Maes Hughes is a versatile player who can play both defense and offense. He has great size and strength, which allows him to be a physical presence on the court. Hughes also has a good shooting touch, which makes him an effective scorer. He is also a good passer, which allows him to create opportunities for his teammates. Hughes is a hard worker who always puts in the effort on the court. He is a valuable member of any team and will be an important part of the Lakers’ future. ..

Personality Maes Hughes

Maes is a pleasant, friendly, and happy person. His closest friends even consider him annoying. Nearly always appearing randomly, he jovially interrupts while an important topic is being discussed. He is well-known in Central for his willingness to evade his duties in order to chat with friends while complaining about the amount of paperwork piling up. Hughes is also very friendly and helpful. He will offer a job under his authority, or a night’s accommodation in his home. Sometimes, he will even drag people behind him. This led to the Elric brothers calling him a “kidnapper”.

His most prominent character flaw is his infatuation with Gracia and his 3-year-old daughter Elicia. Maes is a nuisance, boasting about his wife and daughter to friends and family and offering to take a look at their photos as a reward or motivational tool. To his dismay and embarrassment, he advises his friends Roy Mustang, Edward Elric, to get married as soon as possible.

Hughes’s usual excitement for his family.

This behavior is not surprising as Hughes is a highly trustworthy, intelligent, and serious military officer who goes the extra mile to care for his family. Hughes may be buoyant because he is a soldier who has been involved in investigations and court-martials, as well as a veteran from the Ishval civil War. This shields him and his loved ones against the darker aspects of his profession.

Hughes is a decisive, determined, and shrewd realist who can focus on the important aspects of any given situation and cut out unnecessary. Hughes’s keen eye for detail makes him a great observer of unfavorable patterns and allows him to plan accordingly. Sometimes, Hughes will be the first to spot them in a situation, and may suggest a retreat or change in tactics before others.

Hughes is calm and analytical. He doesn’t hesitate to handle dead bodies, or even death, and he reacts sharply under pressure. He is a realist and understands that not all situations can be fixed. He still has a soft spot in his heart for Roy and is willing to carry as much darkness as necessary to make the world a better place.

Despite his silly antics, Maes is a wise man for his age. He is known to give sagely advice and guidance to his extended family which includes Roy, the Elrics and even WinryRockbell to ensure they are on the right path to a happy future.

Also Read: Who is Alphonse Elric ? : Everything You Need To Know

Appearance Maes Hughes

Maes Hughes is tall and slim. He offsets his military uniform with a thin, scruffy beard and a chinstrap. His spiky, jovially-spiky hair ends in a distinctive forelock. The rectangular glasses framed in front his hazel eyes are also a signature feature. Although his hair is black, 2003 anime gave it a green hue (coincidentally, the same shade of Envy), which suggests that it could have been darker green.

Relationships Maes Hughes

The Hughes family in happier times.

Gracia Hugh

His wife and he seem to be in a good marriage, as evidenced by her inability to get annoyed at his tendencies. Although he is more obsessed with his wife than his daughter, it is evident that he is still a little obsessed. Envy transforms his wife into her form before killing him. This is how he shows his love for her. Maes is reluctant to attack, even though he knows his opponent is a shape-shifter.

Elicia Hugh

His daughter is his greatest love and he often shows off photos of her to anyone he meets. He even displayed a 12-foot tall photo of his daughter to the crowd in Episode 13 of the 2003 anime. Roy was annoyed that he spoke so much about his daughter. He even asked Maes whether it was possible to incinerate someone using a telephone line. Elicia seemed to have difficulty accepting Maes’ passing, or even realizing it, given her age, which shows how close he was with his daughter.

Roy Mustang

Being close friends since their days at the military academy together, Hughes supports Mustang’s secret bid to become Fuhrer. He promised to work under his friend to help him get to the top. Roy is able to receive secret communications and advice from Central City through Maes’ calls or unannounced visits. Because Roy is in a difficult position, Maes acts as a deterrent against Flame Alchemists’ often gloomy disposition.

He spends much of their time communicating with Maes. They talk happily about his family and advise his friend to settle down soon. Although Roy may often treat Hughes with disdain, annoyance and anger, Roy becomes obsessed with finding his friend’s murderer. After Maes’ murder, Roy targets the corruption that led to Maes being murdered.

Edward, and Alphonse Elric

Hughes are especially kind to the Elric brothers through the series. He invites them to his house to celebrate Edward’s birthday in the 2003 anime. This is one of few moments of domestic bliss that the Elric brothers have enjoyed outside of their childhood with their mother. It is possible that Hughes shows kindness to them because the Elric brothers helped Hughes deliver Elicia’s baby in the 2003 anime. He and his wife Gracia remain kind to the brothers as well as their friend Winry Rockbell.

