Elrond of Rivendell is one of the most famous and well-known characters in all of Tolkien’s works. He is a wise and powerful elf, and is known for his knowledge of the One Ring, which was once used to enslave many people. Elrond also has a deep connection to the elves of Rivendell, and often helps them in their struggles against evil. Elrond is also known for his love for Gollum, one of the most famous characters in all of Tolkien’s works. Gollum is a powerful wizard who has been through many challenges and has faced many dangers. He has also been through some very tough times, and has even been forced to sell his own soul to the Dark Lord Sauron. However, despite all these challenges, Gollum always remains strong and determined. Despite being one of the most well-known characters in all of Tolkien’s works, Elrond is actually quite simpleminded. He often doesn’t understand what people are saying around him, or how things work. This can sometimes be frustrating for him, but he always tries to learn as much as he can about what is going on around him. Elrond also loves spending time with his elves, and enjoys spending time with them even when he isn’t able to do anything else.

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Анимационная графика

Лишия, молодая женщина стройного роста, красива платино-блондинистыми локонами и платино-светлыми глазами.

Ее волосы всегда в движении на протяжении всей серии.

Она подстригла хвост в знак своей преданности Суме. Теперь ее волосы короткие, и она больше не носит свою ленту. Ее волосы выросли до такой степени, что теперь они находятся выше плеч. Она больше не носит свои волосы в хвосте, как раньше. Ее уравновешенное тело было подчеркнуто ее облегающей униформой.

She is most often seen in her red military uniform.

People along the road spontaneously exclaimed admiration when they saw her and raised cheers when it became clear that she was the country’s ‘princess’.


Liscia is proud and strong-willed, with a open mind and common sense. Although she was initially confused by her sudden marriage to Kazuya, she eventually falls in love with him.

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Liscia, the Princess of Elfrieden, is the daughter of Albert. She is the Princess of Elfrieden and holds an Officer title. Although her social standing is not that great, due to her birth, she gets often orders to visit each army in the region for sympathy calls and such. She was just about to embark on one of these missions, but she got a lot of work done after hearing that her Father had suddenly died.

It was awkward for her to meet her fiancee, as she was quickly recruited to assist with the mountain of paperwork. Later, she would witness the innovations and reforms made by Kazuya Souma in Elfrieden to solve its food crisis, bring it out of recession and pay the war tribute.

Liscia cut her hair short to show her loyalty to Kazuya during the Final Counsel of Three Dukes. She would stand out on the battlefield outside the city of van.

Liscia would support Kazuya through his political moves and travels, offering her input in various situations. He was less understanding of his subsequent engagements with Aisha Urdgard and Roroa Amidonia. Juna Doma, Naden Delal were more than Kazuya was initially. Kazuya would then openly confess to his love for her. After the visit to Mary Valenti, and the attempts by the Orthodox Papal States, Kazuya would confess his love for Liscia and they would begin intimate relationships.

While Liscia did not object to Kazuya’s relationships with his other fiancees being furthered, they agreed that Liscia would bear the first heir. They would also agree to cooperately be mothers to all children born. Liscia would be in distress from this second agreement.

Liscia becomes ill after returning from the Star Dragon Mountain Range along with Kazuya’s trip to the Republic of Turgis. However, it later turns out that she is actually pregnant. Kazuya was not informed of her twins until she revealed that she was carrying twins. She would remain in the country until the birth of the twins, when she would return to her parents.

Liscia would return to the castle with the twins. She would continue her duties but would regret not being able travel or take part in combat training exercises. Later, she would take part in the Combat Music experiment as part of Morse Yetchy’s work song thesis. In it, she would go toe to toe with Aisha during a magic duel.

Liscia would wed Kazuya along with Aisha Roroa Juna and Naden at the coronation. After the ceremony, the pair presented the twins Cian and Kazuha Elfrieden the public. Liscia would be in distress when the twins started talking. The twins seem to refer to all queens as ‘Ma’ and not Liscia. Her distress was further exacerbated by the fact that Carla (though they still pronounce it as Cawla) was learned first by the twins.

Liscia is currently at Parnam taking care of the twins, and acting as the head state when Kazuya travels due to her position of First Primary Queen.



Liscia has been a military veteran since her youth. She is strong in all forms of martial arts and well-versed. She is also an excellent swordswoman and is capable of competing with Aisha Urgard, who is the strongest Sword Master within the Kingdom.


Лишия имеет военное образование, что делает ее очень осведомленной о тактике боя, а также может читать следующие сражения, что позволяет ей изменять свою тактику по мере необходимости.


Элемент воды Liscia использует «Магию водной стихии», в частности, аспект управления льдом. Она не может использовать его на уровне Мага, но она может надеть его на свое оружие, чтобы увеличить его силу и отбить магические атаки AoE.

«Гора Ледяного Меча»: Это «Элемент Воды», Магия, которая использует аспект управления Льдом. Он выпускает ледяной заградительный огонь в сторону противника, начиная с точки удара от меча пользователя на земле.