El final de la temporada 5 de Elite se aproxima y muchos jugadores están ansiosos por saber qué pasará. Aquí te explicamos todo lo que debes saber. El objetivo de Elite es construir una sociedad futura basada en el progreso y la cooperación, así que los jugadores tienen que estar dispuestos a sacrificar sus propios intereses para ayudar a sus compañeros. Durante la temporada 5, los jugadores tendrán que lidiar con amenazas como el terrorismo, el cambio climático y el colapso económico. Para terminar la temporada 5, los jugadores tendrán que elegir entre dos opciones: continuar con Elite o abandonarla definitivamente. Si deciden continuar, se enfrentaran a una nueva amenaza: una pandemia global causada por un virus mutante. Si finalmente abandonan Elite, no podrán jugar nunca más en este juego. ..

https://www.youtube.com/embed/J2-31HaEDRI?feature=oembedPor Movies Vibes


«Elite» es todo drama y esta temporada cumple con el drama prometido. La temporada 4 vio la partida de Guzmán y Ander, dos personajes de «Elite». Guzmán, un depredador, había matado a Armando en la temporada anterior. Mencía tenía una relación con Armando, un hombre que era un hombre de negocios. Pero cuando ella se negó a terminar el arreglo, él comenzó a amenazarla. Ari se enfrentó a Mencía en la víspera de Año Nuevo y la atacó, dejándola inconsciente. Guzmán tomó la decisión de poner fin a su vida para vengar sus malas acciones. Ander y Guzmán abandonaron España después del incidente para viajar por todo el mundo. Omar parece no haber renunciado a su relación con Wither.

See also

Blood Sisters Season 2 Release date : Everything You Need To Know

Omar continues to text Ander, but rarely gets a response. Patrick sleeps with him whenever he needs his support. Ari decides to go to Las Encinas classes after her injury last season. Samuel and Ari are reunited as lovers. Mencia, after all the drama, now listens to Benjamin and hopes to become the perfect daughter. Rebeka still loves Mencia but receives very little acknowledgement of her affection. Cayetana is confused by her position regarding Prince Philippe. They became friends, as shown in the short story series ” Philippe Caye Felipe,” but Caye, after confessing his crime to Elodie (his previous victim), had second thoughts.

Philippe wanted Caye confess the truth to him. He was convinced that he would be returned to his country after two rape accusations. However, he wanted to flee. He was struggling to adjust, as everyone around him looked at him. Isadora changed Caye’s perspective. Isadora convinced Caye that true feminism was giving the predator the chance to change, not clinging to him and making him miserable. Caye accepted the advice and said that he would consult a counselor to help Philippe. Philippe wanted to be with Cayetana again, not change his ways.

See also

When Will The BlackList Season 10 Release Date ?

Patrick began to notice Ivan, a new student, while he was still in high school. Patrick began to take an interest in Ivan, the son of a football player. Patrick found him right next to him, which made him confused. Ari and Samuel had rekindled their romance, but Ari felt him more dedicated to Benjamin and tried to keep his career in focus, just as her father wanted. Ari got drunk and had sex with Ivan, Samuel being absent. Patrick witnessed them having an affair and found comfort in Cruz, Ivan’s father.

Their relationship was further complicated by this. Mencia was hesitant to get back together with Rebeka. But when Rebeka told her that she wouldn’t be able to come back with her if they continued their ways, Mencia agreed. Mencia and Rebeka were caught in a tangled web of love and family. Their relationship was so damaged that they decided to end their lives together.

The future looks more dangerous than ever with the emergence of drama, jealousy, love, and drama. A few glimpses of the last episode show that there has been a murder, although we don’t know the identity. The case of Armando’s death has also resurfaced.

See also

When Will Cursed Season 2 Release Date ?


Philippe was a keen interest in Isadora from the beginning. Perhaps it was because he was a prince and they were both from aristocratic families that Isadora believed she was the right choice for him. She felt for him and believed that the rape accusations were untrue. She wanted to save him, and she persuaded Cayetana not to charge him with rape. Philippe was also a person she understood, as they were both lonely and had to have a partner. Philippe was also a dark secret to her, as she was an addict. This made it all the more difficult for her to get to know Philippe. Philippe tried his best to make Caye feel better, but he knew she would never be able to see him as he wanted. Philippe was able to get over Caye thanks to Isadora’s notorious drinking habits, which include spiked drinks.

