Welcome to the fifth edition of the Great Weapon Master (GWM) roleplaying game guide. This guide is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of all the weapons in 5e D&D, as well as tips and advice on how to use them effectively. This guide is divided into three main sections: Weapons, Ammunition, and Tactics. In each section, we will cover: -An overview of all weapons in 5e D&D -How to use weapons effectively in your games -Tips on how to improve your skills with weapons

You are a bard that is lively and has a wonderful spirit of humour? A stage act that enhances your charisma and mimicry abilities can be extremely beneficial.

Are you in search of an eloquent barbarian who fights using his hands? Try the grappler technique that will allow you to engage in close combat.

Certain feats might be easier to accomplish and more manageable than others. You might find some that you are constantly using while others could only be employed only occasionally.

If you’ve got the proper physique, certain feats could even be considered super-powerful. The “Great Weapon Master” feat is among these feats. It’s quite intriguing when used properly.

Many athletes are fascinated by the accomplishment. It’s controversial. Some people believe it’s too powerful, whereas some believe it’s not working.

Some have even banned it out of the games. This article will allow you to decide if it’s right there with the likes of “Lucky” or “Sharpshooter”.

What’s a good weapon to master?

The Player’s Handbook states that the most powerful weapon mastery feat confers the following advantages to characters:

You may be subject to an -5 penalty on your attack roll prior to you attempt to attack melee with a heavy weapon that you’re proficient with. You can add +10 damage your attack should it hit. You can create one melee weapon attack during your turn, if you get critical hits using an melee weapon. You can also cut a creature’s damage point to 0 by one.

Let’s look at the advantages of each. First, accuracy is sacrificed to damage when attacking with an axe that you’re proficient with. These are the numbers you can expect from a fourth-level fighter who is equipped with an excellent weapon, the axe.

At the fourth level, attack moderators are at +5 (+3 and +2 for proficiency and strength) as well as a powerful knife can cause 1d12 slashing injuries.

Your squire can utilize the feat to obtain an attack modifier that is zero and roll straight 20. If they manage to strike the target, we will calculate the loss as 1d12 * 3 = 10, that is equal to the total damage.

The damage caused by critical hits that are made by this method doesn’t change because you’re just increasing the roll of d12 by two, not the modifiers.

In the event that the attack was one of Crit one, then the calculation of damage would be like this 1d12 3 + 10

The second benefit lets you to hit more frequently when your critical hit is successful , or if you kill the creature you kill is killed using melee weapons. Also Read: Thaumaturgy 5, D&D Guide

Our character could benefit from an extra action in the event that he struck the creature using their powerful weapon, the axe.

This allows your weapons masters to cut and slice smaller groups of players, and take out large baddies.

A further 10 points of damage isn’t something to be proud of in the least, particularly considering that heavy weapons can do quite a bit of damage.

What Weapons are Compatible with the Feat?

Six weapons have a powerful property.

However, third parties or content from homebrew can be a part of this.


However, skill in these weapons is not necessary.

A majority of combatants and barbarians are adept in all sorts of weapons, so there’s no need to be concerned.

Your character will be relying heavily on the weapons they carry and AC to defend them, not a massive shield.

What are the most appropriate times to make use of a fantastic weapon master?

A good weapon master isn’t without its flaws that can be risky for you and your group. Since the second benefit is non-active, we’ll concentrate only on one benefit.

You can kill an animal with your weapon , follow up with the bonus action. It’s a fantastic method make sure you keep bonus action under control as you fight smaller groups of.

It is essential to consider whether you need to make use of an active impact. Since it could reduce your chance of getting hit in the low-levels. It is crucial to know what you are allowed and not do in the face of monsters..

This could be played in the role of your character testing the defenses of your opponent. But, you could examine the combat to assess the character’s ability to fight.

If your Monk strikes the opponent’s back with 15 and your ranger strikes the opponent with a 17 and your bard makes an 14, you’re able to conclude that the creature’s AC is either 16 or 17.

While you’ll find out more about the fight as it gets more intense, you’ll get a general idea of the character’s AC.

It is important to think about your bonus to hit. If you subtract 5, you are less than 5. The bonus is +6 if you possess 4 strengths and two capabilities.

If you’re a master gun mastery, then your reward could decrease to a mere one point. Even though +1 is more valuable than zero, you’ll require at least 15 to strike the creature. It’s not impossible, but it’s not an easy task.

