Vanitas is a figure from the ancient Roman religion of vanitas, meaning “to be without a purpose.” The figure is often depicted as an empty cup or bowl, with no visible contents. The figure is often seen as an example of how to live without purpose or happiness. The figure first appeared in Roman art in the 2nd century BC. In modern times, vanitas has been used as a symbol for the state of mind after death. In some cases, people believe that vanitas can help us find our way after death. There are many different interpretations of vanitas, but it is generally thought that it represents the state of mind after death. Some people believe that it can help us find our way after death and find purpose in life again.

Vanitas, the protagonist and titular character in Jun Mochizuki The Case Study Of Vanitas. Vanitas claims that he is “an average human being” and has The Book of Vanitas. His stated goal is to save the Vampires using the Book of Vanitas. He refers to himself as a vampire doctor. To find cases of Malnomen, and cure them, he enlisted the assistance of Noearchiviste. This vampire was sent to him by his teacher.

Vanitas was born to a former performer and doctor. His biological mother died during childbirth. He was raised by his father, and the traveling actors he played with. Vanitas was the only one to survive when their party was attacked by vampires. He was then taken by the Catholic Church and trained as a Chasseur. His death was faked and he was kept as an experiment subject. He was renamed No. 69. He would then meet Mikhail. He would become close to his younger brother at the age of 71. Crunchyroll Collection

They were both subjected to inhumane experimentation in the hope of becoming vampires. They were eventually able to reveal that they had been given the blood of Vampire of Blue Moon. This was the only human subject who did not reject it. They were able to heal slightly faster due to their abilities beyond what is normal for humans. They were to be forced to link to the Books of Vanitas, a process that would kill their minds. But they were saved by Vanitas of Blue Moon.


Vanitas, a young androgynous man of average height (176cm/5’9″) is slim. His features include a pale complexion, large expressive eyes, round face and small chin. His eyes are so blue that they can be used to identify him as a color of copper sulfurate. The canine’s upper left tooth is particularly prominent, giving him the appearance of fangs, although they aren’t as obvious as vampires.

His black hair is long and unevenly cut with his bangs falling in the middle of his face. His hair is straight on both sides of his face. The left side is cut at one level, and the right side at two. Although he may appear to have his hair in a ponytail at times, it is usually straight. The hair on his left and right sides are cut shorter than the one down the middle. One cowlick is visible on his right side. His ears are pierced. One stud is in his right ear and one in his left. He also has two rings through his helix.

Vanitas was seen wearing many outfits throughout the series. He wore a white shirt, black pants, dark blue striped vest and a large bow tie. A black coat is his usual choice. He also wears long, wide, white ribbons tied into a bow to his belt. Short boots have white spats and black gloves that have claws at the tips. His long coat has a wide collar with one button and is large enough to fall over the shoulder.

Its hem takes on a baloon-like shape, and it is said to “float through some mysterious power.” Its sleeves look like a furisode kimono . He straps to his belt the Book of Vanitas and two knives as well as two tool cases. His outfit is known as “the outfit nobody understands”.

He looked the same as a child but his hair was cut less neatly. Despite his active training as an acrobat, he was small and thin. His eyes were darker than usual before he was Marked by Vanitas from the Blue Moon.


Vanitas is a very casual person and seems to never take anything seriously. He almost always smiles a lot. Vanitas is impulsive most of the times and has plans that are often wildly improbable. Vanitas has a mischievous disposition. Vanitas finds the most amusement in Noe’s bizarre reactions to things. He is capable of being serious when necessary, and he can also show anger. As you can see, he is flirtatious around Jeanne.

Vanitas is not a flippant man. He hates both vampires and humans, but hates him more than any of them. Vanitas is a skeptic of being vulnerable and won’t sleep with anyone he doesn’t trust. He enjoys being high up and can often be seen on rooftops.



Book of Vanitas – Only those who are part of the sharing in Vanitas of Blue Moon Vanitas is able to use the Book of Vanitas with his power, making it almost exclusive. This allows him to modify the World Formula despite being human. True name Alteration Vanitas can manipulate the soul and True Name of a vampire. Vanitas is able to reverse the function of the Book of Vanitas, which was originally intended to corrupt the True Name to spread Malnomen. Astermite Manipulation– As Astermite has a direct connection to the World Formula HTML2, Vanitas can alter its properties. However, it is not known how much. This allows him to remotely disable or cause malfunctioning of machines powered by Astermite. Stunning — One of the few ways that the Book of Vanitas can be used in combat is to stun Vampires. This makes them immobile for a brief period of time. This ability was used against Thomas Berneux, and Jeanne. Accelerated healing factor – Vanitas has some characteristics that are naturally found in Vampires thanks to Moreau’s experiments. Vanitas can survive more injuries and heal faster than normal humans. Hypnosis It’s not clear to what extent Vanitas can use hypnosis. Mikhail says that Vanitas hypnotized himself in his past to kill anyone trying to steal his memories.


