In the Mushoku Tensei series, there are many characters with unique skills and abilities. Here, we will rank and explain some of the more important ones.

  1. The Captain: The captain is a highly skilled swordsman and is one of the most powerful characters in the series. He is able to use his sword to fight on the front line, as well as use it as a tool to control other characters. He is also very intelligent and can think on his feet, which makes him a valuable asset in any battle.
  2. The Witch: Witches are powerful magic users who can use various spells to defeat their opponents. They are often able to cast spells that cause great damage or even kill their enemies. They are also very versatile and can use different spells depending on the situation.
  3. The Monk: Monks are highly skilled in unarmed combat and have a strong focus on self-defense. They often rely on their fists and feet to fight instead of using any weapons. Monks are often able to cast powerful spells that can help protect themselves or their allies from harm.
  4. The Samurai: Samurai are highly skilled warriors who rely heavily on swordplay for defense and offense. They are able to quickly move around the battlefield using their quick reflexes and agility, which makes them difficult for opponents to take down. Samurai also have a high level of training which allows them to fight with precision and skill against any opponent they face.

В июле 2021 года будет опубликован второй курс. Mushoku Tensei рассказывает историю 34-летнего Нита, который погиб, спасая незнакомца от удара грузовика. Он перевоплощается и становится младенцем по имени Рудеус Грейрат, который путешествует в волшебный мир. Потому что у него мозг взрослого, но тело ребенка, он способен знать все вещи. Гениальный интеллект Рудеуса — это то, что делает его вундеркиндом.Автор: АнимеРанк

Рудеус теперь начинает новую жизнь в другом мире. Он будет учиться у окружающих его людей и получать ценный опыт, чтобы сделать свою жизнь более полноценной. Без дальнейших задержек позвольте нам познакомить вас с персонажами Mushoku Tensei.



Рудеус Грейрат, 34-летний ни на что не годный Нит, является главным героем этого сериала. Он перевоплотился в фэнтези в детстве в фэнтезийной стране как Рудеус Грейрат. У него мозг взрослого человека, и он может быстро узнать секреты нового мира.

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Рудей смирен и благодарен за все, что у него есть. Его прошлая жизнь была не очень приятной. Рудеус старается не слишком гордиться своими молодыми достижениями. Рудеуса можно увидеть непослушным почти со всеми женскими персонажами в сериале, включая Рокси, его учительницу, и Эриду, его кузину. Рудеус способен сражаться с врагами элитного класса, но у него нет уверенности в этом. Рудеус дружелюбен со всеми и является всеобщим любимцем.


Рокси Мигурдия, очень опытный маг, родом из племени Мигурд. Она не могла общаться дома со своим племенем с помощью телепатии, поэтому она уехала путешествовать по миру. Рокси присоединилась к Гильдии приключений, чтобы заработать дополнительные деньги. Позже она поступила в Академию магии Раноа.

После окончания университета она стала Водяной Святой и была нанята в качестве наставника родителями Рудея Зенитом и Павлом. Рудеуса она учила магии в течение двух лет, затем она вернулась в путешествие. Позже она стала учительницей Пакса и принца Широне. Когда она покинула дом Рудея, она продолжала писать письма.


Сильвиетта наполовину человек и наполовину эльф. Она принадлежит к расам эльфов/зверей. Из-за того, что она была смешанной, с заостренными ушами и длинными волосами, Над Сильвиеттой издевались всю жизнь. Рудеус спас ее от хулиганов и подружился с ней.

Сильвиетта была телепортирована в Королевский дворец после инцидента телепортации. Ее волосы стали белее от зеленого. Она спасла принцессу Ариэль, которая была третьей в очереди, чтобы стать королевой Асуры, в Королевском дворце. Позже Сильвиетта была телохранителем Ариэль и приняла личность «Фиттса» Академия магии Раноа, и она впечатляет всех своими безгласными заклинаниями.

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Rudeus’ distant cousin Eris is Eris and she comes from a family noble. She is a spoilt brat and can be violent towards other people. Rudeus was supposed to teach her, but she ignored her father’s decision. She wasn’t happy about this. Rudeus was older than she and she wasn’t supposed to be learning from him. Rudeus used many tactics to get her interest in learning from him.

Rudeus and Eris were both transported to a Demon Continent after the teleportation accident. They meet Ruijerd, a Demon, and form a group with him. While slaying demons and monsters, Eris and Rudeus travel to the Central Continent.


