Marie Fou Lafan is a woman trapped in a dating sim. She’s been playing the game for months, and has yet to find a single match. Marie is determined to figure out why she’s not finding love, but the more she investigates, the more mysterious her situation becomes. Marie Fou Lafan first noticed something was wrong when she couldn’t log into her account anymore. She tried contacting the developer of the game, but they didn’t respond. Marie started to worry that something had happened to her account, so she started investigating on her own. She found that all of her other online accounts were still active and working. It wasn’t until she tried logging into her dating sim account that she realized something was wrong. The game had locked her out! Marie Fou Lafan started to investigate further and discovered that all of the other players in her game had disappeared overnight. They left behind broken furniture and empty cupboards - as if they’d never existed at all. Marie Fou Lafan can only assume that this is some kind of sick joke, but she doesn’t know what else to do about it. ..

What is THe Appearance Of Marie Fou LAfan In Trapped In A dating Sim ?

Her long, blonde hair frames her face. Her eyes are a bright blue. She is petite and has a slim chest.

She was more attractive and voluptuous in her past lives, which she used to be able to use as a hostess. However, she is not happy with her body.

What is The Personality Of Marie Fou LAfan ?

Marie appears to be a shy and kind young girl on the outside. Marie is actually a manipulative, selfish person. She is not afraid to manipulate others for her own benefit.

After learning that her brother reincarnated with them, she starts to work with him. She is able to trust her brother’s decisions and learns to be more calm, calculative, and gentle. Because of their privilege, they are very immature and impulsive. She is forced to be a mother-like figure towards the reverse harem.

Her two years of financial struggle have given her a strong desire to get money. After the prince was disinherited, Marie’s desire for money grew. She is now responsible for Kyle’s support and fighting massive family debts. She is opposed to gambling because she has been stuck with gambling debts throughout her life.

Marie is intelligent, despite appearing childish and naive at times. Marie was able manipulate the entourage of the prince so well that even after all her lies were exposed, they still love her. This allowed her to be recognized as the Saint, and she did so without ever completing the game. She used cut-scenes, CGs, and CGs to unravel the story, which impressed Leon. Another example is that she discovers that Loic’s relationship to Noelle would lead her to a Bad End despite having limited knowledge of the second Otome game. She was also able to deduce Noelle and Louise’s attraction towards Leon.

She has been more friendly and less selfish during her time in Alzer Republic. It is likely that she has a reestablished a close bond with Leon, her siblings from a previous lifetime. Marie has shown a lot of confidence and cares, such as when she saved Carla or her concern about Noelle.

Since her brother was reunited with them, she has been supporting/sidekick to the series of otome games and gathering information.

What is The Story Of MArie Fou Lafan In Trapped In Dating Sim ?

Previous Life

Marie was a normal-looking girl from birth. She was talented and pretty from a young age. was her older brother. She looked up to him and was dependent on him. He would often do the things she wanted, believing he could do them better than her. However, this would usually come across as spoiled and bratty. One time, she became interested in yaoi and kept her materials in her brother’s room. Her mom found them and discovered that she had lied about it. He was forced to leave because he thought they were her brother’s.

Later, she had her brother complete an Otome game that she was having difficulty with. She went on a trip to the beach with the money she received from her parents and sent him pictures of her trip as a taunt. However, her brother died from exhaustion after playing the game for two days straight and falling down the stairs. Her life changed dramatically at this point.

Her parents made fun of her lying and taking their money when she returned from her trip. She returned to the otome and tried it again, but the game was already complete so she couldn’t see the cut-scenes or CGs in order to piece together the story.

She and her family discovered that her brother died indirectly because she made him play the game. They quickly expelled her from her home. Marie did not hate her brother after she was exposed. Marie was shocked that her brother had died because of her selfish actions and that she cannot be spoiled/protected anymore. To make ends meet, she worked as a “night-time entertainer” in order to earn a living. She had several boyfriends, including one who was a gambler and left her with a hatred for gambling. Another would constantly ask her for money. After she got married, she had a child. However, her husband left her and her custody of the girl was transferred to her parents. Her abusive boyfriend later murdered her.

New Life

Marie Fou Lafan was her incarnation. The Lafan Household, despite being a Viscount rank household was in deep financial trouble and had accumulated a lot of debt. Marie was raised by abusive parents and uncaring siblings. Marie realized she was playing an old otome game and made it her mission, to become Olivia and be recognized as a Saint. She would use her healing magic whenever she could, hoping to meet the prince with his entourage.

