Matthias Hildesheimer is a German journalist who has written extensively on the European Union. In this article, he provides an overview of the EU and its key institutions. The European Union (EU) is a political and economic union of 27 member states that was established in 1993. The EU’s goals are to promote peace, prosperity, democracy, and human rights throughout the continent. The EU’s key institutions are the European Commission, the Council of Ministers, and the Parliament. The European Commission is responsible for proposing legislation and overseeing EU affairs. The Council of Ministers is made up of representatives from each member state and is responsible for implementing decisions made by the European Parliament. The Parliament is composed of representatives from each member state and has a veto power over proposed legislation. ..

Он был известен как «Гай» в предыдущей жизни, около 5000+ лет назад. Чтобы получить новый Гребень с помощью своей магии Реинкарнации, он перевоплотился в Маттиаса для достижения этой цели. После реинкарнации он смог достичь своей цели в виде «Четвертого гребня». Его основная цель — стать могущественным, чтобы он мог сражаться с могущественными монстрами космического пространства.Автор: Anim3King


Маттиас иногда ведет себя незаметно, шокированным или смущенным, несмотря на свой преклонный умственный возраст. Это связано с его антисоциальным образом жизни из прошлой жизни. Маттиас утверждал, что помогает королевству только потому, что ему это нужно.


Long ago, an ancient magician Gaias decided that he couldn’t grow with his first crest and so reincarnated through reincarnation magic. He has been studying daily to defeat the space-based monsters since he regained his memory as Gaias, his sixth birthday.

This is a promise that the opponent’s first time opponents will be confused by his technique. He has the magic theory and technique that almost vanished in modern times. He was 12 years old when he took part in the Royal Second Academy entrance exam. He passed as chief and scholarship student.

Eduard, the principal at the Royal Second School, spoke about the common sense that was full of errors in current magic theory. He also mentioned the danger that the Second School faces. We cooperated with Eduard in spreading correct magic theory, with the expectation of non-standard abilities. It is requested.

It was decided that the second school would begin the reconstruction of magic theory. I had planned to leave the school once the Kingdom of Ace was familiar with the correct magic theory and knowledge. However, Matthias and I were both enrolled in the school.

If Matthias was still enrolled, I would be happy to use Matthias’ successes as a shield to non-chanting magic education. Special scholarship student who is exempt from the obligation of attending classes because of the mutual merit It was decided that the registration should be canceled in the form of.

It is a fighter madness with a brain-like side. I believe that it can solve some problems if it is strong. He is also a bitter and unforgiving person towards hostile opponents. He uses magic to wash his hair the next morning. Matthias isn’t convinced that there are weapons and other facilities that Matthias made during his time as Gaias. They all have exceptional performance today, but Matthias isn’t sure. The opposite is true. Most of the weapons with the performance Matthias can claim are self-confident works are not known to modern people, as the activation method and magic power are insufficient.

His successful reincarnation as third son of Hildesheimer families saw him relive his past lives, giving him the ability to use the magic he learned in his past life. He left the territory of his father at the age 12 to attend the second royal academy in the capital.



Leik HILDESHIER: Leik, Matthias’ older brother. Matthias has come to trust Lake and taught him magic tricks to defeat Byfgur. He also entrusted the future of the Hildesheimer families to him. Byfgur Hildesheimer : Byfgur, Matthias’ second oldest brother and second son from the Hildesheimer families, is a stoic and arrogant man.


Lurie Abendroth : She is in love. Lurie is also likely in love with Matthias, as he blushes when she is too close to him. Alma Lepucius : Alma enjoys to tease Matty, Lurie and Lurie when they are together. She also trusts Matty a lot and respects her. It is also possible that Alma has a crush upon Matty, but it is not known. Matty also teaches Alma how to use her archery skills and some spells for her bow & arrow. Iris – Matthias knew her from his past life as Gaius.


Matthias Stats

Matthias, who has lived hundreds of years and traveled as Gaius throughout his life, has vast knowledge and proficiency in many areas. He is also said to have learned 27 languages.

