Superman and Goku are two of the most popular characters in the world. They have been around for over 50 years, and their popularity has only grown in recent years. They are both incredibly powerful and skilled fighters, but who will come out on top? Superman is a well-known character who has been around for over 75 years. He is one of the most famous superheroes in the world, and his popularity has only grown in recent years. He is a very powerful superhero, and he is known for his amazing fighting skills. Goku is a much younger character who was created by Akira Toriyama. He was first introduced in Dragon Ball Z, and he has since become one of the most popular characters in the world. He is a very skilled fighter, and he is known for his amazing speed and strength. He is also very popular with fans around the world.

DC’s Superman and Goku from Dragon Ball are both iconic and incredibly powerful characters. They have been pitted against one another in numerous fan debates and battles. The likelihood of these two characters ever being part of a crossover that allows them to face one another is incredibly low. However, one DC comic writer has brought up a way to settle the debate in his own way and eventually would like to do so.

Ultra Instinct Goku vs Superman: Who would win?

There are many similarities between Superman and Goku, both from the DC Universe and the Dragon Ball Universe. They also share a common desire to be stronger so that they can protect Earth from evil.

Both of them are aliens and belong to different species than humans. However, they have a special relationship with the area and its inhabitants. Superman is already able to surpass the power of certain Gods. Goku has just recently mastered the autonomous Ultra Instinct. It would be a thrilling battle, and here’s how it could end.

10 Ultra Instinct Goku: Energy Blasts

The best thing about Dragon Ball is the variety of energy blasts each character can generate by concentrating their energies. with Goku’s Kamehameha becoming a cult favorite among fans. Superman can absorb energy blasts from rockets very easily, but Ultra Instinct Goku is able to generate a deadly kind of energy with his fingers. Superman may not be able dodge that.

Also Read:Saitama Vs Goku : Who Is The Strongest ?

9 Superman: Xray Vision

Superman is a superhero with a lesser-known skill set. Because fans believe he is weak, but he has X-Ray Vision that allows him to see their weak points and help him identify his enemies. Due to his energy level, Ultra Instinct Goku is able to smell Superman far away. One can only imagine how helpful X-Ray Vision could be for Superman in a fight with someone like Goku.

8 Ultra Instinct Goku: God Level Ki

Goku was able to surpass a few of his enemies with the Ultra Instinct.

Beerus, the God of Destruction’s face, was a powerful reminder that Goku had just achieved a form that even Gods can’t reach. Imagine facing someone like him. Superman won’t have to deal directly with God, but he will have to confront someone who has already achieved that level.

7 Superman: Intellect

No matter how strong Goku may be, if there is one thing that all his fans can agree on it is the fact he doesn’t have a brilliant mind. Goku may be able to read his opponent well, but he is not very good at devising strategies. Superman on the other hand has a genius intellect that could allow him to have a winning strategy even before going up against Goku.

6 Ultra Instinct Goku: Speed

This is a tough fight because Superman and Goku both have very fast feet, both on the ground and in combat. However, Ultra Instinct Goku may win this particular fight at a canter. It is because the Ultra Instinct form of Goku allows him to eliminate all uninteresting things in the world and focus on the task at hand. This means that he is more skilled and improves in every aspect of his life.

Superman 5: Kryptonian

Superman may have the advantage in a fight to death. Kryptonians can take a lot of beatings and still look like nothing happened. Their incredible bodies seem to be able to withstand any force with great ease. Goku is not immune to Ultra Instinct, which takes a lot out of his body. After all the work is done, his body collapses.

4 Ultra Instinct Goku: Reflexes

Ultra Instinct comes with many perks, including the ability for Goku to stop thinking. Goku can forget about worrying about the opponent or the stakes of the fight and instead just enjoy the fight.

He unlocks all of his abilities, which makes his reflexes unbelievable. This means that if Superman wanted to punch Goku, there’s a good chance he already avoided it. He is currently half way through his counter attack.

3 Superman: Strength

It’s hard to deny the strength Superman has. You can punch any mortal in one city without much effort. Now imagine what it would be like if Superman used all of his strength against Ultra Instinct Goku. Superman is unlikely to punch Goku, but if he does it, Goku will certainly suffer serious injuries.

2 Ultra Instinct Goku: Saiyan

Vegeta, the Saiyan Prince always said that only a fool would doubt Saiyan capabilities. How many times has Vegeta and Goku pushed their limits and, instead of losing, broken their barriers and become stronger during a fight? To be honest, it’s hard to count. Even if Superman can gain an advantage against Ultra Instinct Goku there is a high chance that Goku will break out of his comfort zone and unlock a new type of power within him. He’ll then be even more difficult to defeat.