Caye initially felt hurt by Philippe and Isadora’s presence, but she soon realized that Isa wanted to be with her. She was aware that Isa was an addict and tried to help her quit drugs by encouraging her belief in herself. Caye had heard Isadora confess to Caye that her parents had always taken her to hotels as a child and that she never had a real home. She was taken by her parents to every party, and then left alone. To cope with her loneliness, she became addicted to drugs. When she was high, she liked who she was and began to enjoy going to clubs and parties. She used it to escape reality.

See also

When will Mare of Easttown Season 2 Release Date ?

Felipe was the first person Caye met. Felipe was the guy from the “Elite” short story series Caye met Felipe. Felipe believed Caye had feelings towards Philippe and did not want to be part of the chaos. Felipe was there, just as Caye was trying to find her love by plugging into music. Felipe wasn’t interested in Caye attending the parties, so they decided to stay together. He thought Caye was snobbish, arrogant about his wealth and wanted to have a simple date. He asked her to contact his office if she ever wanted a simple cup or beer at a local establishment. Caye eventually met Felipe. She was tired of her job as a Janitor and wanted her dreams to be realized. Felipe was the one she chose, and they went on a simple date.

Philippe called Isadora a junkie when she took her to Ibiza. Philippe wanted her to change and so he decided to keep her away to help her with her addiction. This was a disastrous turn. Ivan and Ivan were joined by three other students from Las Encinas to go to Ibiza. There was no limit to the amount of alcohol or drugs consumed that night. Philippe looked through his social media accounts and saw her Ibiza post. Philippe noticed the drugs and flew to Ibiza with Isadora. Philippe was delighted to be there. They partied together and Isa promised that she would change her ways the next day. After Philippe and Ivan fell asleep, three more men rushed to Isadora.

See also

When will Move To Heaven Season 2 Release Date ?

Philippe and Ivan attempted to help but their bodies became sluggish from the drugs and they fell to the ground. Isa claimed that nothing had happened that night after she returned to school. She was still bleeding when she got out of the shower. Caye supported Isadora regardless of her decision. Isa refused the fact that she was a victim. Cayetana was also a victim at one point. Philippe supported her love and she allowed her to file a case for rape.


Ivan was very clear about Patrick’s sexual orientation, but he couldn’t help but notice the mixed signals Ivan sent. He felt that Ivan wasn’t at ease with his thoughts and preferred to be called straight. Ivan was raised by a football player and believed that falling in love with another boy was something not to be proud of. Patrick wanted him to be friends, but he was tired from playing football and felt his feelings were being misunderstood.

Ivan began to show interest in Ari, and he spent some time on the boat with her. Ari, however, loved Samuel and refused to move forward with their relationship. Patrick was devastated to see Ari and Ivan together. Cruz, Ivan’s father comforted him. Surprisingly, though the macho football player hated gay love, he was actually a bisexual man. Ivan realized that he could not keep his love for Patrick in check after living in denial. They fell in love and made their way to one another. After being with Ivan, Patrick tried to distance from Cruz. Cruz wanted Ivan with a woman, not a man. He orchestrated a way for Ivan to go out with Ari while he was with Patrick. Ivan was stunned to see his father and Patrick outside his bedroom. He begged Patrick to keep away from his father and him.

See also

When will The Expanse Season 7 Release Date ?

Ivan struggled to forget Patrick. Cruz knew that his son loved Patrick, and that he had made Spanish friends. He didn’t want to risk that friendship. They sat down together and Cruz explained to Patrick that Patrick had helped him to accept his sexual orientation. He was grateful, but he wanted the toxic cycle to end. Patrick was known to have slept with Cruz when he was having a fight with Ivan. This was not healthy. Ivan and Patrick loved one another, and Cruz wanted them together. He hoped they would never be apart again. The circumstances weren’t ideal for the union of the two, but they did finally unite.

Also Read:Elite Season 5 Episode 8 Review : Everything You Need To Know


A body found floating in the lake rekindled fears of the murder that was a hallmark of last season. Armando’s body was found in the lake. Samuel, Rebe and Guzman took it out of the water. Samuel was asked by Omar to notify the Civil Guardian when he found the body. Samuel was determined to dispose of the body again but Omar stopped him from doing so and asked him to do the right things. After the Civil Guardian was involved, the case became more prominent. The worst part was that Benjamin was also involved in the case. Benjamin gathered data about the most powerful and wealthy people in the world. Armando demanded that he sell the data. If he didn’t, he would kill him and his company. This conversation could be used as a motive to nab Benjamin for the crime.

See also

When Will October Faction Season 2 Release Date ?

