Miuki Sirogane is a Japanese singer and songwriter. She was born in Tokyo on December 12th, 1990. Miuki started singing at the age of five, and soon found herself in the music industry. In 2009, she released her debut album, “Aishiteru”. The album was well-received by critics and sold over 100,000 copies. In 2013, Miuki released her second album, “Kimi no Na Wa”. The album was also well-received by critics and sold over 150,000 copies. Miuki has since released three more albums: “Aishiteru 2”, “Kimi no Na Wa 2”, and “Sono Aishiteru”. Miuki is currently working on her fourth album which is set to be released in 2019.


Миюки был вдохновлен Оотомо Но Миюки, четвертым человеком из «Сказки о резчике бамбука». Ему было поручено найти Драгоценность из Шеи Дракона.

https://www.youtube.com/embed/HaRQGfRVxto?feature=oembed5 фактов о Миюки Сироганэ Любовь к войне от 414Anime


Miyuki is a young man with long eyelashes, blonde hair and dark blue sanpaku-eyed eyes. His nearsightedness and sleep deprivation make his eyes glare and cause him to appear tired. He also has dark circles and bags under his eyes.

He wears the Shuchi’in Academy’s black male uniform, adorned with the Aiguilette (a golden chain-like accessory) around his neck. This is passed on by previous Shuchi’in Academy presidents under his authority as student council president.


Miyuki, despite being from a poor background, is a hardworking student who rose to the top of his class by perseverance and determination. Miyuki is a person to be admired and works hard to keep his perfect image. Miyuki is a typical workaholic. He enjoys his part-time work and puts his health at risk to do so. He always tries to recruit workers and get them to join his part time job. Miyuki is not very fond on finance because of his poor background. He avoids spending money and doesn’t like expensive gifts.

He has feelings for Kaguya Shinomiya but her wealth and talents intimidate him. Kaguya will look down upon him if he does anything that is romantically interpreted, and he says his trigger phrase, “O-kawaiikoto”, which means “How Cute”. Even after he started dating her, he still believes this. In order to impress Kaguya, he maintains an illusion of a perfect man at all times. 

He hides his less desirable traits from Kaguya because he hates the idea of her finding them out. He studies hard because people force him to listen to “impure” students when they achieve top grades in their age groups. He believes that if he falls under Kaguya’s assessment, it would leave him behind and make a possible relationship with her impossible.

Miyuki never had a girlfriend prior to Kaguya. His stoic demeanor makes it seem like he is a good source of advice for students looking for love. While he excels in studying, Miyuki is painfully lacking in talent in many other activities such as singing, dancing, and sports. He does however, strives to rectify his shortcomings for his ego and unfaltering appearance, as well as Secretary Chika’s mental wellbeing, although he never coerced her to train him.

Miyuki, despite his self-confidence and massive pride, is very selfless, helpful, kind, and virtuous. He never puts his own goals above others. He is very supportive and generous and will help any student with their problems.


Kaguya Sama’s Miyuki Schirogane, the president of the student council, is humble and hardworking. He also has the ideal MBTI personality type to do the job.

Kaguya, Miyuki and their friends have different personalities. At first glance, it seems like Miyuki Shirogane, the studious, is a quiet, detached workaholic. But that’s not true. Miyuki is a likable seinen manga protagonist due to his warm, empathetic, and selfless nature. This is reflected in his MBTI personality type. He is more than his high grades and sleep-deprived eyes.

Miyuki Shirogane’s MBTI Personality Type is ENFJ-T. The Protagonist

Although he is not in a traditional action shonen story Miyuki Shirogane exhibits the Protagonist MBTI personality style. There are many ways to express this proactive, altruistic personality type in a story like Kaguya Sama. Miyuki’s personality code is Extraverted Intuitive Judging Turbulent. This shows that he is an enthusiastic, disciplined, and people-oriented individual. Although Miyuki is not as outgoing as other Protagonists and may even be more introverted than some, he is still an extroverted individual whose life is enhanced by the presence of others.

