Kaguya Shinomiya is one of Japan’s most popular manga and anime characters. She is the protagonist of the popular “Love War” series, which follows her love triangle with two boys. Recently, new details about the series have come to light, shedding new light on Kaguya’s character. The first detail is that Kaguya was not always a kind and gentle girl. In fact, she was known to be a bit of a bully in her younger years. This is shown when she forces her childhood friend Miyuki to eat bugs as punishment for calling her ugly. However, this doesn’t mean that Kaguya is always mean and cruel. In fact, she has been shown to be very caring and compassionate towards others in the past. For example, she once risked her life to save another girl from being attacked by bullies. Another detail that has come to light is Kaguya’s backstory. It turns out that she was originally from a world where war was common and people were constantly fighting each other. As a result, Kaguya grew up learning how to fight and defend herself. This made her an expert at using magic spells, which she uses in the “Love War” series to fight against her enemies. ..

What is Appearance Of Kaguya Shinomiya In Love IS War ?

Kaguya Shinomiya is a fair-skinned, beautiful young girl. Her long, black hair is tied with a black-red ribbon. (Her hair appears to be about mid-back when she lets it down), with bangs/hairstrands hanging on either end. She has large, almond-shaped eyes that can appear sharper depending on her mood. In her manga character profile, she is described as having a’stunning beauty.

She wore her hair down in the past and the beginning of her Student Council time without the iconic red ribbon. Her eyes were sharper, darker and more lifeless as ‘The Ice Prince’. This gave her an aura of a cold, unapproachable and unattainable beauty. This was a reflection of her mental state. She had acted coldly towards others and pushed them away out of fear of hurting others.

As she became more close to the Student Council members (particularly Miyuki Shirogane), and other students, she asked her maid Ai Hayasaka for help to make her “cute”. She uses the ribbon to make her seem less cold and imposing to others. It also marks a change in her personality. Instead of pushing back and distancing her self from others, she forms meaningful relationships. She becomes happier, more loving, and cuter. Her eyes are a reflection of this change, and they no longer look empty or distant. Her eyes are now more open and vibrant.

She usually wears the Shuchi’in school uniform.

What is The Personality Of Kaguya Shinomiya ?

Kaguya was very rational and cold. However, she began to change after joining student council. She considered Miyuki Shirogane to be someone she could be happy to have a relationship with, but only if he confesses first. Thus, she plays mind games to try to convince him to confess. Her actions later in the series suggest that she is beginning to accept her feelings for Miyuki but will not openly admit it.

Kaguya, who is part of a rich and influential family, is often seen as arrogant. She is also very confident about her intelligence. This is only her exterior. She is driven to fulfill her family’s expectations and feels desperate to be like her friends.

She doesn’t consider herself a good person, and as such, she longs for genuine kindness. Miyuki is the perfect example of this kind of kindness. She is devoted to the students council members and regards them as her treasured friends. Kaguya is known for her bad habit of turning to money immediately to solve her problems.

She tends to address people formally and almost always uses their last name in conversations.

Kaguya was raised in a safe environment and has never had to interact with anyone except Ai Hayasaka, who she considers a sister, rather than a servant. She joined the student council after her childhood. She lacks what can be considered common knowledge. This includes being able to shop in groups, watch the fireworks at night, and taking photos with her friends. Hayasaka informed her that she had just learned about Twitter and didn’t know about the internet.

Kaguya is prone to mood swings due to her upbringing. Each mood has its own pseudo-personalities, which sometimes act out mental court cases in her head. This serves as a visual representation her psyche. The Ice Queen is Kaguya’s precouncil hairstyle, and she acts as the prosecutor for other representations. The Moron, who appears with a flower growing from her head. Later appearances show her transformed into a chibi. Finally, the Kaguya Children version assumes the role of judge.

Kaguya’s brain is not as functional as it normally is when she becomes sick or incapacitated. This causes her basic human needs to skyrocket, making her ego fundamentally dormant and allowing it to take over. This state is described by Chika as “babylike” and Kaguya has no recollection.

She was not sexually educated and developed a very immature sense humor. She laughs hysterically at the mention of sex words like “wiener” because of this. Kaguya, like Miyuki is very popular. Female students frequently ask her for advice on love. She doesn’t know much about the subject, as she has never been with a boyfriend.

What is Story Of Kaguya Shinomiya ?

Shinomiya Zaibatsu member and the Shinomiya Group’s daughter. Multi-talented genius with a wide range of talents. She can accomplish anything she puts her mind to (except beating Shirogane in exams). She has been raised to follow the Shinomiya family rules from an early age. This has influenced her logic and she is always looking for ways she can benefit both her family and the Shinomiya clan. She is cautious about potential friends and puts them through “trust challenges” in order to decide whether or not she should befriend them. She was raised in a safe environment and has not been exposed to inappropriate things.

