There is no one answer to this question, as the LOID FORGER SPY X FAMILY is a complex and sensitive security tool that can be used for a variety of purposes. However, here are some general tips to help you use LOID FORGER SPY X FAMILY effectively:

  1. Be sure to understand the basics of the tool before using it. LOID FORGER SPY X FAMILY is a powerful security tool that can be used for a variety of purposes, but it can be difficult to understand all of its features and how they work. To help you get started, read through our LOID FORGER SPY X FAMILY guide and learn about the different features and how they work.
  2. Use caution when using LOID FORGER SPY X FAMILY. The tool can be dangerous if not used correctly. Do not use it if you are not comfortable with its potential uses. Always have someone else with you when using LOID FORGER SPY X FAMILY, even if you are only working on small tasks.
  3. Be sure to keep your information safe when using LOID FORGER SPY X FAMILY. Keep your data secure and inaccessible to unauthorized individuals by following these tips:
  • Use strong passwords that are easy to remember and use;
  • Use two-factor authentication (2FA);
  • Store your data in secure locations; and

Для выполнения своего текущего задания обязательно вступить в брак и родить ребенка. Поэтому он способен вступить в брак с Ёром Брайаром и становится приемным отцом для Ани фальсификатора.Факты о семействе Loid Forger Spy X от MadDogAiris


Лоид — неопознанный мужчина с короткими светлыми волосами и голубыми глазами и светлым цветом лица. Его волосы обычно оттягиваются назад с разной степенью в соответствии с ситуацией. Он высокий и имеет крепкое телосложение.

He’s often seen in a light green suit, with a red tie when he is outside. He has a lapel pin to his left with the shape of a dagger and the WISE symbol.

If he is at home, he is wearing an unadorned t-shirt and long black pants.

As psychiatrists, he wears the lab coat with his tie and shirt.


As an agent of the law, his character is cold and efficient to his job. He does everything necessary to accomplish the task including joining terrorist groups to meeting the daughter of his target and becoming father. But, he’s shown to be a caring person in the case of his rescue of the Forger family and risked his identity as an informer.

See also

Fiona Frost Spy X Family : Everything You Need To Know

Loid’s story of being a weak orphan from war, suffering sadness and loneliness and loneliness, seems to have stayed throughout his adulthood and is the reason he is an agent of the spy community to create an environment where children do not be forced to be crying. He is sincerely in sympathy in Yor Forger regarding giving up their lives for the sake of their beliefs and the people around them which is what ultimately determines for Yor’s choice to marry her.

In contrast to his present personality and career as an agent of the state however, he was a sincere child who never lied towards his own parents. 

If he did lie to his father in order to trick his father to give him pocket money to purchase a set of soldier at a later date, he immediately felt guilty for his deceit, and even confessed to his father shortly afterward and then wishing to work to earn money to reimburse his father. 

Following the disappearance of his father in the Ostanian attack on his hometown the town, he was even more guilty for his deceit and promised to reveal the truth once he did return.

See also

Spy X Family Characters : All Characters Ranked


Twilight is trained to become a spy for at minimum 10 years. His style of combat appears to be a lot more focused on the practical side of combat, utilizing everything within his surroundings in his favor.

Intelligence The most powerful weapon of Twilight is intellect and observation due to the nature of his work by using flour to prevent soldiers from shooting, and by recollecting the various secret ciphers to help him in his future missions. Twilight can also remember the names of more than 200 penguins by skimming through the list of their diet habits, and also recalling Yor from various potential wives candidates. He even has enough of her life’s past. He also recalled everything in the Ostanian Intelligence manual word-for-word, effortlessly sifting through Yuri’s cover story.

В юности он проявлял некоторую изобретательность во время военных игр, в которые он играл со своими сверстниками, создавая ловушки для ведра и эластичный пистолет, который мог быстро изменить ситуацию, в которой его команда проигрывала.

