Noragami is a manga series written and drawn by the Japanese author and artist Takeshi Obata. The series follows the adventures of a young boy named Noragami, who discovers his true identity as the reincarnated spirit of a white-tailed deer. The manga has been published in Japan since 2009, and has been translated into English and other languages. It has been praised for its unique and stylish visuals, as well as its dark and suspenseful themes. Noragami is set in a world where the natural order has been overturned, and where humans are struggling to survive in an environment that is constantly changing. The characters are complex and multi-layered, and their stories offer a unique perspective on the world around them. This article will explore some of the key characters in Noragami, as well as their powers and abilities. We will also look at how Obata’s writing style has influenced the development of these characters over time.
Who Are Most Powerful Noragami Characters Anime ?
10. Kofuku
9. Yukine
Yukine as one of three main characters in the show should be included in the list. He is a spirit-based vessel, and he is an extremely powerful one. If you have the right partner He will be completely overwhelmed. The only thing keeping him from getting a place on the top ten is that the man needs a partner in order to demonstrate his power.
Yato has the title of Yukine and Yukine. They are a formidable pair for anyone who wants to challenge the Yatogami. When he is in his Sekki form Yato transforms into a gigantic Odachi(Odachi is a form of Katana which is more powerful than the normal). In the event that Yukine changes into the Hafuri Vein, the character adopts his form as twin Katanas and becomes among the top and most strong Noragami characters.
8. Kiun
Kiun is Takemikazuchi’s Shinki. Kiun is also the most strong Shinki from the anime. He has the appearance of the Snake-like dragon Made of Lightning. Kiun is so strong that, following the reincarnation to Takemikazuchi, Kiun was hidden and prohibited from being used.
Kiun also known as The Thunder Blade is so powerful that it was thought to be one of the strongest spirit vessels, despite having not yet reached it’s Hafuri state.
7. Kazuma
Kazuma is the most powerful Shinki that can be found in the dispositions in Bishamonten. Kazuma isn’t someone with extraordinary abilities or firepower, but someone who can boost the capabilities of the people who own it to a higher level. Kazuma together with Bishamonten defeated Kiun and Takemikazuchi when they go on a rogue spree and defeat Ebisu.
He is considered to be an extremely polite and hardworking person. Kazuma is also the only remaining member of his clan, the Ma Clan, who all were Bishamonten’s Shinki. Kazuma requested Yato to kill the other members of the Clan as they were corrupt, and were causing the destruction of Bishamon.
6. Tenjin
In the beginning, when he passed away as an Human the people were suffering from plagues and famines. Tenjin is also extremely strict and not very lenient. In addition, Tenjin has a a sense of superiority with gods other than his own.
Kofuku is the God of Poverty. The most she can do is steal every drop of Good Luck out of your life and cause you to suffer. Kofuku is a model for a schoolgirl and is cute.
While not very strong in terms of physical strength The real power of her is in denying all blessings and good fortune. In fact, even Ebisu and Okununushi cannot fight against her fate. It was also said that she was capable enough to beat Bishamonten.
Tenjin is among the richest and the most well-known God in the story due to the Fact that He has been deemed the God in Learning. Therefore, regardless of age, people praise him for their academic achievements. It’s not that he’s Powerful or Fearsome however when he gets angry, he can use his power to influence Storms as well as Typhoons.
5. Rabo
Rabo was one of the antagonists in the show. He is akin to Yato Rabo, the God in Calamity. Rabo is also very tall, sporting an Hawk style appearance. He’s cold to end, and has little or any sympathy for people or gods. Rabo is exceptionally powerful and capable of holding and summoning ghosts.
He also has the ability to merge with phantoms, and gain powers from them. Together with the power of Yato’s former Shinki, Nora. He’s a force to take note of.
4. Takemikazuchi
Takemikazuchi is the God of Thunder and the God of Swords. Together together with Kiun was one of the revered as well as revered gods. It was originally a heroic figure, but became obsessed with power. His own Shinkis became tired of him , and Revolted. The shinkis prevailed, and forced Takemikazuchi into a new life without his shinkis or lightning power.
His ability is not fully developed, even in the event that he can regain the ability. Kiun as well as Kiun could be among the most strong protagonists in Noragami.
3. Izanami
Izanami is the god with the greatest power, her title is Queen of the Underworld and is the mother of First Gods. She is the longest-living god, but her state isn’t good. She is essentially an unrecognizable Skeletal. Her appearance is influenced by the base of the person who is looking at her.
