After a year of buildup, My Brilliant Friend Season 3 is finally here. And what a year it has been! The show has taken on an ever-growing following with each new episode released, and we have now had the chance to watch all of them. So what happened in Season 3? Well, as you may have guessed, there was a lot of action and excitement. But what you may not have realized is that things are actually getting pretty complicated for our main characters. In particular, we see the development of a relationship between two characters – Harry and Hermione – that is very complicated and fraught with potential problems. In addition, there are also some big changes happening in the school system which will impact everyone’s lives for the better or worse. So in short, My Brilliant Friend Season 3 ended up being quite complex and intense – but it was all worth it! We can only wait to see what happens in Season 4 which is set to air this fall.

It is difficult to unfilter all the perceptions around us that build our self-image. Any moment when you can find yourself and realize not only who you are but also what you value and deserve is a victory. It might be a fleeting moment or one that has life-altering consequences. Or it could be something larger. That triumph is still there.

Elena finds herself caught between the passionate love she longed for in her past and the tragedy of isolation and strangulation in her present. Part of her hopes and dreams is fulfilled by Nino’s greatest strength, the ability to create grand, romantic romance that makes it seem like no one can ever love you as deeply as he does. She also knows that Nino is incapable of being there for you in times of trouble, as he treated Lila (Gaia Girace), and she has seen this happen with him before. Instead of holding your hand while you navigated through the most difficult parts of life, he would just detach himself and let you wander aimlessly, desperate for an anchor.

Elena cannot help but wish that Nino was a better man than he is now. A man capable of passion and the ability to make decisions that were not in his best interest. That little smile that danced in her eyes to blossom into genuine happiness was something I could not resist. Nino, however, is well aware of her fears and asks her to give up her husband. The scintillating affair becomes a question of great significance.

My Brilliant Friend Season 3 Finale Review

What if you could demand what you want? You have. You have. You have. Are you able to see yourself as the person you are, and not what others think you should be? I’m sure you have. It is one thing to think, practice and build courage. But it is quite another to actually do.

Elena felt lost for as long as her memory can recall. She was constantly ensconced in the shadows and expectations of others, so she had to set concrete goals that were beyond her reach. These expectations grew more demanding and began to consume Elena piece by piece. They ate away her self-esteem bit by bit, and Elena began to realize that she didn’t have any place to anchor herself.

Part of her knew she didn’t want the traditional marriage and motherhood. But sometimes the forces pulling us towards something are more powerful than those that direct us to our destination. Elena makes the most important decision of her adult life. She fulfills the promise she made at episode six. In a significant way, she becomes the person she desires to be, someone who values herself above others and recognizes her needs.

If he were to end her marriage, she would be devastated. Nino is a ditherer and flail about, making excuses after excuses that show Elena that she can’t trust him to save her life. She was ready for her life to end. She was ready to leave her husband, her children, and her lover. If it was necessary, she was willing to break every promise and make her own. It is only a matter of time that Nino finally commits to her after several weeks. Elena standing up for her self in a way she almost never does.

My Brilliant Friends Season 3 Finale, Explained

Lenu (Mazzucco), is in a bind in the final episode of My Brilliant FriendSeason 3. We have witnessed her struggle with her marriage to Pietro Airota, (Matteo Cecchi), and the distance between them (largely because Pietro’s passivity, inability to treat him as an equal), widens. This leaves room for Lenu to start an affair with Nino Sarratore (Francesco Serpico), who she loved in elementary school and has been longing for. Lenu hadn’t seen Nino since the day he chose Lila (her BEST FRIEND), got her pregnant, then abandoned her. Despite all that, Lenu finds herself attracted to the philandering cad, who is also married at that time, and she’s a published author, although not quite happily.

Lenu and Nino have an affair that sees them both using each other. Lenu gets a taste for the passion and intellectual respect that her marriage with Pietro lacks. Nino, on the other hand, gets a taste for the power and rush that comes with sneaking around with a beautiful, intelligent and unavailable woman. Both seem to believe that this is true love. Lenu is aware that she wants to leave her unhappy marriage. However, Nino refuses to tell Eleonora (Chiara Cerlotto) the truth, leading Lenu and Eleonora to end their relationship. To Lenu’s delight, Nino eventually tells his wife about his affair. This essentially ends up ruining his marriage and allowing him to live in a fantasy world with Lenu. Pietro is shocked when she tells her husband the truth so she can be free to spend time with the man she has loved all her life.

Pietro makes Lenu tell their daughters about her affair. Dede (Sofia Luchetti), the oldest daughter, and Pietro are left in shock and tears by what she said. She also promised to return from Nino’s trip in five days. Lenu (Girace), as she is about to leave for her trip, receives a call from Lila (Girace). She informs her that Manuela Solara (Imma Ville) has been killed, causing fear and unrest in her neighbourhood. She decides to leave Gennaro (Salvatore Tortora), her son, to be with Lenu, her family, and ensure that he is safe. Lenu claims she can’t, as she’s going to Nino’s. Given her past with Lila and Nino’s past, she is understandably upset. She warns her friend that Nino would use her until he abandons her. They board the plane together to go on a romantic getaway. Nino still has his wedding ring and neither one of them looks as happy as you (and likely they) would have them believe. Lenu goes to the bathroom, but it is only after seeing an older version (Alba Rohrwacher) that she smiles. She stands proud, confident, and all alone in the mirror.

Season 4 is already planned and guaranteed. This means that there will be drama, romance, heartbreak and friendship in Season 4. You can bask in the glory of My Brilliant FriendSeason 3 for now.