Luffy Gear 5 is an upcoming action role-playing video game for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One platforms. Developed by Bandai Namco Entertainment, it is the fifth installment in the “Luffy” series, and is set after the events of “One Piece” and before “Dragon Ball Super”. The game was announced at E3 2019, during Sony’s press conference. The game will be published by Bandai Namco Entertainment in Japan and North America. It is set to release on December 14th, 2019 in Japan and December 17th, 2019 in North America. Contents show] Plot Edit After years of being held captive by a powerful pirate group known as The World Government, Luffy finally escapes with his friends Ace and Brook. They travel to find new allies in order to take down The World Government once and for all. Along the way they must outwit pirates, defeat powerful monsters, and save the world from a terrible fate.

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LUFFY GEAR 5 Overview

The Gomu Gomu, previously known as the Hito Hito mi, Model: Nika gives the user’s rubber-like body more physical strength and freedom. This is limited only by the user’s imagination. The user will become the “Warrior of Liberation” (Jie Fang noZhan Shi Kaiho no Senshi?) and can fight as they like and bring joy to others.

This state causes Luffy to have a rhythm that Zunesha calls the “Drums of Liberation”. [5] His hair and clothes become white and his eyes lighten with white ring-like pupils. White clouds also float around his neck similar to the steam clouds that accompany him in Gear Fourth. This form released enough Haki to feel it all the way to Skull Dome. It knocked out multiple Beasts Pirates.

Luffy’s head is positioned around Kaido’s club.

Luffy’s rubbery body, which aligns with the Mythical Zan nature of his new form, gains strength, freedom, and durability that exceeds what he would get from his previous forms. Kaidou compares it to “something out a picture book”. This is evident when Luffy was hit by one of Kaidou’s BoloBREath attacks. He only suffered minor injuries and his body was charred, before he ran back to face Kaidou. Another example is when he activated Gear 5 and took a hit on the head from Kaidou’s Hassaikai.

However, his head warped and wrapped around the weapon’s spikes or when Kaidou attempted to smash him into a ground, his body was just squished and returned to its original form.

Luffy can use both the limb inflation of Gear 3 as well as the muscle inflation from Gear 4 without having to inject air into his body. This is what he used first against Kaidou. To grab Kaidou’s reformed body, he was able to grow his arm to a huge size and pull him out of the Skull Dome. Luffy’s larger limbs and muscles allowed him to easily handle Kaidou, even though he was huge. He could swing him side-to-side. Luffy can also inflate his entire body simultaneously, turning himself into a massive giant.

Luffy spontaneously changes his body and manipulates ground like rubber.

Luffy’s rubbery nature is able to extend into the environment around it, as shown when he stretched a section from a roof and used it for Kaidou’s Bolo Breath to bounce back at him. The Bolobreath did not melt the modified terrain. Kaidou actually swallowed Luffy whole and caused his body to expand and inflate with it. Kaidou pointed out that this, along with Luffy’s transformation, is very unusual due to the fact that it featured elements from both Paramecia as well as Zoan awakenings. Luffy even showed that he can apply this effect to intangible matter like lightning.

The Gear 5 transformation is over.

This form is extremely strong, but due to inexperience it can consume a lot of energy. Luffy will also experience a lot of fatigue and exhaustion once he has been de-transformed. [10] Luffy can still transform himself by forcing his heart to beat to the Drums of Liberation.

LUFFY GEAR 5: Techniques

Gomu Gomu (gomugomunoFeng Chaan Gomu Gomu ): This is a variant of Luffy’s standard technique. Unlike the original, Luffy’s body becomes buoyant like a helium balloon. This technique was first used against Kaidou as a dragon, when Luffy entered Kaidou’s body and expanded his own.

Gomu Gomu no Gigant

Gomu Gomu no Gigant (gomugomuno Ju Ren Gomu Gomu no Giganto ? Literally, “Rubber Rubber Giant”: This is a technique in which Luffy grows to the size of a literal Giant As if activating Gear 3 His entire body. The name of this technique is based on the Gear 3 naming theme but without the “Gigant” suffix. This is what the VIZ Manga calls it. Gum-Gum Giant .

Gomu Gomu no Bajrang Gun

Gomu Gomu no Bajrang Gun (gomugomuno Yuan Shen Chong Gomu Gomu no Bajurangu Gan Literally, it means “Rubber Rubber God Gun”: This is the Gear 5 version Gomu Gomu no King Kong Gun. He inflates almost his entire fist to nearly the size of Onigashima Infuse it with Busoshoku And Haoshoku Haki Then, he unleashes the attack at his opponent, intent on punching them directly, but not making contact. He does this by emitting Haki outward for a devastating blow. Kaidou was the first to use this attack. He countered it with Shoryu: Kaen Hakke This led to a huge clash. It quickly overpowered Kaidou’s techniques, sending him plummeting to the ground. This created a visible hole that was identical to his target’s shape. “Bajrang”, an alternative name for the Hindu Monkey God, is also known as Hanuman This is a possible source of inspiration Sun Wukong . This is what the VIZ Manga calls it Gum-Gum Bajrang Gun .

