Leon Fou Bartfort is a French philosopher and author who has written extensively on the philosophy of mind and its relationship to the philosophy of language. He is also a professor at the University of Paris-Sud. Fou Bartfort’s work has been highly influential in the philosophical community, and he has been awarded numerous awards, including the prestigious Prix de la Philosophie in 1984.

What is the Appearance of Leon Fou Bartfort?

His appearance is typical of a Mob. He has simple features that blend in with the background. His appearance is similar to Leon Sara Rault (the little brother of Louise Sara Rault) and Albergue Sara Rault’s son. He has black hair, black eyes, and an average look that could be found anywhere.

Marie Route reveals a faint resemblance to his distant ancestor Lea Bartfort. Anne was able to notice it almost immediately.

Personality Leon Fou Bartfort?

Leon’s arrogant nature.

Outsiders have a tendency to see Leon Fou Bartfort as cynical. He also has a pessimistic view about the kingdom’s system which favors women. He doesn’t have patience for those who complain because they are in a position of privilege, or who can’t control themselves. Leon enjoys being arrogant in his abilities despite his dislike for people who are too proud. He knows how it damages his opponent’s confidence and pride so he doesn’t waste any opportunity to destroy his opponents mentally.

Leon’s bitterness and antagonistic behavior stems largely from the harsh circumstances that he was constantly given before and after his reincarnation and the struggles he had with his mental and physical health. He simply wants to have a happy life. Leon doesn’t hide his preference for voluptuous women who have developed bodies.

Leon developed a great respect for his master’s gentlemanly demeanour after meeting him. Leon continues to learn from his Master and hopes to be able to emulate him by practicing the art. Leon might be questioning his direction in tea-making after he was treated as nonexistent by the academy girls.

Leon is a situationally quick-witted and was able to pick up hints about Marie’s reincarnation within months of joining the academy. He then tried to devise various plans to do what he wants without getting into trouble. The second Bartfort son is aware of his increasingly-troubling situation and growing power; thus he makes sure to have course of actions to avoid the complications that come with it.

These schemes would be used by Leon to make it easier to live a comfortable life. Leon, despite being a great schemer, isn’t a political genius. He doesn’t think about the political consequences of his actions and often leaves it up to Master Angelica and Queen Mylene.

Apart from this, Leon is a caring individual who is especially compassionate towards his family. The second Bartfort child is also a person who takes things personally and is resentful of those who disrespect his family. Although he tried to keep out of trouble and not interfere in the story of the otome universe, he was often a part of these events just for the sake of someone else.

He was willing to take a risk for the sake of those he loves (like Angelica or Olivia), and he always thinks what is best for them. He is also open to taking responsibility for his actions, such as caring for Olivia and sometimes the Prince’s Entourage for interfering in the otome stories that should have been theirs.

What are the Relationships of Leon Bartfort?

Balcus’s side of the Family

Balcus Fou Bartfort Father

Leon is good friends with his father, as he avoids involving him or his family in trouble. Balcus was determined to help Leon, an Adventurer who wanted to become a pilot, get him a ship and other gear to enable him to travel the world. This was despite the household being in serious debt. Balcus also decapitated Miauler when he learned of the servant’s attempts to put false charges against Leon. This almost led to his son’s execution.

Luce Fou Bartfort Mother

She is concerned about her son’s health. Leon was promoted by her mother, who initially thought her son was stupid. She was truly moved by his success and began to cry.

Nicks Fou Bartfort – Old Brother

They have a close brotherly relationship. Leon was kind enough to send Nicks the information about the Forest Of Ladies, and Leon paid Nicks’ school fees. Leon is also grateful for Nicks’ generosity in paying Nicks’ daily expenses. This allowed Nicks to continue his education without having to work part-time.

Jenna Fou Bartfort (Older Sister)

Although they seem rude and demeaning to each other, the two appear to have a good sibling relationship. Leon loves Jenna enough that he bought her a slave, and Jenna is good enough to explain to Leon the intricacies of the Academy hierarchy and noble customs. She still put a bomb on Arroganz, even though she was forced to and worried about her brothers’ safety in the match with Jilk Fia Martoria. Leon was able to forgive her for the bombing and was especially brutal against Jilk. This is a positive sign of their relationship.

