Naruto Toroi is a new game that is set to release on the Nintendo Switch this year. The game is a fighting game that takes place in an anime-style world. The story follows the protagonist, Naruto, as he fights against enemies in order to save his friends and defeat the evil organization known as Akatsuki. The game has a unique fighting system that allows players to use different attacks and combos to defeat their opponents. There are also multiple characters that players can choose from, each with their own unique abilities and moves. If you’re a fan of anime-style games or fighting games, then Naruto Toroi is definitely worth checking out this year. .. Uzumaki Rama


Dans l’émission de l’anime, il a été révélé que Toroi était une équipe avec Osoi. Lors d’une de ses missions, Osoi a perdu la vie, mais on dit qu’il s’est battu jusqu’à la toute fin. Au lendemain de la mort d’Osoi, Orochimaru souhaite se réincarner en Toroi, cependant, il a été révélé qu’il s’était réincarné en Osoi à la place. On croyait également qu’il s’agissait d’un membre d’Osoi. Osoï.


Toroi a la peau bronzée et un front large, et ses traits du visage sont assez visibles avec un menton coupé proéminent et visible, et la présence d’une paire de pattes proéminentes qui tombent de sa pointe médiane de cheveux blonds. Il est fan du bouclier avant de Kumo, ainsi que d’une longue écharpe autour du cou.


Toroi peut être décrit comme un homme prudent, calme et discret.



Après son retour, il a été vu se déplacer vers une zone non identifiée afin qu’il puisse se préparer à la guerre avec Haku, Zabuza Momochi, Gari et Pakura. Cependant, plus tard dans la bataille, lorsque son équipe est allée combattre celles de la troisième division, Toroi a été retiré du groupe.Puis, il est tombé sur et a affronté Nonota ainsi que Musai. Là, Toroi a utilisé ses Fuma Shurikens contre eux. Cependant, le ninja Kumo les a tous esquivés. Cependant, Nonota a pu bloquer certains d’entre eux en utilisant son kunai.

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Musai l’a confronté et a révélé que Toroi était un passionné de magnétisme . Le Shinobi Suna a reçu une dose d’énergie magnétique, ce qui l’a fait se transformer en aimant, ce qui a rendu probable la prochaine attaque de Toroi. Heureusement, juste avant que Toroi ne puisse frapper avec ses énormes shurikens, Naruto était sur les lieux, lançant l’aide de son Rakengan sur celui ressuscité qui était alors verrouillé avec Nonota. Enfin l’âme du défunt retourna dans le monde originel après l’annulation de la réincarnation impure.

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Toroi était un Ninja bien connu dont les compétences étaient suffisamment impressionnantes pour inspirer Kabuto sous la forme d’un utilisé pour se battre pour l’ Akatsuki. Il était célèbre pour son utilisation de Fuma Shurikens distinctifs qu’il stockait sous la forme d’un parchemin. Il pouvait mettre les shurikens sur des cordes et les lancer rapidement et en grande quantité.


Toroi avait de nombreux Shuriken ronds de différentes tailles. Il gardait à l’intérieur un parchemin scellé lorsqu’il ne les utilisait pas. En raison du grand nombre et/ou de la taille de ces outils, ils étaient souvent utilisés par lui avant d’entrer dans un combat, pour assurer l’utilisation des deux mains. Pour augmenter le nombre de shurikens pouvant être lancés successivement, Toroi en enroulait un grand nombre à l’unisson afin que vous puissiez tous les lancer d’un seul coup.

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Toroi possédait un objet appelé Kekkei Genkai Electron Magnet et l’utilisait avec le Fuma Shuriken qui était stocké dans son parchemin. Lorsque les shurikens ont été lancés et frappés avec d’autres objets, le résultat était qu’ils étaient également magnétiques. Un coup sur le corps peut créer un énorme champ magnétique faisant de lui une cible car vos Fuma Shurikens attireront l’objet de la frappe. Cependant, chaque fois que le magnétisme était transféré à la cible, sa force diminuait.


Toroi en japonais est « lent », en hommage à son corps et à son esprit. Ce ninja particulier présente de nombreuses similitudes avec un personnage qui n’est pas nommé dans le manga par Hiruko dans le cadre de la Chimera Technique pendant Naruto Shippuden 3: Heirs of the Fire Will. Dans l’épisode 546 du manga, Toroi est appelé Amegakure Ninja même si celui-ci vient de Kumo, mais il pourrait s’agir d’une traduction erronée. Le manga montre que Toroi porte une teinte de cheveux de couleur claire, mais dans la série, il porte des cheveux violets.  Semblable à Pakura. Comme dans la bande dessinée, le shash Ninja de Toroi est noir, mais dans la version animée, il est blanc et le rouleau qu’il place dans sa bouche diffère à la fois par sa forme et sa couleur.  la version dans l’anime. Dans la série animée l’anime, le personnage est le compagnon d’Osoi avant le décès d’Osoi. Selon les mots de son ancienne petite amie Osoi, il n’arrive pas au sommet de ses orteils.  Dans la version animée du personnage d’Osoi, l’animation est blanche.

