Kadzua Suma is a young, talented artist who has been working in the music industry for just over two years. She has released two albums and has toured throughout the United States and Europe. Kadzua is a rising star in the music industry and is quickly gaining attention for her unique sound and style. Kadzua was born in Nigeria, but she moved to the United States when she was just over one year old. She started playing the piano at an early age and soon found herself learning how to write songs. Kadzua’s music reflects her Nigerian heritage, but it also has a modern feel that makes it unique. Kadzua’s debut album, “The Beginning,” was released in February of this year and it quickly became a hit with fans all over the world. The album features collaborations with some of the biggest names in the music industry, including Lenny Kravitz, Usher, Nelly Furtado, and Pharrell Williams. It is clear that Kadzua is an up-and-coming artist who will be making waves soon!

https://www.youtube.com/embed/JVeA3DLhP4U?feature=oembedПо всем развлекательным ТВ


Кадзуя, как следует из его названия, реалист. Он с большим уважением относится к сочинениям Сунь Цзы и Макиавелли. Кадзуя изначально чувствовал себя неуверенно в себе, когда ему дали корону Эльфридена. Однако вскоре он обрел доверие и начал осуществлять свои реформы и улучшать качество жизни граждан. Он очень заботится о своих королевах-консортах и следует совету своего деда, чтобы защитить свою семью.

Kazuya isn’t perfect and makes mistakes. He also overlooks details. He was not prepared to absorb the entire country of Amidonia because of his view of annexing only the Van. He also underestimated the influence of corrupt nobles he had exiled to Elfrieden and was saved by Georg Carmine, the power of former Queen Elisha Elfrieden.

Kazuya doesn’t like to eat, but he is passionate about food and cooking. He admits that he loves cooking and trying new recipes with Poncho. He was delighted to learn that the Mystic Wolf tribe could produce similar foods to Japan’s.

Also Read:How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom Season 3 Release Date



Kazuya, a 19-year-old modern Japanese person, is a student at university and just graduated high school when his grandfather died. He tells Kazuya that his grandfather died before he can marry and have a happy life. Souma was summoned to Elfrieden shortly after the funeral. This was due to Souma’s desperation over the inability of the Kingdom to pay war tributes to the Gran Chaos Empire.

Souma convinced the King Elfrieden it was possible to raise enough money to pay the tribute and also implement reforms and plans to improve the economy, solve food shortages, strengthen army, and improve overall economic performance. Alfred Elfrieden was so impressed, he decided to abdicate the title of ruler and give it to Souma. His daughter Liscia Elfrieden he also engaged to Souma.

To everyone’s surprise Souma managed to raise enough money in just two days to pay war tribute by selling off unnecessary national treasures. He also used the Royal Jewel Broadcast to bring together his subordinates to solve the war tribute, improve the economy, entertain, and inform the masses. He used modern-day strategies and ideas of Earth to win the One Week War over the rebellious dukes Georg Carmine, and Castor Vagas. This also led to the Amidonia that resulted later in the nation’s annexation.

Five women were his spouses: Liscia Elfrieden (Aisha Udgard), Roroa Amidonia and Juna Doma. A secret alliance was also established with the Gran Chaos Empire, and a Tripartite Med Alliance was formed with the Empire as well as the Republic of Turgis. After his kingdom had provided military assistance to repel an invasion of demonic invaders, he was involved in negotiations with the Union of Eastern Nations.



Kazuya is a regular human from Earth and has no combat experience. Although he does begin training to improve his physical strength and learn Swordsmanship, his skill level is similar to that of a new recruit solider.


Kazuya has a lot of talent in sewing and making clothing. He can repair damaged fabric and create clothing items, as well as plush dolls. His sewing skills are evident in Little Musashibo.


Kazuya can cook a variety of dishes from his universe. He does however recognize the limitations of what he can make from his world, and Poncho is often needed to assist him.


Kazuya has a far greater understanding of social economics than the majority of Landia’s. Because he has a deep understanding of modern civilization and how it affects the population, he can implement reforms and innovations that improve the standard of living in Elfrieden and Friedonia. These methods and innovations have been copied by the Gran Chaos Empire.

He has a better understanding of modern warfare and the tactics of Sun Tzu, which gives him a better perspective on military actions. Georg Carmine was impressed by his deceit during the One Week War. It even made Excel Walt shiver at the thought that Kazuya had seen such things.


Dark Element – Kazuya was summoned to another world and gained the ability to use Dark Element Magic. These are unique forms of magic that cannot be classified under other elements. Due to its unique nature, “Dark Element Magic” is a rare magic element.

