The Lord of the Rings is a novel written by J.R.R. Tolkien and published in 1954. It tells the story of a group of people, led by the wizard Gandalf, who travel through Middle-earth to stop an evil being from taking over the world. All characters in The Lord of the Rings are described in great detail, with many skills and abilities being mentioned or shown. Here is a list of all the characters and skills they use: Gandalf: The wizard who leads the group and is known for his wisdom and knowledge. He has many skills including magic, healing, and sword fighting. Aragorn: A young man who is part of Gandalf’s party and is known for his strength, courage, and wisdom. He has many skills including sword fighting, horseback riding, and magic.

В дополнение к Рюуги, а также Тайге Но, Toradora! является домом для оживленной группы друзей, а часто и их родителей. Хотя не все персонажи имеют одинаковые сюжетные линии, все могут предоставить зрителям что-то новое. Они могут быть веселыми, развлекательными или даже умнее, чем они есть. Они являются одними из самых развлекательных.

ТОРАДОРА ВСЕ ПЕРСОНАЖИ И ОТНОШЕНИЯ ОБЪЯСНЕНЫРанжирование каждого персонажа Торадоры от худшего к лучшему от DylanJayFox


Трех оставшихся главных героев трудно оценить по их развивающемуся статусу, так как все они были выполнены очень хорошо. Я считаю, что Рюдзи попадает на третью позицию, но это не четкий выбор для меня, по крайней мере. Проблемы, с которыми он сталкивался, не всегда были более очевидными, чем у других игроков. Он всегда был «родовым человеком, который помогает всем». Тем не менее, это еще не все.

Благодаря мощному эпизоду 1 мы можем получить четкое представление о персонаже Рюдзи как личности. Он из менее богатой семьи, он «хороший парень со страшным взглядом» и любит убирать и работать над домом. Это означает, что его интересы и слабости уже обнажены при этом факте. Из чего вы собираетесь думать? Проблемы, которые у него есть, выявляются в тонкой манере Ами позже в шоу.

We discover that Ryuuji takes care excessivelyabout the other people. It’s not really because of selfish motives as Minori however he cares so much for people that he tends to ignore his own personal issues. When Ami always talks about the “playing at home” situation, Ryuuji brushes it off and is able to focus on other things. This, of course, results in more trouble for him later down the line. If Taiga admits to loving Ryuuji on skiing, the girl doesn’t acknowledge it since he really believes that she would rather not be in love with him.

Ryuuji is also trying to project his family’s situation onto Taiga as if it’s the ideal. He isn’t aware that everyone has their own personal situation in their families, and he’s trying to push Taiga to conform to an “ideal” family scenario because he believes the situation is “right” in terms of “how you should treat the family members you love”.

It’s all about “running away” and again that he, in the end, REALLY does. He isn’t aware that his mother is doing to give him the best life possible and all he’s interested in is helping her. Therefore, it’s his plan to leave to help her as he believes that he’s caused her troubles. When he finally talks with her about it does he realize that it’s acceptable for people to aid you.

Naturally, he’s got positive points. He’s able of helping ALL of his family members with their troubles through knowing the right words to use and the right time to speak it. He is a strong supporter of his mother and himself, and is always there to support Taiga. He comes to the realization of the whole situation and understands the meaning of love and realizes that it was Taiga who he loved.


We’ll begin with Kitamura. He’s probably the most insignificant of the five. He only gets 2 episodes worth of development after that, he is identified as just one of those “quirky” characters, with only few moments of his interactions with the former president.

We have the episode 14 and 15 that are the main development episodes for Yuusaku. Prior to these, we’d witnessed him being the unhinged student council vice president but with virtually no mention of his own issues (the the only instance we do get an indication of his issues comes when Ami asks him if he’s satisfied with the current situation at the student council in an arc on the beach). It’s obvious that the focus of the show will be focused on Taiga and Ryuuji however Minori and Ami have more to do in the course of their story than Kitamura.

