Nekoyanagi Milo is a new anime series that is set to air on Netflix in 2019. The show is created by the team behind Attack on Titan and Death Note, and it follows the story of a young boy named Milo who is forced to fight for survival in a world where the sky is falling. The show has been met with mixed reactions from fans of both anime and manga alike, but there are some things that you need to know about Nekoyanagi Milo before you start watching it. Here are five things that you should know about the show before starting your journey into its world:

  1. Nekoyanagi Milo Is Set to Air on Netflix in 2019 The show will be airing on Netflix in 2019, and it will be available for streaming starting on August 14th. It was announced back in February of 2018 that the series would be produced by studio A-1 Pictures and directed by Hideki Kamiya (Attack on Titan, Death Note).
  2. The Show Is Set in a World Where the Sky Is Falling The show takes place in a world where the sky is falling, and it follows the story of a young boy named Milo who must fight for his life as he tries to survive. The setting is very similar to Attack on Titan, which makes sense given that both shows were created by A-1 Pictures and directed by Hideki Kamiya.
  3. The Characters Are All Male Characters Who Are Forced To Fight For Their Lives All of the characters in Nekoyanagi Milo are male characters who are forced to fight for their lives. This makes for an interesting perspective when it comes to anime series, as it allows for more development than most shows which focus exclusively on female characters.
  4. There Will Be Multiple Seasons Of The Show And Each Season Will Be Different In Terms Of Storytelling And CharactersГрейсфейл SBS


Красивый мальчик-врач, который управляет клиникой в Имихаме.

Из-за черного синяка вокруг левого глаза его прозвали «Пандасенсей». Он является природным медицинским гением, который продолжает создавать лекарства, используя незаконные грибы, чтобы спасти Пау, его сестру, которая пострадала от ржавчины.

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A man who loves to help others, especially his sister.


Milo wants to help every Imihama citizen that he can. He tries to make medicine from forbidden mushrooms to cure his sister’s rusting. When Bisco Akaboshi a mushroom terrorist, enters Imihama he meets Milo and asks him for a mushroom to heal his friend Jabi.

Bisco escapes from Imihama’s Watch, Kurokawa and distracts the enemy while he takes them underground. Jabi informs Jabi that mushrooms don’t cause rust but can be consumed, although it is a slow process. He tells Jabi about Rust Eater who is a legend mushroom that can eat all rust from an object or person.

Milo is shocked to discover that Bisco has defeated his sister Pwoo. Jabi says he cannot proceed with Bisco, and suggests he take Milo to make medicine for him. Milo hears that and decides to accompany Bisco. He initially refuses but then agrees to go after seeing Milo is willing to take on any risk to help his sister. Milo says farewell to his sister and takes some of the mushroom medicine. Bisco and Milo escape Imihama while Jabi distracts Imihama’s Watch.

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Milo doesn’t get why they’re going in the wrong direction as they travel. They soon discover Actagawa and a steelcrab which Bisco rides. Then they head towards the Ashio Bonecoal Mountain Mines. Milo tries to ride Actagawa but Actagawa keeps throwing Milo off. However, Actagawa finally earns Milo his trust and allows him to apply some medicine to him.

They stop at Nikka War Memorial to find Tirol, who is choking. Milo discovers that she has a balloonworm in her stomach, and pulls it out. Milo explained to her that he cannot just watch people die before him. They get some food from her, and then go to bed. Milo sets out to speak to Actagawa. However, he discovers that the War Memorial is actually a giant, coal-eating mantis shrimp and starts to chase them. They eventually stop the shrimp by Bisco telling them where Actagawa should be attacked. Bisco kills the shrimp by shooting it with an archer and growing mushrooms. They then head on to another route after the mines’ entrance is destroyed.

They head out towards Calvero Shellsand sea, where they meet armed children who believe that Bisco, Milo, and their mother work for Imihama. They have no other choice but to turn Bisco in and tell him he is a wanted criminal. Bisco and Milo then go to the children’s village and are held while Bisco is imprisoned. Milo is then left to plu. Milo observes that the entire town is made up of children, and that they all have guns. Plum explained that many of them are attacked each year by flying blowfish and they all die.