Hayasaka, her caregiver since childhood has been her only contact. She has never interacted with anyone else before joining the student council. She is a shy girl, which means she lacks many pieces of common knowledge. She lost her mother when she was a child and has a negative relationship to the rest of her family.

What Are Kaguya Shinomiya Relationships ?

What is Family Of KAguya Shinomiya Love IS War ?

Gan’an Shinomiya

Gan’an Shinomiya was Kaguya’s dad. Both men are said to be in a distant relationship as Kaguya says that he has never shown any parental affection.

Nayotake Shimzu

Nayotake Shimizu Kaguya was her mother. Kaguya is angry at other girls who make fun of her as an illegitimate daughter. However, it is not known what kind of relationship they had.

Un’yo Shinomiya

Un’yo Shinomiyais Kaguya’s older half-brother. These two are probably the Shinomiya’s closest family members. Kaguya believes he is a horrible person and mocks him for his shallow pride. However, she holds a lot of respect for him for his integrity and for never breaking any promises. Un’yo’s teachings and influence are evident in her manipulations, intimidation and diplomacy.

Un’yo is Kaguya as she would have been if she hadn’t joined the Student Council.

Maki Shijo

Makishijo is Kaguya’s second cousin. She is a Shinomiya branch’s distant cousin and openly disapproves of Kaguya. After exposing their unsavory business practices, the Shijo house separated from the Shinomiyas. Both families were involved in trade and business in Japan prior to the Shijo’s globalization. Young Maki and Kaguya were reunited at a family gathering. The father of the Shinomiya warned her not to go near any Shinomiya members. When Kaguya attempts to make friends with Maki, the Shijo youngster rejects her. After the events of Chapter168, they begin to get along. After watching a pornographic video from Nagisa, Maki shares her knowledge about Kaguya’s relationship with Miyuki.

Kaguya’s Sister-in-law

Although the latter has not been seen onscreen, Kaguya appears to have a very friendly relationship with her sister-in law. She was the only family member to wish Kaguya happy birthday in Chapter 16.2.

Student Council And Kaguya Shinomiya

Miyuki Shirogane

Miyuki’s relationship with Kaguya is the key to much of the series. They are both very similar but too proud and from different classes to admit they love each other. Kaguya doesn’t want to admit to him that she is in love with him due to her status as Shinomiya, her drive to win and her Shinomiya status. Because of this, the first person to fall in love loses. She uses this to make Miyuki confess to her love, and she starts mind games.

Kaguya first met Shirogane during summer, just a few months after she graduated high school. He openly challenged her to see who could get better scores in assessment to capture her attention. Although in truth, Miyuki has approached her many times before. Surprisingly, he keeps his word and wins her year level. He also gains her attention and is now a role model for the Student Council.

When he rescues her hair ribbon from the swamp where she once jumped in to save another, he attracts her attention again. This is what led to Miyuki falling in love with Kaguya. Although it is not clear if this act of kindness caused Kaguya to feel for Shirogane at first, it was during this period that they both joined Student Council. Because of his kindness and compassion, Shinomiya was able to trust him and become closer to him. This is something that she hates about herself. She is seen slapping Miyuki for some unknown reason, and then immediately regretting it.

Kaguya is the more active of the two due to her natural scheming skills and desire to win. Miyuki is able to get by with a draw, win, or no planning. He can also rely on Fujiwara, the mysterious force that saves (or damns) him.

They officially began dating after chapter 160. They agree to keep their relationship secret from the rest of the Student Council for the moment. She does not show affection for him openly, but she does secretly hold hands with Miyuki when Chika is having an affair or when she tells Council that they are dating.

Kaguya, contrary to Miyuki believes that a relationship should involve both the partners knowing all about each other. This led her “Ice”, which initially met Miyuki at the Culture Festival to believe that he should also love that part of her if they are to be together. She becomes more concerned when she learns that Miyuki is a perfectionist and hides his “weak” sides.

Kaguya is known to love her boyfriend “overflowing” and has been seen looking for ways to get him to embrace her. Many characters are now aware of their relationship due to Kaguya’s excitement and carelessness (Kashiwagi. Onodera. Kobachi. Kobachi. Iino. Maki. Hayaska. Kei. Ishigami. Karen).

Kashiwagi, Maki made Miyuki aware of the topic of sex. Kaguya says she doesn’t think she’s ready yet but is afraid that Miyuki will instigate her and then she would resent him. Maki is worried that this would lead to Maki accepting the invitation. Maki confronts Miyuki later about it. He silently observes that this is not something they should avoid when it comes up.