What happens during the arc after that? Kitamura attempts to get away from his issues that is an underlying theme throughout the show. He attempts to get away from responsibility and the expectations HE HIMSELF has accumulated through the help of the president of the student council. However the president also tries to get off from the personal feelings regarding Yuusaku since she is aware that he would sacrifice everything to follow her, something she does not wish to do. However, that confession isn’t made until after Kitamura admits her guilt to her.

This entire arc suggests that Kitamura has left his love/interest in Taiga. He admitted to her about one year ago, but was rejected by the president, and was there to comfort him. He embraced her instead and, when he realized that the relationship was not working out, he fled. He ran away from his house away from his issues away from his obligations until Ryuuji was capable of bringing him back to his consciousness.

Overall , there’s nothing to discuss in this episode. Kitamura had his own mini-arc, and was able to resolve it quickly without much interruption from the main characters. Overall, it wasn’t as enjoyable as it could be.


While Minori comes in fourth place on the list, I’m convinced that she’s a huge leap in her development over Kitamura, so the rest, I believe are also well-developed. With Minori we observe more of her personality and, most importantly, some of her difficulties due the beach arc her Christmas arc and the last arc. Her growth is due in part to her adoration for Ryuuji in addition to not revealing her feelings till it got too late. Yuusaku was able of separating himself from any future issues within his group, by making evident that his main focus was not Taiga. However, Minori was not able to do the same thing.

What’s the matter, then? What made her decide to always return to the norm and show off her “genki” persona? It’s true, she has said this a couple of times throughout the show. She isn’t interested in anything having to change. She doesn’t want to accept that things have to change , and will change , whether she’s in favor or not. She doesn’t want to be in a relationship with Ryuuji since it could endanger their relationship with Taiga and she’s reluctant to let Taiga become involved together with Ryuuji since as it is clear in final, she believes she’ll lose them from her.

She’s also very arrogant, which is reflected in the way she spoke and the way in which the show is presented. She is always refusing to acknowledge the existence of a problem, because that means something would need to be changed. She is always cheerful attitude because she believes the world HAS to behave like that. If she gets off guard, she demands Ryuuji to forget the words she spoke of or pretend it was never said.

This is just the tip of being hypocritical and dishonest. The woman doesn’t wish for anyone else to assist her but she does go beyond her means and puts in an effort to assist others. This is evident by the fact that she let her team fall in the softball match; this puts her in a state of depressing devastation that is only exacerbated on the day she falls off her Christmas tree. She is self-critical and refuses to help until Ryuuji fix the star with her, and she tells her it’s “not to her advantage”.

She grows older and accepts that things must be changed. The entire speech she makes while moving through the hallways proves that. She’s not escaping anymore but she’s determined to move towards her issues to confront them. She eventually tells Taiga she doesn’t require assistance from anyone to create her own peace She’s convinced she can achieve it all by herself. She’s open about the fact that she’d like to be admired by others but she also knows that she has her own issues and she doesn’t put on a face to conceal her insecurities.

In the final moments of the episode, it is obvious to viewers (and Ami) that Minori has become a grown-up. She screams at Ryuuji when he attempts to keep the status quo. She is REALLY angry and lashes out at Ryuuji in a rage at him for lying to Taiga once more. She’s realized that keeping the same old routine isn’t enough for her; in order to progress, it is necessary to recognize that things will change , whether you want it or you don’t.

It’s also clear that Minori isn’t quite happy with herself to believe she’s entitled to be in an intimate relationship with Ryuuji. The frequent references of”the “ghost story” is a clear indication of that. In the beginning, she says she’s not sure if is interested in seeing them. Then she claims that she shouldn’t be able to see them, and after which she admits to having had a look but decided it wasn’t the appropriate time to. She is having a conversation with Ami as she shouts in the hallway about how she’s changed.


The FRUSTRATINGLY well-crafted character. The charming tiny lying. Ami is the catalyst for much of what happens during the show. She presses and presses until the situation reaches a point where it spills over. She aids in her own way , but can remove her mind from the notion that she’s “hurting” anyone. She’s only concerned with getting Ryuuji to love her, and of course she’s grumpy that she left a an unflattering first impression of Ryuuji.