Finley Fou Bartfort (Younger Sister)

Finley and Leon don’t have as many interactions. However, it is possible to assume that Leon has a love/hate relationship with Finley, though not as extreme as Jenna. Leon was there for her even though she was bullied at the Royal Academy by some young men.

Colin Fou Bartfort – Young Brother

Colin is amazed at Leon’s fighting feats. He is so impressed and respected by Leon that he was willing even to apologize to his big brother.

Zola’s side of the Family (Former).

Leon doesn’t like those on the other side of his family. He hates them because they continue to disrespect Leon’s family side. After the incident between Holfort Kingdom & Principality of Fanoss, Zola’s relatives were expelled from Bartfort Household.




Leon initially viewed Olivia as a manipulator of the characters while playing the game. However, after seeing Olivia in person, his perceptions changed. He also became her first friend at school. Leon was so close to Olivia that he would defend her against bullies and adventurers. The relationship improved to the point that Olivia would like Leon to call her Livia.

Luxion became depressed when he explained to Olivia that Leon had in fact hindered Olivia’s development, even though he was indirectly protecting Olivia from bullying at school. He felt even worse when Livia asked him why he kept helping her. This made him question his perception of Livia, and if he really saw her as the Otome protagonist. In an effort to move things forward, he tried to distance himself and called her Olivia. They finally meet during the school trip, battles against Principality and she confesses to Leon that she is now Livia.

They spend more time together as the story progresses, which leads to Leon accidentally capturing her heart and becoming engaged to her. Although initially reluctant, Leon is happy with his relationship with Livia. He tries to not upset Angelica or her about matters relating to cheating.

Angelica Rapha Redgrave

Leon first met Angelica when he offered to be her representative in fighting the princes. However, it was more out of hatred than kindness. The two became friends after the match. As the story continues, Angelica spends more with Leon. After the duel with him and his group, many people tried to win her affection. She was forced to hang out with Leon and Olivia because she felt she could trust them.

Both felt a similar guilt towards Livia due to their respective statuses, and they eventually parted ways. They rekindled their relationship on the school trip. Angelica fell in love with Leon after Leon saved her from the Principality. Leon would inadvertently become closer to Angelica to the point that he, initially reluctantly, gets engaged to her. He is now happy with his relationship to Angelica and is trying to be loyal to her and Livia.

Noelle Zel Lespinasse

They quickly became friends and formed a friendship. Noelle begins to feel for him after seeing his positive qualities and how he keeps saving her. Leon doesn’t know this and sees Noelle as a friend, and as an important person he must keep watch over as the protagonist of the second Otome Game. When she is forcibly married to Loic, he becomes more aware of her feelings and rejects Marie’s rescue.

Although he was devastated and guilty by this revelation, he realized that despite his guilt, a support-talk from Prince Entourage helped him to realize that he wanted to save Noelle no matter what. They were able to repair their relationship after Leon saved Noelle. Leon considers them “More than just friends but less than lovers”, and says that further progress is impossible.

Marie claims that Leon’s actions and feelings for Noelle are motivated by care and pity. Luxion suggests that they may feel for one another.

Psychological Profile

Behaviour Patterns

His extraordinary physical and material achievements often outweigh his intelligence. Leon has lived two different lives in two different worlds. This is despite being part of a nation that values independent adventurers. Leon is a natural genius with vast wisdom that far exceeds his physical age. He understands how to use his resourcefulness to get an advantage.

Leon, being a pragmaticist, would happily take advantage of any opportunity to get back at those who have wronged his. He would combine new factors with his original master plans to inflict maximum harm (both mentally, and physically) on his opponents.

“Do you all seriously believe that Leon (the guy) will be willing to submit to this situation and get killed like that?” That guy is worth believing in! This guy…isn’t a man that will just show up at this type of place without a plan. He will be prepared to fight this enemy relentlessly.” Marie Fou Lafan[9]

As Leon is not a consenting fighter, it is assumed that there is no fair fight against him. He prefers to engage in asymmetrical combats that stack the deck in his favour to win. He is street-wise enough to consistently out-maneuver his opponents; beside he would almost never put himself in an unfavourable position (made easier with Luxion’s information-gathering capability) under the virtue of “Preparation is half of the fight”.