Mencia doubted her father for the first time when she lost her phone and found two SIM cards. It was something she didn’t know about. She called her father using the SIM card and he answered. Armando placed the SIM card in Mencia’s cell phone to keep Benjamin safe. Armando was murdered by her father, which she assumed was true. The data on her card could have linked her father to Armando’s murder. She wasn’t sure whether to submit proof to the police or protect her father. She chose to stand by her father.

Benjamin wanted Samuel to confess to the crime in order to divert Benjamin’s case. The police had doubted Samuel for hiding something. Samuel trusted Benjamin blindly; he was his father figure. Samuel believed every word of Benjamin when he said he would assist him in his case if the accused admitted to the crime. Samuel was enticed by Benjamin’s promise of a better life and a family he could call his.

Samuel was arrested for Armando’s murder. Omar and Rebe were furious at this. They were aware that Benjamin had lured Samuel with promises of a secure future and that they didn’t trust him. Benjamin didn’t immediately assist Samuel with the bail money. Although he wanted to help immediately, he did not immediately. When Ari was upset, Ivan organized an event for Samuel. Samuel was finally granted bail after the students helped him. Although he thought Benjamin was the one who had helped him, he realized that it was Ivan and his students.

See also

Surviving Summer Season 2 Release Date : Everything You Need To Know

Rebe tried convincing Samuel to steal Mencia’s SIM card. Rebe believed Benjamin should be jailed for illegal trading and not helping Samuel. Mencia discovered Rebe in the house, looking for the card. She asked Rebe to accept it if it was more important than her love for her. Rebe did not take the card because she didn’t love Mencia but because she wanted to give her friend a gift. Samuel kept the card and didn’t immediately take any action. Benjamin wanted to speak with him one-on-one, knowing that the card was with him.

Benjamín intentó comprar a Samuel de nuevo en bebidas. Le ofreció un lugar en la Universidad de Oxford y una asignación mensual. Después de graduarse, prometió reclutarlo para su negocio. Samuel dijo que Benjamín era su padre y que lo había ayudado financieramente. Quería ser leal a él, sabiendo que siempre estaría allí para él. Pero eso no sucedió. Samuel no estaba a la altura. Solo quería enmendar el silencio de Samuel. Benjamín se dio cuenta de que Samuel había perdido su confianza y que la tarjeta lo haría encarcelado. Samuel trató de agarrar la bolsa, pero fue empujado por él.

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¿Cuándo será la fecha de lanzamiento de la temporada 3 de The Witcher?

Samuel golpeó su cabeza contra el borde de la piscina y cayó al agua. El agua se estaba hinchando de sangre. Benjamin se sintió impotente y buscó la ayuda de Patrick cuando vio a Patrick. Sacaron el cuerpo de la piscina. Patrick llamó a Ari y Mencía sus hermanas y fue acompañado por Omar y Rebe. Samuel recuperó lentamente la conciencia y pudo culpar a Benjamín por la lesión. Rebe golpeó a Benjamin y cayó a su muerte con su vidrio roto a su lado. Estaba seguro de que había perdido todas sus oportunidades.

Benjamín fue puesto bajo custodia policial. Samuel volvió a perder el conocimiento. Aunque no es posible confirmar la muerte de Samuel, saber cómo la serie «Elite» trae de vuelta a los personajes hace que sea más probable que Samuel no sobreviva. Los hijos de Benjamin y sus hijas quedaron en estado de shock y tristeza mientras los estudiantes lloraban su pérdida. Era difícil para ellos ver a su padre cuidado. Él fue su apoyo, después de haber perdido a su madre. Patrick finalmente fue salvado por Ivan, quien lo abrazó y expresó su apoyo.

Ver también

¿Cuándo será la fecha de lanzamiento de la temporada 2 de Katla?

La temporada 5 de «Elite» tiene poca o ninguna acción. Se está volviendo tedioso y es fácil preguntarse cuánto tiempo estarán estudiando en la escuela secundaria. Los creadores presentaron a Bilal, un nuevo personaje. Sin embargo, se había ido al final de la serie. Nunca fue utilizado y no fue encontrado al final. Samuel no fue el asesino de Armando, pero fue un co-conspirador en la muerte de Armando. No está claro qué querían que sucediera después de informar a Civil Guardian. Los estudiantes de secundaria no están dispuestos a llamar a la policía para confesar la verdad. Prefieren crear estragos y tomar el asunto en sus propias manos. La verdad sobre el asesinato sigue siendo un misterio para el resto del mundo.

