There are many things that we know about Goku, the protagonist of the popular manga and anime series “Dragon Ball.” He is a powerful Saiyan, and has a great deal of experience in battle. He is also very intelligent, and has learned many techniques from his father, Gohan. But what about Goku’s potential to destroy the universe? There is no one answer to this question, as it depends on a variety of factors. However, some experts believe that Goku could potentially achieve this feat if he were to focus his energy completely on training and learning. If he were to dedicate himself fully to this goal, he could potentially become one of the most powerful beings in the universe. So what does this mean for us? If Goku were to achieve such an amazing feat, it would be an incredible accomplishment for him and for all of humanity. It would show that we can overcome any obstacle – even those that seem impossible – and that we can always strive for greatness.

Despite many debunks on the internet, evidence from the manga and anime suggests that Son Goku may be a global threat. He would not have any trouble – at his current power level – destroying entire universes.

Our article will begin with a brief introduction about Son Goku’s powers. Next, we will analyse these powers in relation to our question. Finally, we will give you the answer. You have a wonderful text prepared for you. Please stay with us until the end.

What are the powers and abilities of Goku?

Our analysis will begin with Goku’s power. We can say that Son Goku is now a true Saiyan God as the series progresses. Although he doesn’t possess superpowers like other superheroes he is able to use his body and fight skills so that he seems almost superhuman. He is an ever-evolving character, constantly improving his skills and becoming more powerful with each fight. His potential is almost limitless in this aspect and it is safe for us to assume (although, we must reiterate that there is not hard evidence to support this) that his potential will never end.

Speed is something we don’t know about Goku. We know that he is fast. He has amazing reflexes and can move very fast. But just how fast does he move? We don’t know. We can assume that Goku is the fastest character in the series if we compare his speed with the Dragon Ball Z characters. We don’t have any proof to support this, which brings us back to the verifiability problem. This is one of the unverified (or at least unverifiable!) assumptions you can freely interpret.

Son Goku is a remarkable fighter in endurance. He doesn’t tire and always gets better after each fight. Son Goku is a skilled martial artist, so he is naturally exceptional in hand-to–hand combat. He doesn’t rely on his strength or his powers but on his skills and complicated fighting techniques. He is also very durable in fights, thanks to his Saiyan physique. However, this assumption is open to question. He also becomes stronger and grows after every fight, making him more durable. We thought it was important to mention that he is not immortal.

We’d like to add that Goku does not have any weaknesses in the classic sense. He can be defeated, but there’s no secret weapon that you could use to fight him. You will win if you are a better fighter than him. If not, there is no cheat code you can use.

Can Goku destroy the universe?

The recent developments in the Dragon Ball universe (both manga and anime) have sparked a lot of discussion on the Internet about whether Son Goku can destroy the universe. Some say he is a global threat, but not a universe buster. The former can endanger and destroy the universe in seconds, but it seems more semantics than anything else. Many fans believe that Goku can destroy the universe. However, we disagree with this statement and have plenty of evidence from Toriyama stories to support our position. These paragraphs will provide an overview of the evidence.

We’ve seen that Goku’s power and abilities are practically inexhaustible. It increases with each fight, and the stronger the opponent, the more Goku seems to have. He began unlocking more of his abilities, which allowed him to reach new forms in later episodes of the series. 

It’s not surprising that Goku doesn’t have the power to completely destroy an entire universe. Let’s give some context to our theory. An earlier narrative shows Vegeta destroying a planet. This was the first instance of such a thing in the Dragon Ball narrative before the introduction even more powerful beings. 

Goku, who was always depicted as stronger than Vegeta, wasn’t able to accomplish that. However, this is just a reference point. Son Goku’s abilities have increased tremendously since that time and he is now able to destroy entire planets. You can even access a calculation online to see how his powers have changed. This aspect suggests that Goku could certainly be able to destroy multiple universes. Why is it still being doubted?

Many people refer to Goku’s fight against Beerus as a point of reference. It sent shockwaves through galaxy that seemed to be world shattering. To state that Goku was not a universe buster, since nothing was actually destroyed, neither the Earth nor the universe. 

It’s just absurd, isn’t it? It would be absurd to destroy Earth from a narrative perspective, since it is the main setting for the entire franchise. The same goes for the universe. Imagine Toriyama having to resurrect the entire universe every two panels due to an attack on the universe that effectively destroyed everything. It would not make sense. 

It wouldn’t make sense, would it? This argument is often used by those who believe Goku isn’t powerful enough to destroy a universe. However, we have debunked this argument quite easily.

People also claim that shockwaves become stronger as they travel further away from their source. They cite science. This is also absurd, as a wave getting stronger as it moves further from the source is against all scientific laws. This is the trap that debunkers frequently fall into.

They are not aware of the fact that they advocate a non-scientific phenomenon using science. This works in Toriyama’s context because it’s fiction. It’s used to plot the destruction of the Earth and Solar system as needed.

The debunkers also love to claim that Beerus fought with half of his power. While this is partially true, it is still worth explaining. Beerus was alive for many years, but he hadn’t faced any worthy foe until Goku. Beerus was a God of Destruction and was extremely powerful. However, he had not fought in a while so he wasn’t at 100%. He was only at around 70-75% of his potential, even though it wasn’t 50 percent. We also know Beerus is, at the minimum, a universe breaker.

This means that we can be certain that he is capable of destroying a universe. Does that mean Goku didn’t have the same powers as Beerus? It doesn’t. Beerus, while not at 100%, was still capable of destroying a universe, and Goku was able to survive a fight with them. This means that Goku was at least on the same level as Beerus, but Goku evolved to the point that they were, which means that he has definitely reached the universe breaker level. This argument can also be easily disproved.

Many people also believe that scaling Dragon Ball Z characters is not possible. However, we found that almost all of them can easily be scaled in the following order: planetary to star to solar system to galaxy to multi-galaxy. Universal and universe breaker are the next level, and we know that Beerus is at the latter when it comes to scaling. Goku’s ability to defeat him indicates that Toriyama’s protagonist is on the same level. He’s just fine and wouldn’t devastate a universe but he could certainly do it if needed.

You can also believe us, Old Kai said that Beerus, Goku and the universe would collapse. Although he was correct, he actually stated that. It is almost always correct, and there are many examples in the manga as well as the anime to prove this. Old Kai claimed that Goku and Gohan could not beat Buutenks unsfused.

The story also stated that it was Goku who said this, as he is the man who will fight any and all, even himself. Old Kai also said that Gohan does not need to be SSJ after ultimate, something he hasn’t yet been able to verify, and – surprise! – he was correct. Old Kai also claims that Buu would have destroyed all of the universe in his lifetime if he was not checked, a fact that has been repeatedly confirmed by both the manga and anime. Old Kai is quite clear on what he’s talking about. When he says that Goku could destroy the universe, you really have no reason to doubt his words.