A Protagonist is someone who takes decisive action to help others, be they friends, co-workers or strangers in danger. Protagonists are determined to make others happier, safer, and more successful. A Protagonist may even go to great lengths to put out the fires of other people.

Miyuki Shirogane, a Protagonist, has a strong sense for right and wrong. They will advocate justice and goodness through all means necessary. However they won’t seek fame, money, or influence to do so. Miyuki Shirogane is a Protagonist who acts out of principle. Protagonists are idealistic, noble leaders who set a great example with their bold personalities and bold actions.

Miyuki Shirogane as a Protagonist in Kaguya Sama: Love Is War

Most Shuichin students see Miyuki as an Architect or Campaigner. But the true Miyuki Shirogane is a person who lives with his family and friends. This allows him to show his heroic side. Miyuki also works part-time to support his single father and impoverished family. His strong sense of responsibility keeps him going no matter how discouraged or tired he feels. Miyuki would feel guilty if he lost his job or quit, and his family were forced from their apartment. He is a Protagonist who would do anything for his family, in this instance his father and his younger sister Kei.

Miyuki’s Protagonist side shines when he is with his classmates and friends at school. As a student, Miyuki is incredibly dedicated to helping all Shuichin students. He also serves as the president of the student council and takes great pride and joy in his achievements while in office. He doesn’t seek fame or adoration, but he is proud of the tangible benefits that he has provided for his fellow students as an ENFJT.

Miyuki’s Protagonist side was evident in two ways when he debated Miko Ino during his reelection campaign. He challenged Miko to show him how she could follow his lead and benefit the school’s students. Second, Miyuki helped Miko overcome stage fright through engaging her in debate. This put Miko back in her comfort zone. Miyuki is a true Protagonist and will help his rivals to bring out their best. He wanted Miko’s potential to be at 100%, and he would do anything for her.

Miyuki, even though he is a bit naive and unsure about romance, doesn’t stop him supporting other characters in their love lives, especially other boys. Miyuki is determined to help others achieve their potential and find happiness. He goes to great lengths for Yu Ishigami, regardless of how flawed or ignorant his advice may be. Miyuki supported Miko when he joined the student council. She admires him as a bold and compassionate Protagonist.


Kaguya-sama’s Shirogane miyuki was born September 9th under the sign Virgo and he lives upto it every day.

Virgo, Miyuki’s Hardworking Earth Sign

Shirogane Mikui was born September 9, meaning he was born under the sign Virgo. This is one of three earth signs in astrological lore. Virgo is represented in a maiden and a stalk of wheat. This symbolises Virgo’s down-to-earth, diligent nature and hardworking attitude. According to legend, Virgos have a natural adaptability and practicality that makes them able to do anything they need to succeed.

They are moderately social and put their family first. Virgos are humble and hardworking signs like the other earth signs. However, they seek praise and recognition from others. They don’t like to be in the background too long.

Virgos can be compared to Aquarius or Leo at times. They are people who love being rooted in a strong social circle and building relationships. Virgos enjoy being praised for their hard work. This may encourage them to do more in the future. Paradoxically, Virgos don’t like vain and boastful people like Leos. A Virgo is determined to get all the attention that they deserve through hard work. Virgos love a happy family and are more content if they have children, siblings, and parents.

Virgos are known for being deliberate and cautious. While they may be enthusiastic, they don’t like to rush into any project without being thoroughly prepared. This sets them apart from Libras Sagittariuses, Leos, and Leos among other reckless signs. Instead, Virgos tend to analyze and study a situation before they commit to it. This is practical for Virgos and helps them to see the details clearly.

However, sometimes it can be detrimental. Virgos can become perfectionists and experience decision paralysis. They may also wear out others’ patience due to their slow, methodical approach, which could limit their potential as leaders. Virgos can also be slow to forgive others or their mistakes.