Chapter 220 is the story of Kaguya’s first attempt at sexual intercourse with Miyuki. He was only able to stop when she refused to continue. Kaguya wanted Kaguya to continue, as Miyuki would be at Stanford for four years. She shared her fears about him meeting another woman and their long-distance marriage failing. He explained to her that men who have never had a woman before are less likely than others to cheat and that they can wait until she is ready. Kaguya kisses Miyuki as the chapter ends. He reciprocates by telling her that he loves her. They continue to tell each other “I love” and eventually have sex.

Chika Fujiwara

Chika Fujiwara is a friend of Kaguya’s since middle school. Kaguya sometimes detests her friendliness and sometimes her friendly nature. Fujiwara often gets things Kaguya can’t get (e.g. Miyuki’s lunchboxes and Kei and Fujiwara being BFFs, getting married with Miyuki at a game board, etc.) describing her as the embodiment of greed and avarice, vile woman and personification of sexual desire. Kaguya doesn’t think Fujiwara is so awful at times. However, she finds her friendship irreplaceable in her own way. She even says that it weighs the same as Miyuki. Due to Chika’s passing of Kaguya’s rigorous trust tests, it is clear that Kaguya trusts her deeply as a friend.

They find out that Chika supports a romance between Ishigami, Miko and Kaguya. This is in contrast to Kaguya who supports a romance with Ishigami or Tsubame. Both romances were supported by both sides, and Kaguya supports Ishigami as well as Miko after Tsubame rejected Ishigami.

When Kaguya & Miyuki shared their relationship with the student council, Chika felt that Miyuki had “stole” Kaguya. It was eventually overturned by Chika.

Yu Ishigami

Yu Ishigami, Kaguya’s lowerclassman. She shows concern at times for him, but sometimes she wants him dead because he accidentally interfered with her plans. Normal students don’t like Ishigami, but she has stated that Ishigami is a worthy candidate for her attention based upon what she has seen. She helped him to study and has supported his crush on Tsubame Kojisu. Kaguya discovers the truth about Ishigami being suspended in middle school and makes it mandatory for him to transfer. Kaguya tried to inflict injury on Kyoko Ootomo when she visited the school to insult Ishigami and Ogino. However, he was resisted by Ishigami out of respect for Ootomo’s smile. Kaguya’s upperclassman-underclassman relationship with Ishigami develops as time goes on and is shown to occasionally prefer him over Chika (much to Chika’s dismay).

Kaguya is acutely aware of the distance she has from herself and other people. Kaguya’s ice persona is haunted by an intense sense of isolation from her community and alienation, much like Ishigami. She is drawn to him because of this and seeks to help him on the right track.

Kaguya trusts Ishigami because he is one of her few who is open to showing her true self. Kaguya is open about her emotions to Ishigami. She has admitted to having a crush on someone and also threw a tantrum over the second semester exam results in his presence. Shhe trusts her enough to confide in him about her ability tie a note with the tip of her tongue.

Kaguya was the first to discover Ishigami’s crush upon Tsubame. Kaguya wants to help Ishigami achieve happiness so she begins to mentor him. Despite Ishigami’s disappointment at failing to pass the second semester exams in the first semester, she encourages him not to let that stop him from achieving his goals for the next exams. She offers advice to Ishigami about spending Christmas at Tsubame’s. Contrary to previous coaching sessions in which Ishigami avoided Kaguya during their sessions, he asked her to train him for a upcoming volleyball match so that he could ask Tsubame out. Kaguya is delighted when Ishigami, distraught, admits to Kaguya that it has been too long since he studied for the third semester exam. She also devises a more difficult studying schedule for Ishigami. Kaguya is so happy when he places 36th on his exam that she tears up in front of him

Miko Iino

Kaguya is a friend MikoIino. When she attempted to intimidate Miko into leaving the student council elections, their relationship was rocky. Kaguya then considers her a “Good Girl” after Miko insults her by calling President Shinomiya and President Shinomiya “so evil they’re perfect for each other,” and “a great couple (for decency).” At a time Miko had the lowest number of bellmarks collected by the entire student council, she also called her “Good girl”.

Kaguya sees Chika talking about Miko’s patting Miyuki on the head. She responds with great hostility. Miko reminds Kaguya, however, that she is aware and conscious of the relationship between Miyuki’s and her. She had previously commented on how well they matched. Kaguya is able to understand Miko’s words and praises her.

What Are The Friends Of Kaguya in Love Is War ?