Situational Techniques

Gomu Gomu no Dasshutsu Rocket [gomugomunoTuo Ch roketsuto Gomu Gomu no Dasshutsu Roketto ]: Luffy used this technique to escape Kaidou’s body following his use of “Gomu Gomu no Fusen”. Luffy extends his arms through the eyes of his opponent and grabs their nose to launch him out. In VIZ Manga, this technique is called Gum Gum Escape Rocket. Gomu Gomu No Nawatobi (gomugomunoNawa Bi Gomu Gomu? no Nawatobi?): Kaidou, a giant-sized Luffy, grabs Kaidou and uses Kaidou’s serpentine body to skipping rope. [16] The VIZ Manga calls this Gum-Gum Jump Rope.

Gomu Gomu no Kaminari

Gomu Gomu (gomugomunoLei Gomu Gomu ): Luffy uses the rubber properties to create a lightning bolt and grabs it. He then throws it at Kaidou. This attack was first made against Kaidou.


Gear 5 appears to be inspired by rubberhose animation, and other cartoon effects. Gear 5 was first mentioned in SBS Volume 98. A fan asked Oda if it was coming. Oda replied by secretly noting that the world was transitioning to broadband networks. This form sees Luffy’s eyebrows becoming wavy and billowing like Kaidou in his hybrid and dragon forms.

title: “Everything You Need To Know About Luffy Gear 5” ShowToc: true date: “2022-12-14” author: “Robert Slayman”

Luffy Gear 5 is an upcoming action role-playing video game for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One platforms. Developed by Bandai Namco Entertainment, it is the fifth installment in the “Luffy” series, and is set after the events of “One Piece” and before “Dragon Ball Super”. The game was announced at E3 2019, during Sony’s press conference. The game will be published by Bandai Namco Entertainment in Japan and North America. It is set to release on December 14th, 2019 in Japan and December 17th, 2019 in North America. Contents show] Plot Edit After years of being held captive by a powerful pirate group known as The World Government, Luffy finally escapes with his friends Ace and Brook. They travel to find new allies in order to take down The World Government once and for all. Along the way they must outwit pirates, defeat powerful monsters, and save the world from a terrible fate.

Peut aussi aimer : One Piece : Tous les engrenages de Luffy TOUT CE QU’IL FAUT SAVOIR


Le Gomu Gomu , anciennement connu sous le nom de Hito Hito mi, modèle : Nika, donne au corps en caoutchouc de l’utilisateur plus de force physique et de liberté. Ceci n’est limité que par l’imagination de l’utilisateur. L’utilisateur deviendra le « Guerrier de la Libération » (Jie Fang noZhan Shi Kaiho no Senshi ?) et pourra se battre à sa guise et apporter de la joie aux autres.

Cet état amène Luffy à avoir un rythme que Zunesha appelle les « tambours de libération ». [5] Ses cheveux et ses vêtements deviennent blancs et ses yeux s’éclaircissent avec des pupilles blanches en forme d’anneau. Des nuages ​​blancs flottent également autour de son cou, semblables aux nuages ​​​​de vapeur qui l’accompagnent dans Gear Fourth. Cette forme a libéré suffisamment de Haki pour le ressentir jusqu’au Skull Dome. Il a assommé plusieurs Beasts Pirates.

La tête de Luffy est positionnée autour du club de Kaido.

Le corps caoutchouteux de Luffy, qui s’aligne sur la nature Mythique Zan de sa nouvelle forme, gagne en force, en liberté et en durabilité qui dépasse ce qu’il obtiendrait de ses formes précédentes. Kaidou le compare à « quelque chose qui sort d’un livre d’images ». Cela est évident lorsque Luffy a été touché par l’une des attaques BoloBREath de Kaidou . Il n’a subi que des blessures mineures et son corps a été carbonisé, avant de courir pour faire face à Kaidou. Un autre exemple est lorsqu’il a activé Gear 5 et a reçu un coup sur la tête du Hassaikai de Kaidou.

Cependant, sa tête s’est déformée et s’est enroulée autour des pointes de l’arme ou lorsque Kaidou a tenté de l’écraser sur le sol, son corps a juste été écrasé et a retrouvé sa forme d’origine.

