The final showdown between Endeavor and All For One is finally here, and it’s sure to be a thrilling battle. In Chapter 353, Endeavor takes on All For One in a one-on-one duel, but the latter proves to be too powerful for him. In Chapter 354, Endeavor teams up with Izuku to take on All For One together, but the villain still manages to defeat them both. Finally, in Chapter 355, All For One tries to use his Quirk against Endeavor, but the hero manages to hold his own. This final chapter is sure to be a nail-biter. Who will emerge victorious? We’ll have to wait and see! ..

Endeavor and All For One were both the main powerhouses of the fight, but there were many other important characters. All For One was able to hurt Endeavor in the first round, putting him out of the action briefly. The #1 Pro Hero was defeated by the evil villain, who unknowingly gave Kyoka Jiro and Tokoyami Fumikage a chance to shine. Endeavor was able to recover, but Class 1-A’s delegate and Hawks were able to destroy All For One’s helmet.

SYNOPSIS Endeavor Vs All For One in Mha Chapter 357

All For One recalled the feeling he felt when fighting All Might, and how the scariest heroes are always the most vulnerable.

Endeavor can hit All For One with his Vanishing Jet Burn attack, thanks to Hawks speed.

Kamui Woods quickly convinces all the local heroes to leave the area so Endeavor can continue his assault on All For One.

All For One attempts to absorb Endeavor’s power, but Endeavor counters with a complete meltdown of All For One.

Endeavor recalls the time he did not help his son Toya. Endeavor decides to fight All For One. This is in order for the future Shoto Todoroki, and future generations, of heroes, not to be hampered by the past.

Endeavor finally strikes All For One when he performs his Ultimate Move, Prominence burn.

Endeavor holds All For One’s burned body, All For One tells him that it has served its purpose. All For One laughs as his charred remains are blown into air, pointing out that heroes don’t have to sacrifice their bodies. However, he also recognizes how dangerous villains can be when they are wounded.

Deku, flying to the battleground Tomura Shigaraki, is looking at Yoichi Shigaraki ( first One For All user). He tells Deku that something terrible happened. Deku is near the sky when several figures appear. End of chapter.

REVIEW My Hero Academia CHapter 357 358 & 359

Kohei Horikoshi is able to keep each chapter fresh by adding strong character moments to keep the reader interested in the current events. Another example is My Hero Academia Chapter 357.

The entire chapter continues from where we left off. We get both Endeavor’s and All For One’s perspectives in the final fight between them. Horikoshi does an excellent job of emphasizing Endeavor’s knowledge that All For One will not be defeated with one attack as the fighting continues. It is not enough, even in his weak state due to Hawks, Earphone Jack and Tsukuyomi’s hard work. To ensure that Endeavor’s Prominence Burn was a true finisher, there were still many things to do.

All of this leads to the conclusion that Horikoshi is the hero and villain in the conflict. This is what Endeavor represents on the hero side. In both his dialogue and in the way that he is drawn, Endeavor shows that he has endured great pain. This fortitude gave him the motivation to create a positive future Shoto and all future generations.

We can see that Endeavor does not act recklessly in his attacks. Although they may appear reckless, Endeavor made certain that every attack was effective in chipping away at Endeavor’s defenses to prevent him from launching his Prominence Burn attack. Endeavor’s Prominence Burn attack was then presented as an Ultimate Move that would end the fight.

All the character building Endeavor did was well complimented by the way All For One was simultaneously viewing the events. Although Endeavor was clearly losing the battle, All For One did not lose the belief that he had lost the war. All For One didn’t lose his faith in himself despite realizing how terrifying heroes can be when they are injured and desperate.

All For One was made even more frightening by this, even though he looked like a charred carcass. All For One to Endeavor: Heroes can also make others stronger. Endeavor was not surprised by his fearsome demeanor. The smile added to All For One’s scarlet face made it more frightening. This was his first facial expression. This chilling smile raises many concerns for our heroes as they move forward.

