The Umbrella Academy season 3 finale aired on Netflix on Wednesday night and it was a very exciting episode. The show ended with the death of one of the characters, but it also ended with a lot of revelations about the group. One of the revelations was that there are actually more than one group of Umbrella Academy members. The show hinted at this before, but it was finally confirmed in this episode. Another revelation was that there is a new member in the group, and she is very powerful. The Umbrella Academy season 3 finale also revealed that there is a dark side to the group. One character died, but it seems like there is more to come in terms of violence and destruction. This means that things are going to get even more complicated for the characters in the future.

Let’s look at them chronologically. Episode 10 begins shortly after Sir Reginald Hargreeves, (Colm Feore), plunges his tentacle sword-arm into Luther (Tom Hopper’s) chest. He then whips around, abandoning Klaus (Robert Sheehan), to the devouring Kugelblitz. This black hole-like entity was created by the unpossibility that the Umbrella Academy exists in a reality where their mothers died before they were born. All Informations About Umbrella Academy Season 3 Ending Explained … So Stay with us now!

Umbrella Academy Season 3 Recap

The final episode of The Umbrella Academy season 3, sees the Hargreeves, both Umbrellas as well as Sparrows, venture through the portal from the White Buffalo Suite at the Hotel Obsidian towards the Hotel Oblivion.

In an effort to bring the family closer, Reginald (Tom Hopper), kills Luther (at the end of episode 9). Reginald stops Klaus (Robert Sheehan), who is trying to enter the tunnel to Oblivion along with the others. He’s then engulfed by the Kugelblitz. In the afterlife, the now-dead siblings meet again and Luther tells Klaus the reason for his death. He is unaware that Reginald was involved.

In the wake of Luther’s and Klaus’ deaths, everyone is uncertain of themselves and distrustful about each other. Reginald says that the bells can be used as a metaphor for a symbol of a sigil. They need to find this symbol in order to reset the universe. To find it, they split up into groups: Diego (David Castaneda), Lila (Ritu Ariana), and Viktor (Elliot Page) team up. Alison (Emmy Raver–Lampman), Ben (Justin H. Min), and Sloane (“Genesis Rodriguez”) also team up. Reginald is seen lingering in the lobby of the hotel.

Each group meets a different samurai. The alternate version of the hotel does not look as it appears and the group splits up as they end up in an identical hallway.

Five people discover that the lobby’s symbols form the sigil. Just as the last samurai crashes through a lobby ceiling, he slices off his arm. Seven must stand on seven stars. Reginald stops Alison from trying to join them. Five, Sloane and Ben, Sloane and Diego, as well as Lila, take their places. A powerful beam of light joins them, which kills the last remaining Samurai.

The facade of the hotel is revealed as they are in a machine in another dimension. The machine that will reset all the dimensions is fuelled by the particles found in the seven bodies of the seven people, but it is also killing them. Reginald will make this sacrifice, but Alison is not. He is attacked by her and she presses the big red button on his control pad.

The screen turns black and Alison gets out of the taxi. Claire is asleep in her bed when she lets herself into the house. Ray (Yusuf Gatewood), her husband in 1963, is seen in the doorway dressed in modern clothing as she checks on Claire.

Others step out of an elevator and into the open air. A plaque indicates they are in Obsidian Memorial Plaza. It was donated by Reginald Hargreeves October 1, 1989. This is the date of the birth of the Umbrella Academy and Sparrow Academies. The plaza’s center is home to a bust Reginald, which is located in the middle of a star with six sides.

Luther is still alive, but he has lost his muscular, ape-like body. Five’s arm is back and Diego’s fingers have returned. All of their powers are gone. Sloane is not there. All of them disperse with Luther determined to find Sloane. Ending the finale, Reginald stands at the top of Hargreeves Financial’s skyscraper with his wife Abigail, who is still alive.

What is the Kugelblitz?

After the Umbrella Academy returns in the present, the Kugelblitz appears in the basement of the Sparrows. It is a mysterious ball of light, energy and light that can suck people into it and kill them. Later, it sends waves of power out to all who are in its path.

What is the Hotel Oblivion?