Hughes is Edward’s most trusted ally in military affairs. Hughes can convince Edward to tell him what he saw in Laboratory 5., and Hughes occasionally provides them with useful information. Similar to the Elrics, Major Alex Louis Armstrong seems to play a similar role. Edward immediately blames Mustang for Hughes’ death when he learns of his brother’s death. However, Edward eventually drops the accusation. Edward also claimed that he was partly responsible for Hughes’ death, since he was the one who initiated the investigation. Alphonse also has symptoms, although it is difficult to see his emotions because he was wearing an armor at the time.


Maes accepts Winry as his surrogate child. He enjoys her company and her youthful spirit. He is willing to give her advice about how to handle their stubbornness, as he respects her role as Elrics’ support and comfort. Hughes, seeing the love between Winry and Ed, has said to Ed that “she will make you a great wife one day”, much to Ed’s dismay.


He took her on as his subordinate Lt. Colonel Hughes enjoys teasing Sheska, and using her intelligence and remarkable memory to help him in his office. This earned him the title of a sadistic slave-driver. He is well-intentioned and kind, and he does so with a good heart. Sheska was also involved in the investigation into Hughes’ death. Sheska played a crucial role in locating the last piece of information Hughes had about his secretary Juliet Douglas.

Abilities Maes Hughes

Hughes was originally assigned to the Investigations Division of Central. Hughes is more involved in police work than he ever is in actual combat. His skills with the push knives have been demonstrated, with precise aiming and the use of his reflexes. Hughes was known for his strength. It took two Homunculus in order to bring him down. He was able to defeat one Homunculus and then scare another. Hughes was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and is now in charge of the Investigations Division. Hughes also had excellent deductive skills. He was able to spot the patterns of major fights and match them with the points Edward gave him to create the Transmutation Circle. He was very resilient, even after he had to fight off one Homunculus and was shot in the heart with another, he was able to offer an apology before he died.

Trivia Maes Hughes

Another police officer looking a lot like Hughes is seen in the OVA ” Children” on Conqueror of Shamballa DVD giving directions to Edward Elric’s grandchildren. Hughes used to joke about his daughter, mainly to Roy, by showing Roy and Ed a picture of her and then exclaiming “!” My beautiful daughter Elicia is stunning! Isn’t she precious? ! “In the 2003 anime, along with a side story in manga, Ed and Roy were fighting. He revealed a large photo of his daughter to the crowd. Many people were upset by his death, despite this bad habit. This running gag indirectly leads to Maes’s death. Envy took advantage of Maes’s mistake and dropped one family photo. Envy turns into Maes’ wife, distracting him and shooting pictures. His habit, which is not only too knowledgeable, is what leads him to his death. Maes’s death has been slightly altered from the manga. Hughes was first seen attacking Envy in the 2003 anime and was then shot in the liver. He also died almost immediately. He was shot in the heart during the 2009 anime. Hughes survived this version, and was able to say goodbye to his family. Hughes’ military identification number (USO-800) is USO-801. Episode 30, The Ishvalan War of Extermination. A letter addressed to Maes Hughes reveals that he was stationed at the 27th Infantry Battalion in the Ishval Civil War. The Hughes house is in Central City on Mayflower Street. Maes Hughes, like all military personnel in this series, is named after a military aircraft, the Hughes HTML4 Hercules heavy transport airplane (also called the ” Spruce Goose “). Arakawa, while holding Volume 22’s FMA volume without visible number, states that Hughes and Lust were not drawn. She was supposed to have them on the back spines of the printed manga volume. However, she apparently didn’t have the time.

Hughes with Elicia in the cover photo.

The splash page for Chapter 107 shows the protagonists placing their fists in the center. The reader can see that his hand is holding a photo of Elicia. In the Japanese dub, his first name is pronounced differently than in English. It sounds like “Maze”, but it’s almost the same pronunciation in Japanese: “Mas. ”Maes has held four ranks in the Amestrian State Military over his career. Maes was a Captain in the Ishval Civil War manga storyline. He was also introduced as a Major for the 2003 anime storyline. He is posthumously promoted to Brigadier General, or Major General, in both stories. His scene in ” In Memoriam” is when he shows the Slicer Brothers his picture of his daughter, as they ascend to heaven. Hughes’ participation in the Ishval Civil War was different in 2003 anime. During Episode 25, Words of Farewell it was revealed Hughes didn’t serve on the frontlines during the Civil War. Hughes chose to keep his military job as a desk job. This was because the 2003 anime had ended long before the serialization of the manga chapters about the Ishval Civil War had been published. Before Envy’s murder, he was wounded by Lust by taking the form of his wife. This may have been to refer to Lust’s excessive love of others and how he ends up at Envy’s hands using the same tactic. Hughes’s tendency to gush over his family is also a safety precaution for making sure a telephone line is secure. So Mustang must put up with it until they are sure that the line is secure. In 2020, Keiji Fujiwara, a japanese actor of voice, died from cancer. Characters like Edward, Roy killed the homunculi that were related to their flaws. Lust and Pride specifically. Maes was interestingly killed by Envy. Many envied Maes’s wife and daughter.

