Dragon Ball GT is one of the most popular anime series in history, and many people believe that it is canon. However, there are some people who believe that Dragon Ball GT is not canon and should be considered an unofficial series. What is Dragon Ball GT? Dragon Ball GT is a Japanese anime series that was created by Akira Toriyama. It follows the story of Goku and his friends, Gohan, Piccolo, and Vegeta, as they travel to different parts of the world to fight against evil forces. Some people believe that Dragon Ball GT is not canon because it does not follow the same story line as the original manga and anime series. This means that some of the events in Dragon Ball GT may not have happened in reality. For example, Goku may have never fought Frieza or beaten him in a physical battle. This would make sense because Frieza would have been too powerful for Goku to compete with. Others believe that DragonBall GT is canon because it follows a different story line than the manga and anime series. This means that some of the events in DragonBall GT may happen in reality, but other events may not. For example, Gohan may have died during his fight against Frieza or he may have been turned into a dragon by Frieza. This would make sense because Gohan was not supposed to survive those fights and he was only meant to be a minor character in the original manga and anime series.

Классическое определение Dragon Ball GT гласит, что это не канон, потому что он не основан на манге и не написан Ториямой. Вместо этого сюжет является эксклюзивным для аниме. Ответ не так прост. GT в любом случае не противоречит основной временной шкале и может легко уложиться в эти временные рамки. Это также может быть часть или альтернативная временная шкала, как и другие канонические истории.

Мы расскажем вам все, что вам нужно знать относительно канонического статуса Dragon Ball GT. Мы дадим вам основы производства, чтобы было понятно, в чем идея сериала и как она вписывается в общее повествование. Этот вопрос будет быстро решен нами.

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В 1995 году Акира Торияма перестал иллюстрировать мангу. Toei Animation осталась без первоисточника для сериала. Toei Animation создала продолжение Dragon Ball, основанное на успехе Dragon Ball.

Вселенная Dragon Ball GT сильно отличалась от серии Dragon Ball. Это связано с оригинальностью работы. В отличие от Dragon Ball Z, который по существу следовал сюжетной линии, эта работа стремилась быть полностью инновационной в своем развитии, вводя элементы, которые не были частью оригинальной манги.

К ним относятся Super Saiyan 4, новая трансформация Super C-17 и улучшенная версия C-17. Также важно отметить более короткую длину сериала: он длился 64 эпизода и ранее состоял из более чем 100 эпизодов.

It is important to mention that the series substantially expands the Dragon Ball universe. This series tells the story of the quest for the crystal ball through space and deepens many arcs that were left unfinished. This is the case with the Saiyans, Son Goku’s people, and Vegeta. The story will be told through Professor Myu, who is a descendant from the Tsufuls. He also discusses the effects of Dragon Balls misuse.

Akira Toriyama didn’t write the history of the series. However, he participated in its creation. He drew the new looks for Son Goku, Trunks, and Pan. Also, several drawings were used to illustrate the opening credits (“Hitori ja Nai”) He also created new characters and robots, such as Giru (whom Toei rejected as Ojama), and Baby. He also selected the title, reviewed the Toei script, and offered some advice. Finally, he created several animations showing Son Goku saying goodbye.

He was responsible for the Japanese Dragon Ball GT DVD box’s editorial in 2005. Toriyama has not spoken much about the series. However, in an interview with Shenron Times #72 he said that the work of Toei Animation was excellent and that Son Goku’s youth made him happy to the point where he almost wanted the manga to continue, but that he was relieved by the deadlines. Toriyama himself described GT to be a “side story” of the original Dragon Ball.

Dragon Ball GT doesn’t appear to be a series that canon. GT is not canon in the literal sense. It is not based upon the manga and has not been created by its original author. Although Toriyama was involved in the creation of the anime’s characters, it was only a small part. Dragon Ball GT does not belong to the canon. However, it is not so simple.

While most fans believe GT can’t be canon, Dragon Ball Super is right after Dragon Ball Z. This changes the events of GT. However, it isn’t that simple. We know Super continues right after the Buu Saga events, but does not address Dragon Ball Z’s epilogue. This means Super is set before the epilogue which introduces the characters for Dragon Ball GT. This means that GT canon exists.

It is possible that Dragon Ball GT may simply be a story from another universe, just as the Dragon Ball universe expanded its universes during Dragon Ball Super. Regardless of this, GT has not been officially confirmed. We offer our opinion on the matter. We hope that we have been able to help you.


Is Dragon Ball GT canon? Five years after the 28th Tenkaichi Budokai, the story begins. Dragon Ball GT is the story of Pilaf and his minions who find the “Black Star Dragon Balls”, which were hidden in the Kamisama Temple’s room. However, just as they call the Shenlong of dragon balls, Son Goku discovers them.

Pilaf makes an inadvertent wish to transform Son Goku into boy during a brief confrontation with Son Goku. After making the wish to red Shenlong the latter quickly withdraws. The dragon balls begin to scatter throughout the universe. They learn from Kaiosama of North that the balls must be collected within a year or the planet where they were made, in this instance, Earth, will explode.

Son Goku, Son Goten, and Trunks agree to go on the hunt for the “Black Star Dragon Balls”. They want to find them as soon possible. Pan, the granddaughter and grandchild of Son Goku, Videl and Son Gohan, enters the ship just as Son Goten is about to leave. She manages start the ship, leaving Son Goten without a mission. He then embarks on the great adventure with Trunks and his grandfather.

They will have to travel through many planets on their adventure. After defeating their opponents and collecting the dragon balls, they return home to Earth. Baby is the dominant character, and he wants to destroy the Saiyans. He also wants to rebuild Tsufuru with the extinct inhabitants.

Goku faces a new challenge as the human population is possessed by Baby during his quest to help him achieve his main goal. Baby’s strategy to control the planet is to possess the strongest Saiyan, Vegeta in this instance. He then incarnates himself in a more effective way to confront anyone who tries to stop him.

После сложной, стратегической и жестокой битвы Гоку пришлось прибегнуть к новому уровню, чтобы трансформироваться. Super Saiyan 4 был уровнем, который превосходит все остальные уровни. Во время этой трансформации он восстанавливает свою взрослую форму и наконец-то способен победить Малыша. Несмотря на все усилия и прискорбные результаты, Земля обречена на гибель. Бэби снова использовал Black Star Dragon Balls для создания Tfuru.

Поскольку до истечения срока их поисков осталось всего две недели, Гоку и его друзья предлагают, чтобы они вместе с мистером Сатаной перевезли всех жителей Земли на планету Цуфуру. С помощью космических кораблей из Капсульного корпуса Булмы и Гоку и техники телепортации Кибитошина им удается эвакуировать всех жителей и животных на планету Цуфуру в течение этого периода времени.

Так же, как они считают, что выполнили свою миссию, Гоку замечает, что на планете пропал ребенок. Он был отвлечен своей собакой и не был на борту корабля. Он немедленно отправляется на его поиски. Ребенок спасен, к счастью.