When it comes to anime and manga, there is no one definitive answer. Some people prefer Naruto over Sora, while others simply cannot get enough of the former. However, in terms of quality, both series are definitely worth watching. If you’re new to the world of anime and manga, then it’s important to start with Naruto first. This series is full of action and adventure, and it’s easy to become hooked on it. The story follows the young ninja Sasuke Uchiha as he struggles against the evil forces that seek to destroy him and his village. Sora on the other hand is a much more personal series. It follows the story of a young girl named Sora who lives in a small town in Japan. She has a unique relationship with her family, which makes for an interesting plot line. The characters are also well-drawn and easy to care for. Both Naruto and Sora are highly rated by fans around the world, so if you’re looking for something exciting to watch this year or next, either series should definitely be on your list!


Naruto is, however, placed himself behind the rise of the ground, and is looking at the new guy. Then, a gust of breeze blows through the underground tomb , and Naruto is pushed up to the ceiling by the blast wave. The air surge originates from the newcomer and doesn’t weaken. If the user also utilizes Juha Sho, the futon Juha Sho, He blasts the tomb ceiling and throws Naruto out in the air. The other person follows Naruto up into the air, and is then tossed into the air by Naruto. With a claw that been previously hidden beneath his clothes, the stranger evades the strike and falls to the ground at the exact time as Naruto.

Naruto along with the Unknown both run in parallel to one in a meadow until Naruto engages his adversary again by launching shuriken. The opponent has the ability to dodge an evasive jump, and the two run towards one another. The claw of the unknown , Naruto collects chakra and then with one strike the shaman releases this and creates numerous grooves into the ground. This results in a claw-like effect. Naruto does not take long to react and uses the technique of Taku Kage Bunshin no Jutsu to create a multitude of shadow doubles.

The Narutos take off towards their opponent who jumps into the air, and then time, applies the Futon: Juha Sho. The wind blade is slammed onto the other Naruto and then spins its own speed, allowing it to be a part of the crowd like boomerang. The rows and rows of Narutos vanish and the blade continues to fly. Only when all doubles are eliminated and Naruto is also down, will the blade vanish. Slowly Naruto emerges from the smoke and begins to attack once more.

Utilizing the technique of Kage Bunshin no Jutsu technique, he can create five more doubles which blend and blend with real Naruto and confuses the unknown. The previously unknown Naruto attempts to use his Futon: Juha Sho to take on Naruto but all Narutos can save themselves by leaping into air. The first Naruto is thrown down onto his opponent and is killed by the claw within a few seconds.

The three others in attacking their opponents from various directions, are soon gone. Naruto is the real Naruto leaps at his opponent, striking him with his fist; but the other person switches his Futon to: Juha Reppu Sho and thus fends off the attack.

Also Read:Diver Naruto : Everything You Need To Know 


Chakra goes away across all directions, and neither of the adversaries is willing to surrender. Then it’s the Futon: Juha Reppu Sho explodes, throwing Naruto and the stranger away. Naruto is capable of getting up quickly however his opponent is already to his feet. He’s about to strike Naruto using a method, when a voice is heard echoing across the meadow and commands Sora to halt. Sora reduces his arm, and a few members of the temple start in with the remainder on Team Kakashi.They go towards their destination, the Fire Temple and then Sora is a part in Team Kakashi and trains alongside Naruto at Konoha.