Olivia is a young woman who has been trapped in a dating sim game for years. She’s never been able to escape, and now she’s stuck in the same relationship over and over again. Her only hope is to find a way out before it’s too late.

What is The Appearance Of Olivia In Trapped in A Dating Sim ?

A normal girl with brown hair and a medium-length bob.

What is The Personality Of Olivia In Trapped in A Dating Sim ?

She is a gentle and modest girl, but she is very caring. She is not a fan of gambling. She is a commoner and often finds it hard to believe that so many things in her life are so expensive and luxurious.

Despite her modesty and kindness, she lacks self-confidence. She is a commoner, and her school is heavily populated with nobles who tend to look down on her. While she is happier after meeting Leon and Angelica, she loses her self-confidence when she feels too dependent on them. She also questions her own worth.

She was not able to become more confident after an attack by the Principality from Fanoss. Her desire to protect her friends awakens her Saint powers. She gained more courage and is now more open about her feelings. She expresses this through her interactions and friendships with Angelica and Leon.

Olivia is patient and willing to wait until Leon answers her confession. She was also initially certain that Leon wouldn’t cheat on Angelica or her after they got engaged. She can also be very assertive, if she needs to, when she feels the opposite.

Her jealousy in her debut in Alzer Republic is hideous. She hides her anger with a frightening smile.

Marie’s Road without the influence Leon and Marie, Olivia remained to herself, studying alone, with the added stress of being the only person in the school full of nobles.

Story Overview

Original Game Story: Otome GamesOlivia was initially the protagonist in the original game. Marie and Leon were not involved in the game. She entered the academy without their permission and eventually got Kyle to be her servant. She would eventually win the love of Julius and Jilk, Brad, Brad, and Chris. She was later discovered to be a saint, and her abilities were crucial in stopping war. She would then live happily with her five love ones in a reverse-harem ending.

Volume 1

Olivia is not like other students at the academy. Despite being enrolled at the academy on a scholarship, she is still bullied by fellow students because of her status.

She eventually met several female students leaving Leon’s tea party. She was left depressed by the students who insulted her and tore up her invitation to the prince’s tea party. Leon saw her in a poor state and offered her the tea leftovers from his tea party. She accepted. After a long conversation, Leon became Olivia’s first friend at the academy. Leon tells Olivia that she feels uncomfortable at the academy. Leon then replies that she was allowed to stay because both the royal palace as well as the academy agreed to her admission. Surprised by Leon’s response, Olivia blinks and tells Leon that she wants to study magic at the academy but is having some difficulties. Leon responds that he knows someone who could help her. He approaches Jenna, Leon’s sister. Jenna tells Olivia to send Angelica a gift and invites her to a meeting. Leon offers to pay the cost of Olivia’s gift, as Olivia doesn’t have enough money.

Angelica calls Olivia a few days later. She praises Olivia for her greeting and says it was appropriate when she meets a superior. Angelica asks Olivia timidly if she will let her stay at the academy. Angelica said that she just nodded and then went to her room to drink her tea. Olivia, however, continued asking more questions. After she said that she doesn’t want to drive Olivia out of the academy, she continued. Angelica asks Olivia about the greetings she received and then questions her. She wonders who the person was that taught her, since most people were not interested in the honor student. Olivia told her that Leon was the one who helped her. Angelica seemed to be aware of him and Olivia was surprised that Angelica knew anything about Leon. Angelica explained that Leon was a knight who had high hopes for the future because of his accomplishments as an adventurer.

Leon is recommended by Angelica and sent to the dungeon with Olivia, Angelica and Marie as part a class lesson. Leon and Olivia form a partnership, but they are interrupted when Angelica and the prince start arguing about Marie.