1 Winner: Ultra Instinct Goku

This fight is between a Saiyan or a Kryptonite. It’s difficult to pick a winner, but it must be stated that Goku may just win this battle. Superman is unable to match Goku’s speed, agility, reflexes and speed. This means that Goku may be able block any attack by one of DC’s most powerful characters, while also landing some serious blows of his very own. Goku is unlikely to give up, especially with his Saiyan pride.

10 Things Goku Does better than Superman

Dragon Ball‘s Son Goku, and DC’s Superman share a lot of things on the surface. Their powers are unparalleled and they are selfless heroes that inspire and help others. For years, fandoms debated which of these two powerful fictional characters would win in a hypothetical battle.

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It’s rare, however, that these conversations don’t revolve around fighting. It is easier to see the characters’ personalities and traits than just their combat skills. Super Saiyan Goku is a Super Saiyan with many talents. He outranks Superman in many unexpected categories.

10 Goku Has Better Fashion Sense

Style and fashion preferences are subjective. Some may prefer the iconic Superman look. The classic spandex-clad costume of Superman, with its cape and visible underwear, and red, white and blue color scheme is fitting of the golden age comics. Goku’s orange-and-blue training gi is even more instantly recognizable and never goes out fashion.

9 Superman can’t compete with Goku’s appetite

Shonen Jump characters and unhealthy eating habits are synonymous. No anime character better embodies this than Goku. Superman is not often seen enjoying a meal. Goku, however, is a regular consumer and eater of all things edible. Goku can eat a lot of food from any table.

8 Gokus are more friendly and easier to approach

Superman is an example of justice, truth and moral righteousness. This is evident in Goku. Both characters display an inexhaustible amount of kindness and selflessness when they interact with others. But Goku wins this battle.

Superman can be perceived as an idol or god, but Goku is a friendly, cheerful character who makes it easy to like him.

7 Goku Proves He Can Rake A Family

Superman was both raised by his Kryptonian as well as human family. Lois Lane is the Man of Steel’s mother. Goku, on the other hand, has been married for almost an eternity to Chi-Chi, and his children were treated with all the love that Goku could offer. Although some may argue that Goku pushes his children too far or doesn’t spend enough time with them due to his training, it’s clear that he is a family man.

6 Goku Doesn’t Have a Clearly Exploitable Weakness

Superman’s weakness to Kryptonite, a green meteorite, is one of DC Comics’ most well-known facts. The rock can quickly cause Superman to lose his powers. This is a fatal flaw that would make him a perfect superhero. It’s easy to see that Goku could be attacked by many different types of threats. His powers are not invincible. This well-rounded defense is much more practical because Goku doesn’t have any obvious weaknesses to exploit.

5 Goku would last longer in sustained combat

Superman is a nearly invincible being. However, he has his limits when it comes to long-lasting battles. Superman could have trouble sustaining a fight against Darkseid, but that would not be the case for Goku.

Goku’s Saiyan Biology gives him incredible stamina. Goku also has the powerful healing powers of Senzu beans. However, it is still up for debate whether he would use them.

Goku Gets The Advantage by Fighting Away from Earth

Superman and Goku have both been known for taking their fights to other planets. These characters can travel to other planets and assist those in greatest need. However, Goku has an advantage in fighting far from home. This is because his powers don’t depend on the yellow sun orbiting the planet. Superman’s strength might be reduced if the heroes were to fight in a different solar system, while Goku would still be at his best.

3 Goku can mentor and teach others

Superman has his moments of helping young heroes in the Justice League. But it pales in comparison with what Goku has done to his family and friends. Sometimes that means teaching his sons essential Saiyan lessons in order to help them grow. In other cases it could be training Gohan at the Hyperbolic Times Chamber. It could also be giving advice to Uub and Trunks about how to use his sword better.

2 Goku’s Training Doesn’t Stop!

There is no doubt that Superman (and Goku) are the most powerful characters to ever grace the pages of comics or anime. There is however a significant difference in their origins.

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Superman’s abilities are a result of his Kryptonian origins, and the presence a yellow sun near him. Although Goku does have Saiyan abilities, he must train hard to overcome them.

Goku’s bread and butter are a powerful example of Goku inventing more powerful forms

Goku, unlike Superman, is a sucker for training. Goku has an illimitable potential and constantly surpasses his limits in order to unlock new levels of his own power. This could mean that he can transcend Super Saiyan forms and fuse with other characters to become powerful enough for him to face universe-shattering challenges. Even when Goku sometimes dies in the Dragon Ball universe he always comes back stronger than ever.

The old argument can be finally put to rest. At the very least, it can be swayed one way. Superman and Goku are two of the most popular heroes in anime and comic books. They are strong, unstoppable, and never seem to slow down. But the question is: Who would win in a fight between them?

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Although it’s difficult to say which side will win, Dragon Ball’s Goku has some useful assets that could give him an advantage in such a fight. We don’t think so. Let’s get into the details.

