Tazuna is a young man who has faced many challenges in his life. Born into a family of farmers in Japan, Tazuna was forced to leave his home and start over when the war broke out. After being stranded on a deserted island for months, Tazuna was finally rescued by a group of sailors. Tazuna has since worked hard to rebuild his life. He started working as a fisherman, but eventually found himself in debt. Tazuna then decided to travel to America in search of a better life. Tazuna has so far been successful in his journey. He has found work as a janitor and is now looking for ways to improve his situation. Tazuna is an inspiring young man who has shown great resilience in the face of adversity. ..


Tazuna is an older man sporting glasses with grey hair, an enormous beard, with dark-colored eyes. When we first met Tazuna, he was dressed in the sleeveless V-neck with trousers, a belt as well as a pair of sandals. The man also had a towel tied around his neck, and was wearing an asymmetrical cap. In the second segment, Tazuna wore the same outfit , with the neck towel which was a style Inari began to emulate.


Tazuna is a shrewd and shrewd old man. Instinctive, he’ll be the only one who will keep fighting to build the bridge that will protect his country from Gato’s control, and ignore the threats that are weighing heavily over his head. To get there the man will not hesitate to lie or perform a comedy routine to assure that he will be protected by the Ninjas of Konoha.The man is also an caring grandfather who is very concerned about his grandchild.Tazuna has his own style of speaking. It’s more of the language of a young man than someone of his years. He adds “mega” in front of the majority of his sentences and uses a more informal language.

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Following Kaiza’s murder of Kaiza, the hero of Kaiza, hero of the Land of Waves and the Land of Waves, at the hands of Gato along with his fellow soldiers to take control of the nation The inhabitants of the Waves were not able to find less the desire to confront this dictator who had imposed an economic embargo on the people of the Waves.Tazuna was, however, not give up and, as a carpenter was able to design an edifice to allow the country to no longer rely anymore on the supply of maritime resources.

However, on his own in this insane project and without the protection of a ninja. Due to the extreme poverty in his nation, the ability to employ ninjas of high-level for a rank-A mission, he contacted Konoha to provide a basic escort and a rank C mission without mentioning the threat that weighed heavily over his head.He was then escorted by a team of newly graduated, Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura under the guidance under the direction of Kakashi.

The team will soon be hit by two of the ninjas. Kiri and Kakashi will be able to recognize that they were targeting Tazuna and that the man of old has lied to them. When they are forced to reveal that they are lying, Tazuna will try to strike their emotional fibers to convince them to carry on their task, regardless of the danger. Kakashi is willing to accompany him to his house.



We see Tazuna with Inari Inari, in the 2nd chapter of the manga following his destruction at Konoha through the forces of pain. As soon as he learned of the happenings, Tazuna decided to come to help his group to rebuild Konoha as carpenter. He would like to express gratitude to Konoha, for whom his Land of Waves is now tranquil and prosperous. He is excited to meet Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi.Naruto will be shocked by the silence that prevails in Team 7 as Inari will inquire about the fate regarding Sasuke. But Naruto will try to reassure them by telling them an elaborate lie, claiming that Naruto and Sasuke had a second battle.


In the FVO Konoha Party, Inari and Tazuna were in a line of waiting the front of the toilet, waiting to be called. According to the databook Tazuna’s top food items include Sake as well as inarizuchi of sushi wrapped in tofu fried but what he does not enjoy is eating broccoli.