Ai Hayasaka

Ai Hayasaka serves as Kaguya’s personal valet. Kaguya’s mother is her wet nurse. They have been together since Kaguya was 7 years old. Hayasaka and Kaguya are not the same. Their bond was similar to the one between “inseparable brothers”. Hayasaka initially hides her irritation with Kaguya’s treatment her and her work load. However, Miyuki encouraged her to share her feelings in a rap. She expressed her desire for male friends. Kaguya responds by arranging for Hayasaka to take a lighter workload at home. Hayasaka assured her that she has no romantic feelings for Miyuki despite being cautious about her friendship with her.

Kaguya and Miyuki begin dating. Kaguya becomes more cocky/all-knowing regarding relationships, much to Hayasaka’s irritation. Hayasaka has never had a boyfriend. Hayasaka is reminded by Kaguya’s endless gushing about their relationship that she actively avoids Kaguya when the topic comes up. Kaguya appears to be unaware of this, and she only wants to share how happy her relationship is.

Kaguya discovers that Hayasaka has reported almost everything about Hayasaka to her father and brother since the day they met. Kaguya, who had been the cold girl Hayasaka was originally going to have to care for, wanted to forgive Hayasaka, much to her surprise and Hayasaka’s mother.

The role of Hayasaka as Hayasaka’s valet has ended in Chapter 187. Now, they openly consider each other friends. Kaguya can be somewhat jealous when Ai is around.

Kei Shirogane

Kei Schirogane, a girl Kaguya would like to be friends with. Kaguya’s long-held desire for a little brother led to her desire to have Kei call her “Sis”. Kaguya is willing to go to any lengths to make it happen. She believes Kei will become closer to Miyuki if she gets to like her. Due to Kei’s similar traits to Kaguya in Miyuki, she is attracted to her in an almost homosexual way.

Nagisa Kashiwagi

Nagisa Kashiwagi has been a friend to Kaguya. Both of them often ask for advice about their romances, even though Kaguya is still hiding behind the pretense of looking for a friend. Nagisa saw Kaguya and Miyuki interact in the Student Council Room. She realized that Kaguya is a friend of hers, and that Kaguya is actually Kaguya. After discovering that Kaguya was dating, Nagisa discreetly helped Kaguya to spend time with Miyuki during the Cultural Festival. Nagisa also attempts to “educate” Kaguya about sex so she doesn’t make mistakes in their relationship.

Tsubame Koyasu

Kaguya first met Tsubame Koyasu in Kaguya’s visit for advice on love and the rejection of a confession at the cultural festival. Tsubame was not aware that the confession came from Ishigami. She tells Tsubame that she will brutally reject it, but Tsubame quickly tells her to wait until she discovers that the confession was actually from Ishigami. Tsubame is shocked by Kaguya’s hasty attempts to cover Ishigami and decides to find out more about Ishigami before making a decision.

Kaguya is later recruited by Tsubame to spread more rumors about Ishigami to counteract negative rumors.

Rei Onodera

ReiOnodera is a member of Kaguya’s underclassmen. He is the only one who knows about Kaguya’s relationship with Miyuki. Rei meets Kaguya for the first time in Chapter 172, when Rei questions Kaguya about Shirogane’s relationship. Kaguya confronts Rei immediately about the identity and motives of the person who revealed their relationship to Rei. However, she quickly becomes embarrassed to learn that Rei discovered the truth from Kaguya when Kaguya was sleeping in the school courtyard. Kaguya tries to erase Rei’s memories, but she decides to not do so when Rei turns out to be a trustworthy and kind person trying to overcome her initial stigma about Ishigami. Kaguya is struck by Rei’s willingness to forgive her mistakes in the past and wonders how her life would have looked if she could.

They find themselves at odds when Rei supports a romance between Ishigami, Miko, and Kaguya.

Kobachi Osaragi

Kobachi is a rival to Kaguya in the student council president election between Miyuki & Iino. They were the spokespeople for both candidates’ campaign speeches. Osaragi does her best in her campaign speech for Miko but Kaguya’s speech easily overshadows Osaragi.

Kaguya and Osaragi become closer when Kaguya confronts Osaragi regarding her motive for stealing the file about Ishigami’s accident from the student council hall. Osaragi revealed that she did it because she was an IshiTsuba shipper. Kaguya is astonished at her inexperience with shipping. Osaragi’s willingness and ability to assist Ishigami by giving the file back to Tsubame is a reminder of Ishigami, which Kaguya quickly finds a friend in their support for Ishigami’s crush on Tsubame. They find themselves in conflict with Chika, Rei Onodera and Miko who support a romance between Ishigami & Miko.

10 Characters Who Are Similar To Kaguya Shinomiya From ‘Kaguya-sama: Love Is War’

She is from a wealthy family of conglomerates and often uses her money for Miyuki’s confessions. She can get flustered when Miyuki does unexpected things. Kaguya Shinomiya, a typical wealthy girl, can live extravagantly without worrying about her family’s financial affairs. Here are some characters that look like Kaguya.

