“Seeing Red” is the fourth episode of the Ms. Marvel series, and it’s a strong installment that further develops the characters and their relationships. The episode starts with Kamala Khan (Mila Kunis) trying to figure out how to deal with her anger and frustration after she’s humiliated in front of her classmates. She turns to her new friend, Spider-Man (Tom Holland), for help, but he’s not sure what to do either. Meanwhile, Carol Danvers (Brie Larson) is dealing with some personal issues of her own. She’s been struggling to find a place in the world since she lost her job as Captain Marvel and decided to take a break from superheroics. When an old friend contacts her about a possible job opportunity, Carol decides it’s time to get back into the game. The episode culminates with Kamala and Carol teaming up against an enemy they’ve never faced before. The fight is intense and thrilling, and it provides some great character development for both women. “Seeing Red” is another strong installment in an already great series." ..


Meet Waleed and The Red Daggers

Raaginder’s Summer Nights plays as Kamala (Zenobia Shroff), and Muneeba enter Karachi. Kamala attempts to make amends for Nakia (Yasmeen Flecher), and is shocked at the South Asian tradition of getting out of one’s seat even before the plane lands. Kamala is greeted by her cousins Zainab (Vardah Khan) and Owais(Asfandyar Kan), as well as her grandmother Sana. Kamala finds Sana’s archive, which contains memorabilia as well as paintings she has done, when she returns home. Sana claims that the Partition cost them so much. She keeps the memories alive by writing them down. Kamala pulls out a photo of her father and Kamala recognizes Hasan Nana (Fawad Kan). You are now done. This is the role of one of Pakistan’s most famous actors.

Kamala takes out the bangle to ask Sana. Kamala is told by Sana that she doesn’t need to worry about being a “Djinn”, because all she has to do is remember when the bangle was last saved her. She claims that the train she saw in the vision was the same train that traveled from India to Karachi during Partition. Although she doesn’t know the reason, she knew that Kamala had to be in Karachi to solve it. That’s why she called her. Kamala mentions that she’s having trouble understanding what’s going on. Sana calms her down and tells her to look for beauty in the pieces. She takes a deep breath and goes to sleep. Zainab and Owais wake her up to take her to Rukhsana Auntie (Anjana Gyhogar).

As Kamala goes out to dinner with her extended family, Ali Sethi and Shae Gil play “Pasoori”. Kamala, Zainab and Owais go out to the market to hear SomeWhatSuper’s and Abid Brohi’s “The Sibbi Song.” Then they part ways because Zainab & Owais aren’t willing to accompany Kamala at the train station. This is where she believes her next clues about her fate awaits. Saira Hussain created a graffiti at Karachi Station that features Ant-Man (Paul Rudd), and the text “You Can Start Small and Still Be Larger Than Life.” This is an homage to Adrian Alphona who was the artist for Ms. Marvel’s debut comic. Kareem (Aramis knight) attacks her when she reaches the station. After a short fight, he confesses that he knows Aisha (Mehwishhayat) and they both realize they are not enemies.

Kareem takes Kamala into the interior of a restaurant (“Disco Deewane”) by Nazia Hassan, which is also the headquarters for the Red Daggers. Waleed (Farhan Ashtar) explains to them that the Red Dagger can be described as a mantle and that warriors who carry it up protect people against unseen threats. The Clandestines don’t look like the Djinn Kamala read about in religious texts and stories. It is a way to label any supernatural entity. If Thor had landed in New Mexico’s Himalayan mountains, instead of New Mexico, he would have been called a Djinn. Waleed claims that Aisha, and the Clandestines, are from a realm which co-exists on Earth but is obscured by the Noor. This is similar to Wakanda. The Clandestines plan to use Kamala’s bangle to break the veil and terraform Earth to the Noor realm. He finally translated the inscription on his bangle. It reads, “Whatever you seek is what you are seeking.”

Najma Attacks Waleed Kareem and Kamala

We witness Najma and Kamran with the rest of the group being taken to the DODC (Department of Damage Control), Supermax Prison. They flee, but Najma takes Kamran with him to protect Kamala. Kamala returns to Karachi and sees Sana basking in the setting sun. She is hiding from Muneeba who is cleaning the house. Kamala asks her if she has any answers to her questions. Kamala said that it was a little education. Sana said that she is trying to find her identity at her age. Her Pakistani passport means that her roots are in India. The border between them is marked by pain and blood. It’s even more complicated because people claim their identity based upon an idea that “old Englishmen” had while they were going out.

Kamala questions Sana about her plans to discover who she really is. Sana replies with a shake of her head and the advice not to rush and to be young. Kamala and Kareem have a night together, as Kamala plays with Kareem while one of his friends performs an acoustic rendition of “Didi”, by Khaled. We then went to Sana’s home, where Musarrat Nazir was playing “Mera Long Gawacha”. They share their memories and bond. Muneeba then brings up the idea of Sana going to America to escape Karachi and all her illnesses. Sana laughs, thinking that Muneeba fled to escape her. Muneeba claims that she fled because she needed a change. Sana’s bizarre theories and Sana’s crazy theories led to her believing that Muneeba left. Kamala comes back and shares toffee with her mother.

