If you’re looking for a new and exciting way to spend your summer, then you should definitely check out Shokoku Komis – a Japanese amusement park that’s set to open up in the city of Osaka this year. Shokoku Komis is a unique amusement park that will offer visitors an amazing experience that will leave them wanting more. The park is home to some of the most impressive rides and attractions that you’ll ever find, as well as some of the most interesting and unique experiences. If you’re looking for something to do this summer, then Shokoku Komis is definitely worth checking out.


Shouko is described by her admirers as a beautiful girl with slim legs and glossy black hair. She also has a dark purple/black shade that runs down to her lower back. Shouko can often be seen wearing her school uniform.

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Shouko is the Madonna in her school. She is unable to socialize with others and could be diagnosed as having a communication disorder. She is plagued by crippling anxiety and fears of being rejected from her peers. She hopes to overcome this obstacle and make 100 friends. Tadano Hitohito was a classmate who noticed that Shouko couldn’t communicate well. Tadano intervened to help Shouko overcome her anxiety and make her 100-friends’ dream come true. Shouko was his first friend. Shouko became a friend because of his support.

Shouko is not a communicator with many people. Shouko is a nervous wreck when she has to speak. She always has a notebook and writing instruments to communicate with her friends. She can’t stand to lose her writing tools.



Tadano is Komi’s first friend. Tadano was able to “read a space” and identify that Komi’s speech problems were not due to a poorly-crafted personality. Her communication disorder was caused by crippling anxiety. Tadano can read Komi’s thoughts at all times, which allows him “translate” her thoughts to others and avoid misinterpretations.

Tadano has Komi as a trusted and caring friend. Tadano has been a constant support to her in her search of friends. Tadano is the only person Komi has spoken loudest (even over phone conversations) to, apart from Manbagi. Komi will always be near Tadano, or next to her at all times. When she received her first phone, Komi made it a habit of having Tadano reach out to her. Komi also finds inspiration in Tadano’s ability to help others in need in different situations. Komi even sees Tadano as a motivator when she’s ready to take on a challenge.

Tadano’s interactions with Komi are comforting. Komi’s anxiety about the day can keep her awake at night. She falls asleep just by thinking about Tadano and her interactions. Komi is aware that Tadano is patient and makes an effort to answer her simple questions. Komi tells Manbagi that everything will be okay when she’s with Tadano, and that it’s always great fun.

Throughout the series, Komi felt for Tadano. Manbagi finally admits her feelings to Komi when she confronts her about her feelings. She claims that Tadano is calm, thoughtful, observant, and ready to help anyone in distress. When Tadano is ill, she holds his hand and Najimi walks in on him. She gives Tadano chocolates on Valentine’s Day and tells him they are the best. If Tadano is caught in the rain, she offers to cover him with her blanket. Komi is especially interested in Tadano’s crossdressing. She often appears as an excited ‘catkomi.

Komi even confesses to Tadano her feelings during the cultural festival when she plays the role as the princess. Tadano is unable to understand Komi’s confession even though it was made during class play. Komi asks Tadano later to accompany her around the cultural festival as an offer of a date. Tadano does not fully understand the implications of Komi’s request until much later. He still doubts it was a date even though he understood the implications of this request.

Tadano, who turned down Manbagi’s offer, shows his love for Komi on Valentine’s Day


Komi regards Manbagi as a close friend and then a romantic rival. Manbagi initially was surprised at Manbagi’s gyaru makeup, but she soon realized that Manbagi was lonely in the new class. Ten days into the new year, Manbagi begins to feel alone. Komi takes Manbagi to Tadano’s to help. Manbagi, alone in the nurse’s office, admitted to her fears of never being able adjust to her new environment. She also fears that she will be living alone the rest her adult lives. Komi claims that she felt exactly the same way last year until Tadano helped her make friends. Komi is inspired by Tadano’s example to ask Manbagi for friendship. Komi and Manbagi became friends after their first encounter.

Коми впечатлен веселой, общительной личностью Манбаги. Манбаги знакомит Коми со своими друзьями-гяру. Их сленговые навыки удивительны, и они так легко общаются. Она также выразила радость при встрече с друзьями Манбаги. Друзья Манбаги поблагодарили Коми за заботу об их подруге в ее новом классе.

Коми может громко говорить с Манбаги и делает это большую часть времени (за исключением, возможно, Тадано). Это особенно очевидно на культурном фестивале, когда у Коми было много разговоров с Манбаги. Коми и Манбаги любят делиться историями о своих первых давках.

Осознав свои чувства к Тадано, Коми смогла распознать, когда Манбаги чувствовала себя подавленной. Манбаги задают тот же вопрос, что и Тадано. Манбаги пытается заверить Коми, что все хорошо, но она сталкивается с ней позже.

Коми гордится своей дружбой с Манбаги. Коми не заинтересован в конкуренции за привязанности Тадано, хотя они разделяют романтический интерес к Тадано. Коми отрицает, что Манбаги пытается покончить с их романтическим интересом к Тадано. Она заявляет, что отношения Манбаги и Тадано должны решаться исключительно ими. Коми заявляет, что она не ревнует, не грустит и не злится из-за того, что Манбаги встречается с Тадано, но она хочет, чтобы ее друг был честен с ее чувствами.

После этого разговора Коми и Манбаги начали бороться за привязанности друг друга. Если у одной девушки был положительный опыт с Тадано, они предложат его следующей или призовут другую сделать то же самое. После того, как Тадано был взят в плен Коми, Коми взял Тадано и Манбаги в сарай снабжения. Они быстро понимают, что не могут любить друг друга, поэтому они поддерживают друг друга, даже если это не то, чего они хотят.


Шоуко — любитель кошек. Шоуко говорил дольше в одном ударе, но Хитохито не мог угнаться за ним. Жэнь Ямай утверждает, что Шоуко имеет длину 84 см на ногах. У нее есть 50 см для ее шага ходьбы и 50 см для ее указательного пальца. Ногти Шуко – это золотое сечение. Острота зрения Коми составляла 1,5 во время физического осмотра. Ее высота в сидячем положении составляет 85 см. Ее сила захвата составляет 24 кг. Гибкость тела измеряется 52 см Боковой шаг составляет 48x. Приседания могут быть сделаны в 22 раза. Бросок с гандболом 26м. Спринт 50м составляет 6. 89с. Ямай утверждает, что Шоуко носит колготки с 80 отрицателями.