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title: “Everything You Need To Know About Naruto Toroi” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-16” author: “Corey Mahoney”

If you’re a fan of the Naruto anime or manga, then you’re probably familiar with the character, Naruto Toroi. Naruto is a powerful ninja who is known for his fast reflexes and his ability to use ninjutsu. But what are Naruto Toroi’s real-life details? Here are some things you need to know about him:

  1. He was born in Konoha, Japan.
  2. He is 6'1" tall and weighs around 190 pounds.
  3. He has brown hair and brown eyes.
  4. He is a member of the Jounin rank and has completed many missions for the village as a ninja.
  5. In addition to his ninja skills, Naruto Toroi is also very skilled in hand-to-hand combat and can use any type of weapon he finds himself wielding at any time.


In the show in the anime, it was revealed that Toroi was a team-up along with Osoi. On one of his missions Osoi lost his life however, he was said to have fought until the very end. In the aftermath of the death of Osoi, Orochimaru wishes to reincarnate as Toroi however, it was revealed that he was reincarnated as Osoi instead. It was also believed to be an Osoi member. Osoi.


Toroi has tanned skin and has a broad forehead, and his facial features are quite noticeable with a prominent and noticeable cut chin, and the presence of a pair prominent sideburns that drop from his mid-tip of blonde hair. He is a fan of the front shield from Kumogakure, as along with a lengthy scarf around his neck.


Toroi can be described as a cautious, quiet and discreet.



After his return, he was seen moving to an unidentified area so that he could prepare himself for war together with Haku, Zabuza Momochi, Gari and Pakura. However, later on in the battle, when his team went to fight those of the Third Division, Toroi was removed from the group.Then, he came across and took on Nonota as well as Musai. There, Toroi used his Fuma Shurikens against them. However, the Kumogakure Ninja dodged them all However, Nonota was able to block some of them using his kunai.

Musai confronted him, and revealed that Toroi was an avid magnetism user. The Sunagakure Shinobi received a dose of magnetic energy, which caused him to turn into a magnet, which made Toroi’s next attack likely. Fortunately, just before Toroi was able to strike with his massive shurikens Naruto was on the scene, launching the help of his Rakengan on the resurrected one which was then locked with Nonota. Finally the soul of the deceased went back to original world after the annulment of impure Reincarnation.

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Toroi was a well-known Ninja who’s skills were impressive enough to inspire Kabuto in the form of a utilized to fight for Akatsuki. He was famous for his use of distinctive Fuma Shurikens that he stored in the form of a scroll. He could put the shurikens onto ropes and throw them rapidly and in huge quantities.


Toroi had numerous round Shuriken in different sizes. He kept inside a scroll sealed when not using them. Because of the large number and/or size of these tools they were often used by him them prior to entering a fight , to ensure the usage for both hands. To increase the amount of shurikens which could be thrown in succession, Toroi would coil a large number of them together on an unison so that you could throw them all in one strike.


Toroi had an item called the Kekkei Genkai Electron Magnet and used it alongside the Fuma Shuriken that was stored within his scroll. When the shurikens were thrown, and struck with other objects the result was that they be magnetic, as well. A blow on the body can create an enormous magnetic field making him a to target because your Fuma Shurikens will attract the object of the strike. However, every time that the magnetism was transferredto the target, it would decrease in strength.


Toroi in Japanese is “slow”, as a tribute to his body and mind. This particular ninja bears many similarities to a character that isn’t named in the manga by Hiruko as part of the Chimera Technique during Naruto Shippuden 3: Heirs of the Fire Will. In the manga episode 546 Toroi is referred to as an Amegakure Ninja even though the one comes from Kumogakure however it could be a mistaken translation. The manga shows Toroi wears a light-colored hair shade, but on the show, he wears hair that is purple. Similar to Pakura. As in the comic, Toroi’s Ninja shash is black, but in the anime version, it’s white, and the scroll that he places in his mouth differs in both shape and color. the version in the anime. In the animated series the anime, the character is Osoi’s companion before Osoi passed away. In the words of his previous girlfriend Osoi He doesn’t get to the top of his toes. In the animated version Osoi’s character, the animation is white.