Rudeus Greyrat’s father and Zenith Greyrat’s husband, Paul Greyrat is Paul Greyrat. Later, he falls for Lilia, his maid and makes her pregnant with Aisha, his child. Zenith was still pregnant with Norn. Paul was a very lustful male who liked to sleep around until Zenith, his wife, married him.

Paul was part of the Asura kingdom noble family and was a skilled swordsman. After arguing with his father, Paul decided that he would leave the family and become an adventurer. He founded a party called Fangs from the Black Wolf. Zenith was also part of that party.

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Paul and his family lost their home after the teleportation incident. Paul became depressed and was finally reunited with Rudeus.


Zenith Grerat, the mother of Rudeus & Norn, is the wife of Paul Greyrat. Zenith, who rebelled against her parents to become an explorer like Paul, left her home and abandoned her strict rules. After being a solo adventurer and healer for some time, she joined Paul’s party. After falling in love with Paul, she married him. After becoming pregnant with Rudeus Zenith and Paul decided that they would leave the party and go on an adventure. They moved to the countryside to settle down.



Lilia Greyrat was once a classmate in the swordsman dojo. After being injured, she quit her job as a princessguard and became Zenith’s maid. Later, it was revealed that Pauled had cheated with Lilia and made her pregnant with Aisha. After Paul’s death, she became a second spouse.

Lilia didn’t like Rudeus. She always thought him creepy when she saw Roxy’s panties inside his box. Later, she began to feel more affectionate towards him after Rudeus made Paul bear all the responsibility for her seduction of him. Aisha was her first child. Lilia gave birth to Aisha shortly after Norn was born. Lilia continued her work as a loyal Maid.


Ghislaine Didoldia is from the beast race and is an skilled swordswoman. She is Eris’ mentor and serves the Boreas household. Rudeus teaches her reading and writing and she teaches Rudeus word fighting.

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Ruijerd Superdia was a member of the Superd Race and used to lead the Superd’s Warrior Group. They were under Laplace, who manipulated them and destroyed their reputation around the World.

Ruijerd cares for Rudeus, Eris and other teleported persons and swears to get them home safely and sound. He also wants to clarify misconceptions about his race.

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Aisha Greyrat, the younger half sister to Rudeus Greyrat and Norn Greyrat, is Aisha. She is mature for her age, and is very smart. She is a illegitimate child of Paul and often competes with Norn.


Almanfi, the loyal servant spirit summoned Pergius Dola, is called Almanfi. Pergius considers him a proud servant.


Ariel Anemoi Asura, the second Princess of Asura Kingdom, is the third in line to be the Queen Of Asura. She attended Ranoa Magic Academy, where she received very high grades.


Ars Greyrat is Rudeus Greyrat’s first son. He seems to be more like Eris and Rudeus.


Atoferatofe is a member of the Demon Clan, and the Demon Lord on the Demon Continent. She was the wife to the First North God.


Auber Corvette is also known as “Peacock Sword”, and one of the Three Swords of the North God. According to the Sword God Gal Farion, he trained Eris.

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Bidagadi, the Demon Lord who grants wisdom, is called Bidagadi. Bidagadi is the oldest person in the series, as he was alive before the Laplace war.


The 18th Princess of the Kingdom Of Kingdragon was Benedict Kingdragon. She is the wife Shirone.


Blaze was an adventurer in a B rank party called “Super Blaze” and was the leader of that group.


Roxy Miguard’s first teacher, Bloody Kant is also an rank adventurer.


Christina Greyrat, the daughter of Rudeus Greyrat & Eris Greyrat, is the younger brother to Ars Greyrat.


Claire Latrei, the conservative mother to Zenith and Therese, is Claire Latrei. She is a stubborn lady who disregards all opinions.


Cliff Grimoire, a friend of Rudeus, is the son of the current Pope Of Milis.


Clive Grimoire, the grandson and son of Cliff Grimoire , is the son of Milis.


Dale was a B rank adventurer, and was in the same party with Roxy. While completing an Arank quest, he died.


Darius is a man fat and the first Prime minister in the Kingdom of Asura.


Dark King Vita was an apostle of Hitogami, and an enemy to Death Gods Lexus. He is a slime-like creature, and he belongs to a glutinous species.