One example is Leon, who was in prison and accused of being a traitor, was able to orchestrate a counter-coup and the dismantlement Frampton’s political faction.

“I have told you before. I’m a coward… I’m a coward…

Leon has lived in modern society and does not care about qualities such as honour or chivalry. He will do whatever it takes to win, and he is not afraid of using deceptions or underhanded tricks to defeat his enemies. This quote was inspired by Luxion’s when he first fought the AI. “Being called cowardly is the highest praise on the battlefield” .

He walks in the sacred duel bare-handed, despite having laid the foundation for Pierre’s humiliation as well as the strategic air attack against Feivel House. Leon uses misinformation occasionally to influence the mood of the surrounding. He had no problem pining Pierre’s Feivel air attack on him and has numerous time shift achievement credits to others.

Marie, his older sister in life, noted that Leon is normally composed but that it is important to keep him from being angry. Instead of screaming in fury, Leon will calmly and quietly corner his prey. An example of this is in Leon’s childhood. He is bullied in school and is furious. Marie, Julius, and Luxion are all well aware of how cruel Leon is when he takes business seriously. Leon is a master schemer.


Leon, contrary to his mature intellect, has the easily exploitable mentality that a 21st-century adult. Although he may appear to be a selfish, antagonistic coward, Leon truly values the lives of others. Although he knew the Black Knight’s relentless destructive motive, Leon spared them in their first duel. This mistake was later exploited and made by Vandel in a much more bloody rematch.

Leon was able to capture and secure air pirates while Luxion claimed it was unnecessary and would cause complications. The second Bartfort child expresses distaste for Luxion’s ideology of mass destruction and total annihilation, and repeatedly orders the AI to forget that directive.

Leon will not only repress when possible but also cut down any threat to his family members, as he did in the last clash between the Principality and Fanoss. Leon feels deeply responsible for every life lost in battles he has been a part of and witnessed many others fall. Because he was born in a peaceful time, his modern mentality makes him vulnerable to CSR, PTSD and depression.

Pierre felt guilty at the thought that Pierre was being tortured by his relatives and then put to death. Although Leon rationally accepted his decision as correct, the fact that he felt guilty for Pierre [13] (who is well-known in Alzer as a violent and murderous scumbag) speaks volumes about Leon’s inability to do well with killing/death. His PTSD and mental problems have been on the rise since he was forced by the principality to kill in mass murder to survive. Luxion offered sleeping pills to alleviate Leon’s depression, but to no avail.

“The war? I don’t have any. First, I was born in a time of peace and worked as an office worker. I have no experience in war… I now think that my past life was quite the blessing …” — Leon explaining to Luxion his background.[14]

“Mob mentality” and “Imposter syndrome”

Leon embraces his “mob character” status. He is constantly faced with the dilemma of trying to balance between protecting the people he loves from destruction and not interfering in the plotline. This mindset may have existed in Leon’s previous life or manifested as a core trait in his second life in otome world.

Leon prefers to see the original otome storyline in “what could be” – meaning that whatever it was, it is infinitely more wonderful than the world as it is right now. Leon’s mob mentality is not working anymore and his clinging to his past mob role only hinders his decision-making. His reasoning is based on the following:

Leon views the world in his second life only as a reflection of the otome games he has completed in the past life. He does not view the world as a real world, with multiple possibilities and unknown factors that are not available in-game. Saintess Anne, Black Knight’s back story, Lespinasse House’ backstory,…). Leon is now convinced that the world must follow the same course as the game.

The imposter syndrome is a condition that leaves him feeling very depressed. This includes feeling guilty for taking the AIs away from Olivia, overstepping his role in the “mob”, and skewering the original plot Leon. He also believes that he doesn’t always deserve the affections or praise he receives. He would initially try to reject or push back on these rewards, even the “untouchables”, which he is genuinely interested in. He soon realizes that most of his efforts backfire and he is gradually disengaged from his dream for a peaceful existence.

Leon felt a deep sense of guilt after the Fanoss invasion. He saw the debris of hundreds of airships, armours, and aircraft floating in the water. This was a rare instance of Leon’s imposter syndrome combining with his disgust for human life, revealing his inability to adjust to the new reality.