Ami’s growth is perhaps the most revealing in the show. When she’s introduced, we witness her get rid of her usual “good girl” routine in a couple of episodes due to the stalker episode. Taiga aids her to realize that you must confront the issues you face at times. It’s that running away thing all over again. Ami “ran off” from her house to attend the school she attended as she believed it would fix everything. But she wasn’t observed.

Additionally, she evidently desired to be loved by everybody. She always plays the “perfect pupil” method to please her instructors as well as the students. She also drops her guard when it comes to her peers, even though she would likely never refer to them that. In contrast to Minori she is aware that wearing a mask and wearing it constantly isn’t the best idea. It will only cause her more issues in the end.

It’s odd that she isn’t a fan of being the older one. She doesn’t really care much about the opinions of others (at at least in comparison to her) and when you’re the mature person, everybody is always looking to you to get guidance. They constantly tell her she’s mature and adult without realizing that the responsibility that comes with those names could be straining her.

Ami is also known for manipulating people around her, and is very adept at manipulating people around her. She’s able to collect data and knows how to use it to manipulate buttons of others. When she is skiing, the girl presses Minori too to hard. She never presses Ryuuji regarding his situation likely because she knows Ryuuji has to solve the issue on his own.

She’s happy that she’s completely sincere with Ryuuji. This is both a blessing and one of the curses due to her initial behavior towards Ryuuji. She loves having someone who understands her, but it’s always the one who is disinterested in anything more than a casual friendship. This bothers her a bit, but not enough to where she begins crying. She is able to keep herself apart almost all the time.


Oh… that was the topic I’ve been waiting to write about. Taiga is a well-balanced blend of tension and established in Taiga. As the story progresses, we get to know in clear and concise phrases what her worries are and what her family life is as well as what she is most interested in doing and how she struggles with interactions with other people.

Чтобы начать свои проблемы, наиболее очевидной причиной является то, что она жестока. Ясно, что она не просто жестока с Рюдзи Она была известна с 1 эпизода, что она была агрессивной и даже обидчицей. Что сделало ее изначально такой? Она говорит, что посещала католическую школу для девочек и впоследствии была дисквалифицирована школой из-за ее насильственного поведения. Возможно, это связано с неустойчивой семейной ситуацией и ее родителями, которые переживают развод (по крайней мере, это мое понимание из сюжетной линии, которую сериал пытался объяснить нам).

Это вызывает еще одну проблему. Потому что она справляется со своими проблемами, крича, что никто не хотел бы быть рядом с ней. Обычно это просто случайность, что Рюдзи может проводить с ней время. Тем не менее, проблема в том, что у нее не так много людей, с которыми можно проводить время, поэтому она не может установить эти отношения. Нет никаких упоминаний о ее друзьях, которые были ее друзьями в прошлом. Минори определенно хороша со всеми, хотя она более хороший друг с Тайгой, чем большинство людей.

Мы также обнаруживаем, что Тайга, как правило, обеспокоена своей внешностью. Это то, что поражает ее, поскольку она знает, что не в состоянии исправить это, и когда люди упоминают об этом, она расстраивается из-за этого.

Возвращаясь к идее убежать, Тайга сделала это, чтобы оказаться в своей нынешней ситуации. Она бежала от семейной жизни и отца и стала жить в своей собственной. Ситуация не решается до финального эпизода, когда она решает, что хочет противостоять своим проблемам и достаточно зрела, чтобы справиться с ними, не бросая приступа.

Тайга постоянно уклоняется и игнорирует свои личные эмоции. Тайга отказывается признать, что ей когда-либо нужна была помощь, и принимает помощь только тогда, когда ей предлагают, хотя она отказывается от нее. В этом рождественском эпизоде она верит, что никто никогда не захочет быть рядом с ней, так как она убеждена, что Рюдзи оставит ее, чтобы выйти замуж за Минори. Это важный момент в ее мышлении, потому что она, наконец, приходит к себе своими чувствами. Она не желает терять Рюдзи.