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Milo notices something on Plum’s arm, and she explains that it is Rusting according Imihama’s soldiers. Everyone in the town has it. The medication is costly so the adults have to work. Milo examines it and explains that it is not rusting but shellskin. Milo then heals all the town, and the children want him to repay them. Nuts says that Bisco needs the reward money to buy new weapons. Bisco arrives and defeats the flying blowfish immediately. Plum wants Milo to stay, but Milo says she is much more important than him and that she will one day meet someone more extraordinary than him.

Bisco and Milo arrive in Shimobuki to find Tirol frozen. She saves her and explains that they are headed towards Shirakaba Line. Tirol, a trader, manages to negotiate a great deal for them. He also gives them a free book. They find a train that works with old coins when they reach the subway. Tirol says she was a mechanic, and suggests a way to get around the fare. Milo and Tirol finish their work, then Tirol checks the book, but they find drawings of animals.

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Bisco says it is a Mushroom Keeper Book and should have various information about mushrooms and the origin of each one. Milo confirms this and locates a page on Rust Eater from Pipe Snake. Tirol offers her assistance as they prepare to board the train. They were attacked by large numbers of oilsquids on the train. However, with their team effort, they managed to defeat them.

They arrive at Weeping Child Ravine where Bisco tells them that the Mushroom Keepers had 15 years ago collected a Rust Eater. They suddenly see a huge Pipe Snake eating a large bird. Bisco decides that he will capture it but Pawoo appears. During their argument with Bisco the Pipe Snake appears and captures Pawoo. Milo leaps on Actagawa’s snake to free Pawoo but ends up in serious danger. Bisco and Pawoo help him but they still get eaten by it. However, they are able to kill the snake from the inside with mushrooms.

They see the snake and find Rust Eater mushrooms. However, Bisco says they don’t have that effect after tasting them. Milo attempts stop him from continuing his search, but he is too bruised and bleeding to resist. Bisco pushes Milo down and, with Bisco’s blood on Milo’s arm, Milo touches the Rust Eater, which causes it to glow. Milo discovers that Mushroom Keepers contain special blood that activates Rust Eater, and that they make medicine with it. Kurokawa attacks them, taking the snake and shooting Bisco with a Rust Bullet. Pawoo decides to take the medicine to Jabi the next day but Kurokawa doesn’t want to question her about her healing and torture her to find out.

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Bisco and Milo stay together until Bisco recovers. Milo captures Bisco a pig, and he wants to cook it. But Actagawa follows him out. He cooks the pork and then he notices Kurokawa’s broadcast, which he shows Bisco a video. Bisco returns to find Milo acting strangely and believes he has put sleepshroom poison into the food. He thinks it is related to Pawoo and decides to help. However, Milo wants him to stop him because he knows Bisco has blurry vision, is more sick than Jabi, and is in worse shape. Bisco refuses to stop, and they get into a fight. Milo drug Bisco and puts him to sleep.

Milo arrives at Shimabuki Base by himself. He remembers Kurokawa torturing Pawoo. Kurokawa tells Milo that he must tell the secret first. But, Milo says that you need to mix the mushroom and other ingredients. This causes white spores to fly, which blocks everyone’s field vision and puts Kurokawa and his pawns to bed. Milo then makes several cuts to Kurokawa. He reveals that the weapon’s poison is covered and will only treat Kurokawa if he can tell him where Pawoo or Jabi are.

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Kurokawa uses a hidden bow to shoot Milo using a puppetshroom. This mushroom allows him to control people with the help of a chip in his brain. Kurokawa tells Milo that he was a Mushroom Keeper in the past and doesn’t care much about the Rust Eater effects. He wants to control the mushroom and make money. Kurokawa decides that Milo will not reveal the secret and Kurokawa kills him. But Bisco arrives and stops Kurokawa. Kurokawa tells Kurokawa that he was the one who propagated the belief that Mushroom Keepers spread Rust and that he sold them out to make money and live well. Bisco shatters his prosthetic arm as he tries to shoot him.

