There’s no denying that Soldier Boy is one of the strongest super beings in the Marvel Universe. He has a powerful punch, a powerful arm, and a strong will. He’s also got some pretty impressive powers. But is Soldier Boy really the strongest super being in the Marvel Universe? Let’s take a look at some of his stats to see if he really is the strongest super being around. First off, Soldier Boy has an incredible punch. He can punch incredibly hard and with great force. His punches are so powerful that they can knock people down or even kill them. Second, Soldier Boy has an incredible arm. His arm is incredibly strong and durable. He can use it to pick up heavy objects or to fight against opponents with great strength and power. Third, Soldier Boy has a strong will. He has a very strong will and is very determined when it comes to fighting against opponents or trying to achieve his goals. He doesn’t let anything get in his way and he always wants to achieve his goals succeed or fail。

Following a tragic personal loss caused by an aforementioned superhero, Hughie was recruited by Butcher and offered a shot at revenge. The first episode featured the grisly murder of the superhero Translucent. Alongside her, The Mother’s Milk, Frenchie, and The Female, the group eventually went to war against The Seven, the world’s most powerful superhero team, The Seven, and their chiefs of staff of Vought International.

The Boys season 2 began, with the conflict still raging. When he learned That his beloved wife living, Butcher committed himself even more strongly for the cause. In season 2, new enemies appear as powerful terrorists as well as a new member of The Seven, Stormfront. Before the premiere Episode of The Boysseason 2 was even broadcast, however The show had already been renewed the third season. And it was established early it was confirmed that Supernatural actor Ackles was set to join the show in the role of Soldier Boy. This is a comprehensive overview of everything you must be aware of regarding the character and How Strong is Soldier Boy?


The comics depicted Soldier Boy was a part of the team known as Payback along with Stormfront. While Stormfront was the team’s most powerful player, Soldier Boy was deemed the first superhero, and was their chosen leader. He was very naive but he was also incredibly naive, particularly when compared with other superpowered characters. He did not resort to swearing and was generally averse to joining in with his colleagues with their sexually sinister behavior. 

Soldier Boy was also categorized as a coward, and very fragile, as evidenced in Soldier Boy wetting himself on the front cover in the issue Boys issue 33. Wanting to be a part of The Seven, he was duped into having sexual relations in the company of Homelander -in the hope of believing it was an opportunity to take a test for recruits. Extremely patriotic to the point that it was being a jingoist, Soldier Boy had a tendency to repeat his names for American states while fighting as a battle cry.

Soldier Boy enjoyed a positive rapport and was in good terms with Payback Members Tek Knight as well as Eagle The Archer. The other members, however, said he was just rude. Together with the other members in Payback, Soldier Boy was given the task by Vought-American (as in the cartoons) to assist in the defeat or capture in the battle against The Boys. It is mentioned in the source material Soldier Boy was around for a long time prior to World War II. 

This is an issue Billy Butcher takes personal issue with -and – declaring it a lie and a demeaning insult to the people who actually were part of the war. The truth was eventually discovered that Butcher was right and instead of a single hero who fought throughout the years It was discovered it was revealed that Soldier Boy was actually a name that was a legacy. The current version, which is seen today, battling to Butcher as well as his group, was believed as the third in the series.


Soldier Boy is a clear recreation of Marvel’s top Avenger, Captain America. As Steve Rogers, the original Soldier Boy was enhanced by the use of a serum (Compound V in his case) during World War II. Like the later versions of Soldier Boy who would follow in the same vein, the original was not a Captain America’s heart. 

However it was the exact same costume including the white star that was scribbled across the chest. Additionally, he received an armor, though one that was slightly different in shape. The war was in full swing, and Soldier Boy headed up a group known as The Avenging Squad, which was a parody of several Captain America’s teams.

In addition, Cap’s knowledge or training as well as knowledge of military tactics, however, the Avenging Squad met a bloody conclusion. When Soldier Boy tasked scouts without permission The camp was subsequently found and seized by German forces. It was then a bloody massacre in which only the two of them, he as well as The Boys’ eventual founder, Greg Mallory, survived. After spotting a seriously hurt Soldier Boy, Mallory finished him personally using an blaster. Following the Soldier Boy’s death, the name and his patriotic clothes were handed down to other soldiers over the years.