Все это указывает на то, что Тайга очень тревожный человек. Неуверенность в своей внешности, в том, как она должна вести себя рядом с другими людьми относительно того, что она ищет… все об этом. Чтобы бороться с этим, она пытается помочь своим друзьям собраться, так как она считает, что это лучшее, что можно сделать. она даже не думает о своих собственных мыслях о проблеме, когда она сталкивается со всеми. На Рождество мы видим еще одно доказательство этого: она надеется, что у всех есть отличное мнение о ней, независимо от того, как она вела себя раньше. Она боится быть брошенной.


Ami and Yuusaku had a relationship prior to the start of the series and in a way, the show makes it seem more common. Yuusaku was an excellent method of introducing Ami to the show, and was a rare instance of an “childhood friend” who didn’t have a connection to the protagonist. She wasn’t a romantic interest for Yuusaku, however even though he said Yuusaku didn’t really dislike her.

The way we will see their relationship actually develop is when Ami assists him in the presidential election episode. She laughs at him initially but once she notices Sumire appearing to be apathetic and not giving any shit, she heads to confront her. She probably wouldn’t do this even if Kitamura were not a friend. she’s able to smile at him, while everyone else is worried because she realizes how absurd of a response for Kitamura. She is aware of the parts of Kitamura that the cast does not.


Not much to say about this either. They’re the funniest. They’re the comedy relief, and is able to blend better than Yuusaku and or any other of the major five. Naturally, they will eventually help one another in the smaller things, but not always for the bigger things.


Ryuuji helps Yuusaku quite a bit during the arc of student council. He is able to nudge Yuusaku to realize that he cannot just walk away from the whole thing however, even though he’s there aid and shelter Yuusaku whenever he decides to run away from his home, he doesn’t like the idea. They’re shown to be great close friends, and it seems to have one another’s backs, but it doesn’t appear to be the only way to go.


It’s definitely Yuusaku’s most intriguing relationship out of the five main characters. After having a bad experience with Taiga during his freshman year, the character seems to get over her, and concentrates his attention to the president. But he’s also willing to bring Taiga and Ryuuji to be together in the very beginning. In the initial moment of Taiga’s confession, she is asked what she thinks about Ryuuji and she laughs at times, but in her own manner. Then, in episode 2 he realises that they’d be better off working together and eventually works towards this final goal. While they’re able to do things like celebrating New Year’s Eve and dance during the festival of culture but Yuusaku doesn’t hint that it could go further than the two of them.

Taiga in the relationship didn’t have the ability to speak to him in a normal way until the end in the series. She was always an emotional mess that made me think she was not “in in love” with him, but rather she was enthralled and starry eyed every time he came in the vicinity. Just to think of their first encounter was strange. They would never have spoken about each other in a similar way as it was not natural between them.


Ami and Minori had a forced relationship in the context of the show. Of course, Minori always felt comfortable being with Ami since Ami was “okay” when with any person. However, Ami was irritated by the way Minori handled every conflict until eventually it all came to a head in the course of skiing. For whatever reason, Minori decided to confide to Ami during the escape scene. She even broke down crying before her. Perhaps it was something only Ami could be able to comprehend in that particular situation. She didn’t feel confident doing that before Yuusaku, and certainly wasn’t Taiga and Ryuuji.


A otherrelationship which never been able to work if they were in a relationship. Minori wasn’t content enough with herself to allow herself the privilege having a romantic relationship although she loved Ryuuji. Also, Ryuuji always placed Minori above himself. Her appearance was the perfect person for him. He didn’t know much about her, however he believed she was adorable and believed she was very nice to everyone.

There were certainly heartfelt moments between them. They had enough of them to suggest that Taiga was in competition with Taiga. Minori dropped her guards to Ryuuji because she felt at ease with Ryuuji. There was only one issue that each time she lowers her guard, she pleaded with Ryuuji to refrain from discussing it. She wasn’t confident enough to speak to him in the open about her concerns and would avoid his presence when awkward moments arose. She also rebuked Taiga for letting them go to school together. It was always seemed like a romantic connection between the two would have been incredibly uncomfortable and not natural.