Shirogane Miyuki As A Virgo In Kaguya-Sama: Love Is War

Shirogane Miyuki embodies key aspects of his native Virgo sign. However, he doesn’t always follow it exactly word-for-word. Miyuki has a home life that isn’t quite like Virgo’s. His family is tense and Miyuki isn’t always able to get along with his single father or his tsundere little brother . Miyuki’s home is his greatest weakness. This would make it miserable for any family-oriented Virgo. Miyuki may not regret moving away after he finishes high school. He would be able to start his own small household, which is better suited to Virgos like him.

Miyuki is a great Virgo at school. His excellent study habits and systematic mindset are perfect examples of his sign’s greatest strengths. Miyuki, unlike the Kaguya who was wealthy, wasn’t born to money and didn’t have access to private tutors or business influence. He was determined to study hard and even sacrificed sleep in order to be Shuchiin’s top student. He took this diligent attitude seriously and built the necessary credentials to be elected president of the student council.

Miyuki demonstrated in his debate with Miko. He was a pragmatic and thoughtful president during the first term. He helped to improve Shuchiin’s school without taking unnecessary risks. Miyuki doesn’t have the visionary leadership skills of a visionary — he is a Virgo who uses practical, pragmatic methods to slowly but surely achieve results. This helped him win a second term.

Miyuki is also a Virgo in his personal and love life with Shinomiya. He is like her in that he is a clever schemer and won’t make any moves unless he has everything planned. However, he is more adept than Kaguya at coming up with new solutions when things go wrong. Virgos are known to be flexible, which helps them soften their rigid and inflexible natures.

Miyuki is a patient and committed lover. He can’t picture his life without Kaguya. Miyuki is a Virgo, who values stability and routine. Kaguya is a constant in his life. Kaguya is more than a classmate. She’s his sun, his earth and his soul. He is in it for the long-term, and will wait as long as necessary to obtain a love confession from Kaguya so that he can spend the rest his life with her.


Miyuki’s mom left him as a child and took his younger sister KeiShirogane along with her when she was “out of love” for her husband. Miyuki was born to , whose father had a factory that was closed. He currently has no steady employment. Their apartment cost Y=50,000, which is approximately $450 per month. He has had to live a low-income lifestyle, working part-time and doing hard work because of his past. Due to his protective nature, he has a bad relationship with his sister. He passed the Level 2 Kanji Kentei test and was awarded Grade Pre 1 on Eiken. He also placed second in the National mock exam.

Miyuki was awarded a scholarship to transfer into Shuchi’in Academy in his first year of highschool. The first week of high school was disappointing in that many of his peers treated him poorly because he had transferred in and was considered “impure”. Miyuki was recruited by the Former Student Council President to be the new general affairs officer for student council.

He also helped clear a swamp. He saw Kaguya Shinoya save a girl who was drowning. (though she had her maid drag her back, which he also admired). He was instantly charmed by Kaguya at that moment. [5] On the advice of Momo Ryuju he adopted the confident genius personality that he showed at the beginning to attract her.



Kei Shirogane

Kei Shirogane his younger sister. He is very protective of her and nags her often. She has become quite rebellious and prickly towards him recently, but he still loves her very much. His relationship with Kei has improved greatly over the course of the story. They often play the straight man to their fathers bizarre behaviors.

Papa Shirogane

Papa Shirogane was his father. Miyuki is known for his strange behavior and irritability. However, Miyuki still respects his father. He often remembers his advice.

Shirogane’s Mother

Shirogane was raised by Shirogane, and his mother encouraged him to excel in school. She then abandoned him at age nine or ten. Miyuki is driven to succeed partly because she hopes that she will return for him.