The ending brought Deku’s attention back to the story, which is interesting. All For One was made worse by Yoichi Shigaraki’s sense of danger. The first One For All user to sense danger will know that things are going to get worse before they get better. This means that Deku must prepare for a fight against a group villains. It should be an exciting chapter.

Can the Pro Heroes defeat All For One?

All For One is a villainous character in My Hero Academia. This means that it will be difficult for the Pro Heroes defeat him.

For the final arc of My Hero Academia, the final battle between heroes & villains has been set. The heroes used clever tactics to teleport the major villains to different battle locations.

All For One was subsequently disbanded from his evil army. He is currently stuck at the Gunga Mountain Villa where several Pro Heroes are waiting for him.

It remains to be seen if they have a chance. My Hero Academiafans are asking this question since a while.

All For One has been very powerful in the latest My Hero Academia, but can the Pro Heroes defeat him?

All For One is no easy opponent. All Might is the only character that has ever defeated him in My Hero Academia. Endeavor has a lot of work ahead of him in this matchup. There are at least enough backups.

Here’s a look into the current lineup

All For One isn’t the only one in this fight. He also had High-End Nomu warped to his location so he has backup.

The villain will be facing off against the team of Pro Heroes, led by Hawks and Endeavor. They are the number one or two heroes according to the Japanese ranking system.

The following sidekicks and heroes are currently working with them:

Pixiebob (ranked 411th among the hero rankings). Tiger (same thing as above). Shishido (ranked 13th)Kamui Woods (ranked seventh)Fumikage (U. A.  Sidekick and student

It is important to note that not all Pro Heroes are in the Gunga Mountain Villa.

Best Jeanist (ranked 3rd in the hero rankings). Edgeshot (4th)Mirko (ranked 5th)Nejiro Hondo (part the Big Three, the top prospects in the U. A. T amaki Amajiki (part the Big Three).

They are currently fighting Tomura Shigaraki in the floating U.A. High School. High School.

What strength are the heroes and Endeavor who fight All For One?

Endeavor is a formidable offensive force that can destroy anything he touches using his Hellflame Quirk. Hawks, his partner in My Hero Academia is a great support unit. Fierce Wings are useful for many purposes, including speeding up and catching people.

Tiger and Pixie-Bob are members of Wild, Wild Pussycats. While the former can manipulate the Earth, the latter is capable of making it inhumanly flexible. Kamui Woods is able to generate wood so he can make good chemistry with Pixie Bob.

Fumikage is one of the most powerful Class 1-A students. Dark Shadow allows Fumikage to control a powerful monster, whose strength is dependent upon the darkness nearby.

Shishido, last but not least is an unknown.

FINAL TOUGHTS About All for One Vs Endeavor

My Hero Academia Chapter 357 delivers all that was needed to build up to the final fight against All For One. Endeavor’s character development as he prepared to unleash Prominence Burn on All For One was a great success. All For One’s reaction after the Ultimate Move created greater excitement about what lies ahead in My Hero Academia.

Story Rating 9 Night Girls Out of 10

Art Rating 8 Night Girls Out of 10

Overall Rating 8 Night Girls Out of 10

title: “My Hero Academia Chapter 353-358 Review: Endeavor Vs All For One” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-05” author: “Guy Kozlowski”

In the latest chapter of My Hero Academia, we are treated to a very intense and exciting battle between two of the most powerful organizations in the world. Endeavor vs All For One is a very exciting and well-done battle that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Endeavor is a very powerful organization that has been around for many years. They are made up of highly skilled individuals who have dedicated their lives to helping others. They are known for their strict code of ethics which states that they will do whatever it takes to protect those they care about. All For One is a much newer organization, but they are also very powerful. They were created by Professor X himself and his team of scientists. Their goal is to protect all humanity from harm, no matter what form it may take. They are known for their quick thinking and quick action which has helped them become one of the most successful organizations in the world. This battle was very intense and well-done. The characters were well-developed and you felt like you were right there with them on-screen. The plot was interesting and kept you engaged throughout the entire book. I am looking forward to seeing what happens next in this book!