The opposite of Ryuuji and Yuusaku. They’re both best friends but , as Yuusaku and Ryuuji there are things they didn’t share with one another. Although Minori says she knows everything about Taiga in the ski trip episode Ryuuji is able to counter with a question about whether she’s certain. Their relationship was so strong that they didn’t wish to harm each other, but it was also it was so rocky that they both tried to be happy but not fully comprehending what each wanted.


It was the one that probably pushed Ryuuji to the greatest extent during the whole process, in addition to the close relationship to Taiga herself. Ami always talked to Ryuuji concerning how Ryuuuji ought to be able to wake up and realize Taiga is his favorite Taiga as she said she would like him to experience the love in him.

She was deeply disappointed that she made an unprofessional first impression and regretted making a bad impression. When she and Ryuuji spoke after Ryuuji was already a fan about her. He did not give an impression that he was in the mood, despite her admitting to it several times throughout the this show. She also says that she would like she could take it all over again so that they could get another chance, even though she doesn’t think he’s heard the words. Even so, she’s able to assist him as she has the “outsider” viewpoint. She didn’t get involved into the drama as deeply like Taiga or Minori did.


This romance doesn’t have much meat , either. Taiga helps Ami recognize that she has to confront her issues instead of fleeing, however, the two always find themselves at each other’s throats. They support one another with small gestures, however Ami is the only one who isn’t out to assist Taiga in the snow , while the three other girls did. SHe was always aware that she’d “lost” Ryuuji to Taiga also and wasn’t happy about this at all. It was very frustrating to watch her love interest disregarding her feelings.


The big one, indeed. That’s what all the 25 episodes were about. The love affair was always amazing. It made me feel cozy and warm at when the show was over. show and even although I wasn’t satisfied with the ending scenes, the light novel made my mind at calm. They were meant to be together in the first episode. The initial two episodes hint about their romance (Tiger as well as Dragon, Taiga and Ryuuji).

As beginning in episode 2, we find out that Taiga is delighted she was pleased Ryuuji made a comment about her. The episode also laid the foundation for the way their relationship was to be portrayed They were equals, regardless of how each one treated the one. They were comfortable around each other and could discuss about any topic. In a way, this is the message that this show is trying to teach the viewers about a relationship and I’m with you.

The pace was slow in this area also. The group kept returning to normality after every significant event, the most significant one being the one with the pool. Ryuuji displays a strong enough bond with her to reach beneath her bathing suit to protect her from shame, even when he knows she’ll take revenge. In addition, the following swimming scene is the moment when viewers realize that Taiga truly loves him. she decides to abandon her swimming aids in order to help him on her own and is furious at everyone who didn’t realize that the guy was in trouble and refuses to let anyone else assist her since she’s acting in a way that’s irrational and is terrified of losing Ryuuji regardless of the reason.

Taiga was also attracted to Ryuuji was talking to a different girl. She was angry when he was seen giggling with Minori as well as when Ami was approaching him she was irritated, which Ami tried to capitalize on. She claimed that she was “disciplining” him to stop being a sexy person, however she will not admit her feelings at the beginning of her relationship.

It’s exactly what Taiga always wanted too. She needed someone to take good care of her and pay attention to her, and Ryuuji was the one who could accomplish all of this. He always took charge of her and they were always together. In actual fact, they were often together that even when they separated in any situation it was shocking at first (besides the times they were at their homes, of course). You can feel the distance between them when Taiga’s father often takes her out for a walk. When Taiga is trying to keep herself away from Ryuuji in order to aid Minori and Ryuuji’s relationships, you find out that she’s hurting.

This is the same story in the episode where Taiga says she had a date to tea with Kitamura over New Year’s Eve. This is something Ryuuji didn’t realize happened. He’s angry over something she did that was not something he knew about, as he was aware of the majority of her details at the moment. He feels a little dissatisfied, though he’s still unsure on why he’s contemplating their relationship so much (he hasn’t yet admitted his feelings to that moment in the story).

