The fourth season of “El Chapo” ended with a shocking and unexpected finale. Fans of the show were left on the edge of their seats as the final episode unfolded. The episode began with El Chapo in prison, awaiting his trial. He was visited by his wife, Mariquita Milagrosa, who told him that she had been praying for him and that she loved him. She also said that she wanted to make one last request of him: to forgive her father for what he had done to her mother. El Chapo agreed to her request and said that he would always love her. Later in the episode, El Chapo’s lawyer informed him that he would be going free because there was no evidence against him. El Chapo was shocked by this news and asked his lawyer why he had been given this news. His lawyer replied that it was because President Trump had ordered his release. El Chapo was outraged by this news and demanded to speak to Trump himself. His lawyer refused to let him do so, but promised to arrange a meeting between them soon. The final scene of the episode showed Mariquita Milagrosa arriving at prison to visit her husband. She told him that she loved him and asked him forgiveness for what her father had done to her mother. El Chapo hugged her tightly and said that he forgave her too. The two then shared a tearful goodbye before Mariquita Milagrosa left prison forever, leaving fans wondering what will happen next in their story ..

La calidad del contenido producido cada año es más importante que su cantidad. Algunos pueden sorprenderte con nuevas técnicas, mientras que otros pueden sorprenderte con sus habilidades para contar historias.

Miraculous Tales of Ladybugs y Cat Noir ha estado en pantalla durante cuatro temporadas. Cada nueva temporada es una sorpresa para los aficionados. El programa es muy popular en el extranjero, y eso no es una sorpresa. Junto con las transmisiones en Gloob, el programa fue tomado por los gigantes OTT Disney +, así como Netflix. ¿Qué es lo último de la cuarta temporada? Todos los fanáticos tienen la misma pregunta con respecto al final de la temporada 4 de Miraculous Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir.

También te puede interesar: ¿Cuándo es la fecha de lanzamiento de la temporada 5 de Miraculous Ladybug?


Miraculous Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir was originally shown in Korea, but it was also one of the most rare animated shows that was produced in English. It was a fascinating show that flourished in Korea. It’s a wonderful story about two teenagers with extraordinary responsibilities. Marinette and Adrien, both teenagers are secretly pretending to be superheroes by using the magical and fantastical powers of Kwami.

They become Ladybug and Cat Noir thanks to the powers of Kwami. They don’t realize that their superhero and personal lives are at risk from the Hawk Moth. The young super heroes must balance their love life, student life and professional lives. It’s up now to the young superheroes to solve the balance crisis and help the world.

Poster of Miraculous Tales of Ladybugs and Cat Noir


Season 4 of Miraculous Tales Of Ladybug & Cat Noir ended with a great high. It was both miraculous and appropriate that the tension and strain of the nail-biting finale were so intense. Although the finale was a cliffhanger, it showed promise for a new season. The Season 4 finale featured a broken Ladybug/Cat Noir, who were very depressed and discouraged after the huge losses they suffered in the midst of all their superhero duties. At the end of the finale, Felix and Gabriel reached a mutual understanding that allowed them to have a say.

Miraculous Tales of Ladybugs and Cat Noir

Felix is able to obtain the Peacock Miraculous. Gabriel finally got the ring he had been wanting for so long. While Gabriel was getting the ring, Hawk Moth, the big bad, was on the scene, making a speech of supervillainousness to the Parisians. Hawk Moth threatened Paris citizens to give him the Miraculouses, or Paris would be destroyed. The speeches were a hint to the fans.

It is likely that there will be a major fight between the good guys and the bad guys soon. There could also be a scenario where the bad guys win. Ladybug and Cat Noir are having a heart-to-heart conversation. Cat Noir is Ladybug’s shoulder to cry on. The bond strengthens and it would be amazing to see the camaraderie go up against the big guy.


La temporada 4 estaba al borde de una gran pelea, lo que apunta a la pelea final de la saga. Hawk Moth sigue amenazando, Felix tiene el Peacock Miraculous, que podría ser muy útil durante la gran pelea. Ladybug y Cat Noir tienen un vínculo más fuerte que nunca. Están conectados entre sí más allá de sus responsabilidades. También están conectados emocionalmente.

Cuentos milagrosos sobre el clímax de Ladybug y Cat Noir

Adrien y Cat Noir están desarrollando una relación que valdrá la pena ver. Esto se debe al hecho de que son una y la misma persona. El primer episodio de la quinta temporada contará con Su-Han, que será una declaración importante en el arco argumental. También podría afectar la gran pelea final, que puede suceder antes de lo que los fanáticos piensan.


Strike Back dejó tramas que sugieren que la guerra no ha terminado. Hawk Moth es una amenaza real y planea atacar la ciudad con todas sus fuerzas. Félix también tiene el Pavo Real Milagroso que puede usar para la pelea. Nuestros héroes serán amenazados por personas con habilidades sobrenaturales y aquellos que están akumatizados.

The Miraculous Ladybug Temporada 5 Episodio 1, comenzará con la entrada de Su-Han en la historia. Le gritará a Ladybug que deje de causar más caos. Sin embargo, las palabras de Cat Noir la inspiraron a no darse por vencida. La quinta temporada no solo se centrará en la creciente relación de Adrien con Cat Noir, sino también en la de Luca. La revelación conducirá a una historia de amor más convincente porque son la misma persona.

La batalla final contra Hawk Moth se lanzará la próxima temporada. La temporada 5 de Miraculous Ladybug está programada para estrenarse a mediados de 2022. Los fabricantes aún no han confirmado la fecha de lanzamiento. Las temporadas más recientes están disponibles en Disney+ o Gloob. Este espacio contendrá todas las actualizaciones de regreso a la escuela. Esté atento a The nntheblog para ver más actualizaciones.