Fullmetal Alchemist – Maes Hughes’ 5 greatest strengths (and 5 biggest weaknesses)

Fullmetal Alchemist’s titular character is the most well-developed and loved by fans. This is also the case for many popular shonen series. The series also features many fascinating characters, some of which don’t stay around for long, or play an important role in the story.

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Maes Hughes is one such character. He is the loving, caring husband and father of Hughes’ children. It’s amazing how he can switch between rambling about his love for his family and being serious about military-related matters the next. His final scene is probably the most difficult in the series. His strengths are what make him one of the most tragic characters, but they also make him his most vulnerable weaknesses.

Ten Strength: He can remain positive, even in difficult situations

Hughes’ family-oriented personality makes him one of the most optimistic characters in the series. Hughes always believed that no matter what, he would make it through and be able to return to his family.

Even though he knew they were fighting an unjust war that had too many casualties, this helped to keep his spirits up in Ishval. Although Mustang said that are the people who die first, he was able to make it through the War with his own life.

9 Weakness: His Heart Could Be Too Kind for Combat

Hughes wouldn’t be able to put a single hand on any of his family members even if they are just a false representation. This is exactly how Envy can win and gain the upper hand. He tried to defend himself against Envy with a knife in his hand, but the two had morphed into his wife.

He froze, even though he knew it wasn’t her and that his life was in serious danger. He couldn’t get over the image of her and it eventually led to his premature death.

8 Strength: He will help those he cares about with all of his power

There are many ways to gain unlimited power and resurrect the dead in an alchemist world. It makes sense then that there would be many selfish, heartless people. Hughes may be kind-hearted enough not to wish the best for Elrics but it would have been understandable to choose to stay out of their business for his safety and that of his family.

Hughes cares too much about the welfare of others for them to be able to search on their own. Hughes supported Mustang throughout his adventure, supporting and encouraging him, even before he was seen helping the Elrics so many times. He was a major reason Mustang survived Ishval without succumbing to the burden of his military duties.

7 Weakness: He gets too involved in the business of other people

Hughes is not a character that would be able turn away someone who needs help. This is especially true for growing boys such as the Elric brothers who don’t have a family. This is his solid point, but it’s the same trait that led to his death.

Hughes was not killed for uncovering too much about the conspiracy between the military and the Homunculi. He was doing this only to help Ed and Al. In a later conversation, Hughes and his wife try to blame each other for their deaths. But she insists that it is ‘just the type of person he was.

6 Strength: His deductive and combat skills are nothing to laugh at

Hughes earned his military rank by showing off his less serious side. Hughes is the only character to have demonstrated a proficiency with knives, whether they are short-range stabs or long range throws. He has a keen sense of danger and is quite intelligent for his position in Central’s investigative unit. His deductive skills are what led him to uncover the truth about the military’s darker side.

5 Weakness: He doesn’t possess any form of Alchemy

Alchemy doesn’t make you a stronger soldier. Because of their alchemy, characters like Ed and Mustang are compelling. Even Riza’s without it are safe due to her proficiency with various gun types.

Hughes, on the other hand must rely more on his opponent being taken by surprise because, although Hughes is skilled with knives, his physical strength matches that of a normal person. Hughes even commented on the matter after he stayed out of a fight. He said that it was impossible for him to compete against such freaks due to their power.

4 Strength: His family-man persona helps to hide the darker nature of his work

Hughes’ tendency to speak in a loud and obnoxious manner with his wife and daughters can be irritating for others. However, it is partially an effective shield from the more serious things Hughes has to deal with. Hughes is calm under pressure, even when he has to deal with the death of someone he loves. He is a realist at heart. He sees the dark sides of humanity and protects those he loves. He is partly responsible for his tireless support of Roy and his idealist vision. He admires Roy’s ability to reach goals that seem impossible.

3 Weakness: He drags his family into his work-life too often

Hughes speaks a lot about his family. Half of the time it’s to hide the dark truths about Hughes’ work. The other half is because Hughes loves them. While this may sound great, there are times when Hughes takes things too far and brings up his family in completely inappropriate moments.

He will interrupt important conversations or disrupt important calls. In the 2003 anime, he also brought a huge framed photo of Elicia to show to the crowd while Ed and Mustang fought. His family picture, which he keeps around even at work . Envy used it against him .

2 Strength: He is wise for his age and helps to guide the younger characters

Hughes is still in his late 20s, despite his mature appearance. Hughes is seen as a wiser character in the series. He gives advice and tries to guide others to a life that makes them happy.

This includes his close friends, such as Roy, and those he helps out like Edward. Even more, he was seen talking to Winry about the Elrics and their personalities the day they met. Winry expressed frustration at Ed not being able to communicate with him.

1 Weakness: He can push his hospitality on to others a little too forcefully

Hughes’ warm and friendly nature is a plus, but he can sometimes be too pushy with others when he offers a helping hand. When Winry discovers that there is no place to stay in Central after Ed’s emergency repairs, Mustang takes her to his home and drags her out to the hospital. Mustang also gets annoyed at Mustang for not having settled down and started a family.