Riza Sokolinyi Glaz is a Russian-born artist who has been living and working in New York City since the early 2000s. Sokolinyi Glaz’s work is based in the medium of painting, sculpture, and photography. Her work often explores the relationship between the individual and the environment, as well as the human experience within a global context. Sokolinyi Glaz’s art has been exhibited at various galleries and museums throughout New York City, including The Museum of Modern Art, The Whitney Museum of American Art, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, and The Metropolitan Museum of Art. She has also been featured in publications such as Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, and Conde Nast Traveler. Sokolinyi Glaz is currently represented by Pace Gallery in New York City.

https://www.youtube.com/embed/AJcrvnXXe0I?feature=oembedАвтор: TheFullmetalHostGirl


Риза, бледнокожая женщина в возрасте от середины до конца двадцатых годов, имеет светлые волосы средней длины. Ее волосы завязаны сзади темным клипбарреттом. Стиль похож на птичий хвост и падает в ястребиное крыло слева направо. Ее глаза темно-карие, а уши пронзены серебряной шпилькой. В маскировке ее часто можно увидеть в поддельных очках.

Она часто носит черную водолазку с короткими рукавами под военной формой. Иногда она также носит его небрежно. Риза отметил в Perfect Guidebook 2, что юбки являются ограничительными и не подходят для военных учреждений. Однако в гражданской одежде она предпочитает, чтобы ее видели в длинных юбках или сапогах, с опущенными волосами.

In her youth, she had her hair cut short. After becoming acquainted with Winry Rockbell, she started letting her hair grow in 1910.

Riza’s large, ornate tattoo covers her entire back in manga and anime 2009. Some parts are covered by burn scars which she conceals.

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 Who is Winry Rockbell ? : Everything You Need To Know

She is moderately muscular with a curvaceous body. The author stated that Riza has wide shoulders due to her military training, and flared hips which are appropriate for her age.

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Riza is a calm, collected woman with a professional but friendly demeanor. Her peers consider her the perfect soldier. She is extremely disciplined and rational and rarely lets down when she is on the job. She is often responsible for keeping her coworkers on track. Riza, though she appears strict, rigid and even mean from the outside, isn’t as distant and cold as it seems. People who know her well realize that she is much more than her strict, rigid attitude. She is actually a kind and compassionate soul who knows the difficulties of carrying a heavy load.

Riza’s soft side is often evident in her interactions with younger characters like the Elric brothers or Winry rockbell. It’s not unusual for her to be sweet towards Black Hayate (Riza’s Shiba Inu pet) while she’s at home. Riza can also be seen displaying a dry and acerbic sense humor on more casual occasions like when she spends the day at Rebecca’s house.

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 Who is Winry Rockbell ? : Everything You Need To Know

She is very disciplined and takes her work seriously. Even with her closest friends, she rarely “drops formalities”. Riza is not one to display affection in public, preferring to express her feelings through subtler means. Riza is the embodiment of “tough love”, demanding excellence from people she regards or considers important. Hayate’s interactions can be seen as a metaphor of all her significant relationships: a demanding nature and stern hand mixed with genuine affection.

Riza’s views on the world and her childhood were quite different. She probably grew up in a home with her father and had a very secure childhood. Her experiences in Ishval shattered her youthful optimism and made her a nearly serene Lieutenant Hawkeye. She emerges from war with a strong will and is strong enough to bear the guilt. She is reserved, and doesn’t talk unnecessarily. Instead, she communicates her thoughts using nonverbal communication. Her trademark sharp eyes and subtle smiles are a hallmark of her personality.

Her character is a mixture of a woman who has been tortured and seeks redemption, but also a woman who accepts her past mistakes and the consequences. Riza is taught by Ishval how to take responsibility for her actions and not place blame on others. In order to bring about peace, she decides to sacrifice her happiness and comfort in order to continue her service as a soldier. Despite the emotional pain of facing her mistakes, she learns how to deal with her emotions and brush off others’ concerns, while still bearing her grief or physical pain with a straight face.

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 Who is Winry Rockbell ? : Everything You Need To Know

Riza stated that she doesn’t like the military and is often forced to kill when she meets WinryRockbell. Edward Elric later refers to Riza’s weapons as “a tool of destruction”, but she corrects her and says it is a tool for protection. Riza seems to believe that a gun is an object and cannot cause pain or suffering by itself. She doesn’t dislike her guns, but the death shecauses when she uses them. Riza says to Roy Mustang, “A gun is good.” You don’t feel like someone is dying in your arms.

He counters by saying that his mindset is self-deception. She agrees and says that she will deceive herself to continue her service as a soldier, even if that means ensuring the safety of others. In the 2003 anime, she was seen using her guns in order to intimidate her coworkers into performing their jobs. However, in the manga and the 2009 anime, she seems to be taking weapons more seriously. She is not seen ever pulling out her gun when it’s not intended.