Soldier Boy, in the comics, is a superhero that’s not comparable to Homelander, Stormfront, or any other supes. However, the character is still quite powerful. In the live-action version, he appears to be just as powerful as Homelander. He also has super speed which allows him to avoid bullets.

It’s no fact that live action version of The Boys doesn’t exactly follow the comics with regard to the powers and abilities some characters have. Therefore, even though Soldier Boy does retain some abilities from The Comics, it is possible that he could be stronger when he’s in the live action version. It will be fascinating as we see how the character stands up with the other characters from The Boys.


One thing we are aware of concerning The Boys is that this is a comic book which doesn’t hesitate to rip off the characters we’ve encountered in various comic books that are published by Marvel as well as DC. It’s true that The Boys is supposed to be comic book parody series that rips off characters from various comic books as well as allowing us to view the story from the perspective of ordinary people who are displeased with the way these superheroes have become.

In this regard the live-action version of the show is based on the same plot, but altering a few aspects. The third season of The Boys looks to introduce an entirely new character in the shape of Soldier Boy The character comes from the comic-book edition from The Boys. Like how some characters are parodies models of other characters from different comics, Soldier Boy is a copycat character from Captain America.

In the comics, Soldier Boy was a member of a group called Payback that fought in World War II. In reality, he was fighting with Stormfront during Payback. Although Stormfront was certainly stronger over Soldier Boy, he was more popular due to the fact that Stormfront was considered to be the original superhero and the leader of the team.

As a character in the Comics Soldier Boy Also, in the comics, Soldier Boy was quite like Captain America in the sense that his moral compass that tended to go in the right direction, but was not exactly right. While he might not be as depraved as other characters, he’s very naive and weak-willed enough that others could easily manipulate him into doing what they want. In the comics where he is a mass killer, he does it in order to satisfy Homelander in order to be included on The Seven.

However, Soldier Boy is still very robust. He’s also akin to Captain America in the sense that he has superpowers which give him increased durability, speed, strength as well as other enhanced physical abilities.

But the version for the series of Soldier Boy might be a slightly different. The comic book version has a stronger strength, like what a super soldier has, which implies that he’s not as strong. The live-action version could be more powerful to the point where Soldier Boy has super strength comparable to the strength that other super-supes possess. It will be fascinating for us to find out how this new series depicts Soldier Boy’s incredible power.

Live-action versions of Soldier Boy is reported to also possess energy blasts which allow him to launch massive energy blasts. This is is not commonplace, as it isn’t even Captain America, the character that he’s based on has powers based on energy. Of course the comic book version isn’t able to shoot energy blasts.

Additionally, it is the case that, just like Captain America, both the live-action and comic book version of Soldier Boy are experts at making use of their shields in battle. The shield can be used very effectively in battle as the expert is adept in its use for offense as well as defense. Of course, he’s also a skilled combatant since his training was focused on close-quarter fighting and other kinds in martial art.

As a WWII combat veteran as well as an experienced expert in tactics of war, Soldier Boy is also adept at being an effective strategist. Therefore, even though he might struggle to compete to the other characters from The Boys, he might be able to plan the best way to victory.

Many ways he’s just a parody of Captain America in his strength and abilities. The difference is He is ignorant and timid in comics, rather than being the brave and selfless hero Steve Rogers is.


Soldier Boy takes powers away through nuclear energy blasts are able to be fired out of his body due to the experiments that Russians carried out on him. It’s possible that this explosion is extremely radioactive and takes out all Compound V from the body permanently and rids it of all powers.

The possibility is that Soldier Boy is capable of taking away powers is an intriguing aspect of the story The Boys because of how it might help in the battle against Homelander. In that sense there’s plenty of possibilities for what could happen in the next episode that will be part of The Boys. While we wait for the next episode, let’s take a examine how Soldier Boy can take powers away.

Does Soldier Boy’s Energy Blast Take Powers Away?

In the fourth episode in the series The Boys, we saw that Soldier Boy was confirmed to exist. This was shocking to those who didn’t see the trailer considering that Soldier Boy was believed to have passed away in 1984, when the pair along with Payback were in Nicaragua and were attacked by Sandinistas as well as the Russians.