Kaguya Shinomiya

Kaguya Schinomiya is Miyuki’s favorite girl, but his knowledge of relationships suggests that whoever admits to being the loser is the one who is most likely to be hurt. Therefore, he is reluctant to confess. To get Kaguya to confess, he plays mind games with her. He considers Kaguya beautiful, and has spoken it several times. We learn later in the series that he was the first to fall in love, even before he became the Student Council President. He was simply there to support her and give them a chance. He believes that grand gestures are only appropriate for someone like Kaguya, and he tried to win her support through many grand gestures.

He was still playing mind games with Kaguya but when he learned that he had been accepted to Stanford University and would be attending there at the end, he decided to confess. He wanted to not only confess, but also ask her to come with him. He was primarily motivated by the socioeconomic gap between them. To be truly equal with her, he thought he had to get Kaguya to confess first.

After the events at Chapter 160 Miyuki had secretly started dating Kaguya.

Chapter 220 reveals that Miyuki Shirogane actually slept in the same room as Kaguya Shinomiya.

Chapter 248, Kaguya is in love with Miyuki, but breaks up with him over extenuating circumstances.

Chapter 261: Miyuki rescues Kaguya, and then confesses to it again.

Yuu Ishigami

YuuIshigami has been a close friend to Miyuki. Miyuki recruited him after he investigated an incident in which Ishigami was implicated. Miyuki found out the truth, believed in Ishigami and thus they have a strong trust bond. Miyuki even trusts Ishigami to give him advice about his romance, pretending it’s for a friend. They spend some time together occasionally, apart from school activities.

Chika Fujiwara

Chika Fujiwara was a classmate of Miyuki. He sometimes considers her a threat in his and Kaguya’s mind games. But he owes him a lot. Fujiwara’s tireless training sessions were the reason Fujiwara was able to help him learn how to play volleyball and how to sing at least one song while not killing anyone. Although Miyuki doesn’t view Chika highly, he does trust her abilities. As was shown by the incident about Ai in Kyoto.

Miko Iino

MikoIino was a former rival and friend of Miyuki. She had once run against him for the office of President during student council elections. He lost her, but Miyuki loved her sense of justice. Miyuki also recruited her to be the Auditor for the Student council. The relationship between them is described as “awkward”. Miyuki realized that it was his duty to get to know the members of council better. He tried many times to talk with her but was often dragged into Miko’s bizarre interests. This allowed them to get closer and more comfortable together. Miko revealed her feelings about Yu and Miyuki to Maki and Kaguya. He then decided to support Miko, giving her advice and support for her love life. Their relationship could mirror the bond of Kaguya and Ishigami, with Miyuki acting as a mentor figure to Iino to help her overcome her faults.


Ai Hayasaka

Ай Хаясака был другом Миюки. После того, как Ай раскрыла свою личность, они стали близкими друзьями, и они часто переписывались друг с другом. Двое друзей теперь регулярно тусуются и ведут себя так, как будто они друзья после того, как Ай ушла со своей роли горничной Кагуи.

Го Казамацури

Го Казамацури— друг и одноклассник Миюки. Именно он поощряет Миюки в караоке. Они хорошо ладят. Он похож на Миюки, нечистого парня.

Сабуро Тоёсаки

СабуроТоёсаки— друг и одноклассник Миюки, который ходит на караоке-мероприятие.

Маки Сидзё

Makishijo is a classmate of Miyuki. They were initially drawn together by their inability to confess their crushes. Miyuki thinks she is cute because of her personality, which reminds him of Kaguya.

Mikado Shijo

Mikado Schijo is the only person who scored higher than Miyuki in mock exams last year. Miyuki regards him as his academic rival. They meet up later on in the series and bond over their boob preferences.

Other Friends Of Miyuki Shirogane

Momo Ryuju been a member of the student council together with Miyuki when he was general affairs officer. Although their relationship is not known, Momo seems to see him as a positive person, even willingly helping with a tedious request at the Culture Festival.

The previous President of the Student Council tried to recruit Miyuki in the Student Council’s first year, even though Miyuki was impure. They were friends during Miyuki’s first year. The third year’s graduation ceremony showed that Miyuki and his former student council still respect him, despite any past conflicts. Miyuki has kept some of his predecessor’s policies, including scouting students with troubled pasts and making the Student Council Room available to all students.