Riza is a skilled sharpshooter, firearms specialist and has high-level administrative skills. She can carry a bolt-action rifle or sniper rifle, a pistol, or even two handguns. She is well-known for her ability to hit the mark. In the manga, she was known as the “Hawk’s Eye” of Ishval civil war. She is an expert in firearm disassembly and cleaning. She is also skilled in covert operations and combat tactics. Additionally, she can sense that Homunculi pose a greater threat to her than an average human. This is likely due to her combat experience.

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 Who is Winry Rockbell ? : Everything You Need To Know



Riza’s relationship with Colonel Mustang is undoubtedly her most important personal relationship. Riza has known Roy since her childhood as his alchemy apprentice. He also served in the military throughout his career. Riza’s life seems to follow his lead. Because of their deep-rooted histories, the Flame Alchemist has given Riza the authority to shoot him in his back if he stray from the righteous. This role would seem to be Lt. Hawkeye acting as a “babysitter” for Roy.

She would nag him to complete his paperwork and give harsh criticisms when he stray from the right path. In more severe circumstances, however, it is clear that Riza’s criticisms stem from a deep love for Roy and his ideals. She will risk her life to protect her commander’s well-being and ensure his success. Riza has been steadfast in her support of the colonel, even when it was a risky situation. She only shows fear when it is possible to lose him. Roy, on the other hand, shows the same devotion to his lieutenant and even risks his life and goals to protect her.

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 Who is Winry Rockbell ? : Everything You Need To Know


Riza is a strict trainer who teaches Black Hayate how to be a well-disciplined and disciplined dog. Hayate is a valuable companion and they have a deep, loyal bond. Hayate is deeply in love with his mistress and will often save her from danger. We are shown the intimate, domestic side of Hayate while we are in his presence.


Rebecca, Riza’s best friend, is the exact opposite of Riza in temperament. Rebecca is outgoing and smart-mouthed with a healthy sense humor. Both went to the military academy together, and they remained close friends after graduation. Rebecca is the only person (apart from Colonel Roy Mustang) who can push Riza’s buttons. She makes jokes about Riza working with famous womanizers and being given important positions. Riza is also bombarded with questions about boyfriends, marriage, and men. We see how sharp and acidic Riza’s dry sense humor is when they are together.


Riza’s father is not known much about her relationship with him. Riza claims that he was an estranged madman of whom she was afraid and that he appeared to be possessed when he did research. Since she draws parallels between Roy and her fear that “Flame Alchemy is driving him crazy”, she seems to be blaming the Flame Alchemy. Riza’s father tattooed his research notes onto his daughter’s chest. This is yet another aspect of her close relationship to Roy Mustang, who is also the only person she allowed to see the notes. It is not clear if the tattooing was against her will or with her permission.

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 Who is Winry Rockbell ? : Everything You Need To Know

Overall, it appears that the father-daughter relationship was difficult and distant. Although her grief at the loss of her father is evident, she doesn’t seem to have shed any tears at Mustang’s private funeral. It is clear that she was deeply in love with him and believed that Flame Alchemy would prove to be an asset to humanity.


The name Riza Hungarian version Thereza Or Theresa The meaning of ) is “Guardian”. It is not clear if this was intended by the author. However, it fits Riza’s story as both the guardian and the protector of her. Father The secret of Colonel’s life is kept secret by a tattoo on her back. Roy Mustang and his alchemy, not allowing he to stray from the path to become the Fuhrer. He uses the Flame Alchemy “for good of the people”. This name is used in Arabic as a boy’s name and means “Satisfaction”. Hawkeye is Riza’s surname. It means “particularly attentive, especially to small details, or having excellent vision in all aspects”.


Perfect Guidebook 2 утверждает, что дед генерала Груммана Ризы на самом деле является ее дедом по материнской линии. По словам гида, легко «сделать ссылку», используя сувениры, которые генерал хранит в своем кабинете. Примечателен тот факт, что ни один из персонажей манги или аниме не упоминает, что Грумман или Риза связаны. Глава 60 Риза говорит Рою Мустангу: «Оба ее родителя были отчуждены от семей друг друга, поэтому она никогда не слышала, чтобы они говорили о каких-либо родственниках». Это показывает, что Риза узнала о существовании своего деда по материнской линии только после похорон отца. Отношения между Riza Hawkeye Mustang сильно подразумеваются, и их отношения называются «Royai». Первая часть «Рояй».  Рой — это его имя, и окончание «ai», вероятно, будет от «глаза», в «Hawk Eye», что делает его портманто. Ай в переводе с японского языка также означает «любовь и привязанность» (Ai)Как и большинство военнослужащих в Fullmetal Alchemist, Hawkeye был назван в честь транспортного средства, судна или оружия. В ее случае это был Grumman E-2 Hawkeye, который является палубным тактическим самолетом дальнего радиолокационного обнаружения (AEW), используемым ВМС США. Интересно отметить, что имя ее деда также было взято непосредственно с того же самолета. Пистолет FN Browning M1910, который Риза использовал наиболее близко, является тем, что на картинке, в то время как другой пистолет больше похож на револьвер Enfield No. 2. Размеры Ризы 168 см.


I like guns. Because, unlike knives and swords, you don’t have feel like your victim is dying.
–Riza Hawkeye to Roy Mustang