Her title is Queen of The Underworld, so all the Phantoms or Ayashaki are controlled by her. She also has the capability of having control over Yomis.
2. Yato
Yato is the main protagonist for the TV show. He is a god without a shrine who’s goal is to be famous and make people worship his name. Yato is referred to in the role of the God of Depression and Calamity prior to. Yato is a child and a mischievous but he is incredibly kind. He can also be seen as a very materialistic rude.
Before that, he was very brutal and cold-blooded. He would obey any order without hesitation. Yato is Immortal and can quickly recuperate from a near death condition. Yato is also a former God of War who is skilled at the use of swords as well as Spears. Yato used to be stronger during the Past. He also has the ability to utilize Zetsu as well as Zan. Also, he is able to use the power to use Divine Possession.
Presently, Yato is in possession of Yuki and Kazuma. Yato also helped save Bishamonten giving him the title of Heaven-Rendering Lord. He has earned a lot of respect from gods. This makes him the most powerful Noragami Character.
1. Bishamonten
Bishamonten is the God of War and Warriors. She is beautiful and gorgeous with long, blonde hair. She is also a lover of all of her Shinki. Because of the incidents of her inability to protect her Shinki, she has accepted any wandering spirit. However, after the incident, she was less friendly and distant towards her Shinki.
Her Shinkis are the reason she is extremely powerful. She, together with Kazuma to lead her is among strongest forces. She also has a lifetime bitterness towards Yato but she eventually admits that it was not Yato’s fault.
Who Are The Most Powerful Noragami Characters Mangas ?
The anime ceased airing after the 2nd season and no new season is on the horizon, many fans remain keenly watching the manga.
With brand new character introductions as well as a more crowded plot, the show is progressing very well. Other than the few gods that are featured in the show the manga also features many other divine entities and supernatural beings each one of them powerful each in their own way.
But, it’s difficult to know who is more powerful than their adversary, mostly due to the shinki as well as their diverse styles and capabilities with different owners.
If you haven’t yet read the manga and want to learn more about it or want to refresh their knowledge ahead of the manga’s release this month This is an index of the top ten most powerful character from Noragami.
10. Amaterasu
Amaterasu The Sun Goddess is the Goddess with the highest rank that is the highest of the universe.
She is able to solicit her colleagues Gods as well as Goddesses to unite to complete an objective and is the the most authoritative voice in command.
She is blessed with three treasures which unlike shinki, are able to transform into. The three objects include Mikagami which symbolizes a mirror Mitamarepresenting an item of jewelry and Mitsurugirepresenting an axe.
All of these treasures are proof of her power. She would have been ranked higher on this list were it not because of the lack of information regarding her.
9. Kagutsuchi
Kagutsuchi is known as the God of volcanoes and fire and is also his son is Izanami who is the queen of the underworld.
He can produce and control fire through breath-inducing flames towards his targets. His ability to control fire and the fact the gods summoned him to conquer Bishamonten the goddess of War is an indication of his power.
8. Rabo
Rabo became one of their primary antagonists, and was Rabo was a God of Calamity , similar to Yato. His most powerful skill was the manipulation of water with the ability to create explosive clones and spheres that could imprison enemies.
He used it in conjunction together with the shinki Nora that is which is also known as Reiki to take on Yato. In addition, he could create and keep phantoms and even combine with them.
He battled Yato in the second portion of the series, but was defeated. However, the fact Rabo fought Yato for many hours, and caused him to consider it a serious fight and make Rabo extremely tough.
7. Takemikazuchi
Takemikazuchi is known as the God of swords and thunder. He is highly revered among the gods of heaven, and well-known for his fighting skills.
He can conjure and controlling clouds and also manipulating light to morph into dragons.
His most powerful shinki, Kiun, is known to be invincible during battle . He is completely in control over the speed of the speed of lightening. Kiun can create extremely destructive bolts and permit his master to speed up at lightning speeds.
6. Kofuku
Kofuku is the goddess of Poverty and despite being part of the gods of no name which are not worshipped her powers are incredibly powerful.
She is famous in the heavenly gods due to her capacity to bring bad omens with her, and opening portals to the realm of the dead.
Kofuku’s primary power is to defy luck as well as the enormous Good Fortune of the Seven Gods of Fortune was destroyed before her.