Kobachi is Miyuki’s underclassmen. Although initially rivals in the election campaign, Shirogane was able to meet Osaragi through their statuses as “chaperones” for Miko and Ishigami. They attempt to work together to improve the relationship between Miko and Ishigami. This worked in a small way. Shirogane is impressed by Osaragi’s ability to handle Iino’s personality


Миюки — это имя, которое означает «почетный» — Юй — (Mi_) и «ряды, линии» Син — (юки). Фамилия Миюки Сироганэ — «белый» (бай) (сиро_) и «серебро» (Инь) (ганэ).


Естественные гневные глаза и цвет волос Миюки выглядят как художественное выражение манги. У Миюки есть проблемы с выполнением ежедневных задач, с которыми у обычного человека не было бы проблем. Многие из этих проблем были преодолены тяжелыми тренировками, но другие все еще прорабатываются. Это всего лишь несколько примеров плохой деятельности, которую Миюки не может сделать. Миюки страдает энтомофобией (страхом и боязнью насекомых) и, как известно, падает в обморок от кататонического состояния после того, как таракан укусил его за лицо. У Миюки был плохой послужной список в волейболе. Он всегда бил себя, когда пытался служить. Чика Фудзивара научил его играть в волейбол. Миюки был ужасен в пении и был пойман на пении школьного гимна Чики. [8] [9] Чика обучил Миюки петь[8], а затем читать рэп. [10]Миюки имеет плохую репутацию в искусстве воздушных шаров. Воздушный шар продолжает лопать. Миюки настолько плох в искусстве воздушных шаров, что воздушный шар продолжает лопать. У Миюки плохой вкус в танцах. Ему нужна разная подготовка, чтобы освоить каждый тип танца. Тем не менее, его навыки улучшаются, и он может быстрее изучать новые ходы из-за предыдущего опыта. Его научили исполнять танец Соран Чика, Кагуя и [12] затем он научился танцевать бальные танцы у Чики. [13]Миюки, однако, смог овладеть необычными навыками, на которые способны не все люди, такими как:Миюки естественно тянется к искусству. Миюки обладает природным талантом к рисованию и совершенствованию своих навыков. Миюки преуспевает в жонглировании и вращении волчка.  [15]Миюки любит устриц. [16]Миюки любит пингвинов и кошек. [17] [18] [19]У Миюки никогда не было рождественского торта, и у него были только рождественские подарочные карты Y = 2000. Миюки родился с группой крови O и весил 2118 г при рождении.  [21]Волосы на левой стороне Миюки на самом деле являются волосами в постели. Это происходит потому, что он спит головой в подушке пингвина. Волосы Миюки, которые простираются до левой стороны, на самом деле являются волосами кровати. Это происходит потому, что он спит с лицом в подушке пингвина. Миюки отключится и потеряет сознание, если он не будет пополнять свой кофеин каждые три часа. Миюки увлечен небесными телами, и он надеется стать астрономом после завершения своих исследований. Он так любит наблюдать за звездами и луной, что может игнорировать планы Кагуя Синомия заставить его сосредоточиться на Луне. Символ ЛИНИИ Миюки представляет собой изображение созвездия Ориона.  [25]Миюки решил поступить в Стэнфордский университет, после того как окончил Shuchi’in. [26]Миюки — ученик средней школы с чувством моды.  [27]Миюки потерял девственность с Кагуей.  [28]Миюки также может хорошо играть в настольные игры и довольно тактичен. Он использовал трюк Чики Фудзивары против Ю, а затем сумел рассказать об этом Ю и позволил ей отругать Ю во второй раз. База данных личности показывает, что его тип MBTI был ENTJ 3w2. Миюки не любит, когда его называют «Миюкичан», если только это не Кагуя.