The Boys is an upcoming American television series created by Eric Kripke and based on the manga of the same name by Shohei Manabe and Kentaro Miura. The series is set in a world where superheroes are real, and follows the adventures of a group of young men who are training to become the next generation of heroes. So far, only one character has been confirmed for the show: Homelander, a powerful superhero with abilities that range from strength to flight. While many fans are eager to learn more about him, some are concerned that he may be too powerful for the show’s young protagonists to handle. So far, Homelander has been shown only in brief glimpses, but his power is clear. He can lift massive objects with ease and fly through the air at high speeds. In one scene, he effortlessly defeats several armed men single-handedly. While Homelander’s power may be overwhelming at first glance, it’s important to remember that he is still just a young man learning how to use his abilities responsibly. He may not be as powerful as some other superheroes out there, but he is still capable of great things. In fact, Homelander could potentially be one of the most powerful characters in The Boys so far. His abilities make him an ideal candidate for lead roles in action scenes or dramatic moments; his power allows him to stand up against even the most formidable opponents without fear of being defeated. While it’s possible that Homelander will eventually become too powerful for the show’s young protagonists to handle, for now he looks like an exciting addition to their team – and one who could potentially help them achieve their goals as heroes. ..

Homelander has the look of a movie star, but the strength and power of a god. He is the leader of The Seven and considered the greatest superhero alive. He can fly and has super strength, super hearing and can see through most things (except zinc) using his x-ray vision. Then he can destroy it with laser eyes.

He appears to be friendly, humble, sincere, and a Boy Scout. Like mere mortals, superheroes also have their secrets. So How Strong Is Homelander ?

The Boys’: What powers does Homelander have versus the Comics?

The Boys Homelander is the most powerful Supe. He has all the superpowers of Superman. He can fly, is bulletproof, has X-ray vision, but he cannot see through zinc, super speed and laser/heat sight. He can also tell when someone is feeling fast or if their adrenaline levels are high.

He is basically invincible with all the characteristics of Superman.

Homelander’s laser vision in the series is actually quite frightening. You can see how terrifying and powerful laser vision could be in real life by the way Homelander is shown stalking in the darkness with only his red eyes visible.

There are many more powers available to Homelander that may be harder to remember. These include super stamina, reflexes and super agility, as well as super hearing and smell and leadership. Although he is intimidating, it is not his true power. Because of his charisma, and how powerful he is, he’s intimidating.

Homelander would tell you that his greatest power is his brain. There’s a lot to that statement. You might not realize just how smart Homelander is until the end of the season. Many fans think of him as a mix of Superman, The Joker and Lex Luthor. Others see him more like Superman-meets Lex Luthor.

What is his comparison to Comics?

Reddit user u/TimIsColdinMaine shared a wonderful way to compare Homelander’s TV version with the comics. He wrote, “He’s an improvement over the comic book version. He seems like the comic version, but he doesn’t think he’s as smart as the comic. In fact, he’s far more powerful than any other supe, and you don’t know what else he can do… He seems as calculated as he does powerful.

He’s shown in comics to also have a sonic shout, something I don’t recall ever seeing on the TV series. He’s also a superhero who seems to be invulnerable and is one of the strongest. He can fly super fast, and has incredible strength, heat, and X-ray vision just like the TV series.

The Boys: How powerful is a strong homelander?

The story of The Boys is about Hughie Campbell (Jack Quaid), who loses his girlfriend to A-Train (Jessie T. Usher), one of the Seven superheroes. Hughie joins Billy Butcher (Karl Urban), and starts a plot to expose The Seven’s secrets. They are soon in conflict with Homelander, their leader. Butcher, Hughie and the other Boys don’t possess any powers so they aren’t a threat to Homelander or The Seven. Because of his extraordinary abilities, few people can match Homelander’s feats.