The fact that he survived transformed everything to Billy Butcher and The Boys since their job was to look for the weapon believed to be powerful enough to take out Soldier Boy. However, there was no weapon that could take him down. He was simply caught by Russians and taken to Russia.

When The Boys were in Russia They released Soldier Boy, who was quick enough to strike Frenchie with an energy blast out of his chest. The blast was a first for him, as prior to being taken prisoner by the Russians the only thing he had was enhanced strength and durability, which were believed to be similar to the level of Homelander.

In the midst of this, before Soldier Boy could hit Frenchie, Kimiko jumped in to take the blast in her arms as she flew off. Soldier Boy escaped, but Kimiko was severely injured and trapped by a pipe made of metal. The thing they were thinking about was the possibility that Kimiko wasn’t recovering, given that her greatest strength as an superstition was her healing power that was strong enough to enable her to recover from a wound that a bullet left to the head.

Even though The Boys were able to keep Kimiko’s health in check and get her back to health, they had to get back to America fast, as they needed to transport Kimiko to an emergency hospital. When she woke, she realized that her wound didn’t heal. It was oddly she was pleased about it , and was quick to request Frenchie to provide her with something that was heavy. Then she tried to lift it but she didn’t have the strength she had previously since it was obvious that Kimiko did not have her strength, much to her joy.

She informed Frenchie she wasn’t Soldier Boy who took away her power, and she was obviously content since she had never wanted to be an osprey. There was the point where she got her voice again. In this sense Soldier Boy’s new abilities could remove a supe’s power in particular when they get hit by the energy blast out of his chest.

But, it’s the first time that we have seen anyone who survived Soldier Boy’s blast of energy, considering that all other victims were killed right the moment they were killed. It includes Crimson Countess whom was killed in a flash using his energy blast after finding out that she was responsible for selling him to the Russians who had been testing him for years.

How Can Soldier Boy Take Powers Away?

As we’ve seen, Soldier Boy’s new powers can erase the powers of a supe. Kimiko is the very first of supe who experienced this ability for herself since she was content enough to become a normal person again. But how does Soldier Boy take powers away?

It all begins with the essence of his blast it is radioactive. Butcher was making use of the Geiger counter to track the radioactive energy generated by the Soldier Boy’s attacks when he realized they were in the sky. This indicates that his ability to take a supe’s power away is connected with the radiation-based nature of the new abilities.

In reality the moment that Soldier Boy killed Crimson Countess The blast was so powerful enough that the shockwave travelled to Hughie and Starlight which were away from the blast. Then it smolders Crimson Countess within a matter of seconds even though she is an superstition.

In the end it is possible that the ability of the energy blast to remove power sources may be due to its radioactive properties as it’s akin to an extremely smaller nuclear blast. The radioactive characteristics of the blast could eliminate the Compound V inside a body until all tracetraces of the substance are gone. It’s likely that this occurred to Kimiko her body, which was robust enough to endure the blast , as the radiation properties of the blast eliminated the Compound V from her body.

This capability is the reason the Russians conducted experiments on Soldier Boy, as they might have something could serve to defend themselves in the event that they were under attack from Homelander as well as the US. They chose Soldier Boy because he was likely the only one who was durable enough to withstand the tests they carried out on him. In turn, he gathered the power from Russians which were likely planning to make use of to fight the Supes of America so that they could defeat them.

Will Powers Return After Soldier Boy Takes Them Away?

In the present we don’t know whether the effects that result from Soldier Boy’s power nullification is temporary or permanent. It’s since Kimiko has been the one female supe who has survived to this point and it is possible that she could survive the blast because of her strong body or due to the fact that Soldier Boy did not put too much power into it.

The only other suspect we’ve seen become one of the victims of this assault has been Crimson Countess, who got burned to crispness in just a few seconds. So, the sample size isn’t sufficient for us to know whether or not the consequences from this power source are only temporary or last for a long time.

This is something The Boys could use as an advantage in the event of a confrontation with Homelander who is far much too strong for any of them to defeat. This is why Soldier Boy’s power to negate abilities could prove useful against Homelander. This is the place where we’ll most likely determine if the consequences of this attack are lasting or only temporary.