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Birthday: June 16

Derrick Redbat was the bodyguard for Princess Ariel, before Fitts. He was also an S ranked adventurer.


Doga is the husband to the current Water Goddess, Isolte Cruel. He is also a North Emperor. He was born in the Asura Kingdom.


Dotbath is the servant spirit from Periguis, which he summoned with eleven other people.


Edward Enemoi Asura, the son of Ariel Anemoi Asura, is Edward Enemoi Asura. He is also the love of Christina Asura (the daughter of Rudeus & Eris).


Elinalise Dragonroad is a member of the “Fangs of The Black Wolf”.. She is a 200+-year-old elf and a skilled fighter.


Gadalf Rangeid was an adventurer who came from Milis. Roxy meets Gadald in Milis.


Gal Farion, Eris’ Master, is the Sword God. He is an skilled swordsman, and believes he has achieved the title of Sword God through rational methods as well as intensive training.


Geese was once a party member of the Fangs of the Black Wolf. He is a member of Ruka, a magic race and the last survivor from his tribe.


George is principal of the Ranoa Magic Academy.


Ginger is an former imperial guard, and a subordinate to Zanoba. She is skilled in healing magic.


Gustav is a warrior and a member of the beast races . He was the former chief in the Dedorudia Village.

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Gyes Dedoldia, the brother of Gislaine Dedoldia, and the son Gustav Dedoldia. After Gustav, he is the current chief de Dedorudia tribe.


Hitogami, a Human deity, is 5000+ old. He is a human deity who lives in the dimension between the Earth’s center and visits Rudeus occasionally in his dreams.


Hilda Boreas Greyrat, the wife of Philip Boreas Greyrat, is the mother of Eris Boreas Greyrat. Although she initially hated Rudeus, she soon became fond of him and wanted him to be her husband-in-law.


Isolte Cruel, the wife of doga, is a Water Goddess. She is also the granddaughter of Reida, a late Water God.


Jalil was a member of the Demon Race, and was a temporary member the party “Dead End”.


Jino Britts, the current Sword God, is a husband to Nina Farion. He is the youngest Sword God of all time.


Rudeus Greyrat adopts Jirou, a Monster.


Julie is part of the Dwarf Race. She was a servant purchased by Rudeus to help them make dolls.


Kalman I was the first North God in North God Style. He is one the three legendary heroes who defeated Laplace.


Kalman II, the son of Kalman I, is an ex-North God from the North God Style.


Kalman III, also known Aleksander Rayback is the current North God of North God Style.

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Perugius summoned Karowante as a spirit servant with 11 others.


Kaunis Freean Asura, the third prince of Kingdom Asura, was born in 2009. After the Laplace Campaign, his family died and he became the King Of Asura.


Kishirika Kishirisu, the immortal Demon that granted Rudeus his Demon Eye, is Kishirika Kishirisu. She is the Great Demon Empress, and she is engaged to Badigadi.


Kurt is a rank adventurer of the Demon Continent. He was the leader of the Tokurabu Village Hards party.


Laplace is both the great Demon God, and the Technique god. Laplace was also the creator of the Seven Major World Power System.


Laws is an Elf race member and the father of Sylphiette. He is one the hunters in the Buena village.


Laxus was the death god.


Lily Greyrat, the second daughter from Roxy Migurdia and Rudeus Greyrat, is Lily Greyrat.


Lina Dedoldia is a member of the beastrace and Rudeus’ slave. She is related to Ghislaine dedoldia.


Lucy Greyrat is Rudeus Greyrat’s first child. She is also the oldest among her siblings.


Luicelia Superdia, the daughter of Ruijerd and Norn Greyrat, is Luicelia. She appears more like a Superd than a normal human being.


Luke Notos, the cousin to Rudeus Greyrat, served as Princess Ariel’s Knight.


Malta is the leader among the people who live on the Ogre Islands and is also the Ogre God.

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Miko, a human female has the ability to see into people’s eyes and recall their memories.


Mimir is one the party members in Counter Arrow.


Minitona dedoldia is a member of the beastrace, and is the daughter Gyes Dedoldia.


Moore is a member of the Demon Race and serves as one the guards for Atofe.


Rudeus saved Nanahoshi Shizuka in his past lives. Se he was teleported to A sura Kingdom.


Nina Farion, the wife of the Sword God Jino Britts, is the daughter of the Gal Farion.