title: “Explicación Completa Del Final De La Temporada 5 De Elite: Todo Lo Que Debes Saber” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-07” author: “Leandro Price”

El final de la temporada 5 de Elite: Todo lo que debes saber es una breve explicación completa de cómo se termina el torneo y qué consecuencias tendrá. El torneo está dividido en tres partes, las semifinales, las finales y el final. La semifinal es una competencia entre dos equipos, con el objetivo de ganar una plaza en la final. La final es una competencia entre todos los equipos, con el objetivo de ganar la Liga y adquirir una mejor posición en el ranking. Las semifinales son importantes para determinar quién gana la Liga y adquiere mejor posición en el ranking, pero también se pueden decidir quién gana las Finales. Las Finales son importantes para determinar quién gana la Liga y adquiere mejor posición en el ranking, pero también se pueden decidir quién gana las Grandezas.

https://www.youtube.com/embed/J2-31HaEDRI?feature=oembedPor Movies Vibes


«Elite» es todo drama y esta temporada cumple con el drama prometido. La temporada 4 vio la partida de Guzmán y Ander, dos personajes de «Elite». Guzmán, un depredador, había matado a Armando en la temporada anterior. Mencía tenía una relación con Armando, un hombre que era un hombre de negocios. Pero cuando ella se negó a terminar el arreglo, él comenzó a amenazarla. Ari se enfrentó a Mencía en la víspera de Año Nuevo y la atacó, dejándola inconsciente. Guzmán tomó la decisión de poner fin a su vida para vengar sus malas acciones. Ander y Guzmán abandonaron España después del incidente para viajar por todo el mundo. Omar parece no haber renunciado a su relación con Wither.

See also

Blood Sisters Season 2 Release date : Everything You Need To Know

Omar continues to text Ander, but rarely gets a response. Patrick sleeps with him whenever he needs his support. Ari decides to go to Las Encinas classes after her injury last season. Samuel and Ari are reunited as lovers. Mencia, after all the drama, now listens to Benjamin and hopes to become the perfect daughter. Rebeka still loves Mencia but receives very little acknowledgement of her affection. Cayetana is confused by her position regarding Prince Philippe. They became friends, as shown in the short story series ” Philippe Caye Felipe,” but Caye, after confessing his crime to Elodie (his previous victim), had second thoughts.

Philippe wanted Caye confess the truth to him. He was convinced that he would be returned to his country after two rape accusations. However, he wanted to flee. He was struggling to adjust, as everyone around him looked at him. Isadora changed Caye’s perspective. Isadora convinced Caye that true feminism was giving the predator the chance to change, not clinging to him and making him miserable. Caye accepted the advice and said that he would consult a counselor to help Philippe. Philippe wanted to be with Cayetana again, not change his ways.

See also

When Will The BlackList Season 10 Release Date ?

Patrick began to notice Ivan, a new student, while he was still in high school. Patrick began to take an interest in Ivan, the son of a football player. Patrick found him right next to him, which made him confused. Ari and Samuel had rekindled their romance, but Ari felt him more dedicated to Benjamin and tried to keep his career in focus, just as her father wanted. Ari got drunk and had sex with Ivan, Samuel being absent. Patrick witnessed them having an affair and found comfort in Cruz, Ivan’s father.

Their relationship was further complicated by this. Mencia was hesitant to get back together with Rebeka. But when Rebeka told her that she wouldn’t be able to come back with her if they continued their ways, Mencia agreed. Mencia and Rebeka were caught in a tangled web of love and family. Their relationship was so damaged that they decided to end their lives together.

The future looks more dangerous than ever with the emergence of drama, jealousy, love, and drama. A few glimpses of the last episode show that there has been a murder, although we don’t know the identity. The case of Armando’s death has also resurfaced.

See also

When Will Cursed Season 2 Release Date ?


Philippe was a keen interest in Isadora from the beginning. Perhaps it was because he was a prince and they were both from aristocratic families that Isadora believed she was the right choice for him. She felt for him and believed that the rape accusations were untrue. She wanted to save him, and she persuaded Cayetana not to charge him with rape. Philippe was also a person she understood, as they were both lonely and had to have a partner. Philippe was also a dark secret to her, as she was an addict. This made it all the more difficult for her to get to know Philippe. Philippe tried his best to make Caye feel better, but he knew she would never be able to see him as he wanted. Philippe was able to get over Caye thanks to Isadora’s notorious drinking habits, which include spiked drinks.