Luffy peut utiliser à la fois le gonflage des membres du Gear 3 et le gonflage des muscles du Gear 4 sans avoir à injecter de l’air dans son corps. C’est ce qu’il a utilisé en premier contre Kaidou. Pour saisir le corps réformé de Kaidou, il a pu faire grossir son bras jusqu’à une taille énorme et le sortir du Skull Dome. Les membres et les muscles plus gros de Luffy lui permettaient de manipuler facilement Kaidou, même s’il était énorme. Il pouvait le balancer d’un côté à l’autre. Luffy peut également gonfler tout son corps simultanément, se transformant en un géant massif.

Luffy change spontanément de corps et manipule le sol comme du caoutchouc.

La nature caoutchouteuse de Luffy est capable de s’étendre dans l’environnement qui l’entoure, comme le montre le moment où il a étiré une section d’un toit et l’a utilisée pour que le souffle Bolo de Kaidou rebondisse sur lui. Le Bolobreath n’a pas fait fondre le terrain modifié. Kaidou a en fait avalé Luffy en entier et a fait en sorte que son corps se dilate et se gonfle avec lui. Kaidou a souligné que cela, ainsi que la transformation de Luffy, est très inhabituel en raison du fait qu’il comportait des éléments de Paramecia ainsi que des réveils de Zoan. Luffy a même montré qu’il pouvait appliquer cet effet à une matière intangible comme la foudre.

La transformation Gear 5 est terminée.

Cette forme est extrêmement forte, mais en raison de son inexpérience, elle peut consommer beaucoup d’énergie. Luffy ressentira également beaucoup de fatigue et d’épuisement une fois qu’il aura été dé-transformé. [10] Luffy peut encore se transformer en forçant son cœur à battre les Tambours de la Libération.


Gomu Gomu (gomugomunoFeng Chaan Gomu Gomu) : Il s’agit d’une variante de la technique standard de Luffy.  Contrairement à l’original, le corps de Luffy flotte comme un ballon d’hélium.  Cette technique a été utilisée pour la première fois contre Kaidou en tant que dragon, lorsque Luffy est entré dans le corps de Kaidou et a agrandi le sien.

Gomu Gomu no Gigant

Gomu Gomu no Gigant (gomugomunoJu Ren Gomu Gomu pas de giganto ? Littéralement, « Rubber Rubber Giant »: Il s’agit d’une technique dans laquelle Luffy atteint la taille d’un géant littéral comme s’il activait Gear 3 tout son corps.  Le nom de cette technique est basé sur le thème de dénomination Gear 3 mais sans le suffixe « Gigant ».  C’est ainsi que le VIZ Manga l’appelle.  Gum-Gum Géant .

Pistolet Gomu Gomu no Bajrang

Gomu Gomu no Bajrang Gun (gomugomunoYuan Shen Chong Gomu Gomu no Bajurangu Gan Littéralement, cela signifie « Rubber Rubber God Gun »: Il s’agit de la version Gear 5 Gomu Gomu no King Kong Gun.  Il gonfle presque tout son poing à presque la taille d’Onigashima Infusez-le avec Busoshoku et Haoshoku Haki Ensuite, il déchaîne l’attaque sur son adversaire, avec l’intention de le frapper directement, mais sans entrer en contact.  Il le fait en émettant Haki vers l’extérieur pour un coup dévastateur. Kaidou a été le premier à utiliser cette attaque.  Il a riposté avecShoryu : Kaen Hakke Cela a conduit à un énorme affrontement.  Cela a rapidement maîtrisé les techniques de Kaidou, l’envoyant s’effondrer au sol.  Cela a créé un trou visible qui était identique à la forme de sa cible.  « Bajrang », un nom alternatif pour le dieu singe hindou, est également connu sous le nom de Hanuman. Il s’agit d’une source d’inspiration possible de Sun Wukong.  C’est ainsi que le VIZ Manga l’appelle Gum-Gum Bajrang Gun .


Gomu Gomu no Dasshutsu Rocket [gomugomunoTuo Ch roketsuto Gomu Gomu no Dasshutsu Roketto] : Luffy a utilisé cette technique pour s’échapper du corps de Kaidou suite à son utilisation de « Gomu Gomu no Fusen ».  Luffy étend ses bras à travers les yeux de son adversaire et attrape son nez pour le lancer.  Dans VIZ Manga, cette technique s’appelle Gum Gum Escape Rocket . Gomu Gomu No Nawatobi (gomugomunoNawa Bi Gomu Gomu? no Nawatobi?): Kaidou, un Luffy de taille géante, attrape Kaidou et utilise le corps serpentin de Kaidou pour sauter à la corde.  [16] Le manga VIZ appelle cette corde à sauter Gum-Gum.

Gomu Gomu no Kaminari

Gomu Gomu (gomugomunoLei Gomu Gomu ): Luffy utilise les propriétés du caoutchouc pour créer un éclair et l’attrape.  Il le lance ensuite sur Kaidou.  Cette attaque a d’abord été faite contre Kaidou.