Kamala visits the Red Daggers hideout where Waleed informs her that she believes that her genetics can make her shape her Noor powers. Waleed gives Kamala a jacket with history in it and says that she is not the only one on her quest. Kamala is closer to her comic-book costume with the blue-green jacket, and red kurti. All this joy is short-lived when Najma and the Clandestines enter and attempt to seize Kamala. Waleed holds them back while Kamala, Kareem and other escape via one of the routes. They take to the streets after their hideout was infiltrated. Waleed, Kamala and Kareem use an auto-rickshaw in order to escape the Clandestines. To chase down the Clandestines, they use an auto-rickshaw as well as a truck.

‘Ms. Marvel’ Episode 4 – Ending explained – Is Waleed dead? Is Kamala able to travel back in time?

During the chase, Kamala and Kareem get separated. Kamala arrives with a truck to stop Kareem from being cornered. Waleed is confronted by Najma who stabs him in his back and then throws him from a balcony. Kamala attempts to help him but Kareem tells him that he’s gone. Farhan Akhtar doesn’t seem to be a one-episode wonder. One stab to his back and a fall from the balcony are not going to kill him. It’s possible that Waleed is involved in a long-running con and is working with the Clandestines. How else could they have found the Red Daggers’ hideout? This was also right after they escaped from a maximum security prison. Isn’t this a bit too convenient? The chase continues down an alleyway, where Najma stabs Kamala with a knife, causing a huge explosion.

Kamala is caught in a rift between time and space. She finds herself at the train station heading for Karachi on the eve Of Partition. She realises that this is the place she will find her grandmother, great-grandmother and great grandfather. As the camera moves back, she sees the thousands of people who have gotten on to the trains. Is she really able to travel back in time? It’s not possible. I believe it’s one her visions. She sees things through Sana or Aisha’s perspective, just like in Season 2 of “Russian Doll”. Episode 5 will likely take place in the past. If you’re worried that Fawad Khan will only be playing a small role in Episode 5, don’t be. My “Peter Tingle”, tells me that Fawad Khan will get lots of screen time next week.

Ms. Marvel Episode 4 Final Review

There’s lots going on in Ms. We still don’t know a lot more about Marvel episode 4, “Seeing Red”. This is pretty much the norm with MCU Disney+ shows that almost always skip their fourth episodes. Instead of rote action, they focus on character development. It’s not a problem. Kamala’s mother and grandmother are my best friends for the next hour. Kamala then gets to experience driver’s education in a fun chase sequence. Plus, episode five is going to deliver a lot of story resolution. It looks like we’ll see what happened to Aisha in Partition without flashbacks. This would be a smart move, if it doesn’t undersell its horrifying nature.

Kamala and her mother, Nani, travel to Karachi to see her. So Bruno, Nakia and the rest the Khans leave this one out. Muneeba is having a difficult relationship with her mother. Her fantastical “theories”, which flooded Muneeba’s childhood, made it feel isolated. But, it’s clear that they have a strong bond and may be close to repairing things, especially if some “theories” turn out to be true. Nani appears to have stopped trying to explain things at this stage in her life. She suggests to Kamala “If you have experienced the same as I have, then you will find beauty in the fragments.” I am stoic and unaffected. If you make any other claims, I will see you in court. Good morning! Sniff.

After a few family visits and activities with her cousins, Kamala travels to Karachi’s train station to investigate. Here she puts on her mask for the first-time. It was thrilling enough. However, we will have to wait at least until next week to see her fully dressed up. A nice little Avengers connection is also found at the station. There is a mural that celebrates Ant-Man’s moxie. Scott Lang is really going to be the glue that holds Phase 4 together.

It’s too late to think about it because Kamala is quickly ambushed and killed by Kareem (Aramis knight), aka Red Dagger. He sensed Kamala’s Noor power and assumed that she was a Clandestine. The two of them engage in a “mistaken identity battle” that is flirty and continues later as they exchange barbs. Does Kamala, Bruno and Kamran’s love triangle turn into a love square or is it just a love triangle? It’s my honest intention.

The Red Daggers are a lively scene that then gives us some Clandestine nonsense. Kamala still believes that Kamala might be a classic, mythical djinn. Red Dagger leader Waleed has the answer. He says that Thor would have been labeled a djinn if he landed in the Himalayas. As Waleed explains how the Clandestine’s dimension and ours are interwoven, things get more negative. We’re all in trouble if the Clandestine can pull down the Noor veil which separates them. Kamala must now learn Aisha’s secrets and control Noor energy properly. We find out that Kamala is part human and may have an advantage. Kamala is also able to travel to another dimension with her power. I wonder if this will be the place where Ms. Marvel’s final battle is here.

The Clandestine manage to escape the DODC’s supermax prison and make their way towards Karachi, leaving Kamran behind for beingtrayal. All of this leads to a lengthy chase sequence. Although we’ve seen many chases in the MCU series, this one feels fresher because of its background. Kamala wasn’t in danger at any point. With the knowledge that Kamala will continue to appear in next year’s The Marvels, the show’s peril has been largely mitigated. Waleed is the one that eats it while trying to save Kamala, Kareem and others. We knew you very little, Waleed. We didn’t even know you! But, ye were most likely a lot cooler than an avatar from an exposition dump in another universe.

Kamala and Najma get into a fight and the bangle is snatched from it. Kamala is then taken to Partition. Now we can hopefully learn more about Aisha. My guess is that Aisha was either killed by Najma or trapped between dimensions when she betrayed Najma. Ms. Marvel will undoubtedly reveal the backstory next week and it’s likely that it will affect Kamala deeply. It would be great to see Nani and Muneeba discover all the secrets, as well – it would bring together three generations of women.

Score : 7.5/10