Leon and Olivia are sent to be vanguards before the rest of the students. After looking around for some time, Olivia and Leon come across giant ants. Leon manages to kill the ants quite easily with the Luxion-made sword, but he is stopped by a monkey who bit his arm. He kills the monkey and Olivia heals him. The two of them continue. Leon has collected all of the magic crystals he needed to reach the third floor. Olivia was curious about how the monsters dropped the demon stones. Leon explained that after they kill the monsters, their magic power is released into the ground. This accumulation becomes demon stones. Olivia was shocked that the books didn’t provide any explanations for its formation. Leon responded that he had read about it. Olivia said she was amazed at how knowledgeable Leon was. Leon replied that Olivia could contact Leon if she faced any difficulties during her studies. Olivia was delighted that Leon offered to help her in her studies.

Leon and Olivia held a study group on their day off. Leon was constantly pointing out mistakes in the book, while Olivia was trying to keep up with Leon with the game’s knowledge and knowledge he had. Leon denied that he could help Olivia again on the next day, saying that he needed to arrange for the tea ceremony he would hold the following day.

Leon asked Olivia about Marie a few days later at the library. Olivia explained to Leon that Marie was particularly cold towards her, and they were suddenly able to hear each other flirt behind bookshelves. Both Marie and Brad are stunned to discover Marie kissing Brad.

Raymond, Daniel, Leon and Daniel agree to try their best to find women to marry them at the End-ofTerm Party. However, none of them succeed. The group then gathers in the courtyard to grieve their loss. Soon after, Olivia appears and tells Leon to return inside. Olivia informs Leon that the argument between Julius, Angelica, is growing. The prince and his group challenge Marie to a duel, and then the prince and his friends decide to be Marie’s representative. When Leon took a step forward, Olivia grabbed Leon’s hand and asked him what he was planning to do. Raymond and Daniel tried to stop him but Leon stepped up to be Angelica’s representative during the duel.

Finally, the Day of the Duel is here. While Olivia waited outside for Leon, she told him that she was rooting for him. Leon asks Olivia if she has placed a wager on Leon. She tells him that she is going to make a lot of money from it. Olivia, hearing this, said that she had not placed a wager as she believed people shouldn’t gamble. Leon felt a little ashamed after hearing this and Olivia and Leon walked into the arena. Leon had placed a large amount of money on Leon winning against the prince’s entourage. Angelica rushes towards Leon, asking him where his armor is. Leon replies that it will soon be arriving. Arroganz is seen landing in the middle of the arena right after this. Despite the fact that it is large, Arroganz’s arrival is met with laughter. Olivia though found it cute. Brad was Leon’s first opponent. When Leon pulled out a shovel rather than a weapon, Brad became angry at him. Before the teacher could officially start the duel, Brad ran forward with his spear imbued with magic. However, Leon moved Arroganz lightly to the side and immediately grabbed his arm. He told him to calm down because they must take the oath before the fight. Olivia, seeing all this excitement, told Angelica that Leon was the winner of this duel. Angelica was shocked by Arroganz’s light movements. She couldn’t believe such heavy armor could move so fast. Brad was easily defeated by Arroganz’s shovel. Leon then hammered on Brad’s armor to stop him from moving. Brad had to accept defeat, or he would have been crushed under Arroganz. Leon defeated Greg easily when he fought Leon. Leon was furious that Greg wasn’t using proper equipment and made fun of his weakness. Olivia was furious at Leon’s actions during the fight, and asked Leon to apologize later to Greg. Angelica heard this and realized that Leon’s apology would only hurt Greg’s pride. Olivia was happy that Leon beat Chris his next opponent, but was too upset by the cruel fight. Angelica warns Olivia after hearing that Leon must be vigilant to avoid losing.