These characters are similar to Kaguya Schinomiya:

1. Yukino Yukinoshita

Yukino Yukinoshita, My Romantic Comedy SNAFU’s ice queen, is a school certified. She is an independent, strong, intelligent girl with a sense of justice. She is caring and very sensible. As she realizes how different her personality is, she keeps her distance and has some difficulty making friends. To understand her true nature, you will need to go through layers upon layers of snow. This is similar to Shirogane’s way Kaguya conceals her true feelings. They have different personalities. Both have an unapproachable, cold aura and are total tsunderes when it comes to loving. They both love cats. Yukino Yukinoshita

2. Daisuke Kambe

Daisuke Kambe, a billionaire detective from Fugou Keiji is Balance Unlimited. He is calm and collected, even when others shout at him or throw abuses at him. He is a billionaire and throws his money around to solve cases. He crashes into civilian cars and pays the expenses. Then he insults the Arabian Prince, buys his car for 3 million yen, and drives away. Daisuke also gives a suspect large amounts of cash in order to get him to reveal information about his drug dealers. Kaguya also uses her money to buy Miyuki a fancy bento box. Other schemes include making Fujiwara win movie passes or booking a private beach for them. Daisuke Kambe

3. Bulma

Bulma, from Dragon Ball Z, is one of the most brilliant scientists on Earth. She is also the only child of Dr. Brief, the founder of Capsule Corporation. She is a technology genius who also easily learned about Alien technology. Her inventions have always helped Vegeta’s and Goku’s teams. Her most notable invention was the Dragon Radar, which is a device that tracks the dragon balls. Despite Dragon Ball Z being a shounen anime, the story is very different from Kaguya. However, Bulma’s heritage makes Bulma look similar to Kaguya. Their personalities are quite different. Bulma is always in charge of Vegeta’s relationship.

4. Umetaro Nozaki

Umetaro Nozaki is confessed by Chiyo Sakura in ‘Monthly Girls Nozaki Kun’. He was wrongly interpreting the situation and invited Umetaro Nozaki to be his assistant. He believed she was just appreciating his work as a manga artist. Nozaki isn’t always open about his feelings for Chiyo, even though we all know that he loves her. Nozaki uses subtle means to show that he cares about her company. The situation was different from Kaguyasama’s, but it is the same. The two couples are trying to hide their feelings from one another. Monthly Girls Nozaki Kun is a comedy take on the shoujo manga tropes. The author doesn’t focus on relationships. If you are looking for something different, it is definitely worth a look. Umetaro Nozaki

5. Takagi-san

Takagi, a middle-school student, is Takagi’s female protagonist in the series Takagi-san: Teasing master Takagi. In secret, she has feelings for Nishikata (a boy in her class). Takagi spends her time making him feel silly and teasing. She is kind, caring, and strong without Nishikata. Kaguya could learn from her teasing tactics if she wants Miyuki crack soon. Kaguya would love to see Takagi win against Nishikata. Takagi-san

6. Misaki Ayuzawa

Misaki is the main character in the popular anime series Maid-sama, which is shoujo. Maid-sama’s main character is Misaki, who is fiercely committed to her studies as well as her presidency duties. She is always there for her classmates, particularly female students. Because her father left their family, she hates boys. We see her gradually open up to others and fall in love with Usui Takumi, the school’s heartthrob. She is still very secretive until the end about her feelings and calls Usui Takumi a pervert every time he approaches her. Kaguya hides her feelings from Miyuki to get him to confess his first. Misaki Ayuzawa

7. Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald

Francis is the new leader of the American Organisation. He’s also known as the Guild in the anime Bungou Stray Dogs. After the American author of the 1930s, his ability is known as “The Great Fitzgerald”. He can increase his physical prowess depending on how much he spends. To activate his powers, he can spend money from others or use ornaments. Bungou Stray Dogs is now a supernatural action series. It cannot be compared with Kaguya’s Love is War. Francis’s tendency to spend wealth, look at everything through a capitalist lens and put a price on it all can be compared with Kaguya’s original way of doing things. Francis Scott

8. Shizuku Mizutani

My Little Monster’s main protagonist is Shizuku Mizutani. She studies a lot to impress her mother, a workaholic. She can also be quite apathetic and open-minded to the point where she is rude to her classmates. She struggles to define her relationship with Haru at the beginning of the series and can’t understand why she feels that she is in ‘love’. She cannot understand her feelings because of her past experiences and upbringing. In the sense that her parents don’t fuss as much about her, she is very similar to Kaguya. Both were raised in an unflinching manner, with their parents requiring them to follow the chosen path. Shizuku Mizutani

