Kokkoro is a Japanese word meaning “life force.” It is often used in the context of health and well-being, and has been used to describe the life force in general. Kokkoro can be thought of as a source of energy, vitality, and strength. It is also believed to be responsible for the passage of time, and can help keep us healthy and happy. There are many ways to use Kokkoro to improve our health and well-being. Here are five tips:

  1. Use Kokkoro to focus on your goals. When we focus on our goals, we increase our chances of achieving them. By using Kokkoro to help us stay focused on our goals, we can make better decisions about what we want in life, and become more successful overall.
  2. Use Kokkoro for relaxation. When we relax our minds and bodies, we increase our chances of feeling good mentally and physically. This can help us feel more alert and refreshed when we need it most, which can lead to better performance at work or during everyday activities.
  3. Use Kokkoro for stress relief. When we use Kokkoro to reduce stress levels, it can help us feel happier and more relaxed overall. This can lead to improved performance at work or during everyday activities – even when faced with challenging situations!
  4. Use Kokkori as a tool for growth . By using Kokkori regularly throughout your day, you can increase your chances of developing strong character traits that will benefit you both professionally and personally over time! This could include being able to handle difficult challenges head-on – something that many people lack in today’s world!

https://www.youtube.com/embed/diX74Wu0N08?feature=oembedBy RandomAnimeUploder


While praying one day, Kokkoro is sent a message by Ameth informing her to travel to Landosol to meet with someone. She also has to be their guide. Kokkoro then leaves her elven home to meet her master.

She is on her way to Landosol when she notices someone falling from the sky towards a hill ahead. Kokkoro walks towards this person, believing that it is Ameth. She finds the unconscious young man at the top of the hill. He wakes up, and he walks to Kokkoro’s side. He asks her if he’s alright and what his name is. Kokkoro introduces herself to the boy and tells him that he is Yuuki. He also learns that she knows that he is amnesic from Ameth’s message.

They come upon a girl who asks for food while they are on their way to Landosol. To Kokkoro’s horror, the girl takes full advantage of all their rice balls and eats them all. Kokkoro questions her about her identity, but she’s unable to answer because another girl is following them. Kokkoro offers to help her, and the girl agrees to learn how to fight. After defeating the monsters successfully, Kokkoro & Yuuki refer the hungry girl to as ” pecorine”, while the other introduces itself as Yui.

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During introductions, another girl is seen lying on the ground. Yuuki and Kokkoro decide to team up with Yui and Pecorine to rescue the girl. She and Yuuki escape and part ways with Yui and Pecorine, who take the unconscious girl to the clinic. She wakes up and introduces herself to be Karyl, before abruptly leaving. Kokkoro and Yuuki choose to spend the night in an inn.

Kokkoro shows Yuuki Landosol the next day and teaches him basic knowledge about money and its uses. Later, she asks for his permission to help her find a job to support herself financially. She also lends him money to use while working, but Yuuki decides to give it back to Yuuki, as she wants to be productive and not be a burden.

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Arc 1

Chapter 1 – A Mysterious Girl

Yuuki and Kokkoro looking for work at the town noticeboard.

Kokkoro informs Yuuki, a month after they settled in Landosol that their funds are running out and that they won’t be able to live at the inn any longer or buy food for themselves. Yuuki and Kokkoro have no choice but to accept more risky work in order to maintain their financial stability and to continue living in Landosol. Kokkoro tries to find one that’s not too dangerous for them at the town notice board.

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However, she hears a crash, and turns around to see a young girl who has landed on Yuuki. She helps her up and introduces herself to her as Suzume a maid who works at the Sarendia Orphanage. Kokkoro is shocked to discover that Yuuki is good friends with her and introduces herself. Kokkoro was surprised to see that the job Suzume had posted was simple transport of luggage. The reward is a vacancy at an orphanage. Kokkoro is unsure and asks Yuuki what to do.

After loading everything on the carriage, Kokkoro and Yuuki decide to have lunch on the way. Kokkoro explains to Suzume, that she and Yuuki were not related, and instead serves him as a guide. Kokkoro quickly notices that the sandwich she was holding has disappeared and the rest of the basket is gone. After some confusion, they see a girl taking the sandwich out of the box she was hiding in. The girl appears and speaks as if it is familiar and asks Suzume and Yuuki if they remember her.

She pushes and ignores Kokkoro. The carriage explodes, but Suzume, Yuuki, and Kokkoro manage to escape in time. However, the mystery girl does most of the damage. They are surrounded by shadowy figures Suzume calls beastfolk. The attacker Okto demands that they hand over the girl he claims to be Muimi. A confrontation is brewing. Kokkoro questions Yuuki about what to do.

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He decides that they cannot leave Muimi behind, having saved her life. Kokkoro suddenly notices that Yuuki has been talking to Makoto, one of the beastfolk. She asks her lord about her, and he responds by saying he has befriended at most forty girls in one month. This causes her to become uninterested.


Although she is only a small girl, she is very mature for her age. Kokoro is pale-white with a smoky elf ear and pink eyes. Her bob is short with a bang at her forehead. She also has two shorter strands of hair to the sides of her face. Kokoro is dressed in a modestly-lengthened dress that shows a little of her legs. She also wears a medium-sized robe that covers her left shoulder. A staff is also carried by Kokoro, as well as a gold ring on her left hand.


Although she is shy at first, she quickly develops a caring and kind personality. She is outgoing and well-mannered. Kokoro is cheerful and lightens up the mood almost immediately.


“If you need me, call me. I will do my best to fulfill your request. ““Spirits have spoken to me since I was a child about the day I would meet with you. Please order me as you wish. ““Master, the spirits are also happy when you’re watching them. ““I, along with nature, will be you strength. “


Kokoro’s surname Natsume means ” Jujube ” (Zao ). Ziziphus Jujuba is also known as jujube or red, Chinese and is one of the species in the buckthorn family.

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Kokkoro uses “-sama”, an honorific, to communicate with everyone. Kokkoro is referred to as ” Korosuke” (In Japan Server)/ Koro (“In the subbed anime, Global Server)” by Kyaru. Even though she doesn’t like the name, she begs Kyaru not to call her that. Kokkoro’s full name was inspired by the Novel “Kokoro”, by “Natsume Seki”.