From a power perspective, Homelander is The Boys‘ challenge to DC’s boy scout Superman. Homelander was born in Vought International’s laboratories and was given an incredible power set as a child. Homelander’s abilities include flight, invulnerability and increased strength. He also developed super hearing, xray vision, laser vision, and super hearing. Homelander was only a child when he realized the full extent of his abilities. As a child, Homelander accidentally fractured the spine of Vought’s female doctor. This caused her to die. Homelander’s superpowers have been most evident as an adult and a member of The Seven. This has helped him become the greatest Superhuman on the planet.

You can see the extent of Homelander’s powers in The Boys by looking at some examples. He is capable of flying at speeds exceeding Mach 1. This is 767 miles an hour. Butcher tried to kill him, but he failed. Madelyn Stillwell (Elizabeth Shue), however, claims that there are no weapons that could kill him. Homelander likens Superman to Homelander. There is no evidence that Homelander has a kryptonite equivalent in The Boys. If this doesn’t change it could take another Superman to bring him down.

Although Homelander’s abilities are impressive, The Boys have shown some limitations. His x-ray vision is capable of seeing through almost any material, although it has not been confirmed. Butcher knows that Homelander cannot see through metal. Homelander claimed that he could not fly while carrying a plane. This was another potential limitation. Although it is possible that Homelander was lying, Queen Maeve (Dominique McElligott), had to accept the plan and let the plane crash. However, there is still the possibility that he is telling truth. Season 2 of The Boys is just around the corner, and season 3 is on its way. This will allow Homelander to reveal more of his strengths and weaknesses.

What Are The Powers And Abilities of Homelander ?

Abilities and Powers

“You are the most powerful man on the planet. There’s nothing you can’t do. ” –Doppelganger to Homelander[src]


“Well, you’re right, I needed him the strongest man on the planet. So I set about working on him. ” –Jonah Vogelbaum and Billy Butcher[src]

Superhuman Strength Homelander is the most powerful man on the planet according to Jonah Vogelbaum and Stormfront.  His superhuman strength allows him to easily overpower any opponent.  Homelander is known for his incredible superhuman strength, which allows him to easily defeat any opponent.

“There’s no weapon on Earth they haven’t used against him. They have all failed. ” –Madelyn Stillwell[src]

Invulnerability.  Homelander appears to be immune from all forms of physical injury and is therefore the most resilient of the seven and possibly all Supes.  He is bulletproof[4][15] and is unaffected by explosions. Homelander was also able to survive being hit with a bus and large chunks of concrete while pursuing Kenji Miyashiro.

“You know, I broke the sound barrier when I was his age.” ” –Homelander[src]

Superhuman Speed Although Homalander is able to fly at a very high speed, fast enough to keep up Steve’s plane, John is able to move on the ground at extremely high speeds.  Homelander was a child and could break the sound barrier.   Homelander can fly at supersonic speeds, able to dodge bullets as well as unarmed multiple gunmen.  Superhuman stamina: Homelander has stamina that exceeds inhuman levels.  His muscles are able to produce virtually no fatigue toxins when they engage in physical activity.  They can withstand extreme speeds and perform other feats that are beyond human ability for long periods of time without becoming tired or weak.

“Madelyn! I heard him through this wall– he was trying to blackmail you. ” –Homelander[src]

Superhuman Auditory: Homelander has a remarkable auditory awareness that allows him to hear sounds far away.  Homelander has extraordinary auditory awareness, allowing him to hear sounds from miles away. Superhuman Smell.  Homelander has an extraordinary sense of smell, far beyond the human sense.  Starlight and Hughie both smelled their adrenaline levels increasing and could tell the difference.  It can also be used to locate explosives.  He could also smell Billy Butcher’s perfume on Queen Maeve, letting him know that they had had a tryst.