9. Hikari Hanazono

Special A is a rom-com anime that revolves around Hikari Hanazono (a childhood friend) and Kei Takashima (a rival). Hikari is from a normal family but has always strived to be the best. As a child, Hikari lost to Kei in a wrestle match. Since then, she has proclaimed him her greatest rival. Hikari was her father’s best student so losing to Kei didn’t bother her one bit. Although she is hardworking and supportive of others, she can be a little slow in matters of love. Hikari doesn’t know that Kei is gradually falling in love with her. Hikari is engaged to Kei in a real contest, instead of having a competition for love like Kaguya or Miyuki. This girl is similar to Kaguya in that she never gives up, even when she loses to Kei most times. Hikari Hanazono

10. Akira Ono

Hi Score Girl’s female protagonist is Akira Ono. Ono Zaibatsu’s heir, a wealthy family, is her mother. Akira is typical rich girl, who excels at all she does. Akira is a beautiful girl with long purple hair and imposing aura. Akira is also very polite, as she comes from an elite family. Akira ono

Her disposition is very much like Kaguya Shinomiya’s. Akira, the protagonist of Hi Score Girl is Yaguchi Haruo’s gaming rival. Their battleground is the 90s’ most popular video games, such as Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat.

What is Zodiac SigN Of Kaguya Shinomiya ?

Shinomiyakaguya was born January 1, meaning that she was born under the Capricorn sign.

Shinomiya is more than a spoiled, wealthy girl who has everything she wants. Kaguya is strong-willed and compassionate. She knows what she wants, and how to achieve it. But she’s also a friend who cares about others. You can assess her with either her MBTI personality type, or her astrological sign.

Capricorn : The Staggering Astrological Sign of Goats

Shinomiya kaguya was born January 1, meaning that she was born under the Capricorn sign, which is one of three earth signs according to astrological lore. Capricorn is represented as a goat. This goat represents a patient, hardworking, stubborn creature who will achieve any goal it sets. Goats are also known for being strong in their sense of responsibility, compassion, and perseverance. Saturn rules Capricorn, which governs domination, sympathy, and, in a lesser extent, insight, caution.

According to astrological legend, Capricorns are known for being romantic, but also pragmatic, with a tendency to be irritable by delays and distractions. They can also dabble in philosophy, abstract concepts, and other topics, provided they don’t become distracted from their daily tasks. Capricorns are known for their strong sense of justice, duty, and a willingness to work hard for the good of others. Capricorns are highly educated and have a keen awareness of the world around them. They make great managers and students.

Capricorns also have some less pleasant traits, like being sore losers, spending too much time trying not to lose a competition, or failing at a task, instead of accepting it and moving forward. Capricorns can, like their earth-based Virgo counterparts, be overbearing and demanding, which can cause them to exhaust those around them. Capricorns are meticulous, thorough bosses who fail to recognize that not everyone can keep up.

Capricorns are romantically inclined. They may fall in love with someone they see immediately. A Capricorn will not give up on someone they love. They will continue to seek a stable, imaginative relationship with the person they love. Capricorns are particularly interested in commitment and enthusiasm from their partners.

Shinomiya is a good fit for her astrological sign, even though she occasionally displays traits of Cancer the crab. Kaguya is a Capricorn and has a strong work ethic. Her grades at Shuchiin Academy are second to Miyuki’s, which is quite impressive. Kaguya’s upbringing and high expectations have a part to this. However, Kaguya is a Capricorn-style Capricorn who feels a sense of duty and responsibility towards herself and those around her, for their love lives and schoolwork. Kaguya is a Capricorn who loves to give advice to her romantic partners, Kashiwagi Nagisa.

Kaguya’s Capricorn nature shines brightest in the love battle. Kaguya and Miyuki plot against each other to win, and Kaguya plans ahead and meticulously arranges the perfect traps every day for Miyuki. She is the one who researches the weather for the week or analyzes Miyuki’s personal information to create the perfect plan. All of this is treated as a job. Capricorns are like Virgos and they love hard work and perseverance, even if it is for a silly thing like a love war. Kaguya, a Capricorn, is persistent and stubborn in her love for Miyuki. She doesn’t like losing. She must get her way and will stay up late planning for victory if she can.

Kaguya can also be comfortable in a position where she has authority and influence at Shuchiin. As a Capricorn, Kaguya likes to give orders, keep things running smoothly and follow through. Kaguya is not averse to ridiculous antics and distractions. This trait is shared with Iino Miko, the supporting character. Fujiwara Chika’s chaotic and carefree nature also tests her. Kaguya is a Capricorn, which means she will be there for others. She also values her friendship with Chika, as well as the rest of the student council. She is here for their benefit, not her own.