Gear 5 semble s’inspirer de l’animation de tuyaux en caoutchouc et d’autres effets de dessin animé. Gear 5 a été mentionné pour la première fois dans SBS Volume 98. Un fan a demandé à Oda s’il arrivait.  Oda a répondu en notant secrètement que le monde était en train de passer aux réseaux à large bande. Cette forme voit les sourcils de Luffy devenir ondulés et gonflés comme Kaidou dans ses formes hybrides et dragon.

title: “Everything You Need To Know About Luffy Gear 5” ShowToc: true date: “2022-10-23” author: “Hien Lewis”

Luffy Gear 5 is an upcoming action role-playing video game for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One platforms. Developed by Bandai Namco Entertainment, it is the fifth installment in the “Luffy” series, and is set after the events of “One Piece” and before “Dragon Ball Super”. The game was announced at E3 2019, during Sony’s press conference. The game will be published by Bandai Namco Entertainment in Japan and North America. It is set to release on December 14th, 2019 in Japan and December 17th, 2019 in North America. Contents show] Plot Edit After years of being held captive by a powerful pirate group known as The World Government, Luffy finally escapes with his friends Ace and Brook. They travel to find new allies in order to take down The World Government once and for all. Along the way they must outwit pirates, defeat powerful monsters, and save the world from a terrible fate. Zhoniin

Potrebbe piacerti anche: One Piece: All Of Rufy’s Gears TUTTO DEVE SAPERE


Il Gomu Gomu , precedentemente noto come Hito Hito mi, Modello: Nika conferisce al corpo simile alla gomma dell’utente più forza fisica e libertà. Questo è limitato solo dall’immaginazione dell’utente. L’utente diventerà il “Guerriero della Liberazione” (Jie Fang noZhan Shi Kaiho no Senshi?) e potrà combattere a suo piacimento e portare gioia agli altri.

Questo stato fa sì che Rufy abbia un ritmo che Zunesha chiama i “tamburi della liberazione”. [5] I suoi capelli e le sue vesti diventano bianchi e i suoi occhi si illuminano di pupille bianche ad anello. Nuvole bianche fluttuano anche intorno al suo collo simili alle nuvole di vapore che lo accompagnano in Gear Fourth. Questo modulo ha rilasciato abbastanza Haki per sentirlo fino allo Skull Dome. Ha messo fuori combattimento più Beasts Pirates.

La testa di Rufy è posizionata attorno al club di Kaido.

Il corpo gommoso di Rufy, che si allinea con la natura mitica Zan della sua nuova forma, guadagna forza, libertà e durata che superano ciò che otterrebbe dalle sue forme precedenti. Kaidou lo paragona a “qualcosa di un libro illustrato”. Questo è evidente quando Rufy è stato colpito da uno degli attacchi BoloBREath di Kaidou . Ha subito solo lievi ferite e il suo corpo è stato carbonizzato, prima di tornare di corsa ad affrontare Kaidou. Un altro esempio è quando ha attivato Gear 5 e ha preso un colpo alla testa dall’Hassaikai di Kaidou.

Tuttavia, la sua testa si è deformata e si è avvolta attorno alle punte dell’arma o quando Kaidou ha tentato di fracassarlo a terra, il suo corpo è stato semplicemente schiacciato ed è tornato alla sua forma originale.

Rufy può utilizzare sia il gonfiaggio degli arti di Gear 3 che il gonfiaggio muscolare di Gear 4 senza dover iniettare aria nel suo corpo. Questo è ciò che ha usato per primo contro Kaidou. Per afferrare il corpo riformato di Kaidou, è stato in grado di far crescere il suo braccio fino a raggiungere una dimensione enorme e tirarlo fuori dalla Cupola del Teschio. Gli arti e i muscoli più grandi di Rufy gli hanno permesso di gestire facilmente Kaidou, anche se era enorme. Potrebbe farlo oscillare da un lato all’altro. Rufy può anche gonfiare tutto il suo corpo contemporaneamente, trasformandosi in un gigantesco enorme.

Rufy cambia spontaneamente il suo corpo e manipola il terreno come gomma.

La natura gommosa di Rufy è in grado di estendersi nell’ambiente circostante, come mostrato quando ha allungato una sezione da un tetto e l’ha usata per far rimbalzare il Bolo Breath di Kaidou su di lui. Il Bolobreath non ha sciolto il terreno modificato. Kaidou ha effettivamente ingoiato Rufy per intero e ha fatto espandere e gonfiare il suo corpo con esso. Kaidou ha sottolineato che questo, insieme alla trasformazione di Rufy, è molto insolito a causa del fatto che presentava elementi sia di Paramecia che di risvegli di Zoan. Rufy ha anche dimostrato di poter applicare questo effetto a materia immateriale come un fulmine.