They both relied on one another throughout the the story. Taiga was leaning upon him while she was learning how to stand up on her own as well. Ryuuji had been leaning upon her to improve the relationship between him and Minori Later on, following Kitamura’s arc Ryuuji was able to stop pushing as much to allow Taiga and Kitamura a chance to get together. Taiga continued to push to Minori along with Ryuuji.

The main reason why their relationship performed so well was that it felt natural. They didn’t put each other in a position of superiority, and neither one was unable to be a part of one another. It was the little things such as Taiga sitting on Ryuuji’s back Taiga frequently visiting Ryuuji’s place and their conversation in their front windows each night. It was something they could not see, but it made them feel awe-inspiring joy when they could finally see it.

TOP 10 BEST TORADORA CHARACTERS RANKED Every Toradora Character From Worst To Best By DylanJayFox

Part romantic, and part slice-of life animation, Toradora! is a story about characters who are neighbours who transform into something else. In the event that Ryuuji and Taiga actually meet confronted in the show but not as close friends, but more of angry colleagues. If they decide to work together to turn their mutual crushes on their classmates into friendships, it’s evident that they’ll be developing together throughout time. show.

Alongside Ryuugi and Taiga However, Toradora! is home to a vibrant group of their friends and, every now and then they also have their parents. While not every character has stories devoted to them however, all of them are able to provide something unique for viewers. If they’re funny, entertaining or intelligent beyond their years These characters are top of the line.


Kitamura is a great guy. He’s athletic and well-liked. He’s active in school clubs and always seems to help his peers. In the beginning, he’s too nice of a man when someone as unlikable as Taiga is pursuing a love affair on his.

It’s not easy to comprehend that the majority of the secrets in the show are focused on Kitamura as well. Kihara, Taiga, and Sumire all have a love for him, although the level of their crushes differs. The guy isn’t as engaging of a character as his friends however, he’s incredibly accommodating of those who surround him. For this, he gets an honorable place in the top three characters.


There isn’t much focus is given by Haruta in the initial episodes of the anime’s one season. He’s mostly in the shadows with Ryuuji’s other students. About halfway through the course however, his character is developed and he begins to appear outside of the classroom.

Haruta isn’t usually regarded as a serious person by his fellow students due to his clown-like behavior. He is a source of humor for the audience however. A lot of the show gets emotional and dramatic and, therefore, any time Haruta is in the story, the viewer is sure to get some laughs. He’s an excellent character that can break up the tension.


One of the girls who is popular, Kihara is a sweet teenager. Kihara is just trying to make it through school and have the best life she can. It’s also about trying to be more close with her crush Kitamura. However, for Kihara her crush is exactly similar to Taiga’s.

The viewers don’t discover much about Kihara since her efforts to connect with Kitamura are often blocked through Taiga and Ryuuji. It’s refreshing to see her become more than a mere girl who is trying to grab people’s attention when the ski trip for the class comes around. She and Noto have a serious disagreement, and the crowd is a little more due to it.


Because Noto spends most of his time in background or with his pal Haruta in the scenes In reality, he’s not able to show his own character’s storyline in the show. The viewers, however see him gradually fall in love with Kihara although Noto never admits to it.

The more Kihara is able to come to Kitamura The closer she tries to get Kitamura, the more the more hostile Noto is with Kitamura. The tension between them simmers at the end of one memorable scene not really about one of the principal characters. They engage in a shouting contest during the ski trip and the audience is able to get to know them more. Unfortunately, the public does not know whether Noto confesses to his feelings or the extent to which Kihara is ever aware that he loves her more than just a friend.


Торадора! серьезно относится к своей школьной политике. К президенту студенческого корпуса относятся с высочайшим уважением все, за исключением тайги. Хотя большая часть ее работы происходит в частном порядке, очевидно, что это изнурительная работа, потому что она гарантирует, что каждое школьное мероприятие проходит без каких-либо проблем.