Caye initially felt hurt by Philippe and Isadora’s presence, but she soon realized that Isa wanted to be with her. She was aware that Isa was an addict and tried to help her quit drugs by encouraging her belief in herself. Caye had heard Isadora confess to Caye that her parents had always taken her to hotels as a child and that she never had a real home. She was taken by her parents to every party, and then left alone. To cope with her loneliness, she became addicted to drugs. When she was high, she liked who she was and began to enjoy going to clubs and parties. She used it to escape reality.

See also

When will Mare of Easttown Season 2 Release Date ?

Felipe was the first person Caye met. Felipe was the guy from the “Elite” short story series Caye met Felipe. Felipe believed Caye had feelings towards Philippe and did not want to be part of the chaos. Felipe was there, just as Caye was trying to find her love by plugging into music. Felipe wasn’t interested in Caye attending the parties, so they decided to stay together. He thought Caye was snobbish, arrogant about his wealth and wanted to have a simple date. He asked her to contact his office if she ever wanted a simple cup or beer at a local establishment. Caye eventually met Felipe. She was tired of her job as a Janitor and wanted her dreams to be realized. Felipe was the one she chose, and they went on a simple date.

Philippe called Isadora a junkie when she took her to Ibiza. Philippe wanted her to change and so he decided to keep her away to help her with her addiction. This was a disastrous turn. Ivan and Ivan were joined by three other students from Las Encinas to go to Ibiza. There was no limit to the amount of alcohol or drugs consumed that night. Philippe looked through his social media accounts and saw her Ibiza post. Philippe noticed the drugs and flew to Ibiza with Isadora. Philippe was delighted to be there. They partied together and Isa promised that she would change her ways the next day. After Philippe and Ivan fell asleep, three more men rushed to Isadora.

See also

When will Move To Heaven Season 2 Release Date ?

Philippe and Ivan attempted to help but their bodies became sluggish from the drugs and they fell to the ground. Isa claimed that nothing had happened that night after she returned to school. She was still bleeding when she got out of the shower. Caye supported Isadora regardless of her decision. Isa refused the fact that she was a victim. Cayetana was also a victim at one point. Philippe supported her love and she allowed her to file a case for rape.


Ivan was very clear about Patrick’s sexual orientation, but he couldn’t help but notice the mixed signals Ivan sent. He felt that Ivan wasn’t at ease with his thoughts and preferred to be called straight. Ivan was raised by a football player and believed that falling in love with another boy was something not to be proud of. Patrick wanted him to be friends, but he was tired from playing football and felt his feelings were being misunderstood.

Ivan began to show interest in Ari, and he spent some time on the boat with her. Ari, however, loved Samuel and refused to move forward with their relationship. Patrick was devastated to see Ari and Ivan together. Cruz, Ivan’s father comforted him. Surprisingly, though the macho football player hated gay love, he was actually a bisexual man. Ivan realized that he could not keep his love for Patrick in check after living in denial. They fell in love and made their way to one another. After being with Ivan, Patrick tried to distance from Cruz. Cruz wanted Ivan with a woman, not a man. He orchestrated a way for Ivan to go out with Ari while he was with Patrick. Ivan was stunned to see his father and Patrick outside his bedroom. He begged Patrick to keep away from his father and him.

See also

When will The Expanse Season 7 Release Date ?

Ivan struggled to forget Patrick. Cruz knew that his son loved Patrick, and that he had made Spanish friends. He didn’t want to risk that friendship. They sat down together and Cruz explained to Patrick that Patrick had helped him to accept his sexual orientation. He was grateful, but he wanted the toxic cycle to end. Patrick was known to have slept with Cruz when he was having a fight with Ivan. This was not healthy. Ivan and Patrick loved one another, and Cruz wanted them together. He hoped they would never be apart again. The circumstances weren’t ideal for the union of the two, but they did finally unite.

Also Read:Elite Season 5 Episode 8 Review : Everything You Need To Know


A body found floating in the lake rekindled fears of the murder that was a hallmark of last season. Armando’s body was found in the lake. Samuel, Rebe and Guzman took it out of the water. Samuel was asked by Omar to notify the Civil Guardian when he found the body. Samuel was determined to dispose of the body again but Omar stopped him from doing so and asked him to do the right things. After the Civil Guardian was involved, the case became more prominent. The worst part was that Benjamin was also involved in the case. Benjamin gathered data about the most powerful and wealthy people in the world. Armando demanded that he sell the data. If he didn’t, he would kill him and his company. This conversation could be used as a motive to nab Benjamin for the crime.

