Nedus is a powerful and enigmatic being in the Final Fantasy X universe. He first appears in the game’s prologue, where he helps Tidus find his way to the planet Zanarkand. After defeating Sinbad, Tidus and his party reach Zanarkand, where they find Nedus waiting for them. Nedus provides a unique ability called “Blitzball.” This ability allows players to control an enemy’s movement by using their own party members as ballistas. The player can also use this ability to shoot down enemies with projectiles. In addition to Blitzball, Nedus also provides some other unique abilities in the form of Location and Stats. Location allows players to see specific areas of the game world for exploration. Stats allow players to improve their characters’ stats by taking on quests and fighting monsters in these areas.

He’s also a non-free agent Blitzball player and, by default, the player won’t be signed by any team.

You can then join him in Besaid Aurochs Besaid Aurochs as soon as you’re allowed to play Blitzball with saving points.

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Nedus FFX ? Who are they? Nedus?

The wearing mask Al Bhed is a free-roaming Blitzball player.

If you examine his statistics, you’ll notice immediately how the levels of his Endurance (ED) and his Shoot (SH) are not common.

Therefore, his ideal fit for you team is likely to be as forward.

Nedus starts off with each Sphere Shot and Wither Shot Both of them are exceptional shots that work perfectly with his naturally impressive SH stats.

Additionally, he comes with Nap Shot and Nap Shot 2 with an opportunity to put the goalie of the opponent to put him to sleep (at 30% and 70 percent chances (respectively).).

Remember: a snoozing goalie can’t block shots.

Another interesting fact concerning Nedus is the fact that his Speed (SP) statistic increases beyond the level of 60.

He’s among the few blitzers to achieve 99 mph.

However, a less-than-fun aspect is that, prior to sixty, Nedus’s SP really isn’t all that great.

It’s only around 45 before he reaches the level of 50 which is significantly less than the majority of non-Ronso players (and Ronso are really slow).

Keep him in mind, however and you’ll get an actual lightning bolt to your team.

Is Nedus Worth It?

It’s simple to locate him and is cheap to sign and can be a solid forward.

The most significant flaw in his character is his speed.

Sure, he’ll be one of the top players on the field at some point, however for the bulk of his development it will be a slow plod around.

If you’re able to accept this and commit to the effort and effort, then Nedus is the perfect choice for you.

If not, that he’ll be able to understand should you decide to pick one among the other great options for forwards who are in the process of in the process of forming Spira.