Endeavor y All For One fueron las principales potencias de la pelea, pero hubo muchos otros personajes importantes. All For One fue capaz de lastimar a Endeavor en la primera ronda, dejándolo fuera de la acción brevemente. El héroe profesional # 1 fue derrotado por el malvado villano, quien sin saberlo le dio a Kyoka Jiro y Tokoyami Fumikage la oportunidad de brillar. Endeavor pudo recuperarse, pero el delegado de clase 1-A y los Hawks pudieron destruir el casco de All For One.

SINOPSIS ENDEAVOR VS ALL FOR ONE EN MHA CAPÍTULO 357 For One Vs Endeavor Brutal Twist By Anime Uproar

All For One recordó la sensación que sintió al luchar contra All Might, y cómo los héroes más aterradores son siempre los más vulnerables.

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Endeavor puede golpear a All For One con su ataque Vanishing Jet Burn, gracias a la velocidad de hawks.

Kamui Woods convence rápidamente a todos los héroes locales para que abandonen el área para que Endeavor pueda continuar su asalto a All For One.

All For One attempts to absorb Endeavor’s power, but Endeavor counters with a complete meltdown of All For One.

Endeavor recalls the time he did not help his son Toya. Endeavor decides to fight All For One. This is in order for the future Shoto Todoroki, and future generations, of heroes, not to be hampered by the past.

Endeavor finally strikes All For One when he performs his Ultimate Move, Prominence burn.

Endeavor holds All For One’s burned body, All For One tells him that it has served its purpose. All For One laughs as his charred remains are blown into air, pointing out that heroes don’t have to sacrifice their bodies. However, he also recognizes how dangerous villains can be when they are wounded.

Deku, flying to the battleground Tomura Shigaraki, is looking at Yoichi Shigaraki ( first One For All user). He tells Deku that something terrible happened. Deku is near the sky when several figures appear. End of chapter.

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Kohei Horikoshi es capaz de mantener cada capítulo fresco agregando momentos de personajes fuertes para mantener al lector interesado en los eventos actuales. Otro ejemplo es My Hero Academia Capítulo 357.

Todo el capítulo continúa desde donde lo dejamos. Obtenemos las perspectivas de Endeavor y All For One en la pelea final entre ellos. Horikoshi hace un excelente trabajo al enfatizar el conocimiento de Endeavor de que All For One no será derrotado con un solo ataque a medida que continúe la lucha. No es suficiente, incluso en su estado débil debido al arduo trabajo de Hawks, Earphone Jack y Tsukuyomi. Para asegurarse de que Prominence Burn de Endeavor fuera un verdadero finalizador, todavía había muchas cosas que hacer.

Todo esto lleva a la conclusión de que Horikoshi es el héroe y villano en el conflicto. Esto es lo que Endeavor representa en el lado del héroe. Tanto en su diálogo como en la forma en que es dibujado, Endeavor muestra que ha soportado un gran dolor. Esta fortaleza le dio la motivación para crear un futuro positivo Shoto y todas las generaciones futuras.

Podemos ver que Endeavor no actúa imprudentemente en sus ataques. Aunque pueden parecer imprudentes, Endeavor se aseguró de que cada ataque fuera efectivo para socavar las defensas de Endeavor para evitar que lanzara su ataque Prominence Burn. El ataque Prominence Burn de Endeavor se presentó como un Ultimate Move que terminaría la pelea.

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Todo lo que hizo Endeavor fue bien complementado por la forma en que All For One estaba viendo simultáneamente los eventos. Aunque Endeavor claramente estaba perdiendo la batalla, All For One no perdió la creencia de que había perdido la guerra. All For One no perdió su fe en sí mismo a pesar de darse cuenta de lo aterradores que pueden ser los héroes cuando están heridos y desesperados.