Nokopara is a C rank adventurer, and he belongs to the Demon race. He was an ex-member of the party that also included Roxy Migurdia.


Orsted is the sworn enemy Hitogami. His Father has him trapped in a time loop as he is the Dragon god at the moment.


Patris is a member of the party Counter Arrow.


Pax Jr. is the son King Pax Shirone, and Benedict Kingsdragon.


Pax Shirone was a former student of Roxy, and will be the future King of the Shirone kingdom.


Perugius Dola is a member of the Dragon Race and played an important role in the extermination of Laplace the Demon God.


Pilemon Notos Greyrat, brother to Paul Greyrat, and father of Luke Notos Greyrat.

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Pursena Adoldia, one of the candidate to be the chief of her village, was Pursena Adoldia.


Randolph Marianne, the current death God, is a hybrid.


Reida Reia was the grandmother Isolte Cruel.


Rowin Migurdia, the father of Roxy Migurdia, and the husband to Rokari Migurdia. Like Roxy, Rowin is very young for his age.



Rokari Migurdia, the mother of Roxy Migurdia, and the wife to Rowin Migurdia.


Rokkus Migurdia, the Elder of Migurd, is his name.


Roman was a D rank explorer and a member of the P Hunter Party.


Sara was a Brank Adventurer, and a member Counter Arrow.


Sariel Anemoi Asura is the child of Ariel Asura.


Sauros Boreas Greyrat, the father of Philip Boreas Greyrat, is a l andlord in Fittoa region. Sauros passed his mannerisms to Eris, his granddaughter. He was naturally drawn to beast people, and kept many beast women as his maids.


Shella, a human female, helped Paul locate the missing persons during the Mana Calamity.


Shinohara Akito was one of the students that Rudeus failed in saving from the truck collision with Nanahoshi.


Seighart Saladin Grayrat is the son of Rudeus Greyrat, and Sylphiette. He is Lucy Greyrat’s younger brother.


Soldat Hecklar, a S rank adventurer, is the leader of the party Stepped Ladder.


Suzanne is a member of the party Counter Arrow

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Sad Anime Boys: Top 15+ Most Depressing Boy Characters In Anime


Sylvaril is a member of the Heaven Race and one of the twelve servants that Perugius summoned. She is the only servant of Perugius who isn’t a spirit.


Talhand is a member of the Dwarf Race. He was also one of the party members for Paul Greyrat.


Therese Latreia, the sister of Zenith. She is a knight in Milis.


Timothy is the leader for the party Counter Arrow.


Timothy Britts, the father of Jino Britts, is also the disciple of the Sword God Gal Farion.


Tristine Purplehouse is a noble from the Asura kingdom. When she was a little girl, she was sold to Darius as a slave.


Urupen was the Dragon God. Urupen is the former strong>Dragon God. He has a very limited amount of magic powers.


Велла является сестрой Шеллы и была одним из людей, которые помогли Полу найти пропавших без вести во время ManaCalamity.


Визкель является ранговым авантюристом и был членом партии P-hunter. Кроме того, она была членом Dead End.


Wii Taa is one of three swords of North God.


Yuzuru is one the 12 spirit servants summoned.


Zanoba Shirone, the older brother of Shirone, was the third Prince from the Shirone Kingdom.


Philip Boreas Greyrat, the father of Eris Greyrat, and the husband to Hilda Greyrat. He is also the cousin to Paul Greyrat. Rudeus was also abo. He was the first to hire Paul as a low-ranking knight.

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Despite all the hate, Mushoku Tensei still enjoys popularity. Even though this GREAT CHINA rating is 3.3, we need to talk about it. This blog post will be about the 21+ strongest Mushoku Tensei characters.

This list contains spoilers so it’s best to start with the basics. It is on your list. It will be on the list.


Zenith Greyrat was the wife of Paul and mother to Rudeus. Her main role in her squad was Healing magic. Zenith is a skilled healer (Mushoku Tessanime Episode 1). She was also a key player in the Fangs of Black Wolf. Zenith has a charming personality that anyone could fall for. WELL! WELL!

Although we cannot say Zenith is a combat Type, we will judge her on the basis of her role as an Adventurer. Zenith is proficient in Fire, Water, Detoxification and Healing magic. This is where Rudeus got all his powers.