Soldier Boy is a very impressive supe not just with regard to his strength but also his capabilities and experience as an combatant. This means that he will be an opponent to reckon with when the three-season finale of The Boys. How does he stack up with the other supes on The Boys? That’s something we’ll look into from the information we have about his comic and live-action versions.


Homelander is one of the strongest characters from The Boys live-action series and is perhaps the most powerful superhero in The Comic Book version. Homelander can be described as the exact parody of Superman because he has all his powers including super strength, flight as well as super speed and even heat-vision. In this regard it is clear that he’s more powerful that Soldier Boy, who might not be as powerful or as fast or as tough as Homelander. There is the possibility it is the case that Soldier Boy is a better soldier than Homelander.

Queen Maeve

Queen Maeve is frequently considered to be the second-strongest creature in the world, and is second only to Homelander with respect to ability. She is a master hand-to-hand warrior and has physical abilities that are equal to the things Homelander can achieve. This means that she’s probably more powerful than Soldier Boy because she’s slightly smaller than Homelander and is a lot more powerful than Soldier Boy.

Black Noir

The comics depict Black Noir is a Homelander copy with all his abilities and powers, but is far more adept in combat. We aren’t sure whether the live-action series will follow the same plot that we have seen for Black Noir, but we are aware that he’s very robust and proficient. He is a super-strong fighter who is nearly as strong as Queen Maeve due to the fact that he can easily break people due to his power.

However, the best of his crop may be his skill as a ninja since his fighting abilities could be comparable to the things Soldier Boy can do. Therefore, if Black Noir is nearly as robust as Queen Maeve is, he may be able to take on Soldier Boy in a straight fight.


Although A-Train’s primary strength is his speed augmented but he has an extraordinary strength that is higher than that of a normal human. But he’s not the kind of super-strength as the Black Noir and Queen Maeve does, but it is possible that he’s still strong enough to be able to fight powerful adversaries. There’s a possibility the possibility that Soldier Boy has more strength and is far more adept than A-Train. However, A-Train could be able to blast Soldier Boy in a battle.


Starlight’s most significant strength lies in her capacity to absorb the electricity of surrounding areas and make them into targeted blasts. In addition she has strength increased because she can effortlessly lift a vehicle off the ground. Starlight isn’t as strong than The other characters of The Seven but she’s also not experienced during a fight. In this regard, there’s an excellent chance the Soldier Boy, who is more skilled and physically stronger and more agile, will prevail against Starlight.

The Deep

The Deep’s most significant strength is the ability to connect with marine creatures. However, he has an enhanced strength and endurance even though he may not be the strongest in comparison to the others in The Seven. If you consider the fact that Soldier Boy is a powerful combatant with increased strength and speed as well as endurance and on top of that he’s a more effective combatant, there’s the possibility that he’s more powerful that The Deep.


The Queen Maeve is often regarded as the second strongest being in the world. However, with the advent of Stormfront during season 2 has changed everything as she’s nearly as powerful as Homelander. In addition to the fact she is able to control plasma.

Due to her strength overall she was able to fight with the same strength as three supes made up from Queen Maeve, Starlight, and Kimiko but she was ultimately defeated. Given that she’s capable of fighting Homelander in a similar fashion her strength is greater over Soldier Boy.

The Boys

If we do not take a look at The Boys in comic books, the version that is published by The Boys, Soldier Boy is significantly stronger than the rest. The Comic book version that are based on The Boys have augmented super strength , allowing each one of them to be the same strength as Homelander. In this regard, Soldier Boy probably won’t be able to knock the entire group down.