There was a short break after the fight against Chris. Leon meets Olivia and Angelica during the break. They tell him that Jenna asked them to check on him. Leon fights Jilk, with Jilk falling unconscious after being defeated by Leon. He asks Julius about Olivia before Leon’s match against Julius. However, the prince gives him a rather bland answer. Even though Julius was being pushed into a corner by Julius, he refused to quit saying that Marie was his only love and Angelica was not his love. Olivia suddenly shouts out that Julius loves Marie and Angelica loves Julius. Olivia shouts that Angelica wouldn’t be watching this fight if she didn’t love Julius. Angelica tried to stop Olivia, but she continued telling Julius why Angelica was not feeling the same feelings. She also shouted that even though two people may not have mutual feelings, it doesn’t necessarily mean they aren’t in love. Julius counters that forcing someone’s emotions on another person is not love. Julius declares the match a deathmatch using his authority as a crown Prince. Julius mocks Leon for using his title as a shield, despite having complained about it before. Leon says that he could not kill the crown prince, so Julius was likely hoping that Leon would forfeit. Leon then uses impact to knock the prince unconscious and destroy his armor. Leon is declared the winner of this match. Leon leaves Arroganz and has a brief conversation with Olivia, Angelica, and Leon before Angelica heads off to check on Julius. Angelica leaves and Olivia questions Leon about why he said these things. Olivia says that it would have been better if Leon had not said anything. Leon said that it was okay because he expected to be expelled for the things he did.

During the summer vacation, Olivia is with Leon and Angelica on Partner. Angelica and Olivia were in a guestroom on the Partner. Angelica told Olivia that her feelings couldn’t reach Julius and how she was utterly lost for Marie. Angelica and Olivia were arguing that Angelica had done nothing wrong, while Angelica was claiming that Angelica had gotten them both involved in Angelica’s mess because of her selfishness. Olivia told Angelica that Leon had decided to leave the academy. Angelica was then reprimanded by Olivia that she had gone after the duel to Julius, even though she didn’t thank Leon for his actions.

Leon discovered a floating island that Olivia and Angelica took along with them. Olivia was amazed at the beauty of the land, despite not being accompanied by anyone. Angelica asked Olivia if it was in the opposite direction. Olivia responded that land cannot be managed without people and was amazed that robots could do this. Angelica said something was strange about the island, and Leon led them to an outdoor bath. Angelica and Olivia took a small bath, having a brief conversation. Angelica suddenly stated that she envied Olivia because she believed Leon and Olivia were lovers. They were always together, and would likely get married. Olivia says that they are not that different because of the vast differences in their social standings. Olivia said that Leon likes Angelica because he wouldn’t have gone as far without her. Angelica immediately responded that it wasn’t possible because she was a horrible person who was abandoned by Julius, the crown prince.

Angelica and Olivia went on vacation to take a bath in the hot spring, where they also took a dip on Leon’s floating Island. After they had finished their baths, Olivia told Angelica and Leon to call her Livia because she was known as Livia at her house. Angelica told them to call her Angie because only her closest friends called her that. Angelica started to criticize Angelica, and Olivia replied that she was not like that. Angelica also said that she sometimes thought about taking revenge. After hearing this Olivia was concerned, but Leon assured her that it was okay. Leon asked Angelica if she wanted to exact revenge and he knew the best way. Olivia tried to stop Angelica and Leon, but Angelica was hesitant to say so. Leon replied that it was fine and that the best way to exact revenge is to make her happy. Angelica was surprised to hear this. Leon explained that they would all be punished for their actions and that if Angelica shows happiness when they are there, it will bring about revenge. Olivia was shocked to hear that Angelica was seeking revenge. They helped Angelica with field work and Olivia taught her how to do it.

Angelica and Olivia were sitting on the decks of the Redgrave’s airship. Angelica explained how nobles were ranked, and how they could be promoted to the next rank. After Angelica’s explanation Olivia realized that Leon had gained much recognition and was promoted to the sixth rank. Olivia said that Leon was going be demoted from the baron rank. She then explained to Angelica that Leon had spent all of the money he earned from betting. Angelica, hearing this, wonders if it was Leon’s gambling that caused the problem. Angelica wasn’t able to reach a satisfactory conclusion and the conversation ended there. Angelica informed Olivia that Leon was about to be promoted. Olivia replied that she had never been to such events before and that she didn’t have the right outfit. Angelica said that Olivia could attend in her uniform, so it was not a problem. Olivia was present at Leon’s promotion as baron sixth noble rank. Olivia was already studying the lessons from the second-year class shortly after the start of the new term. Leon was sitting on a school courtyard bench, lost in thought and thinking about something. Olivia and Angelica came over and sat opposite Leon. They took Leon to a crepe stand, which was well-known for its delicious crepes.

