Momoshiki and Kaguya are two of the most popular characters in the Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure manga and anime series. They are both powerful and skilled fighters, but who would come out on top? Momoshiki is a young, inexperienced fighter who is not yet ready for a full-fledged battle with Kaguya. She is also very vulnerable to injury, which could easily lead to her defeat. Kaguya, on the other hand, is an experienced fighter with years of experience under her belt. She has no fear of injury or combat, and she is confident in her abilities. She is also a powerful witch who can use her magic to help her fight. It would be difficult for Momoshiki to beat Kaguya in a physical battle. However, she could easily outmaneuver and outfight her if she were to fight cautiously and defensively. If she were to go all-out in an attempt to win, she may find herself at risk for defeat. On the other hand, it would be much easier for Kaguya to take down Momoshiki than it would be for her opponent to take down Kaguya. Therefore, it seems that Momoshiki would come out on top if they fought face-to-face

While both Kaguya, Momoshiki, have shown themselves to be extremely powerful, Kaguya is most likely the stronger of the two. Momoshiki was capable of performing amazing feats but Kaguya, with her sheer power and her ability to wipeout the entire Team 7 at once, as well her incredible chakra reserves, make her the stronger Otsuki Clan member.

This article will expand on the above-mentioned answer. We’ll be comparing Kaguya Otsutsuki more in detail. You will see which one is stronger and why we believe our answer is correct.

Physical powers and Chakra

Kaguya’s chakra strength and reserves increased after he ate the Divine Tree’s fruit. Naruto, Sasuke and Sasuke referred to Kaguya’s superiority to Madara’s as Jubi’s Jinchuriki. A simple release of his chakra can create powerful shockwaves that could subdue Hamura. She is the first to use chakra and can absorb all techniques.

Kaguya can use the Temporary Parlysis Technique and Chakra Absorption Techniques when she comes into contact with an enemy. Her connection to the Divine Tree makes her stronger. She can also recover the chakra of victims of Infinite Tsukuyomi’s Infinite Tsukuyomi through The Divine Birth of a World of Trees. Kaguya showed some skill in unarmed combat as she was able to block multiple attacks from Naruto’s clones.

She is also able to move quickly. For example, she was able to appear in front Sakura Haruno in a blink of an eye. Later, she reacted quickly and avoided Chidori combined avec Sasuke’s Amenotejikara. However, she first had to change her size. Kaguya claims to be immortal and can regenerate any anatomy, including severed limbs. The Senpo- Mega Orb Demonic Shuriken also struck her and she only suffered superficial injuries.

His chakra allowed him to fight Kage-level enemies for long periods of time. After absorbing Kinshiki, the power and pressure of his chakra allowed him to create shock waves that could split his planet’s Divine Tree into two. He was also able to deflect lightning-charged shuriken from Sasuke.

Momoshiki, in his natural form, has demonstrated a high level of proficiency in taijutsu. His physical strength was exceptional, allowing him to effortlessly break through the Chunin Exams stadium wall with one kick of his foot. This allowed Naruto fly a significant distance. Even though Momoshiki was able to use his black receivers to defend against Sasuke’s attacks, he was still at an advantage.

Both Kaguya as well as Momoshiki have an incredibly powerful entity. Kaguya appears to have greater chakra reserves, and thus is a more dangerous entity, which is why she is worth this point.

Points: Kaguya 1, Momoshiki 0


Kaguya is able to use all five chakra natures and the Inyoton because of her mastery over the chakra. Her long hair can be used to capture and swing enemies on the battlefield. She can also summon her will by using the Summoning Method.

Momoshiki, at the expense of the huge amount of chakra he gained from taking the pills, was able use space-time Ninjutsu which allowed him to travel between dimensions with Kinshiki. After absorbing the pills, he was able to access Kinshiki’s ability for him to create red glowing weapons. As he tried to rescue Kurama from Naruto, he also knew a bit about fuinjutsu. Momoshiki was able to control his hair and use it to bind and strangle the opponent. Their speed was sufficient to get past Gaara’s Sand Shield defenses.

This category was very specific. We know exactly what Kaguya can do, but we don’t know if Momoshiki was able do everything. Based on Momoshiki’s actions in manga and anime, we decided to grant him this point.

Points: Kaguya 1, Momoshiki 1


Kaguya was able to combine the Divine Tree with her sons’ chakra, and became Jubi. The Senpo- Mega Orb Demonic Shriken contained the chakra of the tailed beasts, Team 7, and caused Kaguya to become a rabbit-like Jubi.

Black Zetsu pointed out that her transformation was not humanoid. It was accidental. This implies that she could also transform into Jubi at will. To return to normal, she had to absorb chakra from victims in the Infinite Tsukuyomi after becoming an unstable Jubi.

Momoshiki was able to use all five nature transformations with his Rinnegan by absorbing the elemental energy from his enemies’ techniques. Momoshiki was able create enormous elemental monsters, including a demonic fire-pheasant, dogs and a golem that could fight Kurama. He also wore the Susanoo armor. Momoshiki’s Fire release was strong enough to defeat Sasuke and severely burn him. Momoshiki also was able to use elements such as meteorite rain and absolute zero blizzard.

Although Momoshiki has great transformation abilities, Kaguya is able to transform into a true monster. We had to make this clear. Although we wouldn’t want to face her, Momoshiki would be our choice.

Points: Kaguya 2, Momoshiki 1

Unique abilities

Kaguya is able to use a variety of unique abilities. Some of these are older than those in the series, and are much more deadly. Kaguya can use Eighty Gods’ Void Attack to create massive chakra fists that attack the target. These are strong enough to defeat a jinchuriki’s chakra arms and to destroy a Full Body-Chakra Susano. With ease, ‘Hermit Rikudo. This technique can be used to defend yourself. You can also use this technique to harden your long hair and fire countless needles with enough force to pierce Susano.

After Boruto had killed him, Momoshiki decided to make Kama a vessel for his chakra. Boruto was granted mysterious powers, and the seal evolved to allow Momoshiki complete control over his body for brief periods. Kama may continue to improve and eventually transform Boruto into a complete ship, which will allow him to awaken as “Ultimate Otsuki.”

Finally, Momoshiki’s genetic data would overwrite Boruto’s. After which Kama would vanish and Momoshiki would resurrect Boruto, taking control of his body and erasing the character. Boruto’s connection with Kawaki (the bearer of Isshiki’s Kama), accelerated the capture process. Momoshiki can manifest himself when Boruto becomes too weak. He also has access to Boruto’s knowledge and skills.

Because of their unique powers, this category was very difficult to analyze. We decided to split these points.

Points: Kaguya 3, Momoshiki 2

Also Read:Boruto vs Kawaki : Who would win?

Kaguya vs. Momoshiki: Which would win?

Now, let’s get to the most important section of the article: the analysis. We will use the information we have gathered about these characters to analyze how they would react to each other. Let’s continue.

This comparison was not easy. These Otsuki Clan members make up the strongest members of their family. They scared the protagonists of Naruto, Boruto . These two Otsuki Clan members were able to frighten the protagonists of Boruto . Had they been able to work together, these two would probably have been invincible. Both have demonstrated that they can take care of the protagonists with relative ease despite being defeated.

We still believe Kaguya to be stronger. Although it was difficult to decide that, you can see that only one category made the difference in the duel. However, we believe that Kaguya’s experience and the fact that Momoshiki creeps us out more than Kaguya would make her win the duel. We know Momoshiki can be powerful but we don’t believe he has anything that could surprise Kaguya. That is why this duel is won.