In the live-action adaptation, Kimiko appears to be the one one of The Boys that has powers. Kimiko does possess enhanced physical abilities that allow her to take on Black Noir and A-Train on the same level, however her most effective power is her regenerative capability. In a single-on-one match, Kimiko might not be capable of beating Soldier Boy because he is the more skilled and powerful fighter, but she could surely make it tough for Soldier Boy to beat her due to her ability to regenerate.

title: “Is Soldier Boy The Strongest Super In The Boys?” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-18” author: “Clyde Smith”

There’s no denying that Soldier Boy is one of the strongest super beings in the Marvel Universe. He has a powerful punch, a powerful arm, and a strong will. He’s also got some pretty impressive powers. But is Soldier Boy really the strongest super being in the Marvel Universe? Let’s take a look at some of his stats to see if he really is the strongest super being around. First off, Soldier Boy has an incredible punch. He can punch incredibly hard and with great force. His punches are so powerful that they can knock people down or even kill them. Second, Soldier Boy has an incredible arm. His arm is incredibly strong and durable. He can use it to pick up heavy objects or to fight against opponents with great strength and power. Third, Soldier Boy has a strong will. He has a very strong will and is very determined when it comes to fighting against opponents or trying to achieve his goals. He doesn’t let anything get in his way and he always wants to achieve his goals succeed or fail。

Following a tragic personal loss caused by an aforementioned superhero, Hughie was recruited by Butcher and offered a shot at revenge. The first episode featured the grisly murder of the superhero Translucent. Alongside her, The Mother’s Milk, Frenchie, and The Female, the group eventually went to war against The Seven, the world’s most powerful superhero team, The Seven, and their chiefs of staff of Vought International.

The Boys season 2 began, with the conflict still raging. When he learned That his beloved wife living, Butcher committed himself even more strongly for the cause. In season 2, new enemies appear as powerful terrorists as well as a new member of The Seven, Stormfront. Before the premiere Episode of The Boysseason 2 was even broadcast, however The show had already been renewed the third season. And it was established early it was confirmed that Supernatural actor Ackles was set to join the show in the role of Soldier Boy. This is a comprehensive overview of everything you must be aware of regarding the character and How Strong is Soldier Boy?

Who Is Soldier Boy?

The comics depicted Soldier Boy was a part of the team known as Payback along with Stormfront. While Stormfront was the team’s most powerful player, Soldier Boy was deemed the first superhero, and was their chosen leader. He was very naive but he was also incredibly naive, particularly when compared with other superpowered characters. He did not resort to swearing and was generally averse to joining in with his colleagues with their sexually sinister behavior. 

Soldier Boy was also categorized as a coward, and very fragile, as evidenced in Soldier Boy wetting himself on the front cover in the issue Boys issue 33. Wanting to be a part of The Seven, he was duped into having sexual relations in the company of Homelander -in the hope of believing it was an opportunity to take a test for recruits. Extremely patriotic to the point that it was being a jingoist, Soldier Boy had a tendency to repeat his names for American states while fighting as a battle cry.

Soldier Boy enjoyed a positive rapport and was in good terms with Payback Members Tek Knight as well as Eagle The Archer. The other members, however, said he was just rude. Together with the other members in Payback, Soldier Boy was given the task by Vought-American (as in the cartoons) to assist in the defeat or capture in the battle against The Boys. It is mentioned in the source material Soldier Boy was around for a long time prior to World War II. 

This is an issue Billy Butcher takes personal issue with -and – declaring it a lie and a demeaning insult to the people who actually were part of the war. The truth was eventually discovered that Butcher was right and instead of a single hero who fought throughout the years It was discovered it was revealed that Soldier Boy was actually a name that was a legacy. The current version, which is seen today, battling to Butcher as well as his group, was believed as the third in the series.

Who Is Soldier Boy Based On?

Soldier Boy is a clear recreation of Marvel’s top Avenger, Captain America. As Steve Rogers, the original Soldier Boy was enhanced by the use of a serum (Compound V in his case) during World War II. Like the later versions of Soldier Boy who would follow in the same vein, the original was not a Captain America’s heart. 

However it was the exact same costume including the white star that was scribbled across the chest. Additionally, he received an armor, though one that was slightly different in shape. The war was in full swing, and Soldier Boy headed up a group known as The Avenging Squad, which was a parody of several Captain America’s teams.

In addition, Cap’s knowledge or training as well as knowledge of military tactics, however, the Avenging Squad met a bloody conclusion. When Soldier Boy tasked scouts without permission The camp was subsequently found and seized by German forces. It was then a bloody massacre in which only the two of them, he as well as The Boys’ eventual founder, Greg Mallory, survived. After spotting a seriously hurt Soldier Boy, Mallory finished him personally using an blaster. Following the Soldier Boy’s death, the name and his patriotic clothes were handed down to other soldiers over the years.