Kurokawa controls Milo so that he shoots Rustarrows at Bisco. Milo tells Bisco the secret of Mushroom Keepers blood to save him. Kurokawa then explains that they won’t allow them to live and will hunt him down. Milo is forced to shoot Bisco by Milo, but Bisco manages catch the arrow and throws its back at Kurokawa. Kurokawa was then injures his eye.

Jabi arrives and uses a mushroom against Kurokawa. Kurokawa then sends his pawns after Bisco and the others escape from the base. Jabi remains to fight them while Milo, Bisco and the rest escape but are eventually captured. Kurokawa’s pawns chase Milo and Bisco, shooting multiple Rust Arrows at Milo’s back. Actagawa then defeats them. Milo, who is unconscious and severely injured, tells Bisco that he will live.

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Milo wakes up to find that his wounds are healed by Bisco. Bisco then offers to give Milo medicine for the Rust. Milo advises him to inject himself first. But Bisco lies to Milo, saying he did. Milo asks about Jabi, Pawoo and suggests Bisco take Pawoo on a date. But Bisco is nervous and refuses. Milo is about falling asleep so he asks Bisco to be there for him when he wakes up. Bisco replies that they are partners and will always be together.

Milo is healed from the Rust, and Bisco is gone. Milo then heads to Kurakawa where he shoots an archer, cutting Kurakawa’s artificial limb and saving Bisco. Kurakawa is then pushed by Bisco down the boiling Rust. Bisco also starts to burn. Milo says he promised them that they would be together. Bisco then tells him that his soul is going to find him. If he smiles as much as Bisco, he will always be there for him when he smiles. Milo agrees to kill Bisco so he doesn’t die from Rust.

Pawoo goes into the facility to search for Bisco but only finds Milo. Milo informs Jabi outside that Bisco has died and is now in his heart. Pawoo suggests that they take Bisco’s body back to the Mushroom Keepers village to burn. But Milo says they don’t like to cremate people, and Bisco would prefer his body be left to the elements. The Tetsujin is seen destroying and reviving tanks. Milo, the only one to be injected with Rust Eater by Milo, decides to pursue it. Jabi and Pawoo will continue to unbury Actagawa, who was covered in Rust.

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Milo finally catches up to the Tetsujin. He injects himself with a substance and imitates Bisco’s body. Kurokawa calls the Tetsujin Kurokawa and states that although he might have a bigger body, he will continue sending him to hell. Milo dodges the attack of the Tetsujin and begins shooting arrows at him. He also grows mushrooms and causes him pain. Tradesmen offer their assistance, but the Tetsujin decides to attack them again. However, Jabi Pawoo, Actagawa and Pawoo arrive just in time to save them. Milo and Jabi then join forces and begin shooting and growing mushrooms for the Tetsujin.

The Tetsujin launches an attack that causes everyone to fall from the cliff. Milo heals Jabi’s leg injury. They both survive the fall. He leaves Jabi to the traders, and follows the Tetsujin. He finally catches up with him at Calvaro Shellsand Sea. There he saves nuts, and fights the Tetsujin. Pawoo then joins him along with Imihama Watch. However, the group is defeated by Actagawa. Milo then receives another red injection. Jabi recognizes it as Bishamon mushroom poison.

He tells Milo that his body won’t survive long. Milo, however, wonders if he would stop Bisco from doing this. Milo continues following the Tetsujin, and eventually catches up to Imihama. He then starts fighting him again. He eventually gets onto the back of the animal and begins to stab it. However, Bisco’s glasses are still inside the wounds. The Tetsujin grabs Bisco and throws him against the Imihama wall. Bisco is fully healed from his stab wound and rejoins Milo. He stated that he heard him speak from the next universe and returned.

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Bisco defeats the Tetsujin. However, each of his arrows makes Rust Eaters which allow him to break the Tetsujin. He is unsure what is happening and feels a surge of power inside him. Milo speculates that he is a mix of human and Rust Eater. He was drenched with the poison from the pipe snake, which causes mushroom spores in his body to mix with his blood. The Tetsujin is bulging and Tirol tells them that it will explode if they attack it. This repeats the previous incident and they must kill the pilot. Pawoo claims she can dismantle his helm without causing shockwaves.