Chasseur Training Vanitas was trained to kill vampires in his time with The Church . Vanitas from the Blue Moon comments that Vanitas is a fighter who goes straight for the eyes in combat. Vampires who are blind or without eyes lose their connection to the World Formula and lose all supernatural abilities. He is able to administer and use steroids that the Church uses in fighting Vampires. Twin Knives Vanitas has two small daggers that he uses for combat. He can use each of these daggers to trip or bind his enemies. Gun Training Vanitas is able to use guns accurately, despite not being his favorite weapon. Close Combat Fight scenes usually place him close to his opponents. He did however mention that he wasn’t as strong as Noe. Johann, Dante and Amelia agree that Noe would win if they fought without holding back. Vanitas is less physically strong than Noe and has to resort to more lethal means, which Noe finds disgusting.


Non-Food Related Tasks Vanitas can cook and clean, even though he has little interest in food. He is frustrated when others don’t keep their living spaces clean. Medical Knowledge He stated in his design notes that he carries around many medicines and offered to take care of Noe’s injuries during the fight with Jeanne. It is not clear to what extent he has knowledge of medicine or where he got it from, despite his self-tie as a doctor. Latin – He casually refers the moon to as “luna,” the Latin term for “moon,” which suggests that he is familiar with Latin. Latin was a common language in the Catholic Church and the medical community, even though it is rare among Europeans during the 19th century. Latin is the source of all True Names.



“I will do what I want… I’ll use the methods I choose… And, no matter your people’s wishes… I will save them… without fail!” ““I am a doctor. Vampire specialist. I came…to heal her !”“Lend your strength, Noe!”“You are the type of idiot who will put too much faith into your power, charge ahead with no thought, and ultimately destroy yourself!” This is what happened when you got in the way of Ruthven and me! It was very irritating! That was extremely irritating! !”“If I continue to work with someone as ignorant as you, one day I’ll be pulled into the chaos and get killed too!” Keep going. Begin to make friends with the clergy. You blood-sucking, candy-brained bat i>“‘Archiviste’. This is all I will say once. i> If you even try to drink my blood, I’ll kill it i>“I came here in order to save vampires. ” Are you here for another reason ?”“What’re you doing at the death’s door again Noe?”“If they want to be treated… make them feel like being treated. ”“You have a wrong idea about something. We were working together only because our interests coincided. We’re strangers. Cut the other person loose if he stops being useful. Kill him if he gets in your way. We are all that you know . ”“Why… can’t I… kill… why!? Wh… why…? “


“You gave yourself something you could protect. This is why you are weak . ”“I see…Yes, I understand it now. I understand. This is Love ‘!”


“People such as you are just convenient women . ’… That is all. ”“‘Worship’? “Worship that …?” Me