How Strong Is Soldier Boy?

Soldier Boy, in the comics, is a superhero that’s not comparable to Homelander, Stormfront, or any other supes. However, the character is still quite powerful. In the live-action version, he appears to be just as powerful as Homelander. He also has super speed which allows him to avoid bullets.

It’s no fact that live action version of The Boys doesn’t exactly follow the comics with regard to the powers and abilities some characters have. Therefore, even though Soldier Boy does retain some abilities from The Comics, it is possible that he could be stronger when he’s in the live action version. It will be fascinating as we see how the character stands up with the other characters from The Boys.

Soldier Boy Powers And Abilities

One thing we are aware of concerning The Boys is that this is a comic book which doesn’t hesitate to rip off the characters we’ve encountered in various comic books that are published by Marvel as well as DC. It’s true that The Boys is supposed to be comic book parody series that rips off characters from various comic books as well as allowing us to view the story from the perspective of ordinary people who are displeased with the way these superheroes have become.

In this regard the live-action version of the show is based on the same plot, but altering a few aspects. The third season of The Boys looks to introduce an entirely new character in the shape of Soldier Boy The character comes from the comic-book edition from The Boys. Like how some characters are parodies models of other characters from different comics, Soldier Boy is a copycat character from Captain America.

In the comics, Soldier Boy was a member of a group called Payback that fought in World War II. In reality, he was fighting with Stormfront during Payback. Although Stormfront was certainly stronger over Soldier Boy, he was more popular due to the fact that Stormfront was considered to be the original superhero and the leader of the team.

As a character in the Comics Soldier Boy Also, in the comics, Soldier Boy was quite like Captain America in the sense that his moral compass that tended to go in the right direction, but was not exactly right. While he might not be as depraved as other characters, he’s very naive and weak-willed enough that others could easily manipulate him into doing what they want. In the comics where he is a mass killer, he does it in order to satisfy Homelander in order to be included on The Seven.

However, Soldier Boy is still very robust. He’s also akin to Captain America in the sense that he has superpowers which give him increased durability, speed, strength as well as other enhanced physical abilities.

But the version for the series of Soldier Boy might be a slightly different. The comic book version has a stronger strength, like what a super soldier has, which implies that he’s not as strong. The live-action version could be more powerful to the point where Soldier Boy has super strength comparable to the strength that other super-supes possess. It will be fascinating for us to find out how this new series depicts Soldier Boy’s incredible power.

Live-action versions of Soldier Boy is reported to also possess energy blasts which allow him to launch massive energy blasts. This is is not commonplace, as it isn’t even Captain America, the character that he’s based on has powers based on energy. Of course the comic book version isn’t able to shoot energy blasts.

Additionally, it is the case that, just like Captain America, both the live-action and comic book version of Soldier Boy are experts at making use of their shields in battle. The shield can be used very effectively in battle as the expert is adept in its use for offense as well as defense. Of course, he’s also a skilled combatant since his training was focused on close-quarter fighting and other kinds in martial art.

As a WWII combat veteran as well as an experienced expert in tactics of war, Soldier Boy is also adept at being an effective strategist. Therefore, even though he might struggle to compete to the other characters from The Boys, he might be able to plan the best way to victory.

Many ways he’s just a parody of Captain America in his strength and abilities. The difference is He is ignorant and timid in comics, rather than being the brave and selfless hero Steve Rogers is.

How Can Soldier Boy Take Powers Away?

Soldier Boy takes powers away through nuclear energy blasts are able to be fired out of his body due to the experiments that Russians carried out on him. It’s possible that this explosion is extremely radioactive and takes out all Compound V from the body permanently and rids it of all powers.

The possibility is that Soldier Boy is capable of taking away powers is an intriguing aspect of the story The Boys because of how it might help in the battle against Homelander. In that sense there’s plenty of possibilities for what could happen in the next episode that will be part of The Boys. While we wait for the next episode, let’s take a examine how Soldier Boy can take powers away.

Does Soldier Boy’s Energy Blast Take Powers Away?

