Naruto is a popular manga and anime series that has been around since the late 1990s. The story follows the adventures of a young boy named Naruto, who is forced to fight in a war against the evil shinobi forces. The series has been praised for its unique and exciting plotlines, as well as its creative artstyle.


Саске изначально был мотивирован желанием убить своего брата по клану. Узнав больше о своем брате, он решил, что отомстит Конохе. Суйгецу и Карин не разделяют эту мотивацию, и это не то, чего они действительно хотят. У каждого из них есть свои причины для вступления в команду.

Суйгецу Чтобы достать меч Кисаме, СамехадаКарин – Первоначально она планировала путешествовать в одиночку, но якобы шла в одном направлении с командой. Однако на самом деле это было из-за ее интереса Каске. Юго Она рассматривает Саске как преемника Кимимаро, который смог успокоить ее яростную ярость.

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Taka’s first mission is to find out the whereabouts Itachi Uchiha.The mission was stopped because Uchiha had been injured. After he was healed, the group met Kisame. Sasuke passed to meet his brother while others stayed behind. When the Uchihas begin the fight Sasuke gets overwhelmed by Itachi’s power. Sasuke loses but Itachi is unable to fight due to his illness.


Taka and Akatsuki are assigned the task of capturing the Jachinuriki from the Hachibi. He was a strong man, making it difficult to kidnap him. Suigetsu is at risk of causing injury to his companions, but the leader of the group uses Amaterasu to defeat the beast. However, it was discovered that Killer B had hidden in a tentacle which cut Sasuke, causing them to become clones.


After learning the truth from his brother, Sasuke decides that he will kill Konoha along with his companions and the elders who caused Itachi‘s fall into darkness. They capture the Hachibi and head towards their next target. However, Tobi discovers that their mission was unsuccessful and appears before them to give them a new assignment. At first, the Taka leader did not agree to this, but he later revealed that Danzo was responsible for Itachi’s transformation. He was going to the Kages’ meeting when he became interested in the matter and is taken by Zetsu into the Iron Country.

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The mission was split into two parts. The first part saw Sasuke and his friends interrupt the Meeting of the Five Kages at Iron Country. They attacked the samurai. When the Raikage realized that the Taka leader was near, he started fighting him. Karin then followed him to search for Danzo.When Tobi left, he took Sasuke and Danzo, causing them both to clash. He managed to get his Sharean to stop working, but the leader was weak, so he took the leader’s partner. The Uchiha made the decision to sacrifice both them to complete the mission. This mission resulted in Suigetsu, Jugo and Karin being trapped by Iron Country. Karin was then healed by Sakura and taken by Konoha to be interrogated and interrogated.


Sasuke is reunited with his brother and all the Edo Tensei prisoners (except Madara) to revive the Hokage. He will decide if he should pursue his goal to destroy his hometown or if he should take another route. After listening to everyone’s stories and Hashirama’s, Sasuke decides he won’t let Konoha or Itachi’s legacy go unpunished and sets out to stop Madara ‘s Moon-Eye plot. Karin escapes the Konoha Interrogation, Torture group and meets again with Taka. Later, Sasuke apologizes for his actions against Karin. With it, Team Taka, Orochimaru, and the Four Hokages set out to end the Fourth War once for all.

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Name “Taka” likely derives its name from the Japanese proverb “A hawk is born out of a kite” (“Yuan gaYing WoSheng mu tobi ga Taka umu o).


За исключением Suigetsu, большинство его членов сопоставляют свои глаза с цветом волос. Команда Саске из 7 человек очень похожа друг на друга: Юго спокоен, а Карин влюблена в Саске, Сакура была влюблена, а Суйгецу был общительным и шутливым, как Наруто. Все члены Така принадлежат к клану: Клан Суйгэцу Ходзуки, Карин (Клан Узумаки), Суйгэцу Учиха (Клан Учиха), Клан Суйгэцу Ходзуки) и Клан Дзюго. Така и Хеби используются для обозначения костюмов Саске, когда они занимали одно из этих имен.