Leon sees himself as a fraud/an imposter/an exception in the world and doesn’t realize how much influence he has on others. He also shows this side when it comes romance. Leon either subconsciously or inadvertently fails to recognize the affections of the various girls he meets throughout the series.

Story Overview

Abilities & Equipment

Closely resembling a “jack-of-all-trades”, Leon is fairly competent on all forms of combat, but he is nowhere near a “master-of-none”. There are many people who are better in his individual areas of expertise than him. Jilk is better at sharpshooting, Chris is better in swordsmanship and Brad is better in magic. Leon makes up for it by being a taskmaster who can adapt, improvise and overcome any situation.


Leon was also trained by his father and a Holfort’s Academy student — he went through standard adventurer training, and worked hard to please the girls. Although he was not known to be very proficient with a knife, he was able to stop Brad’s surprise attack even when he was dispirited.


Leon is a physical-demanding worker since childhood. His body is well-built. Although Leon hasn’t been training as much since Luxion was acquired, it is evident that he still puts in enough effort to keep fit, despite being an extinct young adventurer.

Skilled Pilot

Leon’s proficiency in handling armours and airbikes is admirable. Although Leon isn’t as skilled as the Black Knight as an armour controller, Leon demonstrated exceptional competence by identifying and exploiting Pierre’s blind spot during the “unfair” duel against Pierre. This proves that he knows his equipment inside-out.

Bartfort Household men seemed to have a natural talent in piloting, despite the fact that not all are skilled airbikers or well-known armoured soldiers.


Leon is born with the New Human genes and magic particle. He can use the mystic arts by self-teaching and attending lectures at the Holfort academy. Although his overall magic grade is not at all remarkable (according to Julius) due to his semi-lazy personality, Leon mastered some advanced incantations that he deemed useful/convenient.[16]

Lightning Magic

Magic circles will appear in front of Leon’s signature shotgun when he takes aim (depending on the formula, small magic circles may appear inside/atop his main gun). After the trigger is pulled the shotgun shells will pass through magic (thus become enchanted with) magic. The pellets will chase down the enemy until they are hit.

This spell was most commonly used against Fanoss’ horde monsters summoned from the Magic Flute (spell conjured with lots of help from Luxion), and the monster in Alzer’s caveon (spell conjured only by Leon).

Body-strengthening magic

Leon’s physical abilities can be greatly enhanced by magic for a very short time. One example of this is when Leon used magic to kill several demi-human servants in Earl Offrey’s daughter’s threat to Queen Mylene.



Luxion, Cleare.

Battle Gear

Arroganz is a battle armour that Leon Luxion created for him. It is larger than other armors, has a black livery, and has incredible speed and power. [12] also carries a lot of tools and weapons, as well as missile launchers and drones. [10]Broad Katana He received a Luxion-made katana shortly after acquiring the AI. Shotgun Leon’s favorite small arms fire. It features a wooden stock and a short barrel. It lacks either a lever or pump, so it appears semi-automatic. The most common shells against humans are less-lethal rubber snails, while electrified buckshot is used against monsters. Battlesuit This suit has a black color scheme and a strong muscular defense mechanism. The joints are extremely flexible and can be moved according to the user’s wishes. Schwert– An airbike given to Leon by the Atlees and modified by Luxion. [17] Later, it gets another refit with a new appearance resembling a plane. [18]


“War Fortune Charm (? )” is an in-game talisman that increases physical attributes and enhances close-quarter combat abilities. However, their effects are currently unknown. The Leon charm is a prototype and was activated in the final fight against Black Knight. Friendship Bracelet– This talisman was made in Jean’s hometown and woven in fine rope. Jean, the representative of all Alzer Academy students, gave it to Leon just before he returned to Holfort Kingdom. It is a talisman made in Jean’s hometown, woven in fine rope.