The Hotel Oblivion, an alternative version to the Hotel Obsidian, can be accessed through a tunnel in the White Buffalo Suite. The hotel facade is only a façade and Oblivion actually exists in another dimension.

Who is Lester Pocket and Why?

Harlan Cooper is actually Lester Pocket, the nonverbal child Viktor cared for in Dallas in 1963. He senses Viktor is near again 46 years later and sets out to find it. He has had to move around and restart many times due to his powers and the lack of control he had over them, especially in his younger years. Harlan shares similar powers to Viktor in telekinetics, which were given to him by Viktor when he saved his life. Season 3 Episode 4 reveals that Harlan is the Grandfather Paradox’s cause. He’s also no longer nonverbal as an adult.

What is the Grandfather Paradox?

The Kugelblitz is caused by the Grandfather Paradox. The Commission handbook contains a case study that describes a boy who has a hatred for his grandfather. This is the origin of the Kugelblitz. The boy blames his grandfather for everything that happened in his life and goes back in time in order to kill him. He kills his grandfather before his grandmother (AKA his mother) was even born. This means that the boy has never existed in the new timeline. How can he kill his grandfather if the boy isn’t real? This creates a paradox.

Harlan’s mother Sissy, who died October 1, 1989 (also known as the birth date for the Umbrella Academy), was killed. Harlan is overcome by grief and loses control over his powers, which can lead to devastating consequences. Harlan was able to sense the powers of others and connect with his birth mothers at Umbrella Academy. The surge of his powers caused all of them to die (except Ben, who is a Sparrow in this timeline).

What does this have to do the Grandfather Paradox? If the Hargreeves’ mother are deceased, they shouldn’t be in this timeline. They do exist, and the paradox (and the Kugelblitz) is created.

Why did Reginald kill Luther, Klaus, and others?

Reginald attacks Luther at the end episode 9 because he believes his death will unify the two families. Earlier in the episode, the group votes whether to venture into Oblivion to stop the impending apocalypse, or to stay at the Hotel Obsidian to try to come up with a plan. The vote is split. Reginald wants everyone in Oblivion so he needs to have unanimous support.

Klaus is stopped from going into the tunnel to Oblivion by Reginald later, as the Kugelblitz threatens to engulf Hotel Obsidian. Reginald says that he was using Klaus to gain favor with their family. Klaus had been convinced that he’d changed by Reginald, and Klaus then fed that information back to the rest. Reginald, however, felt Klaus was not worth the trouble after he had succeeded.

What happens to Umbrella Academy after season 3?

After the universe resets, Luther, Klaus and Diego, Viktor and Five, as well as Sparrow Ben, leave the hotel, Luther is still alive, Five has two arms and Diego all his fingers, and Diego has two. Mid-credits footage suggests that Umbrella Ben may also be alive. But, Luther and all the others have lost their abilities.

How did Luther and Klaus return to life?

Luther was brought back to life by the universe resetting. Klaus discovered in season 3 that besides being able communicate with the dead and his abilities to bring back the dead, He’s basically immortal. Ironically, Reginald’s experiments with Klaus in episode 7 were what made him ready to die at the hands his father.

What happens to Sparrow Academy after season 3 ends?

In episode 1, Marcus is killed by Kugelblitz and Harlan kills Jayme, Alphonso and Jayme at the Hotel Obsidian in the standoff that ensues in episode 3. After unsuccessful attempts to stop it, Christopher and Fei are also killed in episode 7. Sloane has disappeared after the universe resets. For now, Ben is the only Sparrow Academy member left.

Sloane is where?

Sloane is not known whereabouts at the moment. She doesn’t appear to be in the elevator when the universe resets. Luther begins to search for Sloane at the end episode 10.

Who is Abigail Hargreeves

Episode 9’s flashback shows Luther’s time on moon. We see a woman in a cryogenic chamber close to his base. According to the label, it is Abigail Hargreeves (deceased).

This is Abigail’s first appearance since season 1. The first season ended with an outlandish flashback. It involved a younger Reginald talking to a woman in bed, and this was the first time we have seen her since season 1. After a brief conversation, it seems that Reginald has to leave her behind. Although the woman was not named in the scene’s credits, it was identified as Reginald’s wife, Abigail Hargreeves (played here by Liisa Repo Martell).

