In Dungeons & Dragons, magic is a powerful and often mysterious force. It can be used to create objects, creatures, and spells. However, there are some things you need to know in order to dispel magic in your game.

  1. Dispel Magic is a spell that can be cast by using your action modifier + your Charisma modifier.
  2. The DC for dispel magic is 10 + the spell’s level.
  3. When casting a dispel magic spell, you must make a Wisdom check against the spell’s DC. If you succeed, the magic is dispelled and no damage is done. If you fail, the spell fails and damage is done to the caster as if it were a normal spell.
  4. The caster must maintain their concentration on the dispel magic spell in order for it to work. If they lose their concentration on the spell or if they are attacked while casting it, thespell fails and no damage is done to them.

It is a tool that can be utilized to serve a multitude of purposes in many different situations . It is an essential tool for those contemplating participating in a contest which could be won by magic.

The rules for Dispel Magic can be found in the Players Handbook on page 234.

Dispel Magic 5e

Abjuration: 3rd Level

Time to Cast:1 Action

The range: 120 feet

Components: V, S


Choose one creature, object or magic effect within your reach. Anything that’s of the 3rd or lower in its level at the end of the target.

For each spell that has 4th or more in the area of an attack conduct an ability test applying your spellcasting ability.

The DC is 10 % of the power of the spell. If the test is successful, the spell is ended.

Higher degrees:If the spell is cast using the slot for spells of the 4th or higher level , it automatically stops the effect of a spell that has an effect on the person who is affected if it is lower than or equal to the amount of the slot you choose to apply to.

Dispel Magic’s rules Dispel Magic reveal how casting this spell can be directed towards a specific object, creature or even an enchanted outcome.

The ability to strike the creature is usually overlooked this is a big mistake. If the spell works, the spell will be over.

This is an enormous opportunity both in and out of combat.

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Is the Dispel Magic Effective?

Dispel Magic is focused on removing the magic-producing spells. It has one task it can complete efficiently. Also Read: Invisibility 5e D&D Guide

In a circumstance where you need to restrict the magic or get rid of it, this is the right choice.

It is vital to remember that the spell is unable to distinguish between bad and good magic.

The spell can be used to block spells from harming the people around them negatively. It can also be used to block unwanted effects that harm objects.

Additionally, it is able to erase magical effects, like illusions totally.

Hot Tip

Arcane Lock is a favorite spell employed by criminals to safeguard their riches.

A skilled wizard with Dispel Magic can speed up the process of what appears to be a complicated task.

Since Arcane Lock works as a constant magical spell, it could become the object of Dispel Magic.

What’s the method to be used Dispel Magic?

Dispel Magic is an ability that Dispel Magic does not work the same way as compared with the vast majority of other spells utilized in game.

Its purpose is to eradicate magic effects from a individual or an object or an area. To confirm that it has succeeded during casting, the actor makes an uncontested roll in opposition to the spell to be removed.

The spellcaster adds their casting ability modification in the process of rolling. The difficulty level (DC) will determine the level of difficulty of the spell to be removed.

Example 1.

A wizard’s ally is affected by the Charm Person. The wizard is trying to remove the effects of magic by the casting of Dispel Magic at 3 3rd of the level (base). The Charm Person is described as a Level 1 spell, and in accordance with these rules, Dispel Magic can be ended at any magical effect which is cast at 3rd levels or lower.

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Example 2.

Allies of the wizard were affected through the Magical Person ability. The wizard can remove the effects of one of these allies applying Dispel Magic at 3 3rd in the stage (base). In order for charm person to be utilized this way, the spell should be cast as a 5 the level spell. This means a one-sided roll is required. Wizard rolls 1d20 and their modifier to cast spells with a DC that is 10 times the value the spell.

The ability to eliminate Magic Roll 1d20 + 5 (Intelligence Modifier) in relation with DC 15, (10+ 5 (Level of the Spell Cast))

If the wizard is able to roll at least an 11 the effect of the spell will be eliminated.

The results of Dispel Magic from 16. (11 + 5) against DC 15 (10 + 5)

Example 3.

The wizard’s friends had been targeted by the Charm Person Spell. The wizard has an excellent grasp of the use of this Charm Person spell, and can complete an Arcana test to identify the degree at which the spell was cast. The wizard then has the ability use the spell Dispel Magic at 5 5 grade on a single friend. Since he casts at the same or greater than the spell being targeted , it’s an instant win.

Dispel Magic can be extremely effective and durable. It has the ability to destroy some of the most powerful magics that exist within game. gaming.

It doesn’t mean it’s 100% risk-free. A failed attempt ranks 3rd in the spell slot and is unable to perform anything that is at an entry level.

A spell’s casting can increase chances of success by itself but it’s not very helpful in situations where the casting isn’t enough to guarantee success on autopilot. Also Read: Absorb Elements 5e D&D Guide

Could Dispel Magic be used to remove the curse?

In the most basic sense In the simplest sense, no, Dispel Magic cannot be employed to remove the curse. The purpose of Dispel Magic and Counterspell is to stop spells in their own right;

Counterspells to stop any spell before it starts to take effect, as and dispel Magic to eliminate its effects after it’s been activated.

Dispel Magic can only eliminate magical effects that are the result from an active spell.

Sleep Charm Person Blindness/Deafness illusions comprise one of the many spells that are used continuously and can be stopped.

Hot Tip

The principal purpose behind Dispel Magic is to remove negative effects from the allies. This isn’t always the most effective application of the spell, but it is effective.

If an opponent is getting an invulnerability-related buff based on spells, such as Invulner It could be beneficial to take it away from the target.

The removal of a powerful skill can drastically change what happens in a battle.

Final Words

Dispel Magic is a great feature for a group who is seeking to expand their knowledge. It is a great tool in a variety of ways in various situations.

However, it does come with certain dangers. If the spell is found to end in failure it will require a spell slot.

In the 3 3rd level, this may not be a game changer, however an error or omission in the 6-6 stage spell could be crucial.

If time permits , ensure you have as precise knowledge about your DC in the best way you possibly can prior to making the decision to cast your spell.