” Living Poltergeist: This is the ability to manipulate objects through the transfer of consciousness. Kazuya transfers a part his consciousness to an object to manipulate it. He can see and hear everything and can even move without Kazuya’s directives. Kazuya’s magic power and functionality are determined by the object’s weight and shape. This gives Kazuya different usability depending on what object he is working with. If the object is a living creature, such as toys or dolls then the control of the object becomes more intuitive and easy. This allows Kazuya to control multiple objects simultaneously. Kazuya’s full potential can be displayed if the object has a humanoid form. His transferred consciousness can make the humanoid dolls shape more easily. He can make the humanoid doll learn to use different weapons, and even master their use. For objects that aren’t “dolls”, the effective range of “Living Poltergeist” is approximately 100 meters


Kazuya had incorporated various doll types into his Dark Element Magic “Living Poltergeist” to maximize his use of it.


[ MuDiao rinonezumi, Kibori no Nezumi ] A small, palm-sized Wooden doll in the form of a mouse. Kazuya bought a lot of them in a shop to see if they would be useful with his “Living Poltergeist”. These dolls are used primarily for information gathering, scouting and searching.

These dolls were crucial in Kazuya’s rescue of the many people trapped in the landslide that occurred in the ” God Protected Forest”, saving their lives.


[ Musashi Fang ya Jun , Musashi Boya-kun ] Kazuya’s adventurer “alter-ego” is Little Musashibo. He manipulates a large costume doll with a humanoid and plush form using his “Living Poltergeist” magic. Little Musashibo, a humanoid doll, allows Kazuya freedom to move and observe everything as well as to perform actions when necessary. Although the doll’s interior is not filled, it is big enough to allow a person inside. Kazuya created the doll. It is made from fibers that are bulletproof and bladeproof.

Kazuya’s manipulation enabled it to become a skilled melee fighter and an expert in every weapon it uses (though Kazuya can’t acquire this weapon usage or combat experience that way). Kazuya usually equips it with a Naginata, but it can also use Bows or Swords efficiently. It also has a “Wicker Basket” attached to its back that can hold a person.

Friedonia calls him “The Adventurer who Wears a Kigurumi”. Little Mushashibo is an avid participant in the Adventurer’s Guild’s quests. He also often partners up with Juno’s group and is a star of the Jewel Broadcast Program, “Singing With Big Sis.”


[ Хо Янь Дао Хуа Ши Куклы Flame Pierrot имеют странный внешний вид, с их лоскутными телами, рваной одеждой, зомби-подобными движениями и пламенем, пылающим из голов.

Эти куклы были созданы Кадзуей, чтобы помочь ему тайно эвакуировать города и деревни, которые будут на пути Амидонской армии. Куклы позволили Амидонской армии быть осторожными с ними и избегать их, замедляя их продвижение.


[ кобоаму1 Хао , Kobo Amu 1 Go ]«Factory Arm #1», экспериментальная кукла, сделанная из протеза руки и L-образной платформы. Геня Максвелл По просьбе Кадзуи.

Кукла позволяет Кадзуе, его «Живому полтергейсту», использовать более сложные ручные элементы управления. Он может легко схватить ручку и плавно печатать с помощью этой куклы. Это было невозможно с другими его куклами, такими как «Маленький Мусасибо». Реалистично выглядящая рука куклы делает ее достаточно жуткой, чтобы люди упали в обморок при первом ее видении.

Основная цель этого устройства — позволить Кадзуе подписать документы, даже если он не находится в замке.


Кадзуя познакомил его с другими, используя сначала японскую форму фамилии/фамилии. Большинство людей в Королевстве считают, что «Сума», его имя, и называют его «Король Сума». Мало кто знает, что «Кадзуя», его имя, это «Сума», его фамилия. Эта ошибка с его стороны означает, что его имя «Сума» по всему миру. Во время церемонии коронации его имя было изменено на «Сума А. Эльфриден». Он отказался от своего имени «Кадзуя» и принял фамилии семей Эльфриден и Амидония. Лишиа утверждает, что Сума является самой искусной домработницей в королевской семье и превосходит Джуну или Ророа. Том 6 содержит беседу с Тиамат, в которой утверждается, что он не принадлежит к той же человеческой расе, что и любой другой человек в мире. Сума считает, что он может быть старше «Старых», как Тиамат, но до сих пор неизвестно, каким человеком он может быть.