At the end of episode 10, we see Abigail once again – she is standing right next to Reginald again, still alive, and looking out at the skyline from the Hargreeves Financial headquarters.

What was the deal Alison struck with Reginald

Five heard Five question Alison about the deal she made with Reginald. We can speculate that it may have something to do with Claire’s reunion with Ray, her 1963 husband Ray, at the end episode 10. Alison also reveals in episode 6 that Ray had died in 2010.

How did Ben die?

We don’t yet know the exact cause of Umbrella Ben’s death. It was already known that the incident occurred on an Umbrella Academy mission. Season 3 revealed that it was caused by something his siblings call the “Jennifer Incident”. Who is Jennifer? Sparrow Ben’s bedroom is filled with drawings of Jennifer, but it remains to be determined her identity.

What is Ben doing in the post-credits scene after his death?

Yes, there is more to this season that meets the eye. For more information on the finale moment of Umbrella Academy season 3, check out our post-credits scene guide. For more information on the Hargreeves see our article on The Umbrella Academy season three timeline.

The Umbrella Academy Season 3 Ending Explained

The Umbrella Academy defeats the Kugelblitz in the final game of the season with Reginald (Colm Feore), their mad father. It wasn’t because Reginald wanted to save their lives. You can still see him as the madman you know, but with alien tentacles. Allison (Emmy RaverLampman), snaps out from her loss-induced rage just long enough to save her siblings. Viktor (Elliot Page), however, decides to trust her and try to repair their relationship.

Good news! Viktor was not the one who destroyed the world. The bad news? The bad news? The team is again faced with a hard reset in Season 3. This time, they are not able to access Sparrow Academy which they so loathed. They are also without their powers.

What happened to Sloane?

Luther (Tom Hopper), finally had his happy ending. But his domestic bliss was brief-lived. In an effort to gather the remaining Umbrellas and Sparrows together against the Kugelblitz, his father unceremoniously killed the Umbrella Academy’s giant shortly after his wedding. After the timeline was reset, Luther was miraculously brought back from the grave. However, Luther’s wife Sloane (Genesis Rodriguez), Number 5 at Sparrow Academy, was not present when they arrived in the new universe.

However, the Sparrow’s version Ben is still alive and well along with his dysfunctional family. This does not disprove the idea that only Umbrellas survived the transition to the new universe, but it does not reveal what happened to Sloane. Is it possible that she traded places with Luther in this void? That’s not going to be a good idea with Luther.

Will The Sparrow Academy Return?

The Sparrow Academy lost a lot of its members in Season 3. We will see their characters back in the next seasons. Sloane’s character could be explained by the fact that the Sparrows don’t exist on this timeline. However, the Umbrella Academy walked just fine in a world without them. The warring siblings may meet again, and they might be forced to get along even though they are powerless.

How can Viktor and Allison repair their relationship?

Season 3 saw Viktor and Allison go through the paces. Allison was supportive of her brother’s move, but couldn’t understand why he protected the man who had killed their mothers. Callum Keith Rennie plays Harlan, the young boy Viktor saved in Season 2. He accidentally gave him a part of his powers. This season, Harlan returns to us much older and more broken than we remembered him. 

Harlan unleashed a flurry of power when Sissy (Marin Ireland), died in this timeline. Viktor and Umbrella Academy were his connections so Harlan targeted all their mothers before the Umbrellas could come. Harlan’s unintentional set of murders causes the Kugelblitz and wipes out Allison’s daughter. Allison kills Harlan after she discovers, even though none of it was his fault.

The Hargreeves’ closest relationship is now fractured. It remains to see if these wild kids can restore the family bond. Allison is enjoying motherly bliss for now.

Why is Everyone So Ready To Forgive Allison?

Allison’s fury makes perfect sense. Although Harlan’s murder may seem inexcusable, imagine if someone could not handle their emotions and walked away from the person they loved. It is clear that she is furious at Viktor and not willing to think about ever fixing their relationship. Why is it that everyone is so open to the inexcusable things she did in her grief?