In reality, it’s suggested that she’s strong enough to overcome Bishamonten The Goddess in War.
Noragami KofukuNoragami | Kofuku
If she uses her Shinki Daikoku in the form of a vessel the ability to cause a vent to open , and then summon a massive volume of Gloom. This terrifying ability scares all gods. They have dubbed her “Queen of Bad Luck.”
5. Bishamonten
Bishamonten is also called Bishamon can be described as one of the Seven Gods of Fortune, and also the goddess of War. She is among Gods with the greatest power Gods and is revered and worshipped by all humans.
The shinki she is her lead, Kazuma, is a Blessed Regalia and has proved to have defeated Kiun who is known as one of Heaven’s most powerful.
His vessel design, with the capability to track and navigate has almost no weaknesses.
In addition, he is blessed with the unique ability to communicate with other Shinki and help them in their adventure, increasing Bishamon’s overall strength. Bishamon.
4. Arahabaki
Arahabaki was an Emishi god who had to be defeated by gods of heaven. After his reincarnation the guardian of the heavens assumed control of his guidepost and selected his shinki, Shiigun.
Shiigun is considered to be one of the most powerful shinkis in heaven and, despite it not being blessed it is believed to be the most powerful one.
In its vessel form, it turns into an entire army riding horseback and can take on his adversaries for a long time before they even get close to him.
This shinki is extremely durable.
3. Father
Father was the person whose desire was the reason for Yato’s creation. Although he’s a century old, he lives in the bodies of other human beings. He is a magician of Phantoms who hate and has deceived the Gods.
Father is the owner of at least two brushes which allows him to call and manage Ayakashi and Ayakashi, as well as to conceal them in humans.
The extent of his power isn’t known since he mostly combats with these Ayakashis.
His shinki Nora is also known as Mizuchi creates the other shinkis hit by it to recollect memories of their past lives and entrap them in their memories of their.
Under the guidance of her Father In Nora’s Chiki Form, Nora possesses perhaps the most powerful power, as it’s essentially a instant opponent to any Shinki.
2. Yato
Yato can be described as one of three major characters and is a God of Chaos and depression.
As a result the fact that he is highly skilled in the art of combat including spearmanship and swordsmanship. In fact, he’s extremely powerful that the man even won an e-fight against Takemikazuchi known as a God famous for his incredible fighting skills.
His Shinki, Yukine, is a Blessed Regalia with the power to literally tear heaven down.
Noragami – Yato vs. RaboYato vs Rabo
Additionally, through him, Yato has the ability to break the bonds of people, whether with other people or gods. What makes him so strong is according to Rabo even though he’s strong, he was even more powerful than he was in previous times..
1. Izanami
Izanami The queen of the Underworld is the most powerful character of the Noragami series. The queen of Underworld is also the mommy to the gods who first appeared including Ebisu as well as Kagutsuchi. She has the power to command thousands of Yomi entities to track down and limit individuals.
They are incapable of ever leaving the realm of. In contrast to the other gods she is unable to utilize shinki because these are pure souls who are destined to the underworld.
Her skills include the creation of”the Mandates of Hell (Phantoms Brushes) which she utilizes for summoning Phantoms.
These brushes are what Father took for his own use. Izanami is also able to connect with the Yomi infrastructure which allows her to track others and stop them from escaping.
Top 10 Coolest Noragami Characters
Although it’s a shounen The cast of Noragami’s show isn’t too vast, with the focus being on a few important characters. The show’s distinctive art and heavy focus on action There are many amazing characters with characters ranging from the bloodthirsty Gods of Calamity, to young, rebellious Shinki. In light of that We’ve listed the top 10 most memorable character designs from the series. check them out below.
10. Ebisu
The simple and clean God Of Fishing as well as Commerce Ebisu is the first character to be introduced as a obscure and mysterious God of luck. It takes a while to discover much about Ebisu as the bulk of his actions being unrecorded throughout the story, being the very embodiment of mystery. A remarkably serene and effective man in pursuit of his goals is admirable and admirable, given that the man is not afraid to go even into the dark side to achieve these goals. It doesn’t seem to bother him in any way in the least.
With his long along with his tailored suit, long jacket, and White gloves Ebisu appears to be a mixture of an elegant businessman and a smartly dressed butler, which makes sense considering his character. While not a typical cool guy, Ebisu has a confidence and a calmness about him which, when paired with his sleek style is at most a captivating persona.