маскировать: Сумерки также были признаны экспертом в маскировке, способным выглядеть как люди с различными типами тела и особенностями, включая их голос.

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Персонажи семьи Spy X : Все персонажи ранжированы

скорость: Он достаточно быстр, чтобы сбить с ног несколько человек без труда, даже если он использует муку в качестве дымовой завесы.

Датчики: Сумерки очень хорошо осведомлены о своем окружении и способны быстро найти Аню и распознать, когда за ней следят преподаватели уважаемой академии. Он также может легко обнаружить подслушивающие устройства.

Сила Сумерки – это высокий уровень силы, способный грациозно вытащить ребенка с избыточным весом, оказавшегося в грязи, всего одной рукой и вернуть его в ноги.

Выносливость Персонаж достаточно силен и долговечен, чтобы выдержать воздействие автомобильной аварии, имея возможность пойти на вечеринку, хотя и с кровотечением и растерянностью при отсутствии разрешения Йора.

Training Combative Twilight can be described as an extremely skilled spy who can eliminate a group of gun-toting Thugs on his own.

Expert Marksman Twilight can be described as a skilled marksman, able to shoot 3 people while fighting against 3 other shooters with his hands.

Multiple Tactical Skills Twilight is also developed the various other skills required for his job, such as lockpicking, forgery basics and lips studying, bomb defusing and dog training for military. Twilight can also perform simple household chores like making meals (implied to be pretty good at this)) along with sewing.

See also

Fiona Frost Spy X Family : Everything You Need To Know



Loid Forger’s wife, whom was married by him in the course of Operation Strix. They both decide to marry as it will benefit both of them in the long run however, they are able to keep their actual motives from one another. Even though they’re married, they don’t share a bed or a room.

Loid as a skilled spy, is able to stay away from his emotions during his work to avoid becoming attached to his partner while treating her like normal husbands would. This includes taking her out for dates even when she is looking gloomy as well as covering the fact that she is unable to cook. But Loid does all of this in order to accomplish his task.

Incredibly, he has lowered his guard over her on several occasions, blushing when she asks him to kiss her, and when he suspects she has genuine feelings for him, despite having had experiences with a variety of women as an informer. He’s also amazed to to sleep in her lap comfortably despite having to be ejected from the first. 

After Murdoch Swan verbally insulted Yor in their interview with Eden, Loid displayed unexplained fury that broke an arm and cut his own fist. However, having only seen Yor for a couple of days He is usually calm and is aware that this could put his life in danger. Fiona was also astonished to see that Loid even though he is adept at fake smiles, reveals some real emotion when he praises Yor for being his spouse and mother.

See also

Spy X Family Characters : All Characters Ranked


Loid Forger’s daughter, who he adopted to go to Eden Academy. She is chosen from an orphanage because of her ability to write, read and complete the crossword (which she actually solved by reading the mind of Loid Forger on the answer). Although initially he views the girl as an inconvenience, and a replacement but he quickly becomes cautious of her after being the idea of his mission as an operative spy.

He’s usually disappointed with her school performance and would like her to be able to spend more time studying rather than watching cartoons. But, he tries to treat her like the normal father would, and takes care of her well-being, including gifting her with a huge penguin stuffed doll (which she loves very much) and planning to buy her an animal (which was, in the end was cancelled since they were given Bond in place). 

He also kindly assists her learn to comprehend school lessons and tries his best to comprehend her, but is clearly disappointed when the attempt fails.

However, everything he has done for Anya up to now is mostly for the sake of his spying mission, even taking their cruise vacation as a part of the overall mission. Anya is an telepath, is aware of this and tries to be the same for Loid as well as protecting and caring for the latter, taking various measures to assist him in completing his tasks. 

See also

Fiona Frost Spy X Family : Everything You Need To Know

However, it was revealed that Loid actively opposes Anya being injured in the sense that he appeared to be a bit angry despite his usual serene and calm manner of conduct, at the time Murdoch Swan provoked Anya when she was a Forger in her entrance interview at Eden Academy.