10 Kryptonite

This is obvious. Superman’s greatest weakness is the Kryptonite rock from Krypton. This is enough to render him unconscious. It is not clear how Goku would obtain it, but it is possible. It’s not surprising that Batman keeps a stash of it in case of an emergency and is quite confident in his abilities to use it. It would be so much easier for Goku!

Kryptonite is the last on our list. However, Goku would not use it. He’s like Superman. He is honest and good-hearted, and he always wants to win. He would never do anything underhanded, unless Superman were evil.

9 Goku Does Not Need a Yellow Sun

We all know that the Man of Steel requires a yellow sun similar to Earth’s for his powers to be maintained. He does this by absorbing and synthesizing UV light from the sun. Goku doesn’t need such a thing. Training can help to increase his power, which is his Ki or within him.

Superman is unable to send Goku into space for an eclipse, but Goku could still be as powerful at any other moment. Superman can travel into space to become closer to the sun, making him more powerful. Goku could however call upon the energy of all living things in the universe. Checkmate.

8 Goku Is A Fighter

Goku, despite his human upbringing is still a Saiyan. This means that he has an inborn love for fighting. Saiyans are a warrior-race. It’s part of their biology to love the heat of battle. Goku would still spar and train even if there weren’t any bad guys to defeat.

The fight could last a while because he loves a challenge, which he would undoubtedly get from tangling to Superman. Superman is a hero who fights for the greater good. However, he doesn’t share Goku’s battle lust so this fight would be exhausting.

Superman’s Superman’s Durability is 7 Goku’s Rival

Superman’s ability to take a punch is what makes him stand out. Superman’s endurance is unmatched, with his ability to withstand powerful attacks and not move. Clark Kent, you can now move on! Goku has similar skills.

He can take punches and kicks, energy blasts, and energy blasts without blinking. Sometimes he even gets annoyed by bugs, and will even swipe some shots away. He can take a beating, but he will still feel the pain if someone is of equal or greater power. His endurance and stamina enable him to rise again.

6 Goku is (possibly) faster

We’re now through the looking-glass. Superman is famously faster than a speeding bullet. But how much faster? As is often the case with comic books, there’s a lot to be confused about. He has been known to take several minutes to reach the Sun and to reach Pluto in…well, just not enough.

Dragon Ball Super is something we must consider, but fans don’t often think about. At this point, Goku has such extraordinary abilities that, given the speed at which everyone could move in Dragon Ball Z, it is possible to have an edge. Although this is speculation, we will count it as Goku’s advantage. We don’t know for sure because the two have not had a chance at racing and making it conclusive. They will hopefully get the chance to race one day.

Superman gets tired

Superman is no doubt a superpowerhouse that has a rechargeable battery. The fact that he must recharge his battery is fatal. He loses his ability to absorb and use UV light if he fights too much. He is more vulnerable to someone with greater strength and speed.

Goku is that formidable match with incredible drive and stamina. Because of his Saiyan biology, Goku doesn’t need to recharge during battle. This isn’t to suggest that he doesn’t need to recharge at all, but Goku almost always finds a way of continuing to fight in the heat.

4 Goku has no known weaknesses

Superman is equipped with Kryptonite, and many heroes have a weakness that villains exploit. Goku however has no such weakness. He is physically strong, with the exception of his tendency to transform into a giant monkey during full moons. It’s actually not a weakness!

Although he does have his loved ones, he doesn’t care about them as much as Superman. However, Z fighters just like him are most of his family and can defend themselves. They are not his weaknesses or liabilities; they are his team-mates who he can count upon to support him in battle.

3 Goku Gets Stronger After Defeat

Saiyans aren’t able to take defeat well. They don’t even take defeat well. Their warrior biology somehow responds to beatings by making them more resilient than they were before. This happens without any training.

Goku always emerges stronger from defeats than ever before. He then trains to increase his power. No matter how many times Superman wins a fight Superman can’t beat, Goku will always come back for more.

2 Goku’s Potential Continues to Grow

Another great thing about Saiyans are their ability to constantly level up, as long as they live. Their power and abilities are limitless. They fight, lose, gain strength, then come back and win.

Each cycle like this increases their skills and power. Goku has been from Super Saiyan one to four throughout the series. Each incarnation proved to be a breakthrough in his abilities. Superman doesn’t have anything like this, but he does sometimes discover new powers. No comparison.

1 Goku Is A Saiyan God

Goku’s abilities were beyond what was expected when he transformed into a god in the latest series. Legendary Super Saiyan God was created from six pure Saiyans pooling energy. This was the process Goku used to defeat Beerus, God Of Destruction.

This form has a very short duration. Goku kept the power even after his time was up. He was eventually able to transform into this form withouttime limits. Superman is powerful and able to change into this form at will. But what an epic battle would he have here?