9. Daikoku
Shinki is the daughter of Kofuku The Goddess of the Poor as well as in many different ways, her caregiver, Daikoku is one of the most masculine males in Noragami. He appears to be unafraid of everyone nor anything else, Daikoku has no trouble handing out punishments to Gods such as Yato and Kofuku whenever he believes they’re causing trouble and strives to serve as the moral guide for the group of mishmash characters. Since his wife is known to suffer negative luck, he attempts to think of ways to not fighting at all in order to make sure that she doesn’t end up destroying Japan.
In his Shinki form, Daikoku unexpectedly transforms into a flamboyant fan and one of his skills is to open a portal into the underworld and that’s not something most people can do. Daikoku’s hard-working and compassionate persona make him appear as an awesome father figure, and the Gods that he’s guiding to be little children!
8. Kuraha
The most famous Shinki Kuraha is regarded as second in command to Kazuma the main Shinki as she is both smart and smart. One of the most stylish Shinki from the anime in both his normal and Shinki appearances, Kuraha’s normal appearance is one is a stylish pirate with a lot of facial hair as well as an eyepiece to match his outfit. For his Shinki appearance The dudes are a Lion. A Lion. I don’t think anything need to be said other beyond this.
Kuraha is incredibly committed and deeply concerned about his fellow comrades. This is not just about his colleagues Shinki and his fellow Shinki, but so long as he’s doing the right thing for his master, he appears as a highly compassionate person. It’s difficult to remember him since the majority of his time in the lion’s enclosure, but Kuraha is an wonderful old man.
7. Rabou
One of the main antagonists, just like Yato, Rabou is a God of Calamity. He is known for leaving suffering and death in his aftermath. However, unlike Yato However, Rabou didn’t develop a conscience, and continues to act just as he always did been a vile God. In this regard, Rabou is blessed with some sweet abilities, like the ability to absorb Phantoms as well as his Shinki ability to control water and create the appearance of liquid doubles, as well as using it as weapons.
Rabou’s design for his character screams anime villain with his silver-colored hair that flows in a flowing fashion, and his sly yellow eyes and pointed face giving Rabou a crow-like appearance. Together with characters such as Ebisu, Rabou is a great example of how much contrast exists between the styles of the characters in the series.
6. Tenjin
The old man Tenji is considered to be the God of Learning and is among the most wealthy and well-known of Gods (because nobody doesn’t rely on prayer for higher grades?). The silver fox is quite the king even with his grey and intelligent appearance. Tenjin has in essence created his own harem with preference to young female Shinkis with a lot of money and charm available to him. In reality, they’re abandoning other Gods to join Yato’s tragic Shinki encounter early on.
A far cry from your typical hot guy Tenjin can be described as more of a grandad-like, full of hilarious, snarky jokes, but still has the adoration of gorgeous young ladies. Additionally, Tenjin is a true bro who is always there whenever it’s necessary and even helping out behind the back of heaven It’s hard to find anything better than this.
5. Hiyori Iki
How do we begin with our main heroine Hiyori Iki? She doesn’t get the respect she deserves. The only half-human half-phantom character in the series, her cute tail connects her to The Far Shore, being one of the few human beings who are able to perceive Gods as well as others supernatural creatures. Although she’s an ordinary high school student, once she leaves her normal body and transforms into her half-Phantom, she gains extraordinary power and agility, capable of tackling weaker Phantoms on her own.
Despite her fragile and lifeless body Hiyori typically doesn’t appear at all concerned about being around Gods or even fighting them. Her main concern is making sure everybody is secure, which includes herself for the most part.
4. Yukine
Young and rebellious Yukine is Yato’s latest Skinki and a strong one in the shape that of the long curving blade Sekki. Yukine which translates to “sound from snow” is a unique name for one with such a loud attitude however, it also conveys something about the cleanliness and innocence of an innocent and unknowing person. It also sounds quite cool.
One of the best things about Yukine is that he has to deal with issues of a teenager in a world in which he’s surrounded by mostly adults, and quite old ones, at the same time. Even though he’s not doing well initially, his fervent desire to grow, improve himself and be a better person than the other kids is admirable for someone who has been through such a difficult period of time. This makes Yukine an extremely relatable character on the show.
