Hana Itidzō is a Japanese artist who has been creating art for over 30 years. She is known for her unique and intricate paintings, which often explore the relationship between nature and culture. Itidzō was born in Tokyo in 1963. After graduating from high school, she studied at the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, where she earned her BFA in 1987. She then moved to New York City, where she continued to study art at the School of Visual Arts. Itidzō returned to Japan in 1995 and has since been based there. Itidzō’s paintings are often inspired by her travels around the world. Her work has been exhibited at venues including the Museum of Modern Art in New York City and the Mori Art Museum in Tokyo. In 2018, Itidzō was awarded an honorary doctorate from Brown University in Rhode Island. ..

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Хана — высокая девочка-подросток среднего размера со светлыми волосами и зелеными глазами. Она является невесткой Фукуды и утверждает, что Ашито является ее «первой поклонницей в любом месте». Хотя она тупая и естественная болтунья, Ашито может найти ее раздражающей. Тем не менее, она очень заботится об Ашито и всех игроках Эспериона. Хана является увлеченным спортивным хирургом и обладает глубокими знаниями в области питания. Она часто готовит планы питания для таких игроков, как Курибаяси.



Hana’s childhood is not known except that she was a huge football fan since her youth. After becoming Fukuda’s fan, her and Fukuda became one another and she became Fukuda’s step-sister.


Hana was just five when she first saw Tatsuya play football. He was a great player and Hana fell in love with him. Tatsuya, her brother-in law, became her sister-in-law and she followed her dreams to become a sports surgeon.

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Hana and Ashito first met at youth try-outs, when Ashito accidentally ran into Hana. Fukuda, her brother-in law, had told her a lot about Ehime and she was expecting high expectations. Hana initially seemed skeptical of Ashito. She found him irritating and not worth her time. But, after seeing his assistance in the first tryout match (an assist that was very similar to one Fukuda pulled off when he had been younger), she began to be more interested and to accept him. When she asked Ashito how he managed it, Hana was relieved to learn that he had done it by instinct and not intuition.

Hana is strict with Ashito, and tries to encourage him eat well and to do his best. It is implied that Hana has romantic feelings towards Ashito throughout the story. This is confirmed later when Hana confesses to her love for him to Noriko with whom she has a great relationship. Hana and Ashito show a great deal of respect for each other. Hana can often get through to Ashito when Ashito is being careless or erratic.

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Когда Ашито наказывали, Хана защищала его и утверждала, что является «первым поклонником» Ашито. Она также заявила, что не сомневается в его способностях. Понимание Ханой Ашито очевидно, так как она способна различать, когда он беспокоится.