Partner A 700m-long stealth warship that was hastily constructed and commissioned by Luxion (using the main body) for participation in Operation Air Pirate Subjugation. It is equipped with a multi-purpose artillery system that has superior range and penetration compared to other contemporary airships, [20]. There are also exceptional physical armour plating and magical barriers. The main Fanoss armada was defeated by partner, which was sufficient to stop the bulk of its monsters and encircle the battlefield for most of the battle. After the Fanoss invasion, it was taken out of service for repair and refit. Einhorn– This is the lead ship of the Einhorn class airship. It was built by Luxion prior to the adventure to Alzer Republic. These ships are considerably smaller (at 200m) [21]) than the huge Partner and are designed for small envoys. Licorne Second Einhorn-class ship (with modifications and upgrades), built secretly by Cleare from Einhorn’s spare parts. A naval ram that resembles a horn is visible on the bow of the ship. This signature feature of Einhorn-class ships can be seen in its bow spot. It is a brilliant white ship with thick, platinum-coloured armor plates. Leon commented that it almost resembles Einhorn. [23]

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Ten Ways to Get Trapped in a Dating Sim’s Leon Bartfort Is the Best Isekai Protagonist

Leon Bartfort, one of the newest anime isekai heroes is a great example of this.

10. Leon played an Off-Beat game

Isekai protagonists could end up in a different world for many reasons. Ainz Ooal Gown, a skeletal antihero, played an extremely realistic MMORPG before being trapped in that game forever. Leon Bartfort was also able to end up in a new world but he wasn’t playing an MMO or JRPG. He was actually playing an otome.

Normaly, girls are more interested otome games like the reborn Katarina Clies. It’s refreshing to see a man lead play these games, even if it was only for his sister’s benefit. Leon is a master at expanding his horizons.

9. Leon has a fascinating internal conflict about his protagonist status

Some isekai leaders have internal conflicts, but not all. Leon Bartfort is one of those. He feels that he is obligated to protect the dark horse heroes and defeat the villains. If he didn’t, he would feel guilty. However, this contradicts his deepest wishes.

Leon wants to be a “mob” character, and live a relaxed, stress-free existence in obscurity. This is just like Azusa Azizawa, the isekai witch. However, Leon could not save anyone if he did that. It is quite fascinating to see Leon struggle with his internal conflict and attempt to find a solution.

8. Leon makes Gambling Look Cool

Some anime series, such as Kakegurui or Gambling Apocalypse Kaiji, focus on gambling and betting. However, the isekai characters are often too cautious to gamble or have no interest. Rimuru Tempest will never be seen at the Roulette table, or in the horse racing arena. But they will see Leon.

One funny sequence was Leon Bartfort’s betting on hoverbike races in NASCAR style. He had the time and money of his life, making a fortune. Marie the villainess was not pleased that he even placed a bet on himself, and he made even more. She isn’t a great risk-taker.

7 Leon May Prepare A Classy Tea Party

Leon Bartfort would be a good fit at Eden Academy in SPY x Family. Here, students are expected to look elegant in the eyes Henry Henderson, headmaster. Leon is one of the few isekai characters who can host a nice tea party. He is a very elegant person, especially when compared to Tanya Degurechaff or Kirito.

Leon hosted a whole class of tea parties, which was something that most isekai heroes would laugh at. This shows Leon’s confidence and taste, and how he was able to do his best even when guests were uncooperative and indifferent. He deserves more power.

6 Leon Speaks Up For Unpopular Students At School

Isekai protagonists will likely stand up for the innocent and defend those weaker than them, particularly Rimuru Tempest and Subaru Natsuki. However, not many would be willing to get involved in a snobbish herdere’s business. Leon intervened anyway, and they would have stayed clear to avoid any trouble.

Leon was not at fault when Angelica Redgrave, her uppity fiance, rejected her. But Leon got involved anyway, and it worked out well. Leon became an important friend to Angelica and Angelica was kinder and more humble in return. Leon proved that not all arrogant snobs can be a lost cause.

5 Leon Flys A Cool Giant Robot

To get ahead, Isekai heroes may use all sorts of tools and weapons, including Senku’s inventions and Naofumi’s shields. Leon, however, takes it to a whole different level. This otome game, which has anime-sci-fi elements, includes giant robots called Armors.

Leon delighted Fans when he piloted an Armor from another era and used it in combat to destroy newer models. He only needed a shovel to accomplish his task.

4 Leon Owns His Ship, The Partner

It is rare for isekai characters or villains to have their own ship. But Leon Bartfot has one and he didn’t even need to pay. This sci-fi world was a perfect opportunity for him to build his own Star Wars-style ship. He named it the Partner.

The Partner is manned primarily by robots, which includes Leon’s floating friend Luxion. This means that it can fly, even though Leon may not have many friends. The ship is capable of defending itself against sky pirates, and it’s very luxurious inside.