3. Kazuma
Bishamon’s main character Shinki, Kazuma is a formidable Blessed Regalia and serves as her advisor and navigator throughout the show. Being surprisingly simple and clean and neat, Kazuma is one of the few characters from the show to wear glasses, which makes him stand out from the rest of the cast. Kazuma is without doubt considered to be one of the more reputable and decent characters, even knowing when it’s the better to rebel against his master to save her own. It’s this kind of attitude that makes him so great since you can trust the the good guy Kazuma.
In addition, Kazuma appears to be one of the strongest Shinki and is adept at making Boundary’s or making use of Restraint among his many other talents. This allows him to fill the awesome role of sensei to Yukine and Hiyori in the absence of anyone in the world to instruct the two about everything Far Shore.
2. Bishamon
Next upis the strong and beautiful God of War and Fortune Bishamon. Bishamon is a bit like Yato’s adversaries throughout the series, and they are fighting each other often, and with a variety of ways of going with business. However, Bishamon is probably the God in Noragami who is most committed in protecting Shinki even though it can cause her great discomfort. Bishamon also does an amazing job of being one her most formidable characters of the show, all while keeping her femininity and acting not only as master, but more of an aunt for her entire family Shinki.
The black and white outfit is noticeable, creating her look an amalgamation of the two and her ability to is riding a lion, which is quite terrifying. Her armor is impressive, sporting an array of weapons, including the whip, gun and a double-handed sword, as well as the full set of battle armor in one the case. With her easy-going personality and bright , cat-like, purple eyes Bishamon surely is one extremely cool girl.
1. Yato
At number one is Yato, the god of stray, Yato is the main character in the series and is the one who causes most of the troubles. As a God of the Dark, Yato has an innate bad-ass vibe and has a long background of wars, battles and assassinations to his name. Despite his present homeless life however, when things get serious it’s not difficult to see his former self shining through as he is extremely calculated and strategic in his fight. Even though he’s initially presented as a jolly guy whose primary focus is on taking care of his family first, his attitude toward others is impressive and he grows more reliable as the series grows, giving more attention to his family members than he does about himself.
In terms of his appearance Yato’s gorgeous blue eyes are among the most distinctive features of the show. They are accentuated by the color schemes of Noragami or Noragami Aragoto’s openings focused on the jewel-like blues. Yato is cool in the same way that most anime heroes are, because they are destined to be the character we cheer for.
Which Noragami Character Are You, Based On Your Zodiac?
The characters are loved by fans as well. Noragami has been one of the most popular characters for cosplayers. Based on the traits of the astrological significations, what Noragami characters do you identify with?
12. Cancer: Kazuma
A god with power needs an imposing lead Shinki. Enter Kazuma with his clean, crisp appearance and sane nature are an ideal contrast in a wild universe. The Crab is generally well-dressed however, it is not flashy.
He minimizes his power as is the norm for Cancer. Cancers will also take whatever it takes to safeguard the people they’re accountable for, just like Kazuma is willing to be willing to defy Bishamon to her own benefit. The role of a parent is easy to Cancer and this is what Kazuma is able to demonstrate by helping to educate Yukine as well as Hiyori.
11. Aries: Yukine
Bold, rebellious, loud What else can you say about the classic Aries? Yukine passed away at a very young age and was left in a constant state of youthful courage, coupled with an indifference to the aging process and.
It’s the ideal background story for the Ram who flies across the world like a mighty breeze. In addition to that ferocious energy, however, Aries is loyal, an attribute Yukine demonstrated when the latter was able to save Yato from dying and was awarded a blessed vessel.
10. Taurus: Daikoku
Taurus is powerful, courageous and never afraid to stand up. They’re also hard-working and are devoted to those they love, much like Daikoku is a great caretaker of Kofuku as the Goddess of poverty, as her Shinki.
He tries to keep her away from fighting since He knows she’s likely to suffer from bad luck. Although he’s playing the supportive role of Shinki Shinki however, he is still seen as the morally unofficial leader for the group. This is innate for the Bull.
9. Gemini: Kofuku
Gemini does not care about material things, and this is also a part of being the goddess of Poverty. Kofuku is cheerful and playful and is Gemini everywhere.
The most striking thing is that she embodies the classic multi personality of the Twins in that she is relaxed and looking for fun the first time and even fierce enough to fight Bishamon one minute and then Bishamon the next. She’s a gentle person or a burst of energy. She’s also been known to be an airhead in the past. With a passion for excitement and chaos She’s the perfect Gemini.
