Shisui Uchiha is one of the most renowned and respected ninja in all of Konoha. He has a long history of service to his village, and is widely considered to be one of the best shinobi in the world. Shisui is also known for his acute observational skills, which have led him to develop some of the most advanced techniques in the ninja world. Born into a prestigious clan, Shisui was destined for greatness from an early age. He was taught by his father, who was one of the most renowned ninjas in history. Shisui quickly became known as a prodigy, and soon began training under some of the greatest masters in Konoha. Shisui’s skills quickly surpassed those of his peers, and he soon became known as one of Konoha’s most powerful ninja. He served his village faithfully for many years, until he was tragically killed during a mission. However, Shisui’s legacy will live on forever – he is considered one of the greatest ninja ever born! ..Рё Сэнсэй ТВ


Шисуи невысокого роста и имеет черные волосы. Его глаза заметно окаймлены. Его всегда показывали с активированным шаринганом. Он носил серые защитные доспехи как Анбу. Эта броня защищает верхнюю часть тела и позволяет лучше двигать руками, плечами и ногами. Под этой броней он носил рубашку с высоким воротником.


Shisui is said to have followed the same ideals Naruto Umaki. As he is responsible for Itachi Uchiha, Shisui put his well-being above the clan’s views. It seems, however, that his views are less important than the peace of Konohagakure. He believes that a true shinobi must give his life for peace. In the hope of protecting Konoha, he gave Itachi one his eyes and died.

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Itachi was Itachi’s best friend Shisui. They were both among the most skilled shinobi of the Uchiha clan. Shisui also managed to awaken his Mangekyou sharingan at an unspecified time. He was in the ABU unit, fought Ao once. The latter kept Shisui’s chakra in his mind and recognized it many years later when they met.


Itachi began acting strangely after he joined the /ANBU unit. Itachi was distrusted by the Konoha police led by the Uchiha clan. They assigned Shisui to look after Itachi. Shisui found out about his clan’s plans, and was told by elders of Konoha that they were looking into taking legal action against the Uchiha clan. Danzou Shimura took Shisui’s right eye.

To avoid any further conflicts over his eyes Shisui gave His left eye to Itachi. After that, he made it appear as though his eyes had been lost forever. Shisui then committed suicide. Itachi assisted his friend in his plan and was awarded his Mangekyou sharingan. Some Uchiha clan members later discovered his body in the Nakano River. They suspect Itachi of murdering Shisui, and confronted him. Itachi was soon ordered to kill the entire Uchiha clan.

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Third Shinobi war: Everything You Need To Know


Shisui was a master of eye surgery. Danzou took his right eye out and placed it in himself. Itachi received his left eye from Shisui shortly before he passed away.


Danzou Shimura had taken Shisui’s right eye before his death. Danzou also removed his right arm and shoulder from Shisui after his death. Danzou could now use Shisui’s special Dou Jutsu to control others. Danzou had the DNA of the Shodai Hokage implanted so that he could use the Kotoamatsukami frequently. It was thought that Shisui had destroyed his eyes, so Danzou did not know for a long time if he had Shisui.

It is not known how often Danzou used his sharean. Danzou used his sharingan at the Kage meeting to take control of Mifune. He proposed an alliance with Danzou and he was elected their leader. Ao realizes that Danzou has taken over Mifune through his Byakugan. Later, Danzou fights against Sasuke Uchiha. After losing the fight, he attempts to kill himself and Tobi with his final act. Shisui’s right side is also damaged.

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Suzumebachi Naruto : Everything You Need To Know


Just before his death, Shisui left his left eye to Itachi Uchiha. Itachi placed this eye in a raven. This raven was swallowed by Naruto Uzumaki. He should assist Naruto in getting Sasuke on the right path. Itachi was revived in the Fourth Shinobi World War by Kabuto Yamashi via Kuchiyose : Edo Tensei. When he activated his Mangekyou Sharingan the Raven escaped from Naruto once more. Itachi had previously programmed Kotoamatsukami to activate when Itachi’s Mangekyou sharingan activated in front.

Itachi also programmed the enemy to control it so that he would defend Konohagakure. Itachi wanted to force Sasuke away from Tobi to go back to Konoha. Itachi met Naruto before the jutsu was activated on Itachi. As a result, the latter was freed from Kabuto. Itachi then destroyed Shisui’s left eye via Amaterasu , because it can only be used once every ten years.


Сисуи был членом клана Учиха и был признан там, наряду с Итачи Учиха, самым талантливым членом клана. Он был Шаринганом и в неизвестный момент ему удалось разбудить своего Мангекё Шарингана. Он смог использовать свой доу – Котоамацуками, который является одним из самых мощных генов Jutsus. Это дзюцу позволяет Шисуи управлять шиноби без ведома человека.

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Этот ген дзюцу может даже освободить воскресшего Шиноби от контроля Кучиёсэ: Эдо Тенсей. Это дзюцу не было чем-то, что Шисуи мог использовать более одного раза в десять лет. Однако многие шиноби были знакомы с ним. Шисуи был также известен как «Шуньсин Но Сисуи» из-за его мастерства в искусстве и мастерства полета, что подразумевает высокую маневренность, скорость и точность.


Отряд ШисуиАНБУПолиция Конохи


Он известен как «Сюнсин Но Сисуи». В прошлом он был бойцом против Ао из Киригакуре. Не исключено, что он был членом АнБУ-Не. Его предок Кагами был частью той же команды, что и Данзоу. Шисуи носил короткий меч, который является наиболее распространенным оружием среди членов АНБУ-Не. До смерти Шисуи Данзоу владел своим правым шаринганом.


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