Harlan’s case is an example of an “understandable, but not excuseable” situation. Harlan was not in control of the events, he didn’t request the powers he had and he wasn’t trained to use them. Why is Viktor so willing to forgive his sister for killing a man whose only crime was being saved as a child by the Umbrella Academy?

Then there is Luther. Allison forced him to stay with her at one point. This was already a dangerous move. It is unforgivable to follow it up with, “I heard that you wanted me.” She finally comes to her senses, stops Luther and ends up in rape territory. But Luther’s autonomy is still taken away and the two of them get hot and heavy before she calls.

Season 3 was a solidifying season for Allison Hargreeves, who is one of the strongest characters in the series. Her story is fascinating! It is quite strange that Luther and Viktor are willing to let the past be bygones after their sister’s (and ex) unforgivable actions.

Did the Umbrella Academy introduce The Monocle?

The Umbrella Academy Season 3’s final seconds show Reginald Hargreeves seated in a tower that overlooks a city he appears to own. His name is on all the buildings, and the park where the Umbrellas find themselves is named after him. 

Reginald tells Luther that he is an alien before they escape to the new universe. This is also evident when Allison cuts off half of Luther’s head and reveals alien blood and guts. Gross.) Gross.) It’s the Reginald fans know, but he is secretly alien and has distanced himself from his children so much that he insists they call him “Monocle.” 

Will the Umbrella Academy get their powers back?

This is the obvious answer. Although superheroes can lose their powers from time to time, it is rarely for an extended period of times. If the series is renewed, you can expect a few episodes where they will go through the process from “this is awesome!” and “this is the most horrible!” (to different degrees depending on which character), before returning to their normal shenanigans.

We don’t know whether the show will be renewed — there’s stiff competition with two series on Disney+, dropping mid-week because many people’s work week makes it difficult to watch their favorite shows. But keep an eye on IGN for the latest from the cast and crew of Season 4.

Umbrella Academy Season 3 Post Credits Scene

Mid-credit of the finale is simple. We see Ben reading a book and chilling on a subway in Korea. There’s more to this moment than meets your eye, just like everything in The Umbrella academy.

The most striking thing about the finale shot is that it mirrors the first one. Ben meets his mother right before she was conceived on a subway similar to the one in Korea. We shouldn’t ignore the fact that the Ben we see on this train is very different from the Sparrow version with whom we spent Season 3. Is this universe able to have both the Umbrella and Sparrow versions? Are they looking for their mother, or both?

What questions do fans expect to be answered in The Umbrella Academy Season 4?

The Hargreeves children thought they knew everything about the space-time continuum. But, just as they think they have mastered it, they are thrown into yet another loop. The Umbrella Academy members find themselves in an alternate reality, where Reginald’s name is on many buildings and they don’t have any powers (and they aren’t the only ones).

What does this all mean in the big scheme of the Umbrella Academy. It’s a complex question. Netflix hasn’t renewed the series as yet. However, it’s hard to imagine not having a fourth season, especially considering there are many other things still up for the series, beyond the jump to a new timeline.


After Allison slaps Reginald on the head, she begins to play with his machine. The rest of the Hargreeves tried to stop her but Viktor let her go and even said that he trusts her. Only for her to push the button that everyone else wanted to push.

It is not clear if Allison truly understood what she did. It seems unlikely that Reginald would have programmed her to have the life she desired. She has at least come out on the other end with Claire and Ray by her side, which Emmy RaverLampman says will haunt her. “I think there’s bound be an immense amount guilt that’s going too affect her at some time.” She achieved her happy ending but at the cost of all those she loves.


I am not an expert in futuristic or alien technology. Is this the world Reginald’s machine threw them in — where the Hargreeves children were without power and Sloane was absent for some reason — or where he wanted to land?

Reginald seems to be even more of a captain in this new world. The new world could be a testimony to his ability to accomplish anything with no super-children or — perhaps? He could have channeled all their power into another alien program entirely. It is possible for the children who can remember everything (Allison Sparrow Ben, Luther Klaus, Viktor Five, Diego, and Lila), to be isolated due to their involvement in this machine.