La trasformazione di Gear 5 è finita.

Questa forma è estremamente forte, ma a causa dell’inesperienza può consumare molta energia. Rufy sperimenterà anche molta fatica ed esaurimento una volta che sarà stato de-trasformato. [10] Rufy può ancora trasformarsi costringendo il suo cuore a battere al suono dei Tamburi della Liberazione.


Gomu Gomu (gomugomunoFeng Chaan Gomu Gomu): Questa è una variante della tecnica standard di Rufy.  A differenza dell’originale, il corpo di Rufy diventa galleggiante come un pallone ad elio.  Questa tecnica fu usata per la prima volta contro Kaidou come drago, quando Rufy entrò nel corpo di Kaidou e ne espanse il proprio.

Gomu Gomu non è un gigante

Gomu Gomu non gigante (gomugomunoJu Ren Gomu Gomu non Giganto ? Letteralmente, “Gigante di gomma di gomma”: questa è una tecnica in cui Rufy cresce fino alle dimensioni di un gigante letterale come se attivasse l’intero corpo di Gear 3.  Il nome di questa tecnica si basa sul tema di denominazione di Gear 3 ma senza il suffisso “Gigant”.  Questo è come lo chiama VIZ Manga.  Gigante della gomma-gomma .

Pistola Gomu Gomu no Bajrang

Pistola Gomu Gomu no Bajrang (gomugomuno)Yuan Shen Chong Gomu Gomu no Bajurangu Gan Letteralmente, significa “Gomu Gomu no King Kong Gun”: questa è la versione Gear 5 Gomu Gomu no King Kong Gun.  Gonfia quasi tutto il suo pugno fino a quasi le dimensioni di Onigashima. Infondilo con Busoshoku e Haoshoku Haki Quindi, scatena l’attacco contro il suo avversario, intento a prenderlo a pugni direttamente, ma senza entrare in contatto.  Lo fa emettendo Haki verso l’esterno per un colpo devastante. Kaidou è stato il primo a usare questo attacco.  Lo ha contrastato conShoryu: Kaen Hakke Ciò ha portato a un enorme scontro.  Ha rapidamente sopraffatto le tecniche di Kaidou, facendolo precipitare a terra.  Questo ha creato un buco visibile che era identico alla forma del suo bersaglio.  “Bajrang”, un nome alternativo per il dio scimmia indù, è anche conosciuto come Hanuman. Questa è una possibile fonte di ispirazione Sun Wukong.  Questo è ciò che il VIZ Manga lo chiama Gum-Gum Bajrang Gun .


Gomu Gomu no Dasshutsu Rocket [gomugomunoTuo Ch roketsuto Gomu Gomu no Dasshutsu Roketto ]: Rufy ha usato questa tecnica per sfuggire al corpo di Kaidou dopo aver usato “Gomu Gomu no Fusen”.  Rufy allunga le braccia attraverso gli occhi del suo avversario e gli afferra il naso per lanciarlo fuori.  In VIZ Manga, questa tecnica si chiama Gum Gum Escape Rocket . Gomu Gomu No Nawatobi (gomugomunoNawa Bi Gomu Gomu? No Nawatobi?): Kaidou, un Rufy di taglia gigante, afferra Kaidou e usa il corpo serpentino di Kaidou per saltare la corda. [16] Il manga VIZ chiama questa corda per saltare Gum-Gum.

Gomu Gomu non Kaminari

Gomu Gomu (gomugomunoLei Gomu Gomu): Rufy usa le proprietà della gomma per creare un fulmine e lo afferra.  Quindi lo lancia a Kaidou.  Questo attacco è stato effettuato per la prima volta contro Kaidou.


Gear 5 sembra essere ispirato dall’animazione del tubo di gomma e da altri effetti dei cartoni animati. Gear 5 è stato menzionato per la prima volta in SBS Volume 98. Un fan ha chiesto a Oda se sarebbe arrivato.  Oda ha risposto osservando segretamente che il mondo stava passando alle reti a banda larga. Questa forma vede le sopracciglia di Rufy diventare ondulate e ondeggianti come Kaidou nelle sue forme ibride e di drago.

title: “Everything You Need To Know About Luffy Gear 5” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-27” author: “Kelly Pettaway”

Luffy Gear 5 is an upcoming action role-playing video game for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One platforms. Developed by Bandai Namco Entertainment, it is the fifth installment in the “Luffy” series, and is set after the events of “One Piece” and before “Dragon Ball Super”. The game was announced at E3 2019, during Sony’s press conference. The game will be published by Bandai Namco Entertainment in Japan and North America. It is set to release on December 14th, 2019 in Japan and December 17th, 2019 in North America. Contents show] Plot Edit After years of being held captive by a powerful pirate group known as The World Government, Luffy finally escapes with his friends Ace and Brook. They travel to find new allies in order to take down The World Government once and for all. Along the way they must outwit pirates, defeat powerful monsters, and save the world from a terrible fate.