Сумире изначально кажется немного милитаристской в своих взаимодействиях с другими студентами. В конце концов, ее более мягкий аспект раскрывается, когда она пренебрегает возможностью романа с Китамурой. Она искренне беспокоится за Китамуру, но она знает, что позже она повредит сердцу Китамуры, так как у нее большие амбиции и она планирует пойти в школу в другой стране. Сумире не может быть любимицей всех, однако она умна и практична, и ее поклонники не смогут винить ее за это.


Ясуко — прекрасная женщина, которая действительно заботится о своем ребенке и его будущем. Она чрезвычайно трудолюбива и даже взяла на себя несколько работ одновременно, потому что хочет, чтобы Рюдзи учился в колледже, не беспокоясь о деньгах. Ясуко хороший человек, однако она не всегда воспринимается как самая сострадательная.

Она в значительной степени полагается на подростковые годы своего сына, чтобы заботиться о ней, как будто она забыла, как воспитывать своих детей в какой-то момент процесса. Ясуко не всегда берет на себя ответственность за свои действия, однако она стремится быть добрее к своему сыну. Это делает ее чрезвычайно симпатичной зрителям.

4. АМИ

Ами не самый приятный человек, но она очень хорошо это скрывает. Она не в состоянии превзойти Китамуру, потому что она отличный друг. Она опережает его из-за того, что является более интригующим персонажем.

Ами переживает много вещей. Она модель, которая приостановила свою карьеру из-за преследований. Она и Тайга сразу не общаются друг с другом, но она начинает развивать чувства к Рюдзи и является самым внимательным членом своей группы друзей. По мере того, как она начинает медленно раскрывать свой истинный характер своим друзьям, Ами становится ближе к Тайге и даже поет на конкурсе на Рождество вместе. Ами — первый человек, который понимает, как все остальные относятся к окружающему миру, и оказывается более зрелым, чем другие подростки, даже если она участвует в играх ребенка с эмоциями других людей.


Taiga’s long-time bestie, Minori is like the more enthralled version of Kitamura. Perhaps that’s why she’s Ryuuji’s crush. She is a complete person every day. Many might say that she’s distracted by work, activities and sports to ensure that she has no time to be sad.

In other anime, Minori might even be the main character. Her character’s development is as intricate as that of the two main characters , as she’s present at every stage of their schemes to find their love interests. Minori is often the target of their schemes, as Taiga attempts to bring herself and Ryuuji closer. Minori delights everyone, however by revealing her brief moments of doubt and darkness and reveals how introspective she is.


A large portion of the story is taken from Ryuuji’s point perspective. This means that his progress is typically apparent to the audience. In the end, he warms to Taiga immediately, and agrees to assist her after the burglary of his house.

He’s among the most balanced characters in the series. The reason he is obsessed with cleaning comes from how messy her mother was. His desire to assist Taiga is a direct result of his understanding of the feeling of being evaluated based on how you look. Ryuuji is slowly falling in love with Taiga, and even though it takes longer for him to understand the situation than the viewers but it’s still enjoyable to observe.


Тайга, возможно, не самая волшебная девушка, но это не значит, что она не очень сильна и способна совершать невозможные подвиги. После того, как ее выгнали из дома ее отца, потому что у них не было хороших отношений, у Тайги есть свой собственный дом — и Рюдзи должен убирать за нее. Она безрассудна и не готова к сотрудничеству и, самое главное, она чрезвычайно социально неуклюжа.

Тайга хотела бы познакомиться с новыми людьми, хотя она не хочет признавать, что она это делает. Она также ищет различные способы самовыражения способами, которые не требуют ярких людей. Когда она тянется к Рюдзи и знакомится с Ами, ее характер несколько охлаждается (хотя это никогда не бывает полностью), и она часто ставит других впереди себя. Она представляет собой нагромождение противоречий, так как она с такой же вероятностью будет кричать на кого-то из-за его детского поведения или удивляться событию. Ее разнообразные характеристики могут привести к неприятной персоне, но она чувствует себя аутентичной, несмотря на драматический тон истории.