becomes Hokage. Naruto and Naruto were able to complete the story up until that point. This gives the entire narrative a satisfying ending.

One Piece is a huge adventure. Although we still wait for Luffy’s One Piece treasure to be found, the adventure can continue for as long as there is material to develop it.

This is the main difference between the two anime series. We believe the One Piece plot lacks focus and is slightly less enjoyable. While One Piece will offer more than Naruto, its sequels and more, we believe that the focus on the plot and resolution is more beneficial.

The plot of Naruto may be great, but the characters that drive this show are what made it so successful. Fans were able to connect with Naruto, and other characters, even though they came from a fantasy world.

Character development

Naruto’scharacter creation was amazing, and it is why we all loved the series. Even characters that were comic relief or more quirky had an arc, and they developed throughout the series.

One Piece is not a show that cares about its characters. We can’t really say that it doesn’t. But, if you want to write a 1,000-episode story, you need to add a lot secondary narrative elements that take the focus off of character development. This is why One Piece is so different. One Piece contains a lot characters that are stereotypes or comical relief characters. This is something that isn’t really present in Naruto. These characters are not very important in Naruto. This is why this point also goes to Naruto.


Naruto is a deeper version of One Piece. It also covers more complex topics. However, it has an approach that is similar to the former. It focuses primarily on issues such as loyalty, friendship and determination. It’s not like Bluach where darker topics are dealt with.

Despite these similarities, Naruto’s overall narrative structure allowed the show to become much more focused than One Piece. Both shows are important in their adventure, but One Piece places a greater emphasis on this element than Naruto. Although this one was difficult to assess, we believe that Naruto also deserves this point.


Both shows had amazing animation and we must say that there was no winner. Naruto’sanimators did a great job right from the beginning, as did those working on One Piece. Both shows are very focused on fighting and the animation must be top-notch. The animation was outstanding throughout the series. We cannot determine who the winner is, as the styles of animation were very different between the two shows.

Overall impact

Naruto, One Piece have the highest popularity and impact of all animes. Both franchises include movies, novels and video games.

There are large fandoms all over the globe. While One Piece is still being aired, Naruto was finished many years ago. However, we can now watch the (relatively controversial!) Boruto second. This shows that both franchises are still popular decades later than their premieres. This is also a tie.


The overall conclusion is that Naruto, One Piece have a lot in common. These two anime share many common elements, even though they have different characters and settings. There is also more to them than any other anime from the “Big Four”. Naruto is still more coherent, focused, and overall more enjoyable if you look at some segments. This does not mean Onepiece is bad, it’s just a small difference. However, Naruto must be commended for this.