Может также понравиться: One Piece: All Of Luffy’s Gears ВСЕ НУЖНО ЗНАТЬ


Gomu Gomu, ранее известный как Hito Hito mi, Модель: Nika дает резиноподобному телу пользователя больше физической силы и свободы. Это ограничено только воображением пользователя. Пользователь станет «Воином освобождения» (Jie Fang noZhan Shi Kaiho no Senshi?) и сможет сражаться так, как им нравится, и приносить радость окружающим.

Это состояние заставляет Луффи иметь ритм, который Зунеша называет «Барабанами освобождения». [5] Его волосы и одежда становятся белыми, а глаза светлеют белыми кольцеобразными зрачками. Белые облака также плавают вокруг его шеи, похожие на паровые облака, которые сопровождают его в Gear Fourth. Эта форма выпустила достаточно Хаки, чтобы почувствовать это вплоть до Skull Dome. Он нокаутировал нескольких Пиратов Зверей.

Luffy’s head is positioned around Kaido’s club.

Luffy’s rubbery body, which aligns with the Mythical Zan nature of his new form, gains strength, freedom, and durability that exceeds what he would get from his previous forms. Kaidou compares it to “something out a picture book”. This is evident when Luffy was hit by one of Kaidou’s BoloBREath attacks. He only suffered minor injuries and his body was charred, before he ran back to face Kaidou. Another example is when he activated Gear 5 and took a hit on the head from Kaidou’s Hassaikai.

However, his head warped and wrapped around the weapon’s spikes or when Kaidou attempted to smash him into a ground, his body was just squished and returned to its original form.

Luffy can use both the limb inflation of Gear 3 as well as the muscle inflation from Gear 4 without having to inject air into his body. This is what he used first against Kaidou. To grab Kaidou’s reformed body, he was able to grow his arm to a huge size and pull him out of the Skull Dome. Luffy’s larger limbs and muscles allowed him to easily handle Kaidou, even though he was huge. He could swing him side-to-side. Luffy can also inflate his entire body simultaneously, turning himself into a massive giant.

Luffy spontaneously changes his body and manipulates ground like rubber.

Luffy’s rubbery nature is able to extend into the environment around it, as shown when he stretched a section from a roof and used it for Kaidou’s Bolo Breath to bounce back at him. The Bolobreath did not melt the modified terrain. Kaidou actually swallowed Luffy whole and caused his body to expand and inflate with it. Kaidou pointed out that this, along with Luffy’s transformation, is very unusual due to the fact that it featured elements from both Paramecia as well as Zoan awakenings. Luffy even showed that he can apply this effect to intangible matter like lightning.

The Gear 5 transformation is over.

This form is extremely strong, but due to inexperience it can consume a lot of energy. Luffy will also experience a lot of fatigue and exhaustion once he has been de-transformed. [10] Luffy can still transform himself by forcing his heart to beat to the Drums of Liberation.


Gomu Gomu (gomugomunoFeng Chaan Gomu Gomu ): This is a variant of Luffy’s standard technique. Unlike the original, Luffy’s body becomes buoyant like a helium balloon. This technique was first used against Kaidou as a dragon, when Luffy entered Kaidou’s body and expanded his own.

Gomu Gomu no Gigant

Gomu Gomu no Gigant (gomugomuno Ju Ren Gomu Gomu no Giganto ? Literally, “Rubber Rubber Giant”: This is a technique in which Luffy grows to the size of a literal Giant As if activating Gear 3 His entire body. The name of this technique is based on the Gear 3 naming theme but without the “Gigant” suffix. This is what the VIZ Manga calls it.  Gum-Gum Giant .

Gomu Gomu no Bajrang Gun

Gomu Gomu no Bajrang Gun (gomugomuno Yuan Shen Chong Gomu Gomu no Bajurangu Gan Literally, it means “Rubber Rubber God Gun”: This is the Gear 5 version Gomu Gomu no King Kong Gun. He inflates almost his entire fist to nearly the size of Onigashima Infuse it with Busoshoku And Haoshoku Haki Then, he unleashes the attack at his opponent, intent on punching them directly, but not making contact. He does this by emitting Haki outward for a devastating blow. Kaidou was the first to use this attack. He countered it with Shoryu: Kaen Hakke This led to a huge clash. It quickly overpowered Kaidou’s techniques, sending him plummeting to the ground. This created a visible hole that was identical to his target’s shape. “Bajrang”, an alternative name for the Hindu Monkey God, is also known as Hanuman This is a possible source of inspiration Sun Wukong . This is what the VIZ Manga calls it Gum-Gum Bajrang Gun .