Furthermore, Zenith can also read the minds of others (Mushoku Tensei Light Novel: Vol 21). Zenith is undoubtedly one of the most powerful Mushoku Tensei characters ever, considering all of these advantages. She is an excellent support character.


Paul Greyrat, the father of Rudeus, and a high-ranking noble is an amazing warrior. He’s still a great fighter when it comes to all the hree styles . (Mushoku Tengei Light Novel: Volume 5).

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What makes him one the most powerful Mushoku Tensei characters ever?

Paul’s main fighting style is the North God. This allows him to quickly get to his enemy and then attack them with his Sword God. Paul can also defend himself with the Water God Style. (Mushoku Tengei Light Novel: Vol 12)


Zanoba Shirone would be called a Blessed Children. Miko, a gift that gave him superhuman strength, was given to him. He can smash a skull of a human with his naked hands even without a helmet! (Mushoku Tensei Light Novel: Volume 6). One thing you should know about Zanoba: He loves dolls!

Rudeus was admitted to the Ranoa Magi Academy and the two of them met. Zanoba became Rudeus’ apprentice for doll making. Zanoba was involved in the most bloody battles in Mushoku Tensei Light Novel Volume 20 during the defense of Shirone. Zanoba is not only strong, but he’s also smart, especially when it comes to dolls, and he became friends with Perugius (Mushoku Tensei Web Novel Volume 17). Talk about friends at the top.


You don’t have to send Sylphiette to jail, but she is prime waifu Material. This is the Lightnove l. It’s not the anime! Sylphiette can cast Voiceless Incantation just like Rudeus and has a huge mana storage (Mushoku Tensei Anime Episode 3).

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Sylphie became the bodyguard of Ariel Anemoi Asura, one of the most prominent royal figures in the world after the Fittoan Incident (Mushoku Tensei Manga Chapter 54). She has defeated over 100 assassins, and she is Advanced-level Magic. This is my girl!

She was a bodyguard and assumed the name Silent Fitts to become the most respected and fearsome student at Ranoa Magic Academy until Rudeus arrived. (Mushoku Tensei Manga Chapter 54).

She went from being bullied as a young girl to becoming a silent magic that can kill without any whispers. She certainly had a redemption story. She is also Zoro’s granddaughter, making her one of the most powerful characters in Mushoku Tenei. She inherited the Santoryuin future that she used to kill Goku from Dragon Balls.


Anyone can call the FBI. I ain’t afraid. Roxy is the best of all three and I can’t stop her! Roxy was Rudeus’ first mentor. She taught him everything about magic and even how to use Saint-tier spells. (Mushoku Tengei Anime Episode 2).

After a few years she became a Water King Mage and Court Magician in Shirone (Mushoku Tensei Light Novel Volume 2). Do you now know why she is here? She was the first Rudeus’ Goddess! (Mushoku Tensei Light Novel: Volume 6). But it’s not what you think…

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Roxy fought Rudeus through thick-and-thin. She was there with Rudeus when they faced the Manatite Hydra . (Mushoku Tengei Light Novel: Volume 12). and many more. Rudeus has known her since the beginning. That’s why she is the best waifu. She is one of the strongest mages in Mushoku Tensei, and that’s why she’s included on the list.


Our Swordking Ghislaine Dedoldia is a legend. She is one of the most skilled swordswomen from the Mushoku Tensei Series, and when it comes to her strength, she’s one the most powerful Mushoku Tensei characters.

Ghislaine is also known as mentor Eris. Rudeus taught her a few things, which was quite surprising considering that Rudeus was a young boy at the time. Ghislaine is the only person who can claim Ghislaine as her uniqueness .

Ghislain was trained Gal Farion by him, which is why she attained the rank of Sword King at incredible speed . (Mushoku Tensei Light Novel Volume 9:

Being a Sword King, we can easily see why Ghislaine is on the list. Her swordsmanship and speed are something not everyone can even think to face. (Mushoku Tensei Anime: Episode 5) . Ghislaine also has the Demon Eye that allows her to see the flow of Mana and attack accordingly (Mushoku Tensei Manga: Chapter 6).


Randolph Marianne, Death Godhimself is an intimidating character. We can see why Randolph is one the most powerful Mushoku Tensei characters ever.