What Are The Abilities Of Olivia In Trapped in A Dating Sim?

Amateur Adventurer

Olivia was born in the kingdom where adventurers have high regard and is enrolled in the academy. This automatically registers students as adventurers [3], and then has them go through the basic adventuring curriculum. Olivia’s joy of adventure comes from her curiosity about historic sites and ancient ways of living [4] (oddly like Clement).

Master Sorceress

According to the game’s plotline, Olivia is the Saintess. She has the highest level magical potency of any character (with the possible exception of Saintess Anne). She was able to attain this level of supernatural affinity through the sheer effort she put into learning the mystic arts. First, she was an apprentice to a traveling scholar [5]. Then she continued studying until she went to the academy and began reading through the library of magical books. Her incantations include both the standard type of magic and the Saint-related magic. She is the only character to be able to cast magic over large areas of influence.

Healing Magic (Magical Remembrance)

This has been my strength for a long period” – Olivia opens up to Leon on a dungeon visit

Although magic is very popular in the otome world, only a few can use healing magic. The ability to show magical regeneration is enough to convince any Holfort Kingdom member that the user is a Saint candidate.

Olivia would use her palm to activate the regeneration spell. A visual cue is a subtle white light and a feeling of warmth. Olivia said that curing magic is something she’s always done well at. This suggests she was able to heal magic since she was a student under the guidance and support of the traveling scholar. Her innate ability at healing magic can be traced back through the Saintess bloodline. Marie is not able to heal major wounds or stop/reverse blood/body mass losses, and she can also ease pain.

Magic Barrier (Force Field Generation)

Olivia can conjure strong force fields using only bright white light. Olivia can summon the strongest barrier she has ever seen. However, Olivia was unable to maintain this defense for extended periods of time. Although it resembles a balloon of pure white, the force-field is strong enough to stop all shells from Fanoss’ artilleries. It can also prevent airships and monsters from phasing through.

This incantation is related to her Saintess heritage. It is not known how potent this incantation can become with Olivia’s skills alone. The only time Olivia used the spell was with the aid of a white charm called the “Blessing of Element”.

Magic Bolt Projection

After activation, many magic circles would appear and project thin strands light towards Olivia’s targets. These “arrows” of light are self-homing, and can penetrate through multiple opponents. Use in tandem with force field generation for a thunderous combination defense and counter-attack. This spell can also be linked to Olivia’s bloodline.

Heartsharing (Remote Telepathy).

Mind Attack (Mental Influencement)

Olivia can use the Royal Airship Weiss to amplify the willpower of any human being within a large area. She can send emotion to their souls (except for those with psychic immunity such as the Black Knight with Magic Right Arm). Olivia’s voice can be heard deep within the heart of those who surrender to her resolve. Side effects include hallucination and emotion manipulation, as well as sensory deprivation (gradual lack of consciousness). A warm, overwhelming light from Olivia would also emanate across the battlefield, further weakening people’s mental resistance to monsters.

Astral Invasion

Olivia’s knowledge of the mystic arts allows her to materialise white lines, and create a magic circle. She can also share this circle with other ritual participants as she did with Angelica and Noelle. She can create a path to the spirit world of another human by simply focusing on a target. Given a target, she can forcefully carve a path to other people’s spirit worlds.

Magic Transferal

Olivia appears to be able to share her magic energy with others spell casters and to resonate that power with them to amplify all parties’ magical power throughout the process of assimilation. This ability can be invoked by using synchronised gestures/prayers, or keeping physical contact within a magic circle with the involved collaborators via a conduit. This spell was most commonly used against the Fanoss’ invading force (power-shared by Angelica through Royal Airship Weiss [9]) and against possessed Louise (power share with Noelle through the Sacred Sapling [10]).


(White). “Blessing of Element” Talisman

Leon calls it a “jackpot” [11] In-game charm that increases user’s magic potency, sorcery growth rate and affinity for elemental magic. Leon gifted it to Olivia during their second year (Second Semester), school trip.