Kyo Kai is a new Japanese pop band that is quickly gaining attention in the United States. The band was formed in Tokyo, Japan, in 2013 and has since released two albums. The band’s debut album, “Kyo Kai,” was released on October 15th, 2013 and debuted at number one on the Japanese Albums Chart. The album has since been certified platinum by the Recording Industry Association of Japan (RIAJ). The band’s second album, “Ai no Kioku,” was released on December 12th, 2014 and debuted at number two on the Japanese Albums Chart. The album has since been certified gold by the Recording Industry Association of Japan (RIAJ). Kyo Kai is a pop group that consists of five members: Kota Kamiya (vocals/guitar), Yoko Shimomura (vocal/bass), Tomomi Matsubara (vocal/drums), Kenichi Matsubara (guitar/keys) and Hiroshi Shimomura (violin/viola). The band’s music is based around the popular Japanese song “Ai no Kioku.”По причине


Кё Кай была 13-летней девочкой с маленькими чертами лица и длинными волосами до плеч. Ее волосы падают с одной стороны, а челка достигает глаз, когда она снимает повязку. Она носит Рёку Суй, нефритовый зеленый и рубиновый китайский меч Цзянь. Кё Кай заметила тонкие изменения в своей прическе после Коалиционной Арки Вторжения. Две более толстые пряди ее волос перекрывали ее повязку. Кё Кай одета в белый шарф, красно-белую одежду с более длинными рукавами, чем ее руки, и белую повязку на голове, которая имеет две красные отметины, символизирующие ее племя.


She is quiet and doesn’t speak much unless she is giving her advice. Her inhuman ability with the sword has been called a monster by others who have witnessed her skill. She can easily cut down her enemies. After her mission to kill her sister, she has become more open-minded towards her fellow comrades. Kyou Kai is averse to those who don’t know the Shiyuu.


Avenge Shou’s Death (performed in Chapter 363). Becoming a Great General (Continued)To have Shin’s children. (Unknown after discovering how babies were made.


Guidebook 3Guidebook 2Guidebook 1Vol. 20Vol. 7

Kyou Kai was a noted commander who was a gifted and skilled leader with the same talents as the previous generation Six Great Generals. [1] She was a prodigy fighter and assassin even within the legendary Clan Shiyuu. If she participated in the ritual, she would likely be the first to receive the Shiyuu title.

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Kyou Kai and Hou Ken exchange blows during their second duel.

Master Swordswoman – Kyou Kai is a terrifyingly fearsome master swordswoman. [3] Her skill is so great that she can kill multiple enemies with one stroke of her blade. She was also able to split them in half, and was able to eliminate large numbers of enemy soldiers on the battlefield. She is able to control her strength and skillfully cuts Shin’s clothes during their fight, without him bleeding. Shin is larger than her, but she can still deliver powerful attacks that are not possible with her size. She also proved her superiority to Shin in sparring matches. She believed she was capable of defeating Shin in sparring matches.

Mist technique: This is a special move that was taught by Kyou Kai. It involves delivering a barrage from different angles to overpower her opponent.  [5] ([6])

Hand to-Hand Combatant – Kyou Kai is a skilled unarmed combatant and master swordwielder. Her skills were first displayed when she paralysed two thugs to get their food. She also “disciplines Shin whenever necessary.” She is also proficient in disarming martial art and she has taught Kou, Hi Shin soldiers, joint locks .

Extreme Agility She can also dodge enemy attacks and balance her whole body on Shin’s blade. It was also demonstrated that she can keep up with and even surpass powerful opponents such as Yuu Ren or Hu Ken.

Kyou Kai has an incredible strength. She can easily defeat Shin in arm wrestling, making her the de facto physical strongest member of the unit.

Enhanced Healing Rate. Kyou Kai, who was seriously injured by Ryuu Tou, fell several meters to the floor and was then able to quickly recover enough to go back on the battlefield the following day. (Despite only receiving basic medical treatment, it was noticed that the wound didn’t heal completely).[14].