Kaguya Shinomiya, the rom-com anime heroine, is a kind-hearted and clever woman. Her MBTI personality type reflects this.

Kaguya Shinomiya’s MBTI Personality Type is ISFJ-A. The Defender

Kaguya Shinomiya, an ISFJ–A, is assertive Defender. The code for this personality type is Introverted Observant Felt Judging. This describes someone who is quiet and modest but always puts others first. The Defender personality type is somewhat similar to that of Miyuki Shirogane’s Protagonist, but has a more introverted flair. Defenders are not like Protagonists who want to help others and act as bold and charismatic leaders.

They allow their actions and don’t seek fame or glory. Kaguya Shinomiya, a Defender, says “mission accomplished” when someone feels better. Not when Defenders are placed on pedestals and made to appear as noble role models. While they are not necessarily arrogant or insolent, protagonists have a greater presence than Defenders.

A Defender is an altruistic, methodical individual who is not as socially connected as a Mediator, bold as a Protagonist, but is efficient and likable. They can help others with any problem and quickly make them feel at ease. Kaguya is a Defender. They are patient, smart, and calculating. This makes Defenders more reliable than Protagonists and also less stubborn and overbearing.

Paradoxically Defenders can be introverted and modest, but their happiness and purpose are determined by their ability and desire to help others succeed. Defenders are the undiscovered heroes of society. They are tireless helpers who don’t need to be praised or given medals. A Defender’s only desire is to see their friends and family become happier and more secure.

Kaguya Shinomiya As A Defender In Kaguya-Sama: Love Is War

Kaguya is a Defender. She is known for being practical and logical. She is a master planner during the love war with Miyuki Schirogane. She meticulously plans everything in advance to trap Miyuki into awkward situations and get him to confess to her love. Miyuki is a bit like Kaguya, though his methods are more spontaneous than Kaguya’s. Kaguya will even check the weather forecast and slash the tires of her family car to make sure she covers all her bases unexpectedly. Kaguya will not open her mouth unless the battle has been won in her head. This makes her quite the Defender.

When she interacts with support characters like Yu Ishigami, Nagisa Kashiwagi and Miko Iino who all admire her, Kaguya demonstrates her ISFJ personality more clearly. Kaguya doesn’t want them to owe anything, but she does it because helping others is what makes her happy. Kaguya, like many others, is a person who was born to wealth. She longs to be independent of her family’s wealth and wants to help those around her by sharing her thoughts and words. Kaguya can’t throw money at everything. She has to reach out.

Kaguya is Nagisa’s number one advisor and confidant when it comes to matters of the heart. This includes Nagisa’s blossoming relationship, Tsubama Tanima, with Kaguya. Sometimes her advice is a bit off because of her relative naivete but she gives her all and never takes credit for her hard work. Nagisa’s happiness is what she would prefer — it’s enough reward. This attitude is also exhibited towards Yu Ishigami (the council’s moody treasurer), which she helps as much as Miyuki. Kaguya, a true Defender is humble and selfless in all her endeavors. She’ll go to great lengths to meet the needs of others. Sometimes, ISFJs like her can get too involved in helping others but it is always worth it.

Kaguya Sama: 10 Anime Characters That Are Perfect for Kaguya Shinomiya

If Miyuki is not available, Kaguya Shinomiya may try to date these amazing anime characters.

It is easy to see why Kaguya was drawn to Miyuki. She likes people who are dedicated and hardworking, but also generous, compassionate, kind, and decisive. Miyuki is an excellent student with the warm heart and determination of an everyday hero. Kaguya Samafans could use him to help them find someone else Kaguya should be dating. But who is the next Miyuki?

10. Futaro Usugi Can Study Hard Too (The Quintessential Quintuplets).

Miyuki Shirogane, a hardworking student who puts studying above all else is in good company. Kaguya may also get to meet Futaro Uesugi (a high school student who like Miyuki makes up for the lack of family income by getting perfect grades). He was therefore asked to tutor five Nakano sisters.

Futaro is a brilliant student but also a kind, generous boy who puts others’ needs first. Kaguya would be very grateful for this. Futaro will not rest until his sisters reach their full potential. After a tutoring session, Futaro would be happy to ask Kaguya out.

9. YukiSohma Is Cool and Polite (Fruits Basket).

Yuki Sohma is the most popular student at school. However, Yuki finds more satisfaction in helping others than in basking in praise and glory. Yuki is determined to be successful and will not rest on his popularity or his good looks. He is not so shallow.

Yuki, on the other hand, is a hero every day who will help anyone in need, even Machi and his fellow Sohmas. Kaguya would be proud of Yuki for his kindness. If Yuki does not end up with Machi, Kaguya and Yuki could head out together. Tohru would be proud of them.

