The Chainsaw Man anime is a new anime series that is set to air on October 25th, 2018. The show is created by Hideaki Anno and directed by Shinji Higuchi. The story follows the adventures of a man named Kenichi who has to fight against an evil organization known as the Red Skull. The Chainsaw Man anime is set in a world where the technology used to create blades has been replaced with chainsaws. This makes for an interesting premise as it allows for a much more action-packed and suspenseful experience than traditional anime. Additionally, the use of chainsaws in the story gives it a unique and exciting feel that other anime don’t often manage to achieve. One of the main reasons why The Chainsaw Man anime is so popular is because it features some of the most impressive animation I’ve ever seen. The characters are well-drawn and have great personalities which makes them easy to root for. Additionally, the plot is well-conceived and flows smoothly throughout the entire series. Overall, I’m very excited for The Chainsaw Man anime and I can’t wait to see what Hideaki Anno and Shinji Higuchi have in store for us. If you’re interested in watching this new series, be sure to check out its website or watch its trailer below!

There are literally thousands upon thousands of manga from all corners of the globe that can be read online. However, there aren’t many manga like Chainsaw Man.

The manga is becoming a fan favorite due to its dark themes and the amazing cast of characters.

Last week, however, was special for CSM fans as the first trailer of the anime adaptation debuted online.


Rumours of an anime began in December 2020, when The Official Shonen Jump News Twitter Page tweeted a “TV anime adaptation for Chainsaw Man”

Many fans were hoping for an anime adaptation after the manga’s conclusion. Tatsuki Yamamoto had stated that there would be an “important announcement”.

On December 13, was confirmed the epic manga would make it’s television debut.


Animation studio MAPPA will produce the anime adaptation of Chainsaw Man.

MAPPA has enjoyed an amazing few years. It produced The God of High School and Jujutsu Kaisen, as well as the final season of Attack on Titan.

Fans are excited to have MAPPA as the Chainsaw Man anime director, given how stunning these series were.


reported on April 16th that the first trailer of the Chainsaw Man anime series would debut this summer.

The first PV trailer for the MAPPA Stage 10th anniversary was released on June 27, 2021.


Although ChainsawMan’s anime has yet to be released, HITC predicts it will air Fall 2021.

While there is not any official information about the Chainsaw Man’s release date, we can speculate based upon the production schedule for Jujutsu Kaisen on when the series might premiere.

Jujutsu Kaisen has a similar story to Chainsaw Man. This manga adaptation is from MAPPA. There was enough material to make at least one full season.

The anime premiered on October 3, 2020. If a Chainsaw Man series follows a similar production process, the series could premiere in either October 2021 or November 2021.

October would coincide with the launch of the Fall slate. November would occur 11 months after the initial announcement. It will also avoid any possible clashes with MAPPA’s other major projects such as Attack on Titan, Winter.