Chi Manipulation – She has a lifetime’s worth of Shiyuu experience. This allows her to control her Chi to enhance her physical abilities [15]. Her weak point is her limited stamina, as shown in the assassination attempt as well as the Battle on Dakan Plains. If she is unable to breathe, opponents can turn the tide in their favor. In this case, fighting with comrades will provide some protection. Kyou Kai is able to survive until she runs out of breath, so fighting alongside comrades can provide some protection if this happens. [17]

Life Sharing Technique – Kyou Kai can use a song to enchant her Chi pathway and connect it with another person. This is how she brought Shin back to health. Kyou Kai can use the Life Sharing Technique to bring back Shin by enchanting a special song. It was also noticed that her other techniques were less effective or impossible to use after she used it on Shin. Chi Sense – Kyou Kai was able to detect the appearance of enemies like Hou Ken, and even to determine their Chi.  [21]Priestess Dance: Kyou Kai is a Shiyuu Clan elder and was praised for her mastery of the Priestess Dance. She was able to use a different form the Priestess Dance to defeat Yuu Ren. This was possible by using her worldly connections (her connection with the HSU) to anchor herself to the outside world and return from the most difficult parts of the dance. She was able to successfully break the ” Hakuryou/Soul Territory Taboo” without ever dying. She was able to surpass Yuu Ren, who had completed the Shiyuu ritual. Kyou Kai’s Priestess Dance causes the movement around her to slow down until the end when all the flying insects stop moving.

Master Assassin: Kyou Kai was the prodigy of China’s strongest assassin clan. She received rigorous training in assassination. Kyo Kai is so adept at hiding her presence that she can sneak behind assassins of other clans to break into highly secured places like Ryu Tou’s base camp.

Sound Muffle Technique: This is a special assassination technique that hides one’s footsteps.  [26]

Master Healer : Kyou Kai was a member the Shiyuu Clan and received training in herbal medicine and medical techniques. Kyou Kai is able to create a special medicine that speeds up healing. [27] This medicine has been shown to be effective in treating serious injuries, when it is used on Shin or Ou.


Kyou Kai’s men are extremely morale-boosting when she is present.


Kyou Kai is an naturally gifted strategist and tactician. Despite never having received formal training, she can quickly think of solutions for battlefield problems. She was also the Hi Shin Unit’s primary strategist prior to Ka Ryo Ten. Kyou Kai also invented the Gouriki, an anti-cavalry tactic. She also created the Chained Gouriki. Kyou Kai discovered Gen Pou’s sound communication during the Sanyou Campaign and devised a counterplan to make it more effective.


против ШИН: 6 побед. 1 розыгрыш. 1 прерываниеvs. Клан Гума: Победаvs. Шуу: Победаvs. Хоу Кен: Остаться в живыхvs. Юу Жэнь: ПобедаГи Тай vs. Винvs. Рин: Победаvs. Рюу Тоу: Дрюvs. Рюу Тоу Раунд 2: Победаvs. Джошу: Победаvs. Хоу Кен Раунд 2, Поражениеvs. Кё Рей : Победа


Кё Кай, как и Ё Тан Ва и другие женские персонажи в прошлом, был мужчиной. Цян Лэй, генерал Цинь, был назначен победить Чжао вместе с Ян Дуань Хэ или Хуань И. Йоко Хикаса — японский голос Кё Кай. Она озвучила Сакуру Сакуракодзи (ключевого персонажа аниме-сериала Code:Breaker в 2012 году) и Фарнезе (врага, который превратился в переулок в аниме-адаптациях Берсерка в 2016 и 2017 годах. Кё Кай был дезинформирован Шоу о том, как рождаются дети. Она верила, что мужчина и женщина могут вместе взобраться на гору и заставить что-то взорваться, прежде чем она объявит о своем намерении иметь детей Шина. Тен быстро показала ей, как на самом деле рождаются дети. После этого она даже не могла встретиться лицом к лицу с Шином. После ее поединка с Юурен, третий том ее путеводителя добавил + TE Da к ее статистике STR. Это отличается от + D aЮурен и ее покойного брата. Это показывает, что Кё Кай внесла значительные улучшения в свой Танец Жрицы.  Da означает большой, Te daозначает очень большой. Кё Кай показан в главе 462. Он имеет сверхбыструю скорость регенерации, как Shin.


Strength96 + extra large a
Is a bit too unreasonable