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Summer Time Rendering Characters : All Characters Ranked And Personality Explained

In the beginning of the series, Randolph was hungry for blood fights. Randolph is bored with doing the same thing every time, even though he’s the Death God. Randolph Marriane, at this point in the Light Novel loves to prepare food and enjoys his rest of life (Mushoku Tengei Light Novel: Extra Chapter Nanahoshi Grilled dragon).

One of Randolph’s main powers is called the Sword of Bewitching. This technique was made by Randolph himself where he merged two attacks that required a lot of mana in general. Now, this technique is fatal, and it can kill almost anyone who comes in the way. However, Randolph can’t use it multiple times in a row.

Randolph, the Death God is an expert in stealthy moves. He’s a battle animal who can shake up whole wars (Mushoku Tengei Light Novel: Vol. 19)


We all know Eris has the potential. Even as an Anime character, Eris is a wildfire with her raw power and competitive nature . Rudeus, Ghislaine and Ruijerd trained her (Mushoku Tengei Manga Chapter 60.5) . Eris is a violent and short-tempered personality.

If you mess with this girl, make sure to have your skull broken (Mushoku Tensei Anime: Episode 5). Eris became an A rank adventurer at a very young age and even destroyed every other student with her bare fists in the Sword Sanctuary (Mushoku Tensei Manga: Chapter 60.5).

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Eris Greyrat was also a North Saint and a Sword King, and she obtained many of the great bladesin Mushoku Tensei. Even the Prominent sword of Orsted was given to her (Mushoku Tensei Light Novel Volume 17). She was able, along with Ruijerd & Ruijerd to defeat Gal Farion. Eris is the most powerful sword-user in the world, earning her the nickname “Mad Dog”. She is the anime’s most violent Tsundere.


Auber Corvette, also known as the Peacock Sword, is one of the most skilled swordsmen in Mushoku Tenei. He and Eris began a duel when he first appeared (Mushoku Tengei Light Novel, Volume 10). Although I’m not sure why he does this, it seems to work.

Auber is so strong that even Rudeus was impressed by his skills. He is a mercenary and also a North Emperor who made Eris his student (Mushoku Tensei Light Novel: Volume 10). Auber’s movements were so smooth and fluid that Rudeus even thought of copying him. Another thing to note is that as a North Emperor, he uses all kinds of tricks like tear gas just to get the upper hand (Mushoku Tensei Light Novel: Volume 17). But what he doesn’t have is Rudeus’ ability to tame Eris , which is the reason why he looks up to Rudeus.


Ruijerd Superdia was one of the main supporting character in the series. Ruijerd Superdia looks like a Yakuza who doesn’t know how cosplay Zoro. Ruijerd is one the few remaining Superds and his skills have not rustled after 400 years.

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Ruijerd was the last to defeat Laplace, before the Demon God was sealed. He even fought against Orsted and Gal Farion . (Mushoku Tensei Light Novel: Volume 6 and Volume 23.

Ruijerd also wields the Superd Spear which gets sharper and sturdier the more you use it, so after 400 years, you gotta admit he can slice you in half in one go. If you find a weird guy who loves children too much, call Ruijerd because if there’s anything you don’t want to mess with in front of him, it’s a kid my g!


Atoferatofe, one of the most fearsome Demons in this series, is a DEMON CONTINENT demon lord. She is also part of the immortal Demon Clan and has been known to give strength all other demons, making them immortal.

With that blue skin, she’s probably the most “Demon Looking” person in the series. Moreover, with the bighorn on her forehead, no one can be less intimidated by her overall vibe.

Atoferatofe is even more unpleasant when it comes to personality. Atoferatofe’s personality is even worse! Let’s drink the tea.

Trust me. Atoferatofe is an immortal. She can regenerate without any problems even if you chop off her head. She is also second only to North God, Kalman l who taught Atoferatofe swordsmanship. Before she could respect the North God, it was necessary for the Dragon God to intervene in her rampage . (Mushoku Tensei Light Novel: Vol 22).

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Who Is The Strongest Anime characters : Our Top 10 +


Kalman II, the former North God, is one of our most powerful Mushoku Tensei characters. He was one of the most powerful warriors to have fought alongside Rudeus, Eris and his son Alek. Aleks wanted to destroy the Superd village, we can’t underestimate Kalman I (Mushoku Tensei Light Novel: Vol 23).

Kalman II is not something to be talked about. But, we can’t forget about his talents!