Gomu Gomu no Dasshutsu Rocket [gomugomunoTuo Ch roketsuto Gomu Gomu no Dasshutsu Roketto ]: Luffy used this technique to escape Kaidou’s body following his use of “Gomu Gomu no Fusen”. Luffy extends his arms through the eyes of his opponent and grabs their nose to launch him out. In VIZ Manga, this technique is called Gum Gum Escape Rocket. Gomu Gomu No Nawatobi (gomugomunoNawa Bi Gomu Gomu? no Nawatobi?): Kaidou, a giant-sized Luffy, grabs Kaidou and uses Kaidou’s serpentine body to skipping rope. [16] The VIZ Manga calls this Gum-Gum Jump Rope.

Gomu Gomu no Kaminari

Gomu Gomu (gomugomunoLei Gomu Gomu ): Luffy uses the rubber properties to create a lightning bolt and grabs it. He then throws it at Kaidou. This attack was first made against Kaidou.


Gear 5, похоже, вдохновлен анимацией резиновых шлангов и другими мультяшными эффектами. Gear 5 был впервые упомянут в SBS Volume 98. Фанат спросил Оду, грядет ли он. Ода ответил, тайно отметив, что мир переходит на широкополосные сети. Эта форма видит, что брови Луффи становятся волнистыми и вздымаются, как Кайду в его гибридной и драконьей формах.

title: “Everything You Need To Know About Luffy Gear 5” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-20” author: “Eloise Klingensmith”

Luffy Gear 5 is an upcoming action role-playing video game for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One platforms. Developed by Bandai Namco Entertainment, it is the fifth installment in the “Luffy” series, and is set after the events of “One Piece” and before “Dragon Ball Super”. The game was announced at E3 2019, during Sony’s press conference. The game will be published by Bandai Namco Entertainment in Japan and North America. It is set to release on December 14th, 2019 in Japan and December 17th, 2019 in North America. Contents show] Plot Edit After years of being held captive by a powerful pirate group known as The World Government, Luffy finally escapes with his friends Ace and Brook. They travel to find new allies in order to take down The World Government once and for all. Along the way they must outwit pirates, defeat powerful monsters, and save the world from a terrible fate. Zhoniin

Também pode gostar: One Piece: All Of Luffy’s Gear TUDO O QUE PRECISA SABER


O Gomu Gomu , anteriormente conhecido como Hito Hito mi, Modelo: Nika dá ao corpo de borracha do usuário mais força física e liberdade. Isso é limitado apenas pela imaginação do usuário. O usuário se tornará o “Guerreiro da Libertação” (Jie Fang noZhan Shi Kaiho no Senshi?) e poderá lutar como quiser e trazer alegria aos outros.

Este estado faz com que Luffy tenha um ritmo que Zunesha chama de “Tambores de Libertação”. [5] Seus cabelos e roupas ficam brancos e seus olhos se iluminam com pupilas brancas em forma de anel. Nuvens brancas também flutuam em seu pescoço, semelhantes às nuvens de vapor que o acompanham no Gear Fourth. Esta forma liberou Haki suficiente para sentir todo o caminho até o Skull Dome. Ele nocauteou vários Piratas das Feras.

A cabeça de Luffy está posicionada ao redor do clube de Kaido.

O corpo emborrachado de Luffy, que se alinha com a natureza Mythical Zan de sua nova forma, ganha força, liberdade e durabilidade que excede o que ele obteria de suas formas anteriores. Kaidou compara isso a “algo de um livro ilustrado”. Isso fica evidente quando Luffy foi atingido por um dos BoloBREath de Kaidou . Ele sofreu apenas ferimentos leves e seu corpo foi carbonizado, antes de correr de volta para enfrentar Kaidou. Outro exemplo é quando ele ativou o Gear 5 e levou um golpe na cabeça do Hassaikai de Kaidou.

No entanto, sua cabeça se deformou e envolveu os espinhos da arma ou quando Kaidou tentou esmagá-lo no chão, seu corpo foi esmagado e retornou à sua forma original.

Luffy pode usar tanto a inflação do membro do Gear 3 quanto a inflação do músculo do Gear 4 sem ter que injetar ar em seu corpo. Isso é o que ele usou primeiro contra Kaidou. Para agarrar o corpo reformado de Kaidou, ele conseguiu aumentar seu braço para um tamanho enorme e puxá-lo para fora do Skull Dome. Os membros e músculos maiores de Luffy permitiram que ele lidasse facilmente com Kaidou, mesmo que ele fosse enorme. Ele poderia balançá-lo de um lado para o outro. Luffy também pode inflar seu corpo inteiro simultaneamente, transformando-se em um gigante enorme.