All For One se hizo aún más aterrador por esto, a pesar de que parecía un cadáver carbonizado. All For One to Endeavor: Los héroes también pueden hacer que otros sean más fuertes. Endeavor no se sorprendió por su comportamiento temible. La sonrisa añadida a la cara escarlata de All For One lo hizo más aterrador. Esta fue su primera expresión facial. Esta sonrisa escalofriante plantea muchas preocupaciones para nuestros héroes a medida que avanzan.

El final devolvió la atención de Deku a la historia, lo cual es interesante. All For One empeoró por la sensación de peligro de Yoichi Shigaraki. El primer usuario de One For All que sienta el peligro sabrá que las cosas van a empeorar antes de mejorar. Esto significa que Deku debe prepararse para una lucha contra un grupo de villanos. Debería ser un capítulo emocionante.

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All For One es un personaje villano de My Hero Academia. Esto significa que será difícil que los Pro Heroes lo derroten.

Para el arco final de My Hero Academia, se ha establecido la batalla final entre héroes y villanos. Los héroes usaron tácticas inteligentes para teletransportar a los principales villanos a diferentes lugares de batalla.

All For One fue posteriormente disuelto de su malvado ejército. Actualmente está atrapado en la Gunga Mountain Villa, donde varios Héroes Profesionales lo están esperando.

Queda por ver si tienen una oportunidad. Mis fans de Hero Academiase están haciendo esta pregunta desde hace un tiempo.


All For One no es un oponente fácil. All Might es el único personaje que lo ha derrotado en My Hero Academia. Endeavor tiene mucho trabajo por delante en este enfrentamiento. Hay al menos suficientes copias de seguridad.


All For One no es el único en esta lucha. También tenía Nomu de alta gama deformado en su ubicación para que tenga respaldo.

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El villano se enfrentará al equipo de Pro Heroes, liderado por Hawks y Endeavor. Son los héroes número uno o dos según el sistema de clasificación japonés.

Los siguientes compañeros y héroes están trabajando actualmente con ellos:

Pixiebob (ocupó el puesto 411 entre los rankings de héroes). Tigre (lo mismo que arriba). Shishido (puesto 13)Kamui Woods (séptimo clasificado)Fumikage (Compañero y estudiante de los Estados Unidos)

Es importante tener en cuenta que no todos los Pro Heroes están en la Villa de la Montaña Gunga.

Mejor Jeanist (clasificado 3º en el ranking de héroes). Edgeshot (4º)Mirko (5º clasificado)Nejiro Hondo (parte de los Tres Grandes, los mejores prospectos en los Estados Unidos. T amaki Amajiki (parte de los Tres Grandes).

Actualmente están luchando contra Tomura Shigaraki en la escuela secundaria flotante de los Estados Unidos. Escuela secundaria.


Endeavor es una fuerza ofensiva formidable que puede destruir cualquier cosa que toque usando su Hellflame Quirk. Hawks, su compañero en My Hero Academia es una gran unidad de apoyo. Las alas feroces son útiles para muchos propósitos, incluida la aceleración y la captura de personas.

Tiger y Pixie-Bob son miembros de Wild, Wild Pussycats. Mientras que el primero puede manipular la Tierra, el segundo es capaz de hacerlo inhumanamente flexible. Kamui Woods es capaz de generar madera para poder hacer buena química con Pixie Bob.

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Fumikage es uno de los estudiantes más poderosos de la Clase 1-A. Dark Shadow permite a Fumikage controlar a un poderoso monstruo, cuya fuerza depende de la oscuridad cercana.

Shishido, por último, pero no menos importante, es un desconocido.


My Hero Academia Capítulo 357 entrega todo lo que se necesitaba para construir la lucha final contra All For One. El desarrollo del personaje de Endeavor mientras se preparaba para desatar Prominence Burn en All For One fue un gran éxito. La reacción de All For One después del Ultimate Move creó una mayor emoción sobre lo que se avecina en My Hero Academia.

Calificación de la historia 9 chicas nocturnas de 10

Calificación artística 8 chicas nocturnas de 10

Puntuación general 8 chicas nocturnas de 10