8. Leo: Bishamonten
Bishamonten also known as Bishamon is a lion riding and represents the god of battle and luck. The god of battle, also is known as Veena is a long, blond hairstyle. There isn’t any more apparent Leo to be found.
Leo is fierce and takes the the center stage. And where else can Bishamon wearing her all-black warrior attire, not be the centre of attention? She’s also very guardian about her Regalia and is a bit many since she’s unable to leave her Regalia, which is typical Leo traits.
7. Virgo: Tenjin
Virgo is the responsible and serious type that’s so calm and composed that you’re amazed to discover they’re an avid fan of fantasy and sci-fi. However, that’s not the only contrast of Virgo. Tenjin is the god of academia can be described as pure Virgo.
They are adamant about the process of learning and rational thinking. They say that they will, and that’s to be the case all the time. However, those who know their personalities will recognize the humorous, giggling aspect of them. And exactly like Tenjin the typical Virgo is blessed with luck in the search of romantic lovers.
6. Libra: Takemikazuchi
Takemikazuchi is known as the god of thunder and is often referred to as God of swords. That might not be the norm for a Libra one, but she is known for his casual personality.
In Takemikazuchi, however, the energy of this dynamic character is balanced by an abundance of lazyness. This combination of unrestful energy inside and a calm even lazy exterior, the god who can’t seem to finish anything, and easily bored is a typical definition of Libra.
5. Scorpio: Ebisu
Ebisu represents the typical Scorpio The Scorpio is dark and mysterious, a person who remains very true to their own. Ebisu is calm, efficient yet prone to strange obsessions, such as the use of Phantoms for Regalia.
He’s also determined enough to persevere even when he fails. He’s focused, with an intensity that is almost terrifying. Ebisu has no reason to be scared of being a part of the underworld. Every Scorpio is a part of their time within the shadows.
4. Capricorn: Kuraha
Capricorn is quiet and prefers to work behind the scenes rather than performing on stage. This is what makes the Goat the ideal Kuraha Second in Command to Bishamon’s Shinki.
Capricorn is a particularly elegantly dressed, just like Kuraha and in his fashionable pirate costume and matching eye patch. Capricorn is the lion Bishamon can be seen riding. The wise and loyal, and his super-cool attire He’s the perfect representation of Capricorn.
3. Aquarius: Iki Hiyori
2. Pisces: Mayu
Even though she doesn’t like Yato, Mayu is still willing to risk her life in order to protect his life. She’s very sincere and has a clear sense of the right and wrong. That’s the reason she didn’t connect with Yato and his insanity irritated her.
In addition she was irritated by the fact that he didn’t take a keen interest in the people they believed needed his help. True Pisces must believe in what they do and when people require assistance, they’ve got an instinctual desire to provide the assistance they require.
1. Sagittarius: Yato
Archer is a shrewd character. Archer is messy, but they will possess a distinct style similar to Yato and his soft belt and dark brown boots. He’s a god who can bring down the bad who doesn’t like violence.
Like true Sagittarius, He’s optimistic and seeks to assist others. He’s quick-thinking and not willing to alter his course at the moment of need. A lot of Archers remain young, and even children-like, even after their childhood. And as God, Yato has never required to grow up completely. As a god who resembles Sagitarrius He can be a bit of a shocker to people who are around him with his sharp remarks.
Conclusion About Noragami Characters
Half phantom , half human With a tail Hiyori Iki is brave , but does not seem to receive the respect she deserves. These are all things that every Aquarian will be able to relate to. The Water Bearer usually traveling in at least two directions at the same time.
The Aquarians aren’t afraid to confront their the wrongdoers as Hiyori confronted Yukine after she stole from him. Like an average Aquarian, Hiyori sees more than the average person around her. She is able to discern the motives of Yato and her thoughts. In the same way she could be an airhead and perhaps odd.
The characters in Noragami are decent, trustworthy and cool in their own unique way They’re also often poorly understood and susceptible to being manipulated. This intricate story telling is what makes the show great, bringing characters with human desires and emotions that are difficult not to identify with.
However, that can make it difficult to rank them because with so many characters each person is bound to have their own opinions. Who would you consider as the coolest and most incredible character from Noragami? Tell us via the comment section below!