Aidan Gallagher (Five), who is not able to control this brave new world, expects everyone to adjust in their own ways. Gallagher told Polygon that Five would be able to make it. It’s difficult, however, because he doesn’t rely on his powers to make up the difference between what he used to do and what his body and his reflexes believe he can do and what his body was trained for. He might need to be a little more creative in the future.

Ritu Arya plays Lila. She isn’t as optimistic for her character. “[Lila] wouldn’t know how to function.” This power is what I believe gives her confidence and bravado. So, I don’t know how she will live. She might be very clumsy.


It looks like Reginald’s wife Alice is next to him. She was the basis for his “Mother” robot that he kept around Umbrella Academy (and Sparrow Academy).

We see that Reginald, the original flavor of Luther, had been keeping Alice alive in cryogenesis on Mars. It seems reasonable (at least as much Umbrella Academy) to think that Reginald could have saved Alice in this new world, where he commands more capital.


We don’t know much about Reginald, but he towers over the Umbrella Academy and, by proxy The Umbrella Academy. He was very interested in magically adopting the children(?) Born to 43 women at 12:01 p.m. on October 1, 1989. The pilot of Umbrella Academy, an eccentric billionaire inventor, tells us Reginald was uniquely qualified to “resolve” to adopt as many children as possible.

We also know that he needed seven kids for whatever reason he had at season’s end. He’s also an alien, which may explain his talent with technology. At least once, he was well-connected enough that he could run in the same circles with the shadowy group who ordered the attack on JFK. Pogo was so afraid of what he could do that he ordered the children to give him a pill every day in the season 3. In the season 4 timeline, Pogo’s name appears on almost every skyscraper of the city.

It is not easy to find answers in comic books. Reginald, an alien, is introduced in comic book pages. It’s time to get some insight into his final game (in any version) after three seasons.


Ben’s death was repeatedly linked to the “Jennifer Incident”, with very little discussion from Umbrella Academy members. Even Sparrow Ben doesn’t seem to be interested in digging deeper into the events that took place to his alternate self. What does this incident actually entail?

We still don’t know what happened after season 3. Many people believe Ben died by suicide. The plaque at the manor says “May the darkness within” and Gerard Way, the co-writer of the comics, said that it is a mystery that he hasn’t fully answered. “I wrote the character to die, that was his original function. Way stated that Way knew from the beginning that he would resolve it. “Hyperlink0_ The Umbrella School is almost like improvisational jazz. It’s just a matter of making it up as you go.”

It’s possible that the show still has an answer, given its lack of loyalty to its source material. There are already clues scattered about the show like Viktor seeing a Jennifer sketch in Ben’s room. Sparrow Ben appears to be around to stay so it seems like he would make a good entry point.


Does Harlan’s briefcase say “Lester Pocket”? It could be, like so many other Umbrella Academy things! He uses this name often as the camera lingers on him. It could be another “Jennifer Incident” that is meaningful or suggestive of a character named Lester, as there is a minor Lester character in comics.


Five discovers that the Time Commission’s phantom founder is actually… Five. After he has confronted his older self in a panic room that is paradox-proof, Older Five informs him that he doesn’t. […] All you will have left is… oblivion.” After he’s met his older self (in a paradox-proof panic room), Older Five tells him “You don’t.”

He was correct, and Five lost his arm against Reginald’s machinations. Five’s arm was returned to him in the new park. It’s not clear if Older Five was merely warning them about the Hotel Oblivion showdown or if they accidentally created something much darker. (Knowing Hargreeves… yes, most likely!)


This is most likely a reference to the comic, in which Vanya (as Vanya is known in the comic) sees Robot Mom wearing an intricate cross necklace. The mom takes her to Norway to explain it to her, and she introduces her to the Sparrows.

It’s possible that the show is trying to mix in certain themes, plots and imagery, but not remaking the books. This is evident from how far the show has diverged from the books.


The short answer is yes and no. Harlan did it — apparently at the hands Allison — and Klaus and Luther were also killed by Reginald. It’s not clear if Marcus or any other siblings were Kugelblitzed.

In the grand scheme of things, is the timeline reset again reset? We don’t know! Luther and Klaus seem to be back completely, with no harm done and even without a gorilla body. The Umbrella Academy is more interested in remixes than Harlan, Pogo or any other people who were killed in the alt-original-alt reality.