See also

When Will October Faction Season 2 Release Date ?

Mencia doubted her father for the first time when she lost her phone and found two SIM cards. It was something she didn’t know about. She called her father using the SIM card and he answered. Armando placed the SIM card in Mencia’s cell phone to keep Benjamin safe. Armando was murdered by her father, which she assumed was true. The data on her card could have linked her father to Armando’s murder. She wasn’t sure whether to submit proof to the police or protect her father. She chose to stand by her father.

Benjamin wanted Samuel to confess to the crime in order to divert Benjamin’s case. The police had doubted Samuel for hiding something. Samuel trusted Benjamin blindly; he was his father figure. Samuel believed every word of Benjamin when he said he would assist him in his case if the accused admitted to the crime. Samuel was enticed by Benjamin’s promise of a better life and a family he could call his.

Samuel was arrested for Armando’s murder. Omar and Rebe were furious at this. They were aware that Benjamin had lured Samuel with promises of a secure future and that they didn’t trust him. Benjamin didn’t immediately assist Samuel with the bail money. Although he wanted to help immediately, he did not immediately. When Ari was upset, Ivan organized an event for Samuel. Samuel was finally granted bail after the students helped him. Although he thought Benjamin was the one who had helped him, he realized that it was Ivan and his students.

See also

Surviving Summer Season 2 Release Date : Everything You Need To Know

Rebe tried convincing Samuel to steal Mencia’s SIM card. Rebe believed Benjamin should be jailed for illegal trading and not helping Samuel. Mencia discovered Rebe in the house, looking for the card. She asked Rebe to accept it if it was more important than her love for her. Rebe did not take the card because she didn’t love Mencia but because she wanted to give her friend a gift. Samuel kept the card and didn’t immediately take any action. Benjamin wanted to speak with him one-on-one, knowing that the card was with him.

Benjamin attempted to buy Samuel again over drinks. He offered him a place at Oxford University and a monthly allowance. After graduating, he promised to recruit him for his business. Samuel said that Benjamin was his father and that he had helped him financially. He wanted to be loyal to him, knowing that he would always be there for him. But, that didn’t happen. Samuel wasn’t up to it. He just wanted to make amends for Samuel’s silence. Benjamin realized that Samuel had lost his trust and that the card would make him imprisoned. Samuel tried to grab the bag, but he was pushed by him.

See also

When Will The Witcher Season 3 Release Date ?

Samuel golpeó su cabeza contra el borde de la piscina y cayó al agua. El agua se estaba hinchando de sangre. Benjamin se sintió impotente y buscó la ayuda de Patrick cuando vio a Patrick. Sacaron el cuerpo de la piscina. Patrick llamó a Ari y Mencía sus hermanas y fue acompañado por Omar y Rebe. Samuel recuperó lentamente la conciencia y pudo culpar a Benjamín por la lesión. Rebe golpeó a Benjamin y cayó a su muerte con su vidrio roto a su lado. Estaba seguro de que había perdido todas sus oportunidades.

Benjamín fue puesto bajo custodia policial. Samuel volvió a perder el conocimiento. Aunque no es posible confirmar la muerte de Samuel, saber cómo la serie «Elite» trae de vuelta a los personajes hace que sea más probable que Samuel no sobreviva. Los hijos de Benjamin y sus hijas quedaron en estado de shock y tristeza mientras los estudiantes lloraban su pérdida. Era difícil para ellos ver a su padre cuidado. Él fue su apoyo, después de haber perdido a su madre. Patrick finalmente fue salvado por Ivan, quien lo abrazó y expresó su apoyo.

Ver también

¿Cuándo será la fecha de lanzamiento de la temporada 2 de Katla?

La temporada 5 de «Elite» tiene poca o ninguna acción. Se está volviendo tedioso y es fácil preguntarse cuánto tiempo estarán estudiando en la escuela secundaria. Los creadores presentaron a Bilal, un nuevo personaje. Sin embargo, se había ido al final de la serie. Nunca fue utilizado y no fue encontrado al final. Samuel no fue el asesino de Armando, pero fue un co-conspirador en la muerte de Armando. No está claro qué querían que sucediera después de informar a Civil Guardian. Los estudiantes de secundaria no están dispuestos a llamar a la policía para confesar la verdad. Prefieren crear estragos y tomar el asunto en sus propias manos. La verdad sobre el asesinato sigue siendo un misterio para el resto del mundo.