Also Read:When is The Strongest Sage with the Weakest Crest Season 2 Release Date ?


Matthias is a “Fourth Crest User” and is skilled in close-combat solo and quick execution of spells over an area of 10m. He also has better control over his stamina and magic.


Expert Swordsman: Matthias excels in this area, especially when compared to other people in the current Era who have lost their knowledge. Expert Martial Artist Matthias is an expert in close-range Martial Arts and can take advantage of his Fourth Crest strengths. Enhanced physical strength: Matthias can use spells such as “Body Boost” to increase his physical abilities to meet the demands of the situation.


His magic was considered out of this world. He was stronger than anyone in his village by 6 years old, and most likely the entire world by 12 years. He is a powerful wizard with a lot of magical power and stamina. Both the monster and the animals share the same points. After they have been defeated, their magic power can easily be absorbed by the other and it will become stronger. Gaia was able to summon powerful monsters and blow away mountains in his past lives. He also had the ability to hold back.


Matthias “Matty”, Hildesheimer, was a powerful sage thousands of years ago in his former life as Gaius. Despite his magical talents and abilities, Gaius had to reincarnate to obtain the four crests he desired. This was, at that time, the most powerful crest for combat. This is ironic in the current timeline, where the four crests of failure are considered the crests of success.

Episode 1 of the Strongest Sage with The Weakest Crest revealed that Matty, despite having the crest for failure, was still a powerful and skilled sage. He ended up teaching his classmates spell-casting and other long-forgotten skills. In the same episode, he also admitted that he can remember his past life. Episode 2 added to this revelation. Matty confirmed once more that he had magically inducing his own reincarnation. However, he also said that his memories slowly returned as he grew older.

After Matty’s defeat of Devilis, a demon pretending to be a student at the First Academy, Episode 1 revealed that the monarch of the kingdom he had just saved offered land as a reward. Matty declined to do so, stating that he doesn’t live his current life for the material wealth but rather to gain more power. He instead settled for a new magical sword.

Matty was searching for a new sword and found two artifacts from his past incarnation. The magical sword Gaius made in his obsession with sword-making, as well as an enchanted necklace that he also made. Matty set out to retrieve the artifacts of his previous incarnation and use them to test his new abilities against the creatures that live in the dungeon below the kingdom. He was able to reach the 25th floor, which no one had been able access before, and used his new powers against a monstrous serpent.

В Эпизоде 2 раскрываются мотивы Мэтти, по крайней мере, частично из-за его прошлого опыта в качестве Гая. Гай изначально чувствовал, что его силы недостаточно сильны, чтобы победить демонов в свое время, поэтому он заставил свою реинкарнацию получить четыре гребня, чтобы помочь ему в его стремлении к большей власти. Он верит, что наконец-то сможет остановить надвигающееся демоническое вторжение, как только его силы и магические способности превзойдут силы и способности его предыдущего воплощения.

До сих пор неясно, как Мэтти узнал о планах демонов, учитывая, сколько времени прошло с тех пор, как он стал Гаем. Демонический мир, вероятно, изменился за тысячи лет, которые жил Гай. Похоже, что демоны ждали, пока люди привыкнут к меньшему количеству магии, прежде чем они вторгнутся в свои королевства. Неясно, откуда Гай/Мэтти знал об этом плане.

Хотя Эпизод 2 проливает некоторый свет на мотивы Мэтти, до сих пор неясно, были ли его мотивы полностью героическими. Один из его монологов о его стремлении к большей власти включает в себя странное заявление, которое он сказал о возможности вымирания людей, прежде чем он сможет стать по-настоящему сильным. Он также заявил, что ему нужно будет продолжать работать с ними некоторое время, что не означает, что он обеспокоен наилучшими интересами человечества, а только своими собственными. Мотивы Мэтти кажутся в лучшем случае героическими. Но под ним может быть что-то большее.