title: “Kadzua Suma: All You Need To Know” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-02” author: “James Howard”

Kadzua Suma is a young, talented artist who has been working in the music industry for just over two years. She has released two albums and has toured throughout the United States and Europe. Kadzua is a rising star in the music industry and is quickly gaining attention for her unique sound and style. Kadzua was born in Nigeria, but she moved to the United States when she was just over one year old. She started playing the piano at an early age and soon found herself learning how to write songs. Kadzua’s music reflects her Nigerian heritage, but it also has a modern feel that makes it unique. Kadzua’s debut album, “The Beginning,” was released in February of this year and it quickly became a hit with fans all over the world. The album features collaborations with some of the biggest names in the music industry, including Lenny Kravitz, Usher, Nelly Furtado, and Pharrell Williams. It is clear that Kadzua is an up-and-coming artist who will be making waves soon!

https://www.youtube.com/embed/JVeA3DLhP4U?feature=oembedПо всем развлекательным ТВ


Кадзуя, как следует из его названия, реалист. Он с большим уважением относится к сочинениям Сунь Цзы и Макиавелли. Кадзуя изначально чувствовал себя неуверенно в себе, когда ему дали корону Эльфридена. Однако вскоре он обрел доверие и начал осуществлять свои реформы и улучшать качество жизни граждан. Он очень заботится о своих королевах-консортах и следует совету своего деда, чтобы защитить свою семью.

Kazuya isn’t perfect and makes mistakes. He also overlooks details. He was not prepared to absorb the entire country of Amidonia because of his view of annexing only the Van. He also underestimated the influence of corrupt nobles he had exiled to Elfrieden and was saved by Georg Carmine, the power of former Queen Elisha Elfrieden.

Kazuya doesn’t like to eat, but he is passionate about food and cooking. He admits that he loves cooking and trying new recipes with Poncho. He was delighted to learn that the Mystic Wolf tribe could produce similar foods to Japan’s.

Also Read:How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom Season 3 Release Date



Kazuya, a 19-year-old modern Japanese person, is a student at university and just graduated high school when his grandfather died. He tells Kazuya that his grandfather died before he can marry and have a happy life. Souma was summoned to Elfrieden shortly after the funeral. This was due to Souma’s desperation over the inability of the Kingdom to pay war tributes to the Gran Chaos Empire.

Souma convinced the King Elfrieden it was possible to raise enough money to pay the tribute and also implement reforms and plans to improve the economy, solve food shortages, strengthen army, and improve overall economic performance. Alfred Elfrieden was so impressed, he decided to abdicate the title of ruler and give it to Souma. His daughter Liscia Elfrieden he also engaged to Souma.

To everyone’s surprise Souma managed to raise enough money in just two days to pay war tribute by selling off unnecessary national treasures. He also used the Royal Jewel Broadcast to bring together his subordinates to solve the war tribute, improve the economy, entertain, and inform the masses. He used modern-day strategies and ideas of Earth to win the One Week War over the rebellious dukes Georg Carmine, and Castor Vagas. This also led to the Amidonia that resulted later in the nation’s annexation.

Five women were his spouses: Liscia Elfrieden (Aisha Udgard), Roroa Amidonia and Juna Doma. A secret alliance was also established with the Gran Chaos Empire, and a Tripartite Med Alliance was formed with the Empire as well as the Republic of Turgis. After his kingdom had provided military assistance to repel an invasion of demonic invaders, he was involved in negotiations with the Union of Eastern Nations.



Kazuya is a regular human from Earth and has no combat experience. Although he does begin training to improve his physical strength and learn Swordsmanship, his skill level is similar to that of a new recruit solider.


Kazuya has a lot of talent in sewing and making clothing. He can repair damaged fabric and create clothing items, as well as plush dolls. His sewing skills are evident in Little Musashibo.


Kazuya can cook a variety of dishes from his universe. He does however recognize the limitations of what he can make from his world, and Poncho is often needed to assist him.


Kazuya has a far greater understanding of social economics than the majority of Landia’s. Because he has a deep understanding of modern civilization and how it affects the population, he can implement reforms and innovations that improve the standard of living in Elfrieden and Friedonia. These methods and innovations have been copied by the Gran Chaos Empire.

He has a better understanding of modern warfare and the tactics of Sun Tzu, which gives him a better perspective on military actions. Georg Carmine was impressed by his deceit during the One Week War. It even made Excel Walt shiver at the thought that Kazuya had seen such things.