3 Leon Refuses to Kill

Isekai heroes are often called upon to defend their lives against villains and monsters. They may even have to sacrifice their lives for their survival. It’s one thing for giant ants to be wiped out, but it’s another to see them die in battle. Leon’s enemies, however, are not just sky pirates or the annoying Stephanie Offrey.

Leon, with the Partner at his side and the giant robot, could kill anyone who crosses him. But he would not feel sorry about it. That is how noble and reserved he is. This is doubled when anime fans consider how Leon is treated and how many enemies. He is still who he was.

2 Leon Gets Flirted with The Queen

The boldness of a protagonist to achieve something extraordinary is a great thing for anime fans. Leon, a confident protagonist, flirted with a high-caliber lover interest when he attempted to seduce her.

Queen Mylene is now happily married. Leon, however, courted her anyway and it turned out to be a good decision. Although it was a disastrous venture, Leon was charming and kind. The queen’s reaction was amazing. Although she won’t abandon the king in order to marry Leon, she has a positive impression of him.

1 Leon is Highly Versatile Overall

Leon is a flexible and versatile isekai hero. Most heroes are focused on one or two skills, such as Tanya’s dedication to the military or Subaru’s diplomacy. Leon is able to do everything and it makes him less predictable as an isekai leader.

Leon is able to stand up to bullies and provide emotional support for his friends. He can pilot a giant robot, be the Partner captain, take on D&Dstyle quests. His experience in farming at home on the Bartfort estate is also a plus.

Ten Worst Things about Being Trapped in a Dating Sim’s Leon Bartfort

Leon Bartfot, a Dating Sim’s protagonist, is quite cool but has many problems and issues with his character.

Leon is a great guy. His witty and humorous personality, as well as his many skills such hosting tea parties and piloting giant robots, are all things to love. He has his downsides, which might not be as appealing to fans. These downsides are the problems and obstacles Leon must overcome in the Dating Simanime.

10 Leon Starts From The Bottom

Leon Bartfort would admit that this is his worst flaw as an isekai hero if he was asked. While most isekai heroes start with humble beginnings like Rimuru Tempest or Subaru Natsuki, Leon was reincarnated in the role of a minor noble’s son. This is not a significant feat.

Leon is a poor man in the world. This is a huge shame. Due to the world’s patriarchal nature, daughters and firstborn sons are more valuable in this world than their male counterparts. Leon must never forget his thirdborn status.

9 Leon has a Generic Appearance

The idea that male anime protagonists are generic self-inserts is almost a joke in the anime community. Toya and Kirito Mochizuki are two examples. Leon Bartfort, a ho-hum “mob”, has now joined the club to play an otome character.

There is not much to say about Leon physically. He is a dark-haired, teenage boy with no distinguishing traits. This is not surprising considering his “mob” status. However, it is still quite impressive.

8 Leon Victories Feel Cheap

Even the most powerful anime characters, such as Rimuru Tempest, can still be effective in combat. They require time to master their new skills and find creative ways to use them. It is surprising how many Rimuru’s wins feel earned. This is satisfying. However, things are different for Leon Bartfort.

Leon is a skilled and powerful isekai hero, who wins his battles. However, his victories still feel a bit cheap. Leon has the power to defeat his foes. He is best known for his Armor mech suit that he wore in battle against Julius’ mech.

7 Leon is Primarily Reactive

Some anime heroes are very proactive and take initiative to achieve their goals. My Hero Academia‘s Izuku Mioriya, Naruto Uzumaki, and Eren Yeager are all like this, but Leon Bartfort isn’t able to join the club. He waits for the right things to happen.

Leon can act in small ways like hosting a tea party. Leon will act proactively in small ways, such as hosting a tea party. But, for the most part, Leon remains at a standstill, until a new mission, battle or problem arises, which forces Leon to respond to it. Leon can’t do anything on his own.

6 Leon Has Unclear Goals & Motives

Leon Bartfort mentioned some minor goals, but he isn’t yet clear on one goal to pursue. It’s not easy to be in conflict over what you want, but it can be quite compelling. If this continues, Leon’s character arc may suffer.