However, she wants to say thanks to Bisco. He ends up promising that he will give anything she asks if she comes back alive. Pawoo kisses him and says she will be taking her, which causes Milo to tell Milo that they are the perfect match. Pawoo then split the Tetsujin’s helm and revealed Kurokawa behind. Bisco and Milo fight it. But just as Bisco was about shoot his arrow, Kurokawa flings his arm and covers Bisco with blood. Milo helps him aim and tells him to believe. Bisco shoots an arrow, killing Kurokawa as well as the Tetsujin. This kills Kurokawa. Due to the Rust Eater’s effects, Bisco becomes immortal and is forever young. He and Milo decide to embark on a new adventure to save Bisco from his inexorable immortality.

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Milo Nestle makes a hot chocolate mixture. This drink was named after Milo of Croton, an ancient Greek athlete. The etymology is not known, but it may be related to the Latin miles or Slavic mi which means “gracious”Milo’s surname Nekoyanagi is “cat” (Mao) ( Neko_) and “willow” (Liu) ( Neko).


After the death of its lead character, Episode 9 of Rust-Eater bisco stunned viewers unfamiliar with the source material. Many people expected a character death. However, Bisco wasn’t at the top. This episode was a huge revelation, not only did defy fan expectations by revealing Bisco’s death. Many have speculated about the relationship between Bisco and Milo since their first interaction on screen. Their relationship is far more than ordinary, as Episode 9 shows.

Milo told Bisco in their last moments together that he loved him loudly and privately. Love can have many connotations in English. One can love someone as a close friend, family member, romantic partner, or in any other way. When the speaker really means something else, it can be easily misinterpreted as one. However, in Japanese, Aishiteru is a phrase that makes it impossible to question the speaker’s intention.

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“Aishiteru” is spelled Ai shiteru (Japanese). It has a very romantic connotation. It implies that the relationship is serious and romantic. This term refers to deep love. Even couples who have been married for many years may not have used it and may never use it again until they die.

Although the word is most commonly used in movies, songs and other media, it is often used in romantic settings. A well-known example of anime is in Neon Genesis Evangelion. In Episode 24, Kaworu tells Shinji he loves him and uses “Aishiteru”. This line is the subject of much discussion, even within the anime. In the original Evangelion version, Shinji retorts Kaworu’s feelings.

This fact is used against him. Another version shows Shinji not reciprocating and avoids falling for the same trap as in the original. Only one dub in English allows Kaworu’s to say “I love You” to Shinji. No matter how many times Kaworu uses the Japanese dub, he always says “Aishiteru”.

Shinji and Kaworu’s love is gay-coded by their interactions, particularly this line. Milo and Bisco are the same. Rusty-Eater Bisco used many tricks to show that they have more than a platonic relationship from their first meeting. Even when they have the chance to be with women, their only emotion is embarrassment. They are so protective of one another that they will leave their partner and go it alone. Milo and Bisco believe it’s safer for one to risk their lives, while the other is always running.

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Это в основном подтекст, особенно если учесть, что Pawoo является любовным интересом Биско. Эпизод 9, однако, имеет больше, чем все восемь эпизодов вместе взятых. Майло больше сосредоточен на Биско, чем на Джаби и даже НаВау во сне в начале. Биско ухаживает за своими ранами — это то, что он делает, когда просыпается. Биско и Майло держатся за руки, в то время как Биско тихо разговаривает с Майло. Майло, кажется, обеспокоен мыслью о том, что один из них будет убит. Биско, однако, отправляется в путь самостоятельно, чтобы защитить Майло.

У Биско и Майло, без сомнения, самые близкие отношения из всех персонажей в Rusty-Eater Bisco. Это связано с видением творца. Синдзи Кобуко (автор оригинального лайт-новел) ставит любовь на передний план своей работы, несмотря на то, что сериал наполнен действием. Он сказал в интервью Anime News Network, что «когда люди решают пожертвовать своей жизнью, чтобы столкнуться с чем-то, это их самый яркий и прекрасный момент». Это то, что я называю «любовью», и…» Кобуко жаждет исследовать любовь во всех ее формах в своих работах. Так, поклонники могут ожидать Rusty-Eater Bisco больше на «Айшитеру.