Loid takes care of Bond as a member as a member of The Forger family, frequently taking Bond for walks. He’s initially a bit strict with Bond who is primarily responsible for in training and raising him to be an animal guardian for the Forger family. 

When Bond takes on the risk of saving the dog and capture an arsonist, they grow closer , and Loid is more patient and respect, urging Bond to be more self-assured.


Sylvia manages Twilight as well as the principal Contact for WISE. They generally have a professional connection based on their shared interest in combating war, and similar experiences in the conflict. He doesn’t hold a positive view on her. He is convinced she will not accept his request to take a vacation.

When he was first enrolled in Westalian Intelligence, Sylvia was the new commander and was in charge of training the young man to become a highly skilled spy. Her strict methods have led to Loid being afraid of her even having nightmares about her.

See also

Fiona Frost Spy X Family : Everything You Need To Know


Fiona Frost, aka Nightfall is an agent with WISE as well as Twilight’s previous trainee. She is obsessed with Twilight and believes she’s the perfect role of Mrs. Forger in place of Yor. Twilight isn’t aware of her motives, and sees her only as a co-agent. Loid is also convinced that she’s a an unsuitable candidate for her mother because of her strict upbringing.


Один из ближайших коллег Лоида во время его шпионской работы. В дополнение к предоставлению ему информации о его заданиях, Фрэнки часто помогает с различными задачами, такими как уход за Аней или Бондом, когда Лоид и Йор должны покинуть дом. Однако большую часть времени Фрэнки не помогает в обмен на гонорар.

Ранее они встречались во время войны как солдаты на противоположных сторонах. Фрэнки чуть не застрелил его, когда Фрэнки наткнулся на его ловушку. Тем не менее, Лоид спасает его, когда Фрэнки отчаянно хочет жить, чтобы иметь человека перед смертью, и Лоид шокирован тем, что враги кажутся людьми. Они обсуждают вспышку конфликта, который превращается в жаркий спор.

Лоид злится на Фрэнки за распространение ложной информации, которая раскрывает их местоположение останским солдатам, и Фрэнки быстро исчезает. Когда он обнаруживает, что его близкие все еще живы, прежде чем они снова потеряются, замечания Фрэнки о том, что они не знали о том, что они делали как солдаты, оказали на него глубокое влияние.

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Персонажи семьи Spy X : Все персонажи ранжированы


Нагрудный знак, который находится на одежде Лоида, на самом деле является символом его компании. Сумерки чрезвычайно популярны в его группе, и многие из агентов WISE рады встретиться с Сумерками лично и наблюдать за действиями Сумерек или даже спешить в замок, когда они услышали имя Сумерек. Некоторые агенты даже запросили у него автограф. Сумерки любят выбирать имена для своих персонажей, которые начинаются с «L», а также «R», такие как «Loid», «Robert», «Lionel», «Lawrence», «Roland». Важно отметить, что в японском языке звуки «r», а также «l» одинаково произносятся и пишутся в форме «r». Поддельная фамилия — Форгер, которая является отсылкой к его сценарию «поддельной семьи», членом которого он является. В теннисном соревновании Nightfall выбрали свое имя как Фони, чтобы представить, что они были «фальшивой парой», которой они являются. Имя Loid было первоначально переведено на Lloyd до главы 10, прежде чем было лицензировано Viz Media. Имя Твена Фони, которое он использовал во время теннисного турнира, происходит от кодового имени его агента «Сумерки» (так же, как и имя Nightfall, Нафалия). На японском языке он выбрал свое имя «Гарессо», которое является аббревиатурой японского кодового имени «Тасогаре». Кресло, которое Loid изображено на внутренней крышке начального объема, представляет собой кресло Grand Confort LC-2 Petit Modele, созданное Ле Корбюзье. Кресло было разработано Ле Корбюзье. По словам персонажа страницы Лоида, он носит черное нижнее белье.