As the final episodes of Money Heist Season 5 aired, it was clear that things were not going to be as they seemed. The team had been betrayed and left stranded on an uninhabited island, with no way back. Fortunately, the team had a plan. They would use the money they had stolen from the bank to buy food and water, and then make their way back to civilization. However, things did not go as planned. The island was abandoned and there was no food or water available. The team was forced to cannibalize each other in order to survive. In the end, only one member of the team made it back to civilization - but he was very sick and needed medical attention. The finale of Money Heist Season 5 showed that even though things were tough at first, the team could overcome any obstacle together. They were able to find a way back home and make it all right - but this time, they would be prepared for anything.

Who is killed in Money Heist Season 5 Part 2?

Money Heist Season Five Part 2’s opening chapters show some significant developments. We’re going to speed through them to get to the juicy stuff.

Professor Alicia Sierra, the hostage of the Professor, uses Tokyo’s death as an opportunity to make a quick escape. However, she eventually forms an uneasy alliance and alliance with her rival after it becomes obvious that Colonel Tamayo will not be able to help her rebuild her life.

The Bank of Spain team set out to transport the gold ingots that they had melted into small pebbles from the highest security institution. They plan to transport it via the sewers to an underground storm container using an industrial-sized pressure pump that they stole from an offshore oil well.

There are also enemies within. The gang knows that Tokyo’s self-sacrifice caused the death of the entire military squad who had been harassing them. Sagasta, the captured leader, and another injured member of the team were not among the victims. Arteche, however, is the only survivor. He has been working in the shadows.

The episode eight finale is the most intense. It features a huge twist that will leave you with jaws open.

Benjamin, Sierra, Marseille and Benjamin are all working at the stormwater tank. They are turning the Bank of Spain’s gold pebbles back into ingots, so that they can be moved more easily.

The police are on the trail of them, and have discovered that their scheme to smuggle gold through pipes under the bank. They arrive heavily armed at the hideout in an effort to stop this elaborate heist.

The Professor doesn’t want to see more bloodshed and orders his team to surrender. The cops then cuff them all and place them in a van with other officers. It was quite an ordeal.

They don’t want to act out at first, but they soon realize that something is not quite right. The door isn’t locked!

They arrive to discover that there are no police cars, but only flashing blue lights, a speaker blasting out siren sounds, and no police cars. The gold they were working on is not visible.

The Professor realizes that the police officers who stormed into the building earlier were not police. They were rival thieves who had taken the 90-ton gold horde and fled to unknown locations. Facepalms ensue.

It can only be Berlin’s son Rafael, who we have only glimpsed in flashback and who was working with his ex-wife in partnership with his father. She had heard about the Bank of Spain theft years before, during their most passionate relationship.

After this deception, the Professor and his team began to recover their gold. They traced Rafael’s rival robbers back to a nearby quarry where they found their lorries empty of any gold ingots. Oh dear!

It won’t take long for the actualpolice to stumble upon the stormwater tanks where The Professor was enacting his plans. So he sends Marseille to put the so-called Tom Thumb Plan into action.

The trick involves making the tank look like The Professor has still got the gold. The police can waste their time by looking for breadcrumbs.

Things are very dire at the Bank of Spain. Arteche and Sagasta have succeeded in their plan. The stealthy Special Forces operative deactivated the bombs of the gang at three entry points – allowing army to move in. He also disarmed Palermo as well as Helsinki. The heist is over.

The Professor learns that every member of the Dali gang at the Bank of Spain has been arrested. He decides to go to Spain to be with his colleagues at this time. He assigns Sierra, his former enemy, the task of finding the stolen gold and gives her a note to pass on to his nephew, if she can track him down.

Sierra, who is smart and cunning, quickly realized that their rivals would require a large area of land to store the 90-ton haul. This would likely have been bought recently, i.e. Since the Dali gang’s Bank of Spain theft has been making headlines.

They are assisted by staff from the local land registry and begin to visit every parcel of land in the area that has been purchased with cash over the past week. It isn’t long before they find Rafael’s hiding spot.

It looks like a well-maintained, well-decorated static home. But closer inspection reveals that it was built to hide something much more important: the gold!

Colonel Tamayo conducts a thorough interrogation of Professor Tamayo and his gang. He wrongly believes that they know the location of the missing fortune, but nobody reveals that it was swindled.

As if the gold doesn’t come soon, Spain will be in a financial crisis.

It ends with an ultimatum. Tamayo threatens the execution of the entire gang if they don’t reveal where the gold is. But The Professor warns him that doing so will make it impossible for him (and all of the country) to find the treasure.

This in mind, Tamayo reluctantly accepts the criminal mastermind’s high-concept contingency strategy plan. It allows everyone to emerge relatively unscathed.

Two lorries are required by the Professor, which he prepared in Blue Peter fashion earlier. They will be carrying what appears to have been gold bars and will be parked outside of Bank of Spain.

Tamayo is out in public to announce that the Dali gang was defeated through an effective police and military investigation. Spain’s national reserve of gold has been returned to its rightful place.

The result is that panic begins to subdue and international markets quickly rebound. How has The Professor managed to achieve such a positive outcome?

Actually, those “gold bars” are made of gold-coated brass that The Professor had prepared in case his gang were forced into a corner.

Tamayo is aware of the deception but he agrees to it. Spain needs the world to believe that its gold reserves are safe.

This lie is unlikely to be exposed, as Spain does not use its gold ingots for trade deals. They are symbolic of Spain’s wealth and are rarely seen in normal circumstances. If the international community believes they exist, that should be enough for business to continue to run smoothly.

Rafael returns to his fake bachelor pad after a heated stand-off that ended with Sierra handing him a note from The Professor outlining the brilliant ruse he had in mind. Rafael, who wants to be loyal to his family, agrees to share the huge gold with his uncle’s group. What a nice gesture!

At his press conference, Tamayo claims that the entire Dali gang were killed in a shootout at the Bank of Spain. In reality, they have been placed under witness protection and are about start new lives in Portugal.

Sierra informs The Professor that they have the gold waiting for them there. This means that the survivors of the team will soon be living luxurious lives.

Money Heist’s final characters are: The Professor; Lisbon; Rio, Denver; Stockholm, Manila, Manila, Helsinki and Palermo.

Unfortunately, the Bank of Spain Heist cost Nairobi and Tokyo their lives in season four and five respectively. However, it achieved its original goal of liberating Rio from the barbaric treatment by the Spanish authorities.

Also Read:When Will Money Heist Season 6 Release Date ?

What was the contents of The Professor’s Note to Rafael in Money Heist Season Five Part Two?

Although Money Heist Season Five Part Two may have reached its climactic conclusion, fans still love every detail.

Viewers will never see The Professor’s contents, which Sierra then passes to Rafael.

It becomes clear, however, that Rafael was informed by the note that some of the gold would end in his possession – an agreement that prevents Rafael from interfering in The Professor’s heist.