In the fourth episode in the series The Boys, we saw that Soldier Boy was confirmed to exist. This was shocking to those who didn’t see the trailer considering that Soldier Boy was believed to have passed away in 1984, when the pair along with Payback were in Nicaragua and were attacked by Sandinistas as well as the Russians.

The fact that he survived transformed everything to Billy Butcher and The Boys since their job was to look for the weapon believed to be powerful enough to take out Soldier Boy. However, there was no weapon that could take him down. He was simply caught by Russians and taken to Russia.

When The Boys were in Russia They released Soldier Boy, who was quick enough to strike Frenchie with an energy blast out of his chest. The blast was a first for him, as prior to being taken prisoner by the Russians the only thing he had was enhanced strength and durability, which were believed to be similar to the level of Homelander.

In the midst of this, before Soldier Boy could hit Frenchie, Kimiko jumped in to take the blast in her arms as she flew off. Soldier Boy escaped, but Kimiko was severely injured and trapped by a pipe made of metal. The thing they were thinking about was the possibility that Kimiko wasn’t recovering, given that her greatest strength as an superstition was her healing power that was strong enough to enable her to recover from a wound that a bullet left to the head.

Even though The Boys were able to keep Kimiko’s health in check and get her back to health, they had to get back to America fast, as they needed to transport Kimiko to an emergency hospital. When she woke, she realized that her wound didn’t heal. It was oddly she was pleased about it , and was quick to request Frenchie to provide her with something that was heavy. Then she tried to lift it but she didn’t have the strength she had previously since it was obvious that Kimiko did not have her strength, much to her joy.

She informed Frenchie she wasn’t Soldier Boy who took away her power, and she was obviously content since she had never wanted to be an osprey. There was the point where she got her voice again. In this sense Soldier Boy’s new abilities could remove a supe’s power in particular when they get hit by the energy blast out of his chest.

But, it’s the first time that we have seen anyone who survived Soldier Boy’s blast of energy, considering that all other victims were killed right the moment they were killed. It includes Crimson Countess whom was killed in a flash using his energy blast after finding out that she was responsible for selling him to the Russians who had been testing him for years.

How Can Soldier Boy Take Powers Away?

As we’ve seen, Soldier Boy’s new powers can erase the powers of a supe. Kimiko is the very first of supe who experienced this ability for herself since she was content enough to become a normal person again. But how does Soldier Boy take powers away?

It all begins with the essence of his blast it is radioactive. Butcher was making use of the Geiger counter to track the radioactive energy generated by the Soldier Boy’s attacks when he realized they were in the sky. This indicates that his ability to take a supe’s power away is connected with the radiation-based nature of the new abilities.

In reality the moment that Soldier Boy killed Crimson Countess The blast was so powerful enough that the shockwave travelled to Hughie and Starlight which were away from the blast. Then it smolders Crimson Countess within a matter of seconds even though she is an superstition.

In the end it is possible that the ability of the energy blast to remove power sources may be due to its radioactive properties as it’s akin to an extremely smaller nuclear blast. The radioactive characteristics of the blast could eliminate the Compound V inside a body until all tracetraces of the substance are gone. It’s likely that this occurred to Kimiko her body, which was robust enough to endure the blast , as the radiation properties of the blast eliminated the Compound V from her body.

This capability is the reason the Russians conducted experiments on Soldier Boy, as they might have something could serve to defend themselves in the event that they were under attack from Homelander as well as the US. They chose Soldier Boy because he was likely the only one who was durable enough to withstand the tests they carried out on him. In turn, he gathered the power from Russians which were likely planning to make use of to fight the Supes of America so that they could defeat them.

Will Powers Return After Soldier Boy Takes Them Away?

In the present we don’t know whether the effects that result from Soldier Boy’s power nullification is temporary or permanent. It’s since Kimiko has been the one female supe who has survived to this point and it is possible that she could survive the blast because of her strong body or due to the fact that Soldier Boy did not put too much power into it.

The only other suspect we’ve seen become one of the victims of this assault has been Crimson Countess, who got burned to crispness in just a few seconds. So, the sample size isn’t sufficient for us to know whether or not the consequences from this power source are only temporary or last for a long time.