Luffy muda espontaneamente seu corpo e manipula o solo como borracha.

A natureza emborrachada de Luffy é capaz de se estender para o ambiente ao seu redor, como mostrado quando ele esticou uma seção de um telhado e a usou para o Bolo Breath de Kaidou saltar de volta para ele. O Bolobreath não derreteu o terreno modificado. Kaidou realmente engoliu Luffy inteiro e fez seu corpo se expandir e inflar com ele. Kaidou apontou que isso, junto com a transformação de Luffy, é muito incomum devido ao fato de apresentar elementos tanto de Paramecia quanto de despertares de Zoan. Luffy até mostrou que pode aplicar esse efeito a matéria intangível como um raio.

A transformação do Gear 5 acabou.

Esta forma é extremamente forte, mas devido à inexperiência pode consumir muita energia. Luffy também experimentará muita fadiga e exaustão quando for destransformado. [10] Luffy ainda pode se transformar forçando seu coração a bater ao som dos Tambores da Libertação.


Gomu Gomu (gomugomunoFeng Chaan Gomu Gomu): Esta é uma variante da técnica padrão de Luffy.  Ao contrário do original, o corpo de Luffy torna-se flutuante como um balão de hélio.  Esta técnica foi usada pela primeira vez contra Kaidou como um dragão, quando Luffy entrou no corpo de Kaidou e expandiu o seu.

Gomu Gomu no Gigante

Gomu Gomu no Gigante (gomugomunoJu Ren Gomu Gomu no Giganto ? Literalmente, “Gigante de Borracha”: Esta é uma técnica na qual Luffy cresce para o tamanho de um gigante literal, como se ativasse o Gear 3 em todo o seu corpo.  O nome dessa técnica é baseado no tema de nomenclatura do Gear 3, mas sem o sufixo “Gigant”.  É assim que o VIZ Manga o chama.  Gum-Gum Gigante .

Gomu Gomu no Bajrang Gun

Gomu Gomu no Bajrang Gun (gomugomunoYuan Shen Chong Gomu Gomu no Bajurangu Gan Literalmente, significa “Rubber Rubber God Gun”: Esta é a versão Gear 5 Gomu Gomu no King Kong Gun.  Ele infla quase todo o seu punho até quase o tamanho de Onigashima Infunde-o com Busoshoku e Haoshoku Haki Então, ele desencadeia o ataque em seu oponente, com a intenção de socá-lo diretamente, mas sem fazer contato.  Ele faz isso emitindo Haki para fora para um golpe devastador. Kaidou foi o primeiro a usar este ataque.  Ele contra-atacou comShoryu: Kaen Hakke Isso levou a um grande confronto.  Rapidamente dominou as técnicas de Kaidou, fazendo-o cair no chão.  Isso criou um buraco visível que era idêntico à forma de seu alvo.  “Bajrang”, um nome alternativo para o Deus Macaco Hindu, também é conhecido como Hanuman. Esta é uma possível fonte de inspiração Sun Wukong.  Isso é o que o VIZ Manga chama de Gum-Gum Bajrang Gun .


Gomu Gomu no Dasshutsu Rocket [gomugomunoTuo Ch roketsuto Gomu Gomu no Dasshutsu Roketto]: Luffy usou esta técnica para escapar do corpo de Kaidou após seu uso de “Gomu Gomu no Fusen”.  Luffy estende os braços através dos olhos de seu oponente e agarra seu nariz para lançá-lo.  No VIZ Manga, essa técnica é chamada de Gum Gum Escape Rocket . Gomu Gomu No Nawatobi (gomugomunoNawa Bi Gomu Gomu? no Nawatobi?): Kaidou, um Luffy de tamanho gigante, agarra Kaidou e usa o corpo serpentino de Kaidou para pular corda.  [16] O VIZ Manga chama isso de Gum-Gum Jump Rope.

Gomu Gomu no Kaminari

Gomu Gomu (gomugomunoLei Gomu Gomu): Luffy usa as propriedades da borracha para criar um raio e o agarra.  Ele então joga em Kaidou.  Este ataque foi feito primeiro contra Kaidou.


O Gear 5 parece ser inspirado na animação da mangueira de borracha e outros efeitos de desenho animado. Gear 5 foi mencionado pela primeira vez no SBS Volume 98. Um fã perguntou a Oda se ele estava chegando.  Oda respondeu notando secretamente que o mundo estava em transição para redes de banda larga. Esta forma vê as sobrancelhas de Luffy se tornando onduladas e onduladas como Kaidou em suas formas híbridas e de dragão.