Dark Element – Kazuya was summoned to another world and gained the ability to use Dark Element Magic. These are unique forms of magic that cannot be classified under other elements. Due to its unique nature, “Dark Element Magic” is a rare magic element.

” Living Poltergeist: This is the ability to manipulate objects through the transfer of consciousness. Kazuya transfers a part his consciousness to an object to manipulate it. He can see and hear everything and can even move without Kazuya’s directives. Kazuya’s magic power and functionality are determined by the object’s weight and shape. This gives Kazuya different usability depending on what object he is working with. If the object is a living creature, such as toys or dolls then the control of the object becomes more intuitive and easy. This allows Kazuya to control multiple objects simultaneously. Kazuya’s full potential can be displayed if the object has a humanoid form. His transferred consciousness can make the humanoid dolls shape more easily. He can make the humanoid doll learn to use different weapons, and even master their use. For objects that aren’t “dolls”, the effective range of “Living Poltergeist” is approximately 100 meters


Kazuya had incorporated various doll types into his Dark Element Magic “Living Poltergeist” to maximize his use of it.


[ MuDiao rinonezumi, Kibori no Nezumi ] A small, palm-sized Wooden doll in the form of a mouse. Kazuya bought a lot of them in a shop to see if they would be useful with his “Living Poltergeist”. These dolls are used primarily for information gathering, scouting and searching.

These dolls were crucial in Kazuya’s rescue of the many people trapped in the landslide that occurred in the ” God Protected Forest”, saving their lives.


[ Musashi Fang ya Jun , Musashi Boya-kun ] Kazuya’s adventurer “alter-ego” is Little Musashibo. He manipulates a large costume doll with a humanoid and plush form using his “Living Poltergeist” magic. Little Musashibo, a humanoid doll, allows Kazuya freedom to move and observe everything as well as to perform actions when necessary. Although the doll’s interior is not filled, it is big enough to allow a person inside. Kazuya created the doll. It is made from fibers that are bulletproof and bladeproof.

Kazuya’s manipulation enabled it to become a skilled melee fighter and an expert in every weapon it uses (though Kazuya can’t acquire this weapon usage or combat experience that way). Kazuya usually equips it with a Naginata, but it can also use Bows or Swords efficiently. It also has a “Wicker Basket” attached to its back that can hold a person.

Friedonia calls him “The Adventurer who Wears a Kigurumi”. Little Mushashibo is an avid participant in the Adventurer’s Guild’s quests. He also often partners up with Juno’s group and is a star of the Jewel Broadcast Program, “Singing With Big Sis.”


[ Huo Yan Dao Hua Shi , Fureimu Piero ] Flame Pierrot dolls have a strange appearance, with their patchwork bodies, tattered clothes, zombie-like movements and flames blazing from the heads.

These dolls were created by Kazuya to help him plan to secretly evacuate towns and villages that would be in the path of the Amidonian Army. The dolls made it possible for the Amidonian Army to be cautious of them and avoid them, slowing down their progress.


[ кобоаму1 Хао , Kobo Amu 1 Go ]«Factory Arm #1», экспериментальная кукла, сделанная из протеза руки и L-образной платформы. Геня Максвелл По просьбе Кадзуи.

Кукла позволяет Кадзуе, его «Живому полтергейсту», использовать более сложные ручные элементы управления. Он может легко схватить ручку и плавно печатать с помощью этой куклы. Это было невозможно с другими его куклами, такими как «Маленький Мусасибо». Реалистично выглядящая рука куклы делает ее достаточно жуткой, чтобы люди упали в обморок при первом ее видении.

Основная цель этого устройства — позволить Кадзуе подписать документы, даже если он не находится в замке.


Кадзуя познакомил его с другими, используя сначала японскую форму фамилии/фамилии. Большинство людей в Королевстве считают, что «Сума», его имя, и называют его «Король Сума». Мало кто знает, что «Кадзуя», его имя, это «Сума», его фамилия. Эта ошибка с его стороны означает, что его имя «Сума» по всему миру. Во время церемонии коронации его имя было изменено на «Сума А. Эльфриден». Он отказался от своего имени «Кадзуя» и принял фамилии семей Эльфриден и Амидония. Лишиа утверждает, что Сума является самой искусной домработницей в королевской семье и превосходит Джуну или Ророа. Том 6 содержит беседу с Тиамат, в которой утверждается, что он не принадлежит к той же человеческой расе, что и любой другой человек в мире. Сума считает, что он может быть старше «Старых», как Тиамат, но до сих пор неизвестно, каким человеком он может быть.