As Kalman is from the I mmortal Demon Bloodline , he’s practically immortal. He was punched by Badigadi which sent him to the sea, survived, and just rested for 10 days. After that, it was like nothing happened! (Mushoku Tensei Light Novel: Volume 23). With that awesome discipline and intimidating demonic powers , Kalman is one of the strongest Mushoku Tensei characters of all time as he literally was once called a “God”.


You may have seen his name in this list a few times, but now you will understand why. Gal Farion is Eris’ mentor and Ghislaine‘s sword god before Jino Britts defeated him. He is so powerful that he could blow Eris away with one swing, and he didn’t even use 100% (Mushoku Tengei Light Novel: Volume 9).

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The Promised Neverland Characters : All Characters And Skills Ranked

In the later parts of the series, Gal Farion chopped off Rudeus’ arms after they were told to by Geese under the orders of Hitogami (Mushoku Tensei Light Novel: Volume 23) . He was also the fastest swordsman in Mushoku Tensei where even the Water God couldn’t stop it (Mushoku Tensei Light Novel: Volume 13). Sadly, when you lose in something you’re good at, it just gets to your head and that’s what happened to him.


You know wisdom is part of age, right? Grandma will punish you if your meal isn’t finished. You don’t have to be slapped with a hand, she won’t. Just get ready for decapitation. Reida Reia, a former Water God, even went head to head against Orsted (Mushoku Tensei Light Novel Volume 17).

After Reia sent Istolte to the Holy Land of Swords, she fought Orsted soon after it was discovered that she was one of Hitogami’s followers. She attempted to assassinate Ariel but was defeated by Orsted and killed with just one attack (Mushoku Tensei Light Novel: Volume 17).


Rudeus Greyrat is the main protagonist of this series. Rudeus Greyrat was who was reincarnated into fantasy land. His life was forever changed even though he was born into this world of magic. Rudeus faced every challenge thrown at his way. Erectile Dysfunction (Mushoku Tensei Light Novel: Volume 6) is the biggest. Rudeus is not only powerful but also has incredible tactical intelligence. Rudeus is literally a Demon King! (Mushoku Tensei Light Novel: Volume 7).

See also

The Promised Neverland Characters : All Characters And Skills Ranked

As the series progressed, Rudeus started from being a prodigy who became a Water Saint who can use Voiceless Incantation , to being one of the Seven Great Powers of the world (Mushoku Tensei Light Novel: Volume 23).

He fought against one of the most powerful beings in the universe throughout his adventure. Hitogami and Orsted, Badigadi and the North God KalmanIII (Mushoku Tensei Light Novel Volume 6, Volume 7, Vol. 23). It would have been impossible to imagine that this NEET would be a hero in another universe. You know his greatest achievement? HE MARRIED ALL THREE HISOINES! MY MAN


Aleksander Raibaku, also known as Kalman, is the current North God for Mushoku Tensei. He is the one man in every Isekai manga who just wants to be called The Hero. He was an ally of Hitogami, Gal Farion and the Superds during their battle but he went there to get fame (Mushoku Tengei Light Novel: Vol 23)

He was killed in a fight against Rudeus and his company, but he came back to life. He is Atofe’s grandchild, and inherited her immortality. He was clapped yet again by Orsted, and he became the Dragon God’s follower (Mushoku Tensei Light Novel Volume 23).

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Who Is The Strongest Anime characters : Our Top 10 +

He is not a God, but that doesn’t mean he’s not worthy. He is the most powerful North God Style user, and even has the Fighting God Armor and Dragon King Sword which can control gravity.


Jino Britts, the current Sword God, is what made Gal Farion lose his confidence (Mushoku Tengei Light Novel: Vol 23). We don’t know much about his defeat of Gal Farion, but we do know that he did so to marry Nina Farion.

If Jino Britts assumes that he is now a literal God then he is the fastest sword-wielder currently (Mushoku Tensei Reundancy: Chapter 20). Rudeus, Kalman III and Orsted visited him and he was able defeat Kalman III and Eris in a matter of seconds during their spar (Mushoku Teensei Redundancy Chapter 20). It is possible that love has the power to make you happy, I suppose?


One of the legends that brought peace to the world Mushoku Tensei Old Dragon’s Tale was the Dragon King Perugius Dola. You know what, bro? The world’s calendar is named for him. Perugius is so powerful that he can use Armored Dragonking Hand Sword to literally cut an immortal dragon king in half . (Mushoku TenseiWeb Novel).