This is something The Boys could use as an advantage in the event of a confrontation with Homelander who is far much too strong for any of them to defeat. This is why Soldier Boy’s power to negate abilities could prove useful against Homelander. This is the place where we’ll most likely determine if the consequences of this attack are lasting or only temporary.

How Does Soldier Boy Compare To The Other The Boys Characters?

Soldier Boy is a very impressive supe not just with regard to his strength but also his capabilities and experience as an combatant. This means that he will be an opponent to reckon with when the three-season finale of The Boys. How does he stack up with the other supes on The Boys? That’s something we’ll look into from the information we have about his comic and live-action versions.


Homelander is one of the strongest characters from The Boys live-action series and is perhaps the most powerful superhero in The Comic Book version. Homelander can be described as the exact parody of Superman because he has all his powers including super strength, flight as well as super speed and even heat-vision. In this regard it is clear that he’s more powerful that Soldier Boy, who might not be as powerful or as fast or as tough as Homelander. There is the possibility it is the case that Soldier Boy is a better soldier than Homelander.

Queen Maeve

Queen Maeve is frequently considered to be the second-strongest creature in the world, and is second only to Homelander with respect to ability. She is a master hand-to-hand warrior and has physical abilities that are equal to the things Homelander can achieve. This means that she’s probably more powerful than Soldier Boy because she’s slightly smaller than Homelander and is a lot more powerful than Soldier Boy.

Black Noir

The comics depict Black Noir is a Homelander copy with all his abilities and powers, but is far more adept in combat. We aren’t sure whether the live-action series will follow the same plot that we have seen for Black Noir, but we are aware that he’s very robust and proficient. He is a super-strong fighter who is nearly as strong as Queen Maeve due to the fact that he can easily break people due to his power.

However, the best of his crop may be his skill as a ninja since his fighting abilities could be comparable to the things Soldier Boy can do. Therefore, if Black Noir is nearly as robust as Queen Maeve is, he may be able to take on Soldier Boy in a straight fight.


Although A-Train’s primary strength is his speed augmented but he has an extraordinary strength that is higher than that of a normal human. But he’s not the kind of super-strength as the Black Noir and Queen Maeve does, but it is possible that he’s still strong enough to be able to fight powerful adversaries. There’s a possibility the possibility that Soldier Boy has more strength and is far more adept than A-Train. However, A-Train could be able to blast Soldier Boy in a battle.


Starlight’s most significant strength lies in her capacity to absorb the electricity of surrounding areas and make them into targeted blasts. In addition she has strength increased because she can effortlessly lift a vehicle off the ground. Starlight isn’t as strong than The other characters of The Seven but she’s also not experienced during a fight. In this regard, there’s an excellent chance the Soldier Boy, who is more skilled and physically stronger and more agile, will prevail against Starlight.

The Deep

The Deep’s most significant strength is the ability to connect with marine creatures. However, he has an enhanced strength and endurance even though he may not be the strongest in comparison to the others in The Seven. If you consider the fact that Soldier Boy is a powerful combatant with increased strength and speed as well as endurance and on top of that he’s a more effective combatant, there’s the possibility that he’s more powerful that The Deep.


The Queen Maeve is often regarded as the second strongest being in the world. However, with the advent of Stormfront during season 2 has changed everything as she’s nearly as powerful as Homelander. In addition to the fact she is able to control plasma.

Due to her strength overall she was able to fight with the same strength as three supes made up from Queen Maeve, Starlight, and Kimiko but she was ultimately defeated. Given that she’s capable of fighting Homelander in a similar fashion her strength is greater over Soldier Boy.

The Boys

If we do not take a look at The Boys in comic books, the version that is published by The Boys, Soldier Boy is significantly stronger than the rest. The Comic book version that are based on The Boys have augmented super strength , allowing each one of them to be the same strength as Homelander. In this regard, Soldier Boy probably won’t be able to knock the entire group down.

In the live-action adaptation, Kimiko appears to be the one one of The Boys that has powers. Kimiko does possess enhanced physical abilities that allow her to take on Black Noir and A-Train on the same level, however her most effective power is her regenerative capability. In a single-on-one match, Kimiko might not be capable of beating Soldier Boy because he is the more skilled and powerful fighter, but she could surely make it tough for Soldier Boy to beat her due to her ability to regenerate.