“You know what’s fascinating? I was the only one to hear from The Deep that there were scorch marks on Mayor’s engine. It was almost as if the beams were two small, intense beams that are roughly the same width as our eyes. Madelyn

Heat Vision.  Homelander can generate heat energy within his eyes, and project it outwards in high-powered energy beams.  These blasts of energy are so powerful that they appear to be able to cut through anything, such as Steve’s plane. He also used his heat vision to melt a thief’s gun to the latter’s hand. [4] However, Homelander is most notable for using his optical beams on people, melting flesh and bone with ease and causing people to burst into gore. His heat vision can also likely cut through most supes, shown in Homelander’s hesitation to use them on Stormfront. He is also able to control the intensity of the beams, as shown when he used his heat vision to warm up a bottle of Stillwell’s breast milk without damaging the bottle.

“He could see us. He has X-ray vision. He can see through the roof. ” –Hughie Campbell[src]

Xray Vision: Homelander is able to see through solid objects or surfaces. With the exception of zinc-lined surfaces, Stillwell admitted that he used his Xray vision to spy upon her. Butcher also knew that he could see through the ceiling. Telescopic vision: Homelander zooms in on objects to see people, distant objects and the surrounding environment.  Madelyn Stillwell was stalked by him. He used his xray vision to see through a brick wall, then zoomed in slowly to get a better look.

“No God. I am the only man in heaven. ” –Homelander to Chelsea[src]

Flight.  Homelander can levitate and propel itself at supersonic speeds. This allows him to travel great distances in just minutes.  Superhuman Voice John has vocal chords that are stronger than those of a normal human.  His voice could be heard above the crowds on the plains. Genetic Superiority: It’s possible that Homelander may have biological genes that surpass those of humans. This is because he was born in an “Immaculate Conception,” where the semen used to make Homelander was mixed in a test tube with CompoundV before being artificially inseminated in the womb of an unknown woman, who presumably died during his birth.  Homelander claims that he is a Christian Messiah and doesn’t know the date of his birth. The Vought PR team fabricated it to make him the “golden boy” of America.  He was described in Dawn of the Seven as a perfect genetic specimen. Oxygen Independence – Stan Edgar was told by Homelander that the view of New York City from space is better than the Earth’s, which suggests that Homelander may have travelled far beyond Earth’s atmosphere and not need oxygen to survive.


“Companies come and go, talent is eternal. ” –Homelander[src]

Leadership: Homelander, the leader of The Seven, is a successful one. Charisma.  Homelander is charismatic and able to win public support through impressive speeches that he improvises.  His charm and confidence make him a magnet for people and help them to see him as a patriotic hero.  His ability to win over others is not without limits.  His attempts to placate protesters after accidentally killing a teenager with heat vision and stopping a terrorist was a disaster of PR.

“You’re fucking scared.”“I’m scared to death.” You should be, too. ” –Billy Butcher, Susan Raynor[src]

Intimidation Homelander is a strong presence.  Homelander uses intimidation to control members of the Seven. They recognize that he’s the most powerful member of their group and that he has no conscience. He is also not afraid to kill anyone he wants.  Homelander is the most fearful of these people.  He intimidates them to get what they want.  Starlight claims that he intimidates people to get what they want.

“Homelander’s going to find me, and when that happens, he’ll burst your open.” ” –Translucent to Hughie Camp[src]

What Are Weaknesses oF hOMELANDER ?