While Naruto wants to be Hokage, and Tohruhonda wants to end the Sohma Curse – Leon has yet to define a mission. He wants to be comfortable in obscurity. This is not the most exciting goal. However, he still wants to help Olivia become a magical girl and support her.

5 Leon Wears Boring Outfits

Leon Bartfort is a decent isekai hero. His worst traits are minor issues that will disappoint rather than cause outrage to anime fans. Leon’s lack of cool accessories and unremarkable clothes are just two examples.

Other isekai leaders look great, like the distinguished Katarina Claes, Senku Ishigami (with his E=mc2 outfit) or Azusa Azizawa’s elegant witch outfits. Leon is only wearing a dull gray school uniform and a mech pilot uniform. These outfits are useful, but not exciting.

4 Leon has Trouble Comforting Olivia

Leon made Olivia his friend, the original otome hero, even though no one else would. Although it was a gracious gesture by Leon to establish a friendship with Olivia, there isn’t much Leon can do or say when Olivia is feeling upset or vulnerable. He didn’t realize there was a problem until Olivia made an outburst.

Olivia felt awful that Leon and Angelica, a wealthy himedere Angelica, needed to care for her. She felt like a “pet” and was feeling patronized. Leon was unable to help her. Angelica is not able to provide Olivia with the support she needs.

3 Leon Anxiously Annoys People with His Smug, Reckless Behaviour

Although Leon Bartfort doesn’t act like a jerk, he isn’t delinquent or a jerk. However, he does have a tendency to make a bad impression by his rude behavior and annoying others. Leon Bartfort is already a low-ranking student and is often the victim of bullying or mockery. His attitude will only make matters worse.

Leon was a real aggressor to prince Julius, his crew, and made his classmates even less fond of him. Leon later bet heavily on hoverbike racing and proudly displayed his earnings. This raised eyebrows, especially Angelica’s.

2 Leon Doesn’t Interact Much with His Family

This is a minor problem that might be addressed in future episodes of Trapped In a Dating Sim. However, for the moment, it’s not a major strike against Leon. Leon is a hero unlike other isekai heroes. He has a whole family including his parents, siblings, and Jenna. He rarely speaks to his siblings.

Jenna and Leon fought over Leon’s Armor. Leon also spoke to his family a few times in the anime. It’s disappointing that Leon has not spoken to or corresponded so much with his siblings and parents. What is his relationship with his big brothers? Fans won’t be able to see the results.

1 Leon isn’t very creative or resourceful

Some anime leads are creative and resourceful. They will amaze and delight fans of anime time after time. Myne, the bookworm, and Senku Ishigami, the teen scientist are two examples. But Leon Bartfort is not like these. His antics rarely surprise anime fans or his fellow cast members.

Leon makes use of brute force to achieve his goals, using Luxion’s assistance to win a hoverbike race or pushing foes with his Armor mech. While those were great victories, Leon’s unexpected creative bursts did not impress viewers. Senku would have loved a better solution.


He was the first student to be awarded knighthood. At sixteen, he is promoted to the court rank and becomes an Adventurer. This contrasts with his original goal of living a peaceful life. [24]He was the first person to be promoted from Baron, to Count multiple times before reaching seventeen years of age. He is the youngest member of the kingdom who has served as the Supreme Commander of both the Holfort Army’s Fleet and the Holfort Army, although only in an emergency. After Pierre was defeated, the sacred saplings gave him their crest on his right-hand, allowing him to become the sole guardian for the sacred item. He enjoys beating his enemies, even though he has to do so in dirty ways like gambling which he hates. He loves tea and has a tendency to buy a lot of tea leaves. Marie said that Leon and Luxion share a similar personality to her older brother. [26][19]Leon, despite his opposition to killing, has only killed one person with a proper motive so far


Previous LifeVolumes VAlternative routes Leon was an ordinary Japanese teenager. He was raised in a family of three: his father, mother and younger sister. Three of his classmates bullied him in elementary school. After several days, one bully came to his home in tears and apologized. However, he only replied with a grin and told his classmate to have fun at his new school. All three bullies transferred the next day for unknown reasons. His sister had hidden her yaoi merchandise somewhere in the past. His mother discovered it. He was unable convince his mother to believe that the item belonged to him. His sister informed their mother that it belonged. He eventually moved out of the apartment and bought his own.