Love is a battlefield. All you need to know is that it’s a place where people fight for control of each other. It’s a place where people are willing to do anything to make the other person happy. And it can be very dangerous. Love can be very powerful, and it can be the thing that makes people do things they wouldn’t normally do. But it can also be very destructive. It can make people forget about their own safety, and it can make them forget about the well-being of others. There are many different types of love, and each one has its own set of risks and benefits. But there is one type of love that is especially important – love between friends. Friends are always there for each other, no matter what happens – and they have a lot in common. They’re both willing to put their own interests aside in order to help the other person out. They’re both willing to risk everything for each other – even if that means putting themselves in danger. And that’s why friendship is so important – because without it, we would all be at risk of losing our way completely.Факты о Кэй Сироганэ Любовь — это война от MadDogAiris


Kei is a young girl who has waist-length white hair, which is swept to the left. She also has blue eyes and an ashen complexion.

She typically wears the middle school uniform with a frilly hairband and pearly accessories. Outside of school, she can wear a variety fashionable casual outfits.

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Kei shares many similarities with her older brother. She is hardworking, kind, and selfless. She comes from a low-income background and places a lot of emphasis on money. She will go to great lengths not to spend too much. She appears calm and collected to others, even though she is good friends with Chika Fujiwara, her sister, and her brother. She shares many similarities with her brother, to the extent that she appears to have developed a nervous attitude toward Kaguya Shinomiya because of great admiration.

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Kei and Miyuki are not the same as her older brother. Kei is in a rebellious phase of her life. She is a bit mean and rude towards her family, especially Miyuki. He constantly nags Kei and treats him like a child. Although she denies it, Kei does care about her brother and is interested in his personal life. However, her pride has prevented Kei from speaking to him directly. She is more often seen awkwardly straddling Miyuki as he tries to find a way to confess to Kaguya. Moment Kei Shirogane By AniFive


Kei is a Shirogane sister and is a member of the Shirogane Shirogane family. Kei was seven years old when she left her mother and separated from her parents. She later returned to her father and brother to live with them (the details of which are yet to be known, but it is strongly implied that she ran away).



Miyuki Shirogane

Miyuki Schirogane, Kei’s older brother, has been overprotective and nagging in their relationship. This has caused Kei to feel like he still considers her a child. He doesn’t wash his clothes inside out, which she dislikes. Due to their financial situation, they agreed not to give each other birthday gifts. Kei saw him insert a 1000yen bill into his wallet to celebrate her birthday, and she shunned him more for it. Despite the hostility, Kei doesn’t think her brother is hostile. She just wants Miyuki to stop thinking of her as a child.

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Yu Ishigami Love Is War : Everything You Need To Know

Kei spent the Christmas money she received from Miyuki to buy clothes for him to wear at the Junior High Culture Festival. Although she seemed to treat him coldly when they met, she secretly was proud of how cool he looked to her friends.

Papa Shirogane

Papa Shirogane was Kei’s father. Because she was in her rebellious phase, her relationship with him is very difficult and she treats him very coldly. He is called “old man” by her. After learning that her father had made a lot of money streaming, Kei eventually called him “Dad.”


Kaguya Shinomiya

Kei loves Kaguya and bluntly says that she “likes” her. However, she doesn’t specify in what way. Her attitude towards her is very much like her crush. This often leads to the yuri-themed jokes in this plot. The whole plot being parody of the interactions of all-girl schools in manga and anime.

Chika Fujiwara

Отель Chika Fujiwara находится недалеко от Кей. Тесная дружба Кея с младшей сестрой Чики Моэхой привела к тому, что у них общая сестринская связь.

Моэха Фудзивара

Моэха Фусивара Одноклассник Кея и член студенческого совета близок к ним.

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Кей — это имя, которое означает «драгоценный камень» на языке Гуй. Фамилия Кэй Сироганэ — «белый» (Бай) (Shiro_) и «серебряный» (Инь) (Gane).


Кагуя Синомия – девушка, которую Кей абсолютно обожает. Более поздние главы показывают, что Кэй видит Кагуя Синомию скорее как образец для подражания и идеальную жену для Миюки Скироганэ, чем как если бы она просто преследовала похоть. Кей пристрастился к кофе, как и Миюки, и он обычно пьет его черным. Кей, по-видимому, также работает неполный рабочий день, так как однажды она предположила, что потратит 450 газетных поставок на предмет одежды. Кей не любит сладкий перец. [8] На значке ЛИНИИ Кей изображена коробка лимонного чая, которую она также пила в начале главы 39. Кей отвечает за управление финансами семьи. Кей очень гордится своим братом.