“Inhumane fucking monster. ” — Becca Butcher to Homelander

Mental Illness.  Homelander was raised in a laboratory with very little affection and has become a mentally unstable adult.  He is suffering from Malignant Narcissism due to his obsessive desire to be loved and his inability to feel empathy. Insecurity: Homelander is a confident and strong man. However, he lacks self-esteem.  Because he has not received the human affection he deserves as a child, he feels a need to have everyone love him.  Homelander becomes easily intimidated when Stormfront begins to bash his image and become more famous than he. Carelessness This is likely due to Homelander’s disregard for others’ lives. He often uses his powers improperly, especially his heat vision.  He was careless even on his first mission. When he used his heat vision in order to heat up a gun to get the terrorist to drop it, an explosion occurred that killed a hostage and destroyed the head of Homelander.  He accidentally destroyed the controls of Flight 37’s pilot, killing all the passengers and thwarting the terrorist who was trying to hijack it.  Another time, while he was trying to bring down a super-terrorist using his heat vision, the local teenager he was supporting was killed. Inadequacy in Fighting Skills: Because Homelander is stronger than almost all Supes, he has almost no fighting skills and relies on his powers, especially his heat vision, in order to fight his enemies.  He would be incapable of beating a stronger enemy if he ever encountered one.

“You have to get out there and lift the plane up.”“Lift the airplane? How? It’s impossible to stand on. It’s just fucking air. ” –Queen Maeve, Homelander[src]

Lack of fulcrum. The Homelander cannot use his superhuman strength if it is lacking a fulcrum. He explained this to Queen Maeve.  He needs a solid surface to leverage his power, and without it, he doesn’t have anything against which to push his body. Blunt force: Although the force required to injure Homelander has not been determined, Homelander was impeded by extreme force.  Kenji Miyashiro has used his telekinetic powers to submerge Homelander under tons of rocks and debris. This included an entire bus. Homelander was apparently left unable to get free for several minutes.  Ryan Butcher and Stormfront, for example, have proven they are capable of at most knocking him down.  This category also includes Queen Maeve, it seems. Zinc: Homelander can’t see through zinc.  This is evident when he cannot see through zinc and is unable identify Translucent’s remains until the box is opened. High frequencies Because of his super-hearing, he is vulnerable to high-frequency sounds.  Ryan, his son, shares this vulnerability.  Homelander, however, is able, unlike Ryan, to function despite the pain it causes.  Ryan was reduced to helplessness by a cacophony. Homelander, however, was able, despite the pain, to find and neutralize its source.

The Boys: Why is Homelander the Strongest Supe in the World?

The Boys was the first episode of The Boys. The hierarchy of the show’s powerful characters was obvious from the beginning. Homelander, the leader of The Seven, is more powerful than anyone else in the world. As mysteries were solved and new secrets revealed about how Supes obtain their powers, a puzzle about Compound V was made more obvious, leading many to wonder how Homelander is so powerful than his peers.

It is hard to argue Homelander’s title as the most powerful Supe. There are many characters with useful niche abilities, like Mesmer and Doppelganger. But Homelander is the most powerful Supe in terms of sheer power. His super-senses, flight, and laser vision give him an advantage over the rest of The Seven, Queen Maeve and Black Noir. Stormfront is the only Supe who comes close to Stormfront’s power level, but it is still quite evident that there is a power gap.

Although the origins of the show’s superpowers seem somewhat mysterious, Vought International created them by injecting the compound into children. One child is even used by Billy Butcher to wield as a weapon. He uses its laser-like vision and vision to cut apart armed enemies.

The mystery surrounding the source of these powers seems to only increase. It is possible that superpowers are simply the result of administering Compound V to infants. This would explain Homelander’s uniqueness. The source material might provide some insight, as is often the case. The comics provide a simple explanation: Homelander’s biology was able to withstand more Compound V than the average human can, which means that he is most powerful because he received the most of it.

As with all drugs, different tolerance levels can affect the strength of Compound V. There’s more to the story. Homelander was actually infused while still in his womb in comics. Homelander absorbed the chemical earlier than other infants and Supes, which were injected shortly after birth.

Although the show can still choose to explain its own story, Homelander’s early exposure of Compound V would help explain why the powers-that-be knew that the Supe was so young to be raised in a laboratory by his parents. This would indicate that his son, Becca Butcher’s son, could be more powerful than him. He would have Compound V as part of his system since he was born. Homelander is the strongest Supe at the moment, but it’s possible that he will soon be challenged by someone else if his explanations for superiority are true.