8 Keith Claes is Loyal and Smart (My Next Life as a Villainess).

Keith Claes was the foster brother to Katarina Claes. She brought out the best of Keith when Katarina was reborn in isekei as a heroine. Keith was not bullied by his mother, but she loved him like a family and he became a happy, confident boy who saw the potential in him.

Keith is an expert at magic and a good student. He is also a gracious gentleman who can socialize with high society and offer a shoulder for crying. Kaguya Shinomiya would be delighted to become his partner at the next party and get to know him more. He would be like a prince to her.

7 Izuku Midoriya Is Brave & Responsible (My Hero Academia)

Kaguya Shinomiya prefers to spend her time running student councils and paperwork with the bookish TenyaIida. But she wants them to be friends, not as dates. She would first try Izuku Midoriya if she was looking for a boyfriend from Class 1A.

Like Miyuki Izuku has a strong sense for responsibility. He will do anything to help someone else without hesitation. Kaguya is a fan of that trait in a partner. Izuku is both a serious student and a person who has a playful side. This would be a refreshing change in her eyes. She could easily catch Izuku’s infectious charm.

6 Takumi Ui Is A Enticing Mystery (Maid–Sama!)

Seika high’s Takumi Usui is a popular character. The boys view him as a role-model and the girls consider him a handsome prince. He is also very mysterious. He avoids personal questions and jokes with everyone around him, while still being a good sport. Takumi will stand by a friend if things get too serious.

This is what attracted Misaki Ayuzawa, a hotheaded girl, to him. They used teasing insults, mind games, and flirting to make it seem almost like KaguyaSama: Love is War. Kaguya would be recognized by Takumi as a special girl and he would make sure to spend time with her, and then, he would open up to her. Kaguya would feel swept off her feet.

5 Keitaro Urashima Is Humble & Works Hard To Achieve His Goals (Love Hina)

Keitaro Urashima may be goofier than Miyuki Shirogane and more likely to make mistakes and misunderstand people, but he is also more disciplined and knows how to set realistic goals. Keitaro has one big goal: to pass the entrance exams in order to get into the University of Tokyo.

Keitaro can get irritable quite easily but he is a good person and has a strong sense responsibility and duty at Hinata Inn. Keitaro is a wonderful example of empathy, support, and altruism that Kaguya values whenever there’s not a serious misunderstanding.

4 Nariyuki Yaiga Study Hard To Support His Family (We never learn)

Like three identical brothers, Nariyuki Yuiga and Futaro Uesugi are Miyuki Shirogane. Nariyuki Yuiga, like the others, is humble and hardworking. He uses his exceptional studying skills to help his family support themselves. He values saving money and learning.

Although Nariyuki can be quite dense in matters of the heart and can sometimes become a bit naive, he is still a caring and compassionate person who will never leave a friend in distress. Kaguya can understand that. She is smart enough to express her feelings if she needs to. Even Nariyuki will soon see that her thoughts and feelings are important to her.

3 Alphonse Elric Is Smart and Kind (Fullmetal Alchemist, Brotherhood)

Kaguya Shinomiya clearly likes smart, responsible boys who are sensitive to others’ feelings and needs. She would also love to meet AlphonseElric, the alchemist. Al isn’t a typical high school student but he loves science and books, which would impress Kaguya.

Al is more than just a smart bookworm. Al is a friendly, polite, charming, and kind person who can get along well with anyone. He also has the courage and selflessness of a true hero. He also likes cats and other animals. Kaguya and he could enjoy a great night out in Central.

2 Ryuji Takasu Is Friendly & Empathic (Toradora!)

Ryuji Takasu is a terrifying delinquent with a bad reputation. This is mostly due to the fact that he has one face. Although his narrow, intense eyes can be frightening to anyone around him, Ryuji Takasu is actually a gentle boy who lives in the home of his single mother and their pet parakeet Inko. Ryuji would never harm a fly.

Ryuji may not be an expert student but he is able to take care of himself. He is a strong believer in responsibility, both at home and at school. He will do anything for a friend or lover. It is easy to like Ryuji once you get past his frightening face. Kaguya Shinomiya would treasure Ryuji as he truly is.

1 UryuIshida is Smart and Protects His Friends (Bleach).

Uryu Ishida, a Quincy archer who is skilled, would be a great choice for anime girls looking for a mature and serious boyfriend. Uryu can be described as a citizen in Karakura Town, Ichigo’s rival, and a member the Wandenreich for a while.

Uryu, when he’s not fighting Hollows is an ace student, who looks after his friends. He is also confident in his sewing skills which he acquired at some point. Kaguya sees Uryu as Miyuki using a spirit bow & arrow. That’s enough for her.