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Perugius has many strong subordinates. Do you remember the man who tried to kill Rudeus prior to the Teleportation Incident. He was known as Almanfi the Bright, and he is able to go toe-toe (Mushoku Tensei Anime Episode 8). He’s also a very chill guy. He spends time with Zanoba, and he researches many things.


This is your favourite censored guy! Hitogami, also known as the human God, is the main antagonist and the sworn enemy of Orsted. He speaks riddles, and appears in Rudeus’ dreams many times throughout the series. It is important to remember that Hitogami does not have the same raw strength as Orsted or Badigadi, but he is more cheming than omnipotent.

He can see the future and manipulate people to plan accordingly. Hitogami can win the trust any human in Mushoku Tensei except Rudeus or Nanahoshi, who are originally from another planet. We don’t know much about his true abilities. He was said to have erased the Dragon World with one punch (Mushoku Tensei Web Novel Chapter 157).

He’s not only a creep but can also destroy the world if he feels like it. Even the VA for Hitogami sounds like he’ll drug me and put me in a van . Whoever you are, you’re doing your job right!


The name is very unique and intimidating. He is one of the Demon Lords that provides wisdom to all other demons following him. He has a strong build and powerful fighting techniques so it’s easy for us to say he’s one the most powerful Mushoku Tensei characters.

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Badigadi eventually became the new Fighting God and wore the previous one’s Fighting Aura and gave Rudeus and the others a lot of trouble (Mushoku Tensei Light Novel: Volume 23). Because of this new ability, Badigadi was able to overpower several God-level beings at once.

Apart from his strength and build, Badigadi has the only demon that is completely immune to the Demon Eye Attacks. This increases his immortality even further. Rudeus was his opponent and his upper half was destroyed. But he quickly recovered (Mushoku Tensei Light Novel Volume 7). He laughed like a child every day after that. If I’m honest, he looks just like a character from baki.


Orsted is the most powerful and intimidating Mushoku Tensei character. He hates the Human God of the series. Orsted is also one of the Seven Great World Powers, which elevates his character to a whole new level. He literally has a few curses , and he doesn’t care (Mushoku Tensei Light Novel: Volume 16).

You must be able to see the danger in your face with such a powerful look. He made Rudeus into Ace by using disable magic and pure strength during his first encounter. (Mushoku Tensei Light Novel Volume 6).

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Орстед даже владеет оружием, которое буквально называется «Меч Божий». Он довольно мощный. Он был использован во втором бою Рудея и победил Кальмана III, хотя он уже использовал снаряжение Боевого Бога (Mushoku Tensei Light Novel: Volume 15).


Лаплас, Бог Демонов, создавший системы Семи Великих Мировых Сил, является самым сильным из всех Мушоку Тенсей. Возможно, именно поэтому Зоро имеет такой высокий профиль.

Он также известен как Бог Техники Лаплас или Бог Демонов Лаплас. Он обладает множеством магических способностей, которые поразят зрителей. Вы должны иметь представление о том, что это за персонаж Лапласа, если вы читали лайт-новел. Лаплас был настолько силен, что нуждался в том, чтобы остановить его. пришлось убить половину героев. (Mushoku Tensei – Сказка Старого Дракона).

Лаплас — это просто Анос Волдигоад, но в Мусёку Тенсей. Он настолько силен, что даже Орстед, вторая по могущественности из семи великих держав мира, не может победить его один на один. Лаплас также был ответственен за то, почему мир ненавидел Супердов (Mushoku Tensei Anime: Episode 9). На данный момент Рудеусу и остальным повезло, что он запечатан. Но что будет, если он вернется? Произойдет ли еще одна катастрофа?


Это все для самых сильных персонажей во всем Mushoku Tensei. В этой серии много могущественных людей, от великих вайфусов до еще больших Семи Мировых Держав. Этот мир не мой дом. У них есть монстры и всемогущие боги. И человек, который поклоняется нижнему белью.

Я предлагаю вам посмотреть аниме и убедиться в том, насколько удивителен сериал. И если вы действительно хардкорный фанат, прочитайте Light Novel и Web Novel! Еще раз, это не самый сильный список, если мы не спрашиваем об этом очень важном.


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