Also Read:When is The Case Study of Vanitas Season 3 Release Date



Memoire 2: Vanitas At the Event of Rusty HopesMemoire 3: Noe in the City of FlowersMemoire #3: Jeanne the Hellfire WitchMemoire 4: Love Femme FataleMemoire 5: Archiviste Fangs That Reveal BloodMemoire 6: Altus Other WorldMemoire 7 – Bal Masque Night of Sneering MasksMemoire8: Louis Sailing in a Pool of BloodMemoire 10: Salvatio UncertaintyMemoire 11: Point of Departure Deux OmbresMemoire 12: PauseMemoire 13: Glissando GlissandoMemoire 15: Catacombes Where The Dead SleepMemoire 15: Chasseurs Those Who Hunt CrimsonEnterte: Chambre des enfants The Sound of RainMemoire 16 – Galop at the End of RiotMemoire 17: CicatriceNo. 69Memoire18: Dos a Dos What is Salvation?Memoire 19: Serment Spell-boundMemoire 20: Serment Promise (Part One)Memoire 21: Serment Promise (Part Two)Memoire 22: Hurler A Calling VoiceMemoire 23: Au Pas Camarade PaceMemoire 24: Foret d’argent Chance EncounterMemoire 25: Endroit Approprie MeleeMemoire 26: Dissonance Creaking LaughterMemoire 27: Cage de Neige DregsMemoire 28: Dal Segno Question MarkMemoire 28: Chateau de Sorciere “The Witch and the Youth”Memoire 30: Strascinando TremoloMemoire 33: Cauchemar RumbleMemory 34: JeanJacques Vampires of the Chastels (Part 1)Memoire 33. 5%: Jean-Jacques Vampire of the Chastels (Part 2)Memoire35: Louisette Pillar of JusticeMemoire 38: Vengeance The Hands That Touch a NightmareMemoire 38: Naenia (Part One) She Who Harbors DeathMemoire 38. 5: Naenia (Part Two) She Who Harbors DeathMemoire 38: Poupee Fissuree What is the Essence of the Witch?Memoire 40: Avec Toi Alone TogetherMemoire 41: Canorus Snow FlowerMemoire 42: Encore une Fois LoveMemoire 44: Encens Restant The Lingering Scents of the DreamMemoire 44: Mal d’Amour The Incurable Illness (Part One)Memoire 45: Mal d’Amour The Incurable Illness (Part Two)Memoire 46: Un Autre ScarJours Bruyants Tales of Lost ChildrenMemoire 47 – Heterogene Sneering LaughterMemoire 48: Rencontre Blue NightMemoire 49: Douleur Kind ChildMemoire 51: Petrichor What Reels in the FutureMemoire 51: Tempest A Silent ScreamMemoire 51. 5: A Case Study of Vanitash! ! -Expanded Edition-Memoire 52: Sens Unique FallMemoire 53: Pleuvoir Rain Which Doesn’t Know the SkyMemoire 54: La Nuit Sans Lune Dark Night (Part One)Memoire 54. 5: La Nuit Sans Lune Dark Night (Part Two)Memoire 55: Apres la Pluie His Wish (Part One)Memoire 55. 5: Apres la Pluie His Wish (Part Two)Memoire 56: Faire un gateau BittersweetMemoire 57: Au Revoir Again, Someday


Memoire 2: Vanitas In the Event of Rusty Hopes – (First Appearance). Memoire 1: Noe In the City of FlowersMemoire 2: Archiviste-Fangs that Reveal Blood-Memoire #4: Bal Masque Night of Mocking MasksMemoire 5: Reminiscence -Friends-Memoire 6: Salvatio -Questions-Memoire 7: Femme Fatale -Love-Memoire8: Catacombes Where Death SlumbersMemoire9: Chasseur-Those Who Hunt CrimsonMemoire 10: Cicatrice -No. 69-Memoire 11: Serment -Promises-Memoire12: Deux Ombres Point of DepartureMemoire 13: Foret d’argent -Chance Encounter-Memory 14: Chateau De Sorciere The Witch and the YouthMemoire 15: Oiseau et ciel -The d’Apchiers’ Vampire-Memoire 16: Chasse aux Vampires -The Beast-Memoire 17: Vengeance -Hands Upon a Nightmare-Memoire18: Avec Toi –Just the Two Of Us-Memoire 19: Canorus -Snow Flower-Memoire 21: Mal d’amour – The Incurable Disease-Memoire 21: Un Autre -Scars-Memoire 22: Rencontre -Blue Night-Memoire 23: Pleuvoir -Tears like Rain-Memoire 24: Apres la pluie -His Wish-

(*). – This denotes that the character didn’t appear physically but was a part in another character’s memory.


“Vanitas,” an artistic term, refers to a symbol of art that shows the fragility of life, the futility and certainty of death. It often contrasts symbols of wealth with symbols of ephemerality or death. It is derived from the Latin term “vanitas”, which can be translated to “emptiness”, “nothingness”, “falsity” or “vanity” (in English). Vanitas shares a character song with Noe, title=”Le Formidable! “>Le Formidable!, sung and composed by Sasanomaly. Vanitas was known as “Vincent” in French around the Chasseurs (in Japanese vuansan, Vansan). This could be a reference to Vincent Nightray (using English pronunciation, in Japanese vuinsento ), who was a frequent antagonist from Jun Mochizuki’s previous series, Pandora Hearts. He is skilled in cleaning and cooking, but he was disinterested in food generally, saying that foods and desserts made from the same ingredients tend to taste the exact same. Oysters are his favorite food. Jun Mochizuki said that Vanitas was going be a vampire in an interview. His original design is still evident in the fangs.