After you’ve identified the creature’s AC and the impact of the ability on your roll should it be taken in that way, you can make an educated determine if the roll will succeed.

Now is the time to play the damage dice. Heavy weapons are very effective and the +10 bonus is extremely powerful. It could take away a massive portion of the enemy’s HP pool. Also read: Polearm Master 5e D&D Guide

What is the best time to take on this task?

There are feats to be found in the levels 4th-8th 12th and 16th levels in addition to the 20th. You can pick from a range of feats. Some requirements require the prerequisites.

A good gun master is fascinating if you have a character built around combat. But if you’re playing in a social game that doesn’t need a lot of combat, this may not be the ideal choice.

It is also possible to increase your scores in terms of ability, instead of taking an achievement. This could be worth it to boost your strength scores early on in your game.

You can lower the -5 you get from this feat if you could increase your strength score and , by the same token increase the base attack bonuses.

It’s best to hold off until your level increases. But if you delay for too long opponents gain more AC.

Who is the most supported for the Feat?

It is available for barbarians and fighters. They are equipped with a variety of attack options and a huge percentage of base attacks.

They’ll be the ones to reduce opponents to zero HP and get the passive effects of a the great weapon master.

In addition, they will be able to get some space to work on their BAB and the -5 will not be as severe.

A polearm master is a fantastic option to play with characters using polearms, or to give. As per the Player’s Handbook, a master of the polearm has the following effects:

You can perform an attack that is melee using the opposite end of your weapon when you choose to take the Attack attack action. The attack is based on similar ability modifiers that are used in the main attack. This attack can cause bludgeoning and damage. The weapons damage is an 4. Other creatures can strike you while you’re holding the spear, halberd or a halberd. They could be within your range with your weapon.

While it may appear that the polearm master has a conflict with the Great Warfare Master, due to both having bonus actions, they complement each other well.

Your opponent could use an offer to create their move with both polearm ends.

The standard attack is 1d10 +10 BAB +10 and the bonus attack that ends the weapon is 1d4 + 10 BAB plus 10. Both attacks carry the penalty of -5. The bonus attack at the end of the waffe is able to cause damage equal to 1d4 plus BAB and 10.

Are you sure it isn’t too powerful?

No and yes. It is all about the way and how often it’s employed. It can only be made more effective if you lower the penalty of -5 on attacks. Also read The Fiveth Edition of Wild Magic: D&D Guide

You may be able to convince the enemy to utilize spells such as abilities, feats, or spells that grant you bonuses on attacks.

It is said that the Great Weapon Master feat’s limiting aspect is the tradeoff between accuracy and damage. If this tradeoff can be eliminated, then there’s no reason not to utilize it.

This can add ten points of damage to the majority of hits and is able to quickly grow overwhelming.

It is important to remember, however that, while this ability may be impressive at first but as AC grows, it may not be enough to deter the 5 attack. The fighter will require all BAB points they can get to strike an opponent with high AC.

Higher level enemies have a greater health pool. Therefore, the player might be able to single-shot lower-level enemies, but they won’t get any of the health pools of enemies with higher levels.

What can DMs to fix this?

There are two ways DMs can use to make the feat less effective. They can first alter the rules that surround the feat. To provide you with a variation, they’ll change the +10 guarantee damage to 2d6 or 1d12 to make it impossible with the benefit of.

The author, along with others DMs prefer to develop experiences that are based around the strengths of the players and weaknesses.

It is possible to reduce any effectiveness by using creatures that possess resistance, making them more difficult to attack or by using soldiers equipped with ranged weapons which makes it more difficult to get close to your opponent.

You may be able to seek help with other fighters adept in using masterful weapons against your team.

Many DMs do not be aware that human adversaries in particular those who have experience in combat, can utilize the same skills or capabilities as the players.

It’s not a bad idea to be prepared for having barbarians and other fighters take on the party in this feat.

Which Monsters are the best to Defend Great Weapon Masters?

If the DM would like to throw everything they own at a formidable weapon master fighter or barbarian, then monsters with an extremely high weapon damage resistance and an extremely high AAC are the most effective.

For instance, higher-level undead is characterized by high AC and is resistant to a variety of kinds of injury.

Monsters with huge health pools are also utilized. There are also small swarms of monsters. Swarms are extremely resistant to damage and could be destroyed in just only a few strikes. They’re not as effective.