Season 1

Marie is introduced to Leon when he was looking at Marie during the entrance ceremony. After several weeks, she makes her return to the academy’s courtyard. Angelica arrived with her followers to ask Julius if he would like them to attend the tea ceremony. Julius reproached Angelica for trying to force her way into the conversation at the academy. Angelica responded that it was quite loud because of the noise in the surrounding conversations. Julius noticed Marie and asked her to join him as he had something to share with her. Julius said that the other boys would also be arranging tea ceremonies, so he didn’t want one to be flashy and would only invite friends so Marie can attend his tea ceremony. Angelica objected to the idea because Julius was the crown Prince, so a proper tea ceremony should be held. However, Julius didn’t listen to Angelica’s objections. Julius tells Angelica that even though she was his fiancee, they were at school and he was a student so she shouldn’t interfere in his affairs. Angelica hears this and excuses herself for her rude behavior. She then looks at Marie before following her. Marie replied that she was fine, and Julius asked Marie if it was okay for her to go to the tea party. Jilk assured her that she was allowed to attend the tea party with Julius and his followers. Leon only noticed her smirk as he left the courtyard with his friends after they had left.

Marie and the prince, along with his entourage, went to a dungeon together with Leon, Angelica and Olivia for a lesson. Angelica was against Marie being in the same group with Julius, and an argument occurred between them. Leon and Olivia were the vanguards. Angelica and the prince’s groups are in the middle with the former ahead. Six giant ant monsters were encountered by the prince’s group. They had come from a side street so they were not visible to the groups at the front. Angelica shouted to the two groups at the back and front of the prince’s party to help them. Greg called them to move back and kill, while the four remaining were dealt with by Chris and Brad. Angelica shouted to save Julius, but the last one ran towards him. Jilk then reproached Angelica, telling her that Julius was not weak. Marie asked Julius if he was OK after he defeated the ant. Marie then treated Julius’s cut by using healing magic. Julius was surprised and asked Marie to keep the secret. Angelica approached Julius and pushed Marie aside, offering a towel. Julius refused to take it, and instead took Marie’s hand as he moved forward in the dungeon.

Marie was being bullied by a few students. When the prince’s entourage caught them they delibrately lied that they were acting on Angelica’s orders. Julius calls Angelica and tells them this. Angelica refutes the accusation, but Julius refuses and tells Angelica not to interfere in his affairs.A Surprise Sight

While Leon and Olivia were studying, they overhear Olivia flirting behind bookshelves. Out of curiosity, they check it out and are stunned to find Marie kissing Brad. Marie then made her way to the dormitory, thinking about how amazing this world was. There are no dull boys and women have equal rights here. Julius and Jilk approach Marie to ask if she has a personal maid. Marie says she doesn’t because her financial situation isn’t great. Jilk suggested that Julius and he should shoulder the cost of Marie’s care. Marie thanked them for their help.

Marie wears her school uniform to the End-of-Term Party. Julius was shocked when Marie replied that she couldn’t afford a dress and asked why. Jilk tells Marie that he can arrange a dress for next party because he is a regular at the Capital store. Marie, however, humbly denied it. However, the entourage insists on buying Marie a gown. Just before the party ends, Angelica has a fight with Julius over Marie. In a fit of fury she challenges Marie to a duel. The prince and his group act as Marie’s representatives with Marie’s personal servant Kyle telling her that he would support. No one was willing to be Angelica’s representative. Leon came up and declared that he would act as Angelica’s representative. She then mocked the group. Leon asks Angelica what her intention was in starting the duel. He asks Angelica if she wants Marie to stop pursuing Julius. Marie says that she wants the fighting stopped and the conditions to be set. Jilk says that there will be five one-on-1 matches. Leon agrees, before teasing the prince directly.

Marie was worried about the changes in the situation as no one was supposed come over to represent. Kyle comes over to Marie’s breakfast, and reports that they have permission to use arena. The marks of Leon are average so it would be easy for the prince’s entourage. After hearing that it would take her a bit longer to shine, she felt at ease.

Finally, the day has come for the duel. Angelica rushes to Leon as he enters the arena and asks him where his armor is. Leon replies that it will soon arrive. The arena is centered when Arroganz appears. Angelica asks Arroganz if he will fight with the armor, as Angelica is not sure that it was suitable for this duel. Leon said she would understand Arroganz’s reaction when the duel begins and got on her. Leon was the first opponent. When Leon used a shovel to defeat him, Brad became angry. Before the teacher could officially start the duel, Brad ran forward with his magic-infused spear. However, Leon moved Arroganz gently to the side and immediately grabbed his arm. He told him to calm down because they must take the oath before the fight. After seeing Arroganz move, the students began to get restless and each one told how much they had placed on Leon. Brad was easily defeated by one swing of Arroganz’s shovel. Leon then stomped on Brad to stop him from moving, and won the first match. Leon defeated Greg easily. Leon was furious that Greg didn’t use the proper equipment and made fun of his weakness. Chris is Leon’s third enemy. Leon launches drones at Chris from all angles, disregarding Chris’s concerns about Leon’s lack chivalry. Leon mocks Chris, prompting him to charge. However, Leon quickly catches Chris’s sword and snaps off the tip. Leon mocks Chris again, as Chris sinks to his knees. Leon wins his third match.

There was a short break between the fight against Chris and the next one. Jilk used Leon’s sister Jenna as a cover to drop a bomb on Arroganz, but Leon knew it from Luxion. Jilk creates a smokescreen to protect Leon from the armor-piercing shells before beginning to snipe him. Jilk explodes the bomb after realizing that the shells proved ineffective. Leon attacks his opponent quickly after the bomb proves ineffective. Jilk says that Leon will lose his titles if he fights the prince, but Leon is content as long as he can have his freedom. Jilk declares that he will do all he can to make Leon’s family accountable. Jilk was not happy with Leon’s threat. He recorded it and played it back to Jilk, using it to blackmail Jilk from his family. Leon then punches Jilk to the ground, injuring him severely and knocking him unconscious.

Marie was stunned at the strength of this man. Julius, the last remaining man, assures Marie that his armor is made using the best technology in the kingdom and that he will not lose to Leon. Marie believes that everyone said the exact same thing, and she loses. Leon questions Julius about Olivia before the match against Julius. He gets an unimpressive answer from the prince. Even though Julius was being pushed into a corner by Julius, he refused to quit saying that Marie was his only love and Angelica was not his love. Olivia suddenly shouts out that Julius loves Marie and Angelica loves Julius. Olivia shouts that Angelica wouldn’t be watching this fight if she didn’t love Julius. Angelica tried to stop Olivia, but she continued telling Julius why Angelica was not feeling the same feelings. She also shouted that even though two people may not have the same feelings it doesn’t necessarily mean they aren’t in love. Julius counters that forcing someone’s emotions on another person is not love. Julius declares the match a deathmatch using his authority as a crown Prince. Julius mocks Leon for using his title as a shield, despite having complained about it before. Leon claims that he could not kill the crown prince, so Julius was likely hoping that Leon would forfeit. Leon then uses impact to knock the prince unconscious and destroy his armor. Leon is declared the victor of the match.

Marie and her entourage were asked to stay at the academy during the summer vacation. Marie was shocked to learn that the five of them had been disowned from their homes and their engagements ended. Marie asks Marie if it was because they lost the duel. The three of them then explained that they had all requested that their engagement be canceled. 

Their families and fiances asked them to reconsider, but they were able to finally be with Marie. Julius informs the four others that he could not be with Marie, so he says to them that he would pray for Marie happiness. Brad replied that he would protect Marie, and the four of the group would go into the dungeons in order to strengthen themselves for the match against Leon. Marie’s words are so clear that she doesn’t want to live life on an adventure but wants to live a luxurious lifestyle.

Marie, Kyle and the other seven went to the dungeons many times during their summer vacation. Julius’s meeting with the six of them was never considered a coincidence. Marie was the only one to understand their situation and became mentally exhausted.

What Are Abilities Of Of Marie Fou LAfan ?

Healing Magic

Marie practiced her healing magic obsessively to be able to take Olivia’s place. Although she was able to recognize the holy items, Olivia’s skills are superior. Luxion says her diminutive size is due to her childhood malnutrition, and her excessive use of healing magic.


She is devoted to her brother and will do anything to get him back.  [2]The school trip she took allegedly takes her to one of the two other islands, but this was not mentioned in either the Manga or the Light Novel. She is a great cook, and Leon says that she has the same skills as his mother.  [3]According to Short Story Marie Route, her body grew